Your OC Reacts to the Above's Transformation!

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago (Edited 3 years, 2 months ago) by PicklePantry


So the OC Above you has transformed!
How do you react?
Are you freaked out? Do you run away? Fight instead? Take a picture?

User 1: [Writes an IC reaction to the user above's OC]

[Writes what their OC has turned into.]

User 1: [My OC has turned into a bee!]

User 2: [In Character] "Oh eww, I'm allergic to bees!!"

[Out of Character] My OC transformed into a beautiful lady!

User 3: "Wowawee what a beautiful lady!"

[In Character] "Aaah oh no I'm turning into a monster...!"

- It's mainly an IC game! The reaction will be written from your character's perspective! Their transformation can either stay in character, or could be written OOC!
- Transformations can be ANYTHING (you don't have to have the ability to transform, either! Could be a nightmare or a freak accident!).
- But nothing too rude, lewd, or gory. Same for reactions.
- Follow-ups aren't required, it's up to you if you want to write one.
- There's no minimum on how much you need to write, but you must at least prove you've read the OC above's prompt (at least writing their name and what they've turned into).
- You can post after 2 others have posted, unless 5 days have passed from the last post.

First poster gets a freebie (Just say what your OC turned into)!

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Beretta BubblyMuffinz240

Beretta liked cats. So seeing so many crates of them being stuffed into a van broke his usually cold heart. He had half a mind to blow up the vans tires and free the cats himself. But he knew these people were just doing their job, no matter how much he disliked it. At the very least, one of the cats had managed to escape. She was quite well kept too. Maybe she had escaped right after a bath? He didn't actually know a lot about cats, or how to take care of them. Of course, that would change IF he ever got a pet. There was no way he was going to stay ignorant.

That being said, he was starting to think of taking this cat for himself. She was terribly aggressive to humans, but it was nothing Beretta couldn't handle. He would just keep his distance and try to get the cat to warm up to him. He had seen it a thousand times in movies, so this shouldn't be so different, right? He trailed behind the pretty cat to the tree she decided to hide behind. He was crouching as he walked in an attempt to be less intimidating to the cat.

"Hey kitty kitty-...Oh, a girl."

As surprised as he was to see the cat turn into a woman, he didn't let it show in his voice. Or rather, he sounded more disappointed than surprised. He knew he was going to be labelled as something unsavory as is. Despite knowing this, Beretta couldn't help but stare at Isolde. He KNEW her, mainly as a fellow musician. But he also knew she was someone to be avoided. He wasn't sure exactly why, but staying with her alone wasn't a good idea. But he didn't want her to know that either. After identifying Isolde, he finally looks elsewhere.

"Sorry, I was hoping to get a pet for my girl. But I'm not into 'human' slaves." He wanted to leave it at that, as Beretta didn't feel like getting in trouble. But after seeing a secret as big as this, he wasn't sure if he could. It was a shame he didn't have his gun on him. But he could probably take on a cat girl. What was she going to do, scratch him to death?


Uwa, there is alcohol in this

Beretta desperately wanted a break from his work. Although he was mostly desensitized to the death being an assassin brings, he still didn't want to do it anymore. He didn't want to be on the run constantly so that his sins and rivals didn't catch up to him. Tonight was going to be a reminder on why he couldn't do that. It had been months since his last hunt, and he was without his sniper. For the past few weeks, he had felt that his curse was truly gone. Although his head was a little fuzzy, he could easily drink a couple of bottles and pretend it was from that. However, that wasn't the end of his curse creeping back on him.

He was just leaving the bar to go home for the night, waving goodbye to the people he had met. He was staggering as if he was completely drunk, but Beretta barely had enough for that. And yet, he found his head spinning far more than it should've been. 

Outwardly, the man had stopped in his tracks to hold his head. He groans quietly, before a third eye suddenly appears on his forehead. But the extra eyes don't stop there. Two, then four more appear above his head, floating idly above him. The end result is some sort of demon with multiple eyes with objects lodged inside of them. They were glazed over and unfocused, but they quickly snap out of it, staring an NP. Beretta himself also seems to notice their presence, his two original eyes going wide.

"You... I'm not going to break my streak just because someone can't mind their business. Get out of here, now!"


Montozaka was lost and tried to desperately search for food. He didn't like urban that didn't have his race of people because they never had or offered out free food. Meaning he'd either beg or have to find a way to make money to buy some. And he couldn't hunt because there was nothing to hunt. It was ridiculous and he grew angrier the more he grew hungry. 

He saw a bar in the distance and hoped that maybe someone would give him something to eat or show him a place that would maybe give him food. But he froze when he saw a man transforming into... something. Eyes emerged from the man suddenly and Mon growled with his hair spiking up and ears pointing back. At first they seemed glazed over, but then focused on the kemonomimi.

The words somewhat registered in Mon's head. But what did he mean by "breaking his steak." He heard this stranger telling him to leave but him being stubborn he didn't back down. If there was a chance he'd eat, he's not letting that opportunity slip past him. "Can stranger bring Mon food? Or show Mon food. If yes, Mon back down," he tried to reason, but still stood in an offensive stance. Teeth bared and tail held high. 

It was reckless, but that's what you have to do to survive.


@ new person. His other form is still a wip so there's no art but use your imagination ;) Sorry it's so fcking long lmao.

Was this really all he had to be subjected to? The way of survival and constant travel. Not getting a hint of a break. It angered Montozaka that everything he had was torn from him and he was alone to fend for himself. He loved the thrill of battles, but he also felt empty in his heart knowing that everything he had is now lost. Not knowing if he'd ever see people he cared for again.

Filling him with a seething, bleeding rage that spilled out into his mind and filled him with a monstrous appetite to keep fighting.  

But the beast he was up against was not a normal enemy was he? He wasn't like Montozaka. 

No. He fought because he thought of nothing, but violence. Montozaka could smell his hostility. Stronger than anyone's he has felt before. And it made him both nervous and angry. The smell of his fresh blood was overwhelming and he shivered with irritation and anticipation. Not even caring about the person watching the ordeal. Did Cutthroat attack them as well? Not like that mattered to Montozaka anyway.

His heavy huge mask fell over his face, making one see nothing but a dark shadow. It seemed as if his breathing had ceased. And as if he had nothing to think of, he looked back on his fond memories. They now merely felt like a distant far away dream. But the ones that highlighted themselves, that wanted to be remembered, were the bad memories. The ones that reminded him that he lost everything. And that reminded him that he was nothing, but mere prey.

Or was he.

The terrible memories played back over and over in his head, he remembered how in times of struggle he felt weak and hopeless. He couldn't help everyone and preserve everything he loved. And before he knew it his spine grew spikes, he didn't care about the immense pain it gave him, he had felt enough pain. His eyes were filled with a deep red light and his claws grew longer. Tail getting too big, to the point it tore the hole that exposed it. Small grip tightened around his two blades, even though he was fully aware that one of them was broken due to Cutthroat's might.

And he had lost himself. He became what his enemy was. A creature filled with violence and hostility. 

A monster.

Kenshin Yamada PicklePantry

     This forest was getting more and more confusing. Ken knew for sure he was retracing his steps, this was the path back to the city, there's no way he could have made that mistake! Yet somehow he'd find himself back to where he started, sometimes even deeper into it! What was more annoying, enough to make the vein at the side of his head pulse with irritation, was that that weird guy that saved him from the wolves was following him around! He kept a distance. What, was he trying to protect him? Or did he think this was funny? Sure, laugh at the city guy that's lost! It just pissed Ken off more.

     Before he could do anything, though, he found himself facing another person-- No, even he knew that wasn't a person. That was a monster. Cutthroat didn't seem to notice him directly. He was sniffing the air. From what Ken could tell, he couldn't see. He wanted to believe that gave him the advantage needed to escape, but that monster was still making his way over to him! The closer he got, the more Ken could see his arms. They looked like chainsaws, moved like them too! And that aura surrounding him, a tangible hatred and hostility unlike anything he'd ever felt before. It was heavy enough to keep him frozen in place. Ken watched with wide eyes as the creature lunged.

     The guy from before got in the way, deflecting the attack with a snarl. It must have caught Cutthroat's attention, because he started attacking him, acting as if Ken didn't exist.
     Letting out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding, Ken fell to his knees. His heart was racing, his eyes were still so wide. What... What was going on? He numbly watched the two fighting. The things they were doing weren't normal, they weren't human. How...?
     Was he going to die...?

     Before he realized it, Montozaka was completely still, not even breathing. Ken blinked and inhaled sharply. "H-Hey..." he managed to croak out, a hand reaching out despite him being too far away. "Aren't you supposed to be protecting me...? What are you doing resting like that?" He could feel Cutthroat's hostility again getting closer and closer with each step. "He's... He's going to get you if you don't move, you know?"

     Suddenly, Montozaka reanimated. A terrible chill ran down Ken's spine as he witnessed the transformation. Spikes, bones, claws. What a terrifying, hideous change. The worst part was that he could feel the same kind of hostility coming from him.

     Ken's arm fell limply to his side as the harsh reality settled.
     He was going to die.

     Ken sighed as he waited outside of the performance venue for his ride to get here. He looked at his phone's clock and tapping his foot. What was with them, being late like this? Didn't they know who he was? He was going to fire all of them!
     He paused as he realized he wasn't alone and looked over at you. "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," he said in a suddenly bright and cheerful tone. He gave you a smile bright enough to create sparkles around him. "Did you enjoy the show?"


     "... You didn't come here for the show?"

     The princely demeanor he had vanished instantly and was replaced with a deep, impatient frown. "What are you doing here this late then, idiot? Get away from me! I'm busy." With a huff he put his earbuds in and promptly ignored you. It was amazing how quickly he transformed from a kind pop star to--
     "You're still here? Get lost before I call the cops, weirdo!"

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Illanya Mariold (Undead AU) HardyLark

The undead was as still as a statue, even from where she sat on watch while Alistair slept. It was far past time for her to switch out and let the other take watch as was agreed upon, but unlike Illanya, one of them still very much needed the rest where it wasn't truly a necessity for the other. Though she knew he'd give her an earful about it in the morning, it was better this way. Either way, she would spend the night in her own thoughts, so why not make sure that the one who needed it could be well rested?

It nearly sends her into a panic, the feeling of being dragged away. Not in any literal sense either. There were no ropes, nor hands to pull her away across the forest floor. No, it was something more akin to... The undead's entire body shudders, and her white eyes narrow to pinpricks in terror. She'd felt something like this once before, moments after she'd awoken on an altar and was dragged into the fire and the dark.

Blessedly, that is not what awaits the undead on the other side. Instead, she can hear the crunch of snow underfoot and only shudders at the memory of the cold as the wind blows through her tattered cape and armor. The pristine white that should be blinding with how it covers all the eye can see only serves to make the crimson stains on it more vibrant. Wearily, the undead reaches for her axe, gauntlets groaning in protest as she grips the handle, only hesitating to draw when she sees the back of this warrior and the men beyond him.

She should feel unfazed. This kind of violence was something she was all too familiar with, and yet? Illanya can't help the involuntary step back she takes, the way a breath she doesn't need to take gets caught in her throat. To be entirely fair, she's seen so few single beings capable of this kind of destruction, and most didn't tend to take the form of a human. At least, all but one to her memory, though now it was perhaps two. It leaves her almost shuddering at the memory, and despite the gruesome sight, all she can feel is relief that this warrior's ire was focused on those unfortunate soldiers and not herself.

Almost all too quickly, it's over. The only truly living thing is the man, staring upwards into the overcast sky, blood staining and melting the snow in wide, splattered patterns. The undead flinches when his gaze suddenly snaps to her and something clicks. Illanya's eyes widen, and her jaw goes slack in shock. It was uncanny, how similar this man looked to her companion. If anything, she might've assumed it was Alistair, considering that monstrous strength. It's in the eyes, familiar in their glacial hardness in some ways, but never in anything close to the same breath as Alistair. It's enough that when the landscape becomes familiar and Alistair, and not some duplicate, starts to draw closer, the zombie pulls back. Even going so far as to tense up, hand poised to push his away. It couldn't be him. No, this was someone else. A sibling... one that looks so similar that they could very well be the same person. Maybe they are. It's only a moment later that she realizes he spoke. Though her gaze had been focused on him, it had been almost distant, like she was looking through him. A recognizing look yes, but one not directed at him. Illanya shakes her head, her eyes finally focusing,

"I... I'm fine." she says quietly, her voice still painfully scratched, even so, she lets the white pinpricks of her eyes narrow at him. "Who in the hells are you?" Illanya stops, blinks again, shaking her head, groaning, and pressing her hands to her head. “No… no that’s not right. I’m sorry, I must’ve… fell asleep or something. It’s fine. I’m fine.”

Ahhh hi, this is kinda violent, or references civilian deaths ahaha. Set in the past when demon stuff was going on haha!

It's almost like a memory, a dream even. Hazy at the edges. Things like shadow and light blurring together at the corners of vision. Yet, the vile smell of smoke envelops all, so sharp that it may as well pierce through the nose itself. Nearby stands the undead, walking alongside you. Her purple armor stands in stark contrast to the pallor of her face. It's a town... or what's left of it really. Homes burn, wooden pieces falling and smoldering as they rest on the ground, ash hanging heavy in the air, and dusting your and the hair of the undead next to you gray.

There's terror in her eyes, even flickering around as they do, she doesn't stop. Guiding you and herself through the smoldering homes, and streets, there's the realization perhaps that there is blood staining these walls, splattered in a grim display. It's only when the city center comes into view that the undead stops.

Ahead is a grisly scene. Soldiers, civilians, and the mangled corpses of the undead litter the space. All dead, most unmoving. Blood seeped into the uneven cracks of cobblestoned roads. There is a hum from Illanya, and she shifts her posture. When looked at again, instead of that dark armor being pristine, it's splattered in blood. Her axe is held in her hands, dripping crimson to the stone below. The upper part of her face remains in shadow, though the white lights for her eyes bore into you. Apathetic, distant... Hostile. 

Something rustles, and a frightened cry echoes through the square and the Death Knight's gaze snaps up, narrowing on the retreating figure of a frightened soldier. It happens so quickly, the undead closing the distance between herself and the soldier, savage axe swinging wide and catching the man's armor where she tosses him into a nearby wall. It's fair from a painless death if the sounds were of any indication, only ending in the faint gurgling as the darkly armored creature backs away, turning its body to regard the observer,  eyes blazing almost to orange.

"You... shouldn't be seeing this." Despite the vitriol on her face, Illanya's voice is a broken thing, regret and pain dripping from her words.

Xander charmingterror

"God...damn." Xander simply watched what was happening, unable to form any coherent words or sentences with what just happened. He tried speaking but all words came out as just nothingness, pure silence. All the blood on the walls and even the city itself made Xander uneasy, feeling a sense of foreboding dread just by looking at Illanya. "I-Yeah..." Was all he managed to choke out, trying to look away from her as best as he could or even just find a way out in general. He'd never seen anything like...this.

"You just...killed that guy too, huh." Xander tried his best to remain calm about the situation, but it was rather impossible to do when death was practically staring him right in the face, as he started to slowly back himself up at the realization. "Yeah-Yeah I'll...If I leave you won't kill me, right? Right. Awesome, thank you." His voice shook with anxiety as he kept backing away, there was indeed fear laced in his voice as he kept his eyes on Illannya - almost worried that she would come after him next and would make him have to figure out a way to escape.
"You're probably right I should not be seeing this...I'll leave I swear." He seemed to be panicked in a sense now, quickly slamming himself against one of the walls as he slid alongside it to try and find the exit to where he needed to be, before finally reaching it and giving out a sigh of relief, thankfully.

@np hi this guy turns into a big fucking shark

Xander simply sat himself on the floor, breathing rapidly in a sense of anxiety as he sat himself up, he tried to keep calm and collected, pressing himself further back up against the wall he sat in. It almost seemed like he was having some sort of anxiety attack or related to that, which was until his whole body started to swap around. He grew a long, green, shark-like tail with red glowing stripes, his legs becoming that of what seemed like paws as his whole body did the same, completed with a dorsal fin on the back and red horns at the top of his head. He simply sat there, now a melon shark.
Xander looked around, realizing of course that he wasn't alone now, and was way taller than an average human as it seemed. Almost 7 feet in height and soon, a pink flame sparked atop his horns on the inside. Xander stay quiet as he simply waved to the other, backing himself up against the wall he sat at even more.

Simon💕 VisualKeiro

He was about to walk up and ask if he was alright as he seemed anxious before stopping midway and watching the transformation unfold. Perhaps he saw something he really shouldn't have, and is standing there dumbfounded about the entire thing. They pull their glasses off and rub the bridge of their nose before placing them back on and sighing, he looks up and keeps his distance, not wanting to freak him out more. He clears his throat and speaks, a bit of hesitation in his voice, he's not sure if the person is the same as him since they just turned into what looks like a rather large shark.

" alright? I didn't mean to..catch you like this, you seemed a bit tense. I can leave if you want me to." They rub the back of their neck awkwardly, he's never been one to comfort others well.  

@np, this is more so he's finishing up a transformation and you just happen to catch him at a really bad time

He can't help but growl in discomfort as his entire body shakes violently. He manages to remove most of his clothing and is only in hilariously large sweatpants that are quickly starting to tear. His ear swivels toward the sound of someone walking up and from their scent, he knows it's not Kei and tries to ward them away but all that comes out is a broken whine that turns into a snarl as his jaw cracks and grows forward into a muzzle. He clutches at his head as his changes finish, a loud snarl emits from him as he stands up and faces the stranger, a glare on his face as his muzzle is drawn back. He stands up to full height as is in his nearly seven-foot-tall beast form, he doesn't lunge forward to attack but is aggressive nonetheless. 

Honi Somnum StarCyan

A distressed growl and the sounds of tearing had abruptly broken  whatever moment of solace Honi had to herself during her moonlit stroll.  As much as she wanted to just keep on walking, the knowledge of being  the only person around to assist someone possibly in danger drove her to  investigate the noise. Following the direction of the cries led the  woman to an alley behind a library where the beastman hid, undergoing a  transformation that looked much more painful than what was normal to  her. He snarled and whined at her in an attempt at intimidation as his  entire body steadily increased in size, and she noticed a pile of  clothes laid out on the ground beside him.

"A Mightyena...?" she initially thought. "No...something's off."

Honi  took a few steps back and observed the metamorphosis, not wanting to  cause any damage by attempting to interrupt. She also expected him to  pounce at any moment as his transformation came to an end, and made sure  there was some distance in between them to account for that. The lupine  beast now had a towering presence, with an appropriately menacing  glare. Now was the time for Honi to try resolving this.

"Wait!"  she commanded, then immediately softened her voice. "I...won't hurt you.  But tell me, are you all right in there? That transformation looks  painful."

Her words were imbued with psychokinetic power, in hopes that they could reach the person within this giant wolf's body.

This  had to be the third time in a row you passed that same snapped tree.  Just moments ago, you were sure of the road taken as it led through this  fruitful forest, but the foliage had a vibrant mix of warm hues with appropriately colorful berries hanging from its branches that created a  visual masterpiece that had to be admired. Unfortunately, this also lead  you off of your initial path and deep into unfamiliar territory.

"You  are lost, aren't you?" a deep feminine voice echoes, from beside you.  Turning towards the direction of the voice, you find yourself face to  face with a bizarre, mostly yellow humanoid creature with cat-like ears, a very prominent nose and silver eyes with long lashes. A  black and white twisted cord was tied loosely around her left wrist and  intertwined between her fingers, tied on the other end to a flat,  silver washer that hung like a bracelet charm.

"Oh, my apologies.  Let me return to a form that is...less unnerving." she responds, upon  noticing you freeze at the sight of her true form. She closes her eyes  and a white light envelops her, changing her shape to one more closely resembling a human. The light disperses, leaving a woman with a similarly protuberant nose, silver eyes and ears that pointed to the sky  above. Her pale blonde hair possessed streaks of a more saturated  yellow and swirled in many different directions, as if she had bed-head.

"That's  more like it." she muttered, placing a hand on her fluffy scarf. "This  forest is dangerous, wanderer. The others, they will trap you here if  they find you. They will keep you dreaming..."

Illanya Mariold HardyLark

Illanya may have carried a bit of the spirit of the forest within, but even she knew things were not well when even she got lost. Even so, she remains relatively, her green eyes flickering from tree to bush wearily being the only indication of her growing doubts. 

A flinch is all the indication she gives that she hears Honi, a hand flying down to her battle axe as she whirls. The Paladin’s expression is tense, distrusting even of the Pokemon in front of her. 

“An apt observation, but what is it to you stranger.” She replies slowly, making no move to pull the axe from its place, but not easing in the slightest. It really is only when, the other changes form, becoming more humanoid in nature. Even so, Illanya only lets her hands ease from her axe to her her side appeased by the others words, caution becoming surprise and confusion.  

“Ah erm, it’s alright I wouldn’t say it was unnerving, simply startling is all.” Illanya replies, smiling nervously.

Her expression drops at the mention of dreaming and she glances around. “They? Dreaming? Have I really strayed this close to the feywilds?” Illanya’s brow knits together in concern, her gaze flicking up and around. “Thank you for your warning, though I do my best to be prepared for traveling deep into the woods… I- I would rather avoid becoming trapped within a dream or any realm adjacent. Not again.”

Illanya looks uneasy but smiles anyways nodding to Honi, tapping a hand to her chest and bowing. “I’ll simply try another path around. Thank you again, stranger.”

Blood drips readily down her face, hands clutched against her breastplate. A weak effort to staunch the bleeding underneath, mostly unsuccessful as it oozes and splatters the ground beneath her. She’s being chased, that much is clear, by her glances behind. Even from down the hill where you stand, her expression of fright is clear.

Fear and terror seem to raise higher as she finally lets her eyes blaze, markings bright enough to filter weakly through her clothes. Large and powerful wings, speckled with lines and a hues of brown burst from her back, blowing the back part of her breastplate off, the metal clattering to the ground to reveal the torn gambeson underneath. Two powerful downstrokes and you can see her leap upwards, using the peak of the hill ahead for a head start. 

Those long feathers are only able to hold her aloft for a short while before agony seems to tear across the Paladin’s face, and her wings tuck inwards. Though it is not a far drop to the ground, the knight still goes sprawling, landing on her stomach with a pained cry. Her tumble lands her only a couple of feet from you, a mess of blood and wings. From up the hill you can hear the sound of her pursuers come and go, shouting amongst themselves. Their voices fade and finally, the knight moves.

Panting that borders closer to hyperventilation, Illanya pushes her upper body off of the ground, grimacing at her wounds. Glowing gold and green eyes flick up to you and she seems too hurt to flinch and cringe away, simply staring as she struggles to catch her panicked breath.

“Help!” Though barely wheezed and sputtered out, it’s all she can manage as she struggles to keep herself upright. 

Zen Yamachiche ZeCrazyAngel

Zen happened to be around as this situation was happening. He felt like he had ventured a little further than where the shack he had been staying at for the weekend was and wasn't exactly sure where he was as of present moment. But one thing was sure, as he stepped further into the woods, he could hear the sounds of people screaming, the smell of blood. But behind that scent was a faint smell he recognized, it was a bit far for him to exactly pinpoint what it was, and he could only smell it lightly. It was when he noticed her, Illanya, with wings pulling out of her back as she leaped ahead the top of a hill and falling down.

His eyes were wide opened, he had no idea she had the capacity to do that but on the moment, it didn't really matter. A friend of him was in trouble and he had to do something, and he was getting ready to do so. But soon enough, as he hid behind a tree and started taking off his jacket, the voices faded away and all he could hear was the voice of Illanya calling for help. He immediately ran out of his hide and headed in her direction "Illanya!" he whispered lightly as he crouched down and went toward her direction "Holy shit mate, I didn't know you could grow wings. Are you ok? You need help? Let me help you!" he whispered again. Clearly, Zen was not bothered by her transformation. He was bothered by the state she was left in "Are they monster hunters or something like that?" he asked, kneeling by her, offering her a hand to get up and giving an attempt of a reassuring smile "I can keep a secret, as long as you can keep mine." he said "Give me just a second, I'll bring you to safety."

He left so he could at least get rid of his cloth's somewhere she wouldn't see him. After a few seconds, a large brown wolf with a bag strapped around his neck and chest approached. With a deeper, slightly more distorted voice, the wolf spoke "It's me, Zen, do you think you have the strength to climb on?" he looked at her with a soft expression, or at least as much as a wolf could give "If they come back, it will be faster running off this way. I won't let them hurt you, I promise!" as he approached her, he gently pressed his snout against her hand "I will bring you to safety, is there a place you want me to bring you at or do you want me to bring you somewhere I know you'll be fine?" He was trying his best to remain calm and comforting by the tone, but the situation did make him alarmed. He did casually raise up his head, perked his ears, looking around and paying attention if anyone else would be close by. He looked back at her and lowered himself down "If ever you can't hold on, I've got something else."

Zen heaved heavily as he kneeled down with his palms on the ground, reaching a hand toward his chest as he leaned his forehead on the ground "The hell!" he mumbled to himself as for the first time in his life, he felt like he was losing control of himself. That had never happened, and his body was starting to shift on it's own without him deciding too. He would snarl and growl, he would scratch the ground with his clawed hands as his breath accelerated "Oh no oh no oh shit!" he grumbled "No no no!" this couldn't happen! He always had control, he was born a werewolf, but something had triggered an amount of uncontrollable rage in him. Something that suddenly terrified him.

His clothe's would tear up as his body would fight against the transformation, his bones would shift and crack as the shape changed and he would gasp and scream in pain "NO NO, I AM IN CONTROL, I AM!" he struggled in controlling his breath as it got faster, shakier, and soon, his teeth would get sharper. His clothe's started ripping as he got bigger and bigger and bigger until he soon shifted into his werewolf form, now standing on two legs. Looking in his eyes, it was hard to see the man he once was, it looked like he had gone feral. All their was in those eyes was a blood craving beast, hungry for finding whatever target had caused this much rage and to destroy whatever came in his way.

It wasn't Zen, but he was still there somewhere.

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Rae wasn’t quite sure what to think whilst each step led her down a trail she wasn’t quite familiar with. She was typically more careful about things like this, but after a nasty argument she had with another camper, the best thing she could do right now was blow off some steam to rid of the pent-up anger she held. Keeping her emotions in check was hard enough, and frustrating Marco with her petty quarrels were the last thing she needed. Rubbing her brow with a groan, Rae wasn’t focused enough to notice the sounds ahead of another until she was too close, her attention finally being pulled from the upset thoughts that never seemed to stop bouncing around in her head. 

Fire. That’s all she could tell from the figure of the stranger ahead. In an instant, Rae was tense, one hand up by her necklace to yank it off if things got nasty. She was too quick to worry about fights with everyone she saw, but she had all the right to be— Rae just hoped it wouldn’t turn out that way. The massive sword the lass seemed to wield didn’t look great to go up against either, unease beginning to settle the longer Rae inspected the woman. Taking a step back, Rae was tempted to just pretend she saw nothing and turn around to walk the other way, but when Neki begun to speak she knew that was an option far too late. The menacing sheen in the ladies eyes was a look Rae was far too familiar with, fingers beginning to close around the amethyst that dangled from her throat. It was definitely a good idea to be prepared. . 

“BOO! did I scare you?” The woman seemed to call out, causing Rae to recoil in confusion. Scared? Her? HA! as if. But, being cautious and nervous was a whole different story. If this was supposed to be some sort of game, Rae wasn’t following along too well. 

”No, not really. I don’t think I want to stick around any longer, though.” The teenager would reply, taking another few steps back towards a large shadowed frame casted by a tall oak. She noticed Neki’s lips parting to try and speak once more, but in that time Rae allowed her own frame to be engulfed by the darkness, the last thing Neki catching sight of being the odd disappearance of the teenager she tried to spook. 

Well, that was one way to forget about petty arguments.


All Rae could hear was the excruciatingly loud buzz of static in her ears and emotions brinking to the surface. She was typically not the kind to allow feelings to take over her mind— exactly in fear of this happening, even with the friendly relationship she held with the Beast of Hades which took over the role of a simple voice in her head and a guardian when things got tough. Only once had her control slipped, but it was never bad like this. Screwing her eyes shut whilst pain rippled over her form, she had no words for the agony that was heard other than animalistic screams, a pair of claws tearing free to overlap her fingernails and her vision obscured by the shadows she surrounded herself in. 

It was definitely not something typical for any mortals, but it was a valid response for what she found herself in— after losing a few demigods she just just beginning to befriend in a fight against a giant Minotaur whilst they were just trying to hang out in a small park, Rae felt shame for not dispatching it quick enough. She thought this would be an opportunity to train the campers she grouped with, and she was wrong. They weren’t ready for the fight, and Rae knew it was all her fault. 

The Minotaur stood over their scattered frames, essence drained which just seemed to fuel the monster even more in its rage. In those few moments the creature stood there, overconfident in its victory, shadows would launch out from their original places in the form of tendrils and yank at its ankles, causing its colossal frame to topple and hit the ground hard. The Minotaur barely got a wheeze out before what was once Rae was upon it. Her form, taken over control by that guardian she considered a friend, was one akin to some sort of canid-monster, though it’s form was built of the darkness Rae was quite content using. Fangs bared and eyes wild with a blend of fury and grief, it lunged. 

Jaws parting and claws raking out once her body made contact with the fallen frame of the Minotaur, the Beast of Hades was quick to go for the throat. The bull-monster simply stood no chance against the rage it had unwillingly summoned. 

Though, the one thing Rae forgot, was that this was a public park. Typically fights like this would be obscured to Mortals by a thick layer of fog, but that wasn’t always the case. 


(basically, Rae was born with a beast that takes over control when her emotions are at their worst (grief, loss, rage, etc) or when circumstances are life-threatening and she can’t handle it herself. Said beast is meant to protect Rae at all costs, typically in battles. It’s made of shadows that solidify and sort of cocoons her original body until the control is lost and kind of looks like a werewolf in a way. Think of it like Eddie and Venom, Rae’s the host) 



 Asera nuggetmachines

Asera shifts a little, readying Discord (A nagitana-like weapon) in preparation for defending himself. His serpent tendrils all out at the ready in case he needs to bite.

Np: Asera transforms into a monstrous, somewhat grotesque multi-headed beast that looks like a massive black tiger with serpents for tails with many MANY eyes. He's never found out how to do this so he's most likely just VERY confused on what just happened and maybe a bit scared.