Which OC Fits the Above Song?

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by celestiials

i hope, i hope, i HOPE this hasn't been made yet... if it has please let me know dkfjgkdfg

anyways, the title might sound a bit confusing, so hopefully these examples can explain what i mean!

User 1: ok what oc would fit hartmann's youkai girl?
User 2 (IC as Raum): i think raum would fit, as the song's unpredictableness fits his facade and his actual self that appears through the cracks // posts lunatic princess
User 3 (IC as Vassago) i think vassago would fit! idk why it just does // posts septette for the dead princess


  • You don't need to explain why you think your OC is a good fit! If you just think they are, then that alone is reason enough. Explanations can be fun though so you are totally allowed to do so if you want to.
  • Please put a warning for any songs that need it. Additionally, please put warnings for strobe/flashing lights in videos.
  • If you think that your song can get the thread stuck, it is recommended that you put a more accessible alternative (e.g. your chosen song has flashing lights, put a song without flashing lights)
  • Don't insult the songs people put here!!! I hope that doesn't occur during this game though-

I believe that's it! First poster gets a freebie!

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I think I'll start this thread off- what OC of yours would fit the song Locked Girl ~ The Girl's Secret Room?

 Diamante MincedMangoes

Diamante would, I think, he's a very serious character, very uniform, and that's the kind of vibe I get from that song 

next perhaps someone fitting Betray and Degrade - Seether

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Traline fruitshrine

I think traline fits the vibe best ! it sounds like something he would listen to in his free time :]

heres my song ! / bazooka by gwsn


I'll be honest this is the kinda thing T would listen to <3

How about Mr Malum by The Dear Hunter?

Alula Pomegranarchy

ooooooh that is a lovely song. I'd say it fits Alula! She's a manipulative, power-hungry person that's managed to secure power over the throne. Helps that the song is a banger lmao

Have The Ghost Who Wasn't There by A Sunday Fire

 Sophie celestiials


I think the song fits Sophie, of all people considering her design khdsgksd- ok hear me out, it does illustrate her feelings towards her brother, Neio (he's too much of a WIP to be linked here). More specifically, she's so fed up with how awful Heaven's government has become because of him... she's grown to hate him despite being siblings.

Ok, for next poster.... uhhh how about Extend Ash ~ Hourai Victim (Imperishable Night OST)?

Athakanda mossyrocks

athakanda, definitely! it's on the calmer but still fun side, and it reminds me of summer nights and fireflies, but also flying in a clear blue sky with some clouds. i could imagine this being her intro song or something.

what about glory by bastille?

Lights Moonleaf

Lights. I'm not sure what the song is really about, but to me it feels like it's about someone working towards a goal with the (emotional) support of their friends. I think it fits Lights because he can have ambitious goals, and is very supportive of his friends.

How about I Lived by OneRepublic?

Zaida Viento "Azura" Shadowzim777

I honestly see Azura with this song. The idea to keep rising, standing up, and making every day count despite hardships and adversities she went though. Losing her kingdom, her family, being a wanted outlaw. She wants to make every moment of her life count for something, even risking lives to help others keep on living their lives. She likes to be that symbol of hope in a world full of despair.


If anyone watched Danny Phantom, then you will Remember Ember sung by Robbyn Kirmsse.

Sanka / Tsugi Tenseki Applejack

Definitely Sorel fits this song! It reminds me of her being in a very abusive with her ex boyfriend and how she deals with her trauma. That's also why she's not very expressive anymore, closed off from everyone. She stood up to her ex and made him realize that he shouldn't have messed with her.

how about Crucified by Army of Lovers? :3c


Oh, Rin absolutely fits this song! He's lived for so long and seen so much, but has such a god complex at times, it's amazing lmao. Plus, the beat of the song and the sorta upbeat vibes I get from it definitely fit his wild and proud nature!


Okay okay, how about The Villain I Appear To Be?

Angie zinnia

ok so this is. kind of cheating because this is one of her themes LOL but. angie!

shes an antihero type (or at least i think she is) , and often ends up in tangles with the law and with her protagonist enemy. but like imo angie is the one in the right the whole time and is incredibly misunderstood by those around her


-hands u a touhou arrange-

Verdauga celestiials

y'know what i have verdauga brainrot so this may be biased BUT ANYWAYS. ALSO WTF THIS IS A REALLY GOOD SONG ZIN

I think this song fits him the most? The overall lyrics in my opinion fit how he has hopes for the future despite his overall bleak backstory (plus it might fit with his desire to make himself known again?), plus for some reason the song just made me think about his modern/casual outfit? (which i need to upload to TH kjsdhfsd)

WARNING FOR FLASHING LIGHTS but maybe VENTEN for the next poster?
If you're not able to watch that video, then maybe Reach for the Moon ~ Immortal Smoke? (sorry that all my reccs are touhou themes/remixes dkfjgsdf)