Ask a WEIRD question about the OC above!

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago (Edited 2 years, 10 months ago) by RedBalance

What the title says. Ask a weird, bizarre, senseless question about the OC above. 

Post in character but answer OOC! 

Try to make the question SOMEWHAT relate to the character. Just to show you at least glimpsed at the profile. For example if the OC above is a fruit, maybe ask something like "Does Above OC spit rapid-fire watermelon seeds at apples who defy him?"

Then of course answer the question that you get asked.

Make it as ridiculous as you'd like. We'll start with me, ask any of my chars!

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Braxton Carter DAMNFIEND

Has she ever taught crows tricks?

The Warlock fizzelston

What's his favorite burger? And burger place?


"Toilet ghosts.... A lot of toilet ghosts.."

Obey DragoChou

Have you ever had to deal with a toilet ghost or other inane paranormal incident?

Nope, because Obey named himself! Tieflings have virtue names, and Obey gave himself the virtue name Obedience. In fact, Obey doesn't even know his birth name, or any name of his besides Obey.


Hmm I don’t know if this counts as weird, did he ever thought at some point why his parents named him that? (The name)

⬇️yes. Obviously, he has a tie for his birthday, for Mother’s Day, StarSnow, his friends’ birthdays you name it

Rosemary schrodingers-cat

his profile says that he's not really one for fashion, but would he have special ties for different occassions? he strikes me as the type of person who would just wear the same suit but has a million different ties

vv she's probably messed stuff up in the past, especially when she was just starting out, and since she was a kid the customers would probably give her a bit of leeway. if she messed up now though, she would absolutely just remake it to the best of her ability. she would want her customers to get the best baked good that she can manage, and if that means remaking it a million times, she would

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Pofja Gec3V

has he ever lost one of his robot arms 

v she didnt really have a childhood but she would definetly eat dirt

[338] TymekLe

Was she the type of person to eat dirt as a kid? She seems like one

v He would love to read both, and think of them as actual history books. He will tell everyone about the historical place of Mordor

Vian Poggers ghostNoetic

Since he can read, would he rather read the Bible or the entire Lord of the Rings series?

V oh absolutely. I'm 99% sure they would make an aliensona for themself at some point. Actually discovering one doesn't interest them that much, they're afraid of disappointment lol

jay jacome pepperpenguin

woudl they ever want 2 b an alien !??!?!? or discover one

V dont rlly know what jumpstyle is BUT i see dance and competition sooz... mayb not a big one but hes def tried his hand at a small comps :33

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Neroli IronyMobile

Has Jay ever entered a Jumpstyle competition?

v Most likely yes, which is why she does not cut it usually.


Since her hair is entirely antennas, does it hurt when she cuts it in case if she wants it a bit short?

⬇️Cologne obviously.. he’s gotta smell good to attract the ladies

Tempest PrismTheDragon

Why he smell like that though (referring to "He always smells like a mixture of black cherry and grapes.. sometimes lemon")

v (just a heads-up that Tempest is transfem and goes by they/them!) They've never seen an airplane before, living in a region devoid of humans, although they'd definitely try to race one if they ever saw one! (and probably end up losing miserably...)