Give random thoughts about the above oc

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago (Edited 1 year, 9 months ago) by Zinkyzor


Person 1- • I think its a cool design 

• i bet they like sandwiches 

• would get along with my oc


- no NSFW

- be nice

- no cooldown. Have fun

- feel free to use tabs if ya want!!

ban list-

Start with ic

Sylvee || 2003 lezbtron
  • Alright so we're dealing with a mafia boss, neat! Im intrigued to see how this goes!
  • I also notice he's pretty old, which I like ! We need older ocs, love me some old folks.
  •  politician to mafia boss pipeline, kinda funny even if it wasn't intentional for him, I feel like it's some type of ironic. I also like how realistic the crimes are, as I can see (and I'm sure lots of politician's have) a politician doing those.
  • Was his time in prison nice ? Had he learned anything while in there and did he get better treatment because of his position or no?
  • Actually find it neat he was bribed but for a different reason, bro really took the fall damn ..
  • DAMN !! So his family groomed him into becoming one? What would he have been if he wasn't? Was he aware of it ever or did he realize after jail? He is sly though, getting out all early.
  • It's nice to see he's got a nice husband with his dogs, sure there's issues but it's nice to see they're working through it. What kind of dogs does he have? :0
  • Love the casual 'He only switched to a new one when it gets too obviously dirty (i.e. coffee spill, blood splatter, etc.) Kinda funny, like it's a daily occurrence .
  • Nice they're supporting local glasses businesses, though I'm curious how they break? And is he near sighted or far sighted? Asking as a glasses wearer my self, glasses havers unite
  • AWW ! I love that his dogs are strays, that's really sweet. I like when morally questionable people have a soft spot, grgaurguir, I hope all the dogs love him and he loves them back. Is his husband cool with him bringing back stray dogs?
  • I'm curious if Ragdoll is his actual kid, since he isn't mentioned in his bio? Sorry if it's a silly question, I just glanced over the links and noticed that!
  • what kind of yaoi do Dahlan and Ridho got going on with the whole Dahlan being clingy and Ridho being into it? what chapter of yaoi did i miss ..
  • overrall, fun guy! I like reading about him, hope his profile gets fully filled out and we can all get more lore to this man!
Ford Jerry Yamroll

- CRYIJG OUT AT THE TAGS- he is in fact very babygirl

- boy that sassy ass pose is not letting you beat the gay allegations 


- honestly i didnt expect him to be humble lol his pfp gave me the impression that he was a show off 😭

- hes got a really cool design!! i like the maroon / dark red color palette and the fur, plus i think the blades (?) at the side of his head are a nice touch :0


- what do you need a small waist for. for other men to grab? /ref

- does he ever regret what he did to the "assassin" ?

- i JUST realised hes a tmnt oc and i was so confused why turtles were involved in the story 💀💀


- i need to know what his possums are called...


Spider-Spark (Cyrus) oliraptor

This is legitimately one of the coolest backstories and designs I've ever seen. Love him so much. He's so silly goofy and he's not human?? Robin Banks LMAO He reminds me of Grunkle Stan from Gravity Falls in the best possible way. His design is so good!!

DENTA lezbtron
  • It's always nice to see more spidersonas around, love me some spidersonas or spiderverse ocs!
  • So does he set his webs on fire with a lighter or something like that? Or is it like an added on feature that came with their webs?
  • The headphones are neat, wonder if he'd ever decorate them with stickers or the such.
  • I can see it with the heelys, they're cool I won't even lie
  • I know it says most people think hes just a cosplayer BUT I do wonder if anyone has gotten suspicious, surely some have?
  • I think his pins are neat, would he ever get patches or more pins? If so, what would they be?
  • Oh, it's really cool he has an actual theme made for them! That's actually pretty sick and it sounds good too!
  • I do wonder if he's taken on the name sparky, does he like it?
  • overall, very neat! Im eyeing that unfilled bio/backstory box, I think it'd be neat to know more about them.
🧿 Anush 🦋 mmmeatbat

sorry its so all over the place compared to my usual replies but im v tired yet this hunk of a mechanical woman right here got me Inspired so im still writing all of this shit down yes

  • ive alr said something similar abt vicus but denta takes it to an entirely different level; shes such a unique fucking character. im not saying this out of obligation or to flatter u or some shit idgaf abt that, idk how you do it but every other of your folks i get more or less acquainted with ends up being SO unique in my eyes. they just tend to have such a distinct ring to them, no matter the themes/ideas behind them. denta goes way beyond both the "quirky mad scientist wannabe" and the "menacing af objecthead-esque oc" tropes, in my opinion. she's so fucking raw and chaotic i am both extremely terrified and aroused at the same time
  • fucking S+ tier design, good god that headwear goes HARD. TADC can fuck right off denta be owning that denture drip solo style. from what i'm able to tell she does end up decorating the damn jaw on top of it all, and it's so unnecessarily extra and such a delulu thing to do i can't help but adore it. i really like how her palette sticks to this... flesh-y theme yet it's being balanced out so nicely by the pitch-blacks used for her visible robotic parts! also really like the stropes on her sleeves, these are supposed to somewhat resemble a straitjacket right? so freaking cool. love the tail we need more robots with long animalistic tails
  • could def see her in some unhinged ass animated show as this absolutely batshit crazy recurring character. she gets caught by the authorities every other episode yet she always comes back. somehow
  • girl how come you dislike bad hygiene yet you refuse to change yo damn clothes. CLEAN UPPPPP or go change into something fresh!! someone oughta order her a custom tailored cosplay suit or something
  • on that note; im extremely curious as to how cons look in her universe, considering there's no more "traditional" media being produced. not by humans, that is. would she ever consider actually cosplaying as someone. whats her fav yuri anime, if she got any
  • i... do wonder what parts of her even COUNT as bodmod at this point, aside from her teef and the head situation ofc! she seems surprisingly cohesive appearance-wise, for better or worse 😟
  • each time i see her screaming her goddamn robotic lungs out on them fgs i start tearing up a lil bit. like goddamn this woman comes across so absurdly overwhelming its highkey inspiring. i want her vigor and spirit okay i want the whole personality, minus the violent tendencies perhaps but im willing to excuse those as well if it's in the name of science................ it is though right.
  • in all seriousness; i really like the whole "no inner voice" aspect, bc that is very much a thing people can experience irl, and applying this condition onto a machine-like char is SUCH a neat detail!! plus it. explains the shouting yah
  • "catfishing" good god imagine just tryna spend the evening with this real chill and totally unsuspicious person you've been talking to on this litass robot dating app and then THIS mofo pulls up. it's both utterly hilarious and scary to think about i'd probably faint on the spot. hey less hussle for her to collect that legendary loot from my oral cavity amirite
  • i wonder if her obsession counts as a sort of "deviancy" – you know, something like in D:BH?
  • not to derail from denta discussion but it's so goddamn remarkable that bucket is capable of handling such nutjobs as her. it's oddly nice to think abt how denta, in turn, is more or less able to succumb to/actually benefit from less "severe" means of rerehabilitation/therapy, considering bucket's general approach. good for her :]c
  • her vc is fucking PERFECT. havent watched tfa myself im a lameass old fucking man ive only watched g1 & tfp as a goddamn kid idek this character but the FUCKING VOICE IS SO INSANELY GOOD. i really like this "choir-like" ring to it; it makes denta sound SO MUCH MORE EERIE AND FUCKING SCARY LIKE GOD WOMAN!!!! CHILL!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • THE FANFICS . yet again, i cannot express enough how MUCH i love this thing that you do. we have this absolutely frightening, kinda unsound of mind, a wee bit delusional CREATURE who's....... apparently into writing fanfics. it's just such a good freaking change of pace and mood for me, each goddamn time. what's EVEN BETTER is that it's still a very much crucial detail to her persona!! we love a healthy outlet for one's deranged impulses you go denta that's the way fuck yeah though damn that therapy probs gonna make her. less fun. i wonder if her fanfics are more on the "cringe wattpad self-insert 1k word story" side or if these are actually some legit banging pieces of highly unsettling literature
  • "dislikes: the law" bitch i'm screaming. the rest of the dislikes section is a fucking goldmine too, as per usual. i wonder why she's not fond of jumpscares bc lady be jumpscaring me with them fucking all caps posts on the one line thread EACH FUCKING TIME
  • again, shitpost aside; the "change" line in her dislikes is genuinely so intriguing! considering her whole extreme bodmod deal, it comes across as almost contradictory to her very nature. is she scared/displeased by the thought of some particular change, perhaps?
  • as ive said while posting a claim fucking solid ass music theme choice. i love this track to bits, and it does align with denta's vibe FLAWLESSLY! it's so industrial, almost mechanical-sounding yet it also has these hints of chaotic RAWNESS to it. makes me think of some abandoned factory setting where she's just chillin tf out doing her weird ass highly unethical thing. it sets up such an amazing mood to compliment her whole deal, honest!
  • while it seems that i, for once, cannot fix her; she can definitely absolutely 2000% fix me. i have the worst teeth situation known to mankind. does she want em? can she fix em? idek what would count as "fixing" in her book but i'm willing to volunteer. yah i might have issues so what
  • yet another epic Lezbtron Inc. Production wife to add to my collection of purely platonical fictional crazy ass mech-coded wives. i shall gift her my dental sealants each time these fuckers fall out bc istg this has been happening a bit too much as of recent. to the favs she goes. im gonna think abt her each time i visit the dentist, and my next appointment happens to be scheduled for tomorrow morning. which means i will be thinking abt her p soon heck yeah

v DUDE. this reply..! what an absolute fucking treat. i was so thrilled to read through each line. thank you so much for these thoughts, i'm fucking ecstatic, seriously. dw i love your fat text and questions, here are some answers:

- gonna address two questions with this one. first; yes, she absolutely comes from a prosperous household, albeit a... weird one. moreso, i can say with certainty that she's ended up in her current position thanks to her mother - she was the one to initially assign Anush her current role, despite Anush doing her fair share of dirty work. Anush's life has been significantly affected by Mariam's actions in more ways than one, but i ain't yapping about the vaguely ominous lore on the damn fgs. i can still say that she was predisposed to eventually meddling with the whole drug thing herself, though not necessarily in such a vile way - she could make it to an actual lab, you know.

- yes, she does break the "don't get high on your own supply" rule - though she still takes reasonable precautions. she doesn't want to go just yet, that'd be boring.

- nice catch with the camel spider. that's exactly the reason: these fuckers only need sheer strength in order to prey and survive. she both admires and envies them a bit, considering how arguably frail she is herself. also they look funky.

- while she doesn't necessarily feel guilty because of her line of work (she's not desensitised, her perception is just skewed), she's perfectly capable of experiencing that sweet existential crisis along with some absolutely vile self-loathing (i refuse to make a character who does not have self-perception issues). the lingering sense of unease and the call of the void are also there for some extra flavour.

- oddly enough, her and Nat aren't FWBs - yet i lowkey make them give off this exact impression on purpose lmao, your senses aren't deceiving you. they're still very unorthodox and "weird" with each other, in different ways.

- hehe, i really liked your nazar bracelet story. yeah, there's a lot to unfold when it comes to faith in this setting. god give me strength...

Martell Mutonian

Claim. I like questionable women.

  • Not related to her specifically, but I'm very intrigued by the 'affiliation' field in your characters profiles, her especially since 'HYDRA' is one I haven't seen before. I'd love to see the folder updated someday.
  • Anyway. I'm very fond of her design, the tattoos, the wide eyes, her face overall. It's funny that I just now noticed arthropods in her 'likes' section. She definitely reminds me of a spider with those eyes.
  • She's so young. It's concerning, it makes me wonder what made her get involved with the things she does.
  • Ah... A child prodigy. That explains it.  So she was already kind of predisposed to this kind of thing, having the 'knack' for it?
  • I wonder if she tests the drugs out herself. Is the uncertainty something she'd revel in?
  • I think it's interesting that her favorite arachnid is the Camel Spider, they're especially aggressive but aren't venomous. Why does she like them?
  • Also, I get the feeling that she might have been pretty well off as a child, I don't see poor people owning a glasshouse. If she was, is that how she funded her endeavors and bumped herself up to such a respectable status?
  • I adore how deceptive she is. I get the feeling that she can be genuine about things, and that her cheerfulness is real in some way, but she can still flip like a switch.
  • I wonder what exactly it takes to make her comfortable with being vulnerable. Being tender must be a vulnerability in some way.
  • Ooh that's interesting. Would you say she feels guilty at times? Or is she just anxious? It is mentioned that she doesn't feel any concern about being ratted out or anything of that sort, but why does she linger on the thought about a 'greater presence'? Is she scared of her own mortality?
  • I assume you're implying that her mother changed, along with their dynamic. I really want to know how Anush feels about that, how she'd react if it were ever brought up. I'm just so captivated by her character, she's very unpredictable just like you intended, but I can't help feeling that there's something else underneath her facade. 
  • That last section in her profile is actually immaculate. The line; 'black waters and jagged rocks rush up to meet her' is so incredibly good. It represents some kind of inner turmoil to me... Other than that, I love how it parallels the opening part of her profile. 
  • I really like the 'weapons stash' tab in your character's profiles, it gives a lot of insight to their preferences, what they're like. I think it's pretty funny that she themed her pistol after Hello Kitty, though. She seems to care about her firearms, a lot.
  • I wonder who that close acquaintance is, I really do. Whoever he is, I'm really interested in whatever Anush has going on with Renat. I'm... Sensing a friends with benefits type of deal, but that's just me and my infatuation with the subject. It makes me want to read up on Renat, it's so neat to see that Anush is capable of laughing, loving. You convey her humanity incredibly well. 
  • Hold on, my childhood memories are resurfacing at the mention of the Nazar. I never knew what it was called until now, but my mother made me a bracelet with the eye beads, to supposedly protect me from evil. I still believe it did. Strangely sweet that Anush got hers from her mother as well, but there's a lot that comes with telling a child that they need to wear a superstitious object or else bad things will happen to them... Makes me wonder how her mother handled it. 
  • Oh I actually love the detail of her wearing colored contacts. That's fun.
  • Those two details about her private life give her so much depth, really. I really, really want to know about her relationship with her mother.
  • Did you write the little blurb at the bottom of her trivia tab? It's very pretty.
  • Oh that was it. I'm sad now. For her profile being a work in progress, she's very solid. There's so many loose ends I'd love to tie, but I'll be patient. Overall, she was such a pleasure to read about. I'm sorry about the fat text wall and all the questions.

    v Thank you for the thoughts on him :). I'll answer your questions.

    Does he like to include other people in his picture? 
    Yes. He does it exceedingly often even though he hates others taking pictures of him.

    Since he dislikes both cold and sweetened coffee, is he opposed to the idea of coffee ice cream? 
    No, he's picky about it though. He's already tried dumping icecream into his coffee for a bit more enjoyment, so he's not opposed to something that's coffee flavored. He's okay with it when it stops tasting overtly like coffee and isn't a liquid.
    Is there any sort of reasoning he believes others to be posing some sort of threat to him?
    It's partially irrational because he's just like that and can't not think that way, but it's also induced by his past experiences with relationships. They did not go well.
    He's just a shithead.
Kurumi Hirano ryokvcha

^ aah i see, how interesting!! :D
claim,,almost 4 days and no one claiming him is actually criminal.

- i've seen this guy around a fair bit and i gotta say i absolutely love him!!
- i honestly adore the line of him being "a soggy french-fry of a man." it's golden. 10/10.
- can definitely relate to the disliking being touched without permission. it sucks so, so badly (especially as someone with haphephobia, though i have been working on it as of late)
- dipping things he shouldn't in coffee and ice cream…i'm now very, very curious - what would you say is the worst thing he's done this to?
- now i'm curious, since he dislikes both cold and sweetened coffee, is he opposed to the idea of coffee ice cream?
- what healthy eating habits, indeed! i tip my hat off to him. this is 100% genuine and not sarcastic. mhm.
- ooh the picture-taking, can't help but wonder if maybe he has any favourites? also, since he doesn't like including himself in them, what about other people?
- honestly there's so much about him that's super endearing, from the horrific fashion sense, the goofy laugh, the "soggy french-fry of a man" description, and so much more. don't know if i'll be getting over the vegas casino smell though.
- the reasoning for his behaviour is really intriguing - is there any sort of reasoning he believes others to be posing some sort of challenge/threat to him or is it just totally out of nowhere and completely irrational? is it related to the past 'friends' and acquaintances, maybe?
- poor guy, letting himself be walked all over so long as he gets what he wants out of it.
- his fear of commitment really makes so much sense with the rest of his character.
- also, the contrast between his first impression he gives off and, well, his actual behaviour i suppose is really nice.
- to end it off, i just wanna say he's honestly such a well-thought out character, it was so nice to look through his profile.


just rewrote kurumi soo thought i'd throw them into one of these threads, but if they're not really to your tastes, you can do kaoru instead (+ a direct link to his first secret profile, lots is withheld on the normal one.)
v hehe ty for the thoughts on my beloved - these were lovely to read, here's a response :DD

correct in that assumption, they are neither! :) they are certainly 27 biologically, at least

ngl not even kurumi themself knows what the hell they are - a certain associate who also happens to be vampiric in nature might know a little, though. :)

crying at the thirst edits though that's funny as hell. i didn't even think of that 😭

also yes, the millenium is indeed the casino!

the end of their bio used to be explained a little more on their old profile, but i enjoy leaving people to wonder :) (in reality this is just my fondness of hiding secrets in random places across my toyhouse). kurumi is actually heavily associated utter chaos and disorder - there's a little reward you get for scrolling all the way down on one of their relationship tabs (it's the "cheshire cat" (who is actually kaoru, though the specific tab is currently on private due to being a wip) one if you're curious. that said - the dislike of him stems from him being Very human, in much the same way kurumi is, except also entirely different. auugh kaoru lore gets messy and complicated so i will not be dumping it all here. 🙏 either way kaoru's whole 'perfection' thing is very...artificial. i mean it takes a liar to catch another haha am i right or am i right? sorry. right back to that, i won't get too much into it but i will say that before i rewrote their profile, it used to have a mind control cw.

they might do a teeny bit of cheating. just a little bit. not enough to be noticed. either that or their boss just doesn't care. could be both (it's both).

also yes it is indeed a black card - their boss (the executioner) is a very, very rich guy. also a wanted criminal. love that for him honestly, what a guy!

and aa tysm for the compliment, really been working on trying to improve my writing as of late 🥺 means a lot!! i like to think it's gotten way better than when i first started showing up in the fgs haha

Shi / 死 Spinebby
  • im guessing kurumi is not actually 27 or from tokyo LMAO 
  • "human?" i love vaguely eldritch ocs...KURUMI WHAT ARE YOU!!
  • side note before I read their bio, I fucking love gambler/casino-themed OCs so much. the gold accents on their accessories go hard
  • the first paragraph is so VIVID. The writing is gorgeous and it feels very.....noir if that makes sense. My brain thinks of colors LOL I also do like the approach to introducing Kurumi too. It paints them as very human when it comes to the mentions of their 'anxious fidgeting' and 'awkwardly brushing past', yet the vague POV from a third party to describe them makes them come off as almost enchanting.
  • If this is mentioned later I'll bring it back up; but I'm starting to get the feeling they're a vampire. Though, I could be reading too much into them being described as vampiric.
  • sudden influence over the internet....this might be totally cursed but I'm imagining someone took like a video of them, posted it, it went viral, and now people are making thirst edits sorry
  • Just now processed that "the Millenium" is the casino(??)
  • I adore characters that seem to radiate a sort of confidence and almost intimidation, but having anxiety beneath. Kurumi really doesn't give the anxious sort of feeling just by their design, which really fits with their lore too! Their dislike of people-pleasers also makes it even more interesting, as if they're projecting one of their insecurities and in denial that they're that way too. 
  • The end of their bio is so eerie! It leaves the reader me im the reader wanting to know more
  • Gamblers and favorite genre 
  • If they didn't work at a casino, I could see them being a winemaker!!
  • The vagueness about their sinister nature is killing me (in a good way) because like...I gotta know...WHAT ARE THEY HIDINGG!!
  • Seeing that their luck is low and the 'magic' being they cheat? 👀
  • Is that a black card they have from their boss...i don't know why I'm shocked, it makes sense for someone running a casino to have money
  • beaded lashes!!! I absolutely adore that design choice
  • yikes working with Alice is probably HELL, avoiding someone at the workplace is so goddamn awkward...
  • I may be having this yelled at my face but I am a little slow so bear with mE- the "Cheshire cat"'s relationship with Kurumi seems to be quite complicated, at least on Kurumi's end. I get the sort of feeling that since they perceive them as so 'perfect' and despise them for that, it's possibly jealousy for something they feel they don't have/want?
  • I know Kenichi's tab isn't finished, but that definitely seems like an ex-lover of Kurumi's...seeing the note about their messy love life and fear of romance is something I love reading about in characters
  • Kou's is also straight up eerie as hell, and i adore it
  • very interesting read and you have a very lovely writing style <3
@ np i have the person below blocked so uh ajhdsj do whatever i guess with who you wanna reply to ajsdhdhjs
Iidoh Koe PepperoniDrizzle

- Already digging the feathers she wears

- Grim Reaper!!!! Neat!!!!!

- "Shi doesn't get any pleasure nor dissatisfaction from her work. She's desensitized and sees it as just that; work." Damn that kinda hits hard tbh

- SHE'S 9 FEET TALL????????????

- Will litteraly travel the multiverse to end someone

- Yeah she's pretty neat

Solitudine lezbtron

OH MY GOD,. I JUST NOTICED THE . UH !! ABOVE THING. Spinebby i am so sorry, i gotchu .. gimme a few .. 

putting spinebby thoughts here gimme a bit

    • I didn't realize she was a robot at first ..
    • I haven't seen a lot of biker gang ocs, that's a first !
    • I'm curious why Arizona was transformed into a badland type of thing? Though I think it could make for fun stories, stuff like that is always fun.
    • I like when robots revolt against their organic creators so that's nice, a bit extreme he jumped to do what he did though when lidoh told him off.
    • Okay so was she originally a UTAU in universe or no? Does she ever feel like she's never actually broken free from her original purpose?
    • It seems like she's only known violence, would she ever ditch that if she found out there was a better life?
    • I'm admittedly a bit confused if she's a superhuman or a robot? Since she's described as both, either way I assume she's a pretty convincing human looking robot, huh?
    • I am surprised everyone in the biker gang was apparently fine with it, I'd assume there'd be some backlash but I guess killing a leader would be one way to make your mark.
    • 'm curious if she ever had to train herself to get stronger or if it was all just kinda given to her on account of programming. Has she ever tried to sharpen her skills?
    • It's surprising to me that she doesn't like people who pick on the weak but at least she does, I'd assume she'd protect them? especially people who just have to cross Arizona to get somewhere.
    • I am curious how she likes beer since as far as I'm aware she's a robot unless she has some function in her that lets her consume things like that !
    • overrall neat! very cool, nice to see a utau with a background !

Np: if solitudine doesn't fit your fancy, feel free to do his momma

Indy Valentine ♡ miahead

-firstly i like his name lmao its pretty creative 😭 wonder what significance the word solitude will have to this character....

-HIS DESIGN IS SO COOL??? OH MY GOSH it reminds me of analog horror kinda but its so cool and creative i love it

-ooh didnt expect him to be a robot from his design... still cool though i think it fits

-"Peace, quiet and loneliness are the only things that make him smile, though not literally. He can't actually smile." THIS MADE ME LAUGH love this guy

-standing in one place for an absurd amount of time 😭😭 i wonder why he likes doing that,, imagine if birds landed on him thinking he was a statue or something

-gyatt 😞😞

-bro some of the pics in the gallery are killing me WHAT IS THIS 

-okay so his relationship with vicus really intrigues me what on earth is this messed up family dynamic

-had a peek at vicus's profile and it said that she does demonic practices AND builds robots-- no wonder solitudine looks like hes from an analog horror 

-i kinda wonder what his voice would sound like if he has one

-overall love this guy 10/10

Martell Mutonian

Hi, claiming.

- I'm so very fond of your period piece characters. Indy is such a cool nickname, I love this wiggle gif of him.

- I also love sleazebags... So I may have some kind of bias, either way I don't see many writer characters.

- He looks like he'd like Steely dan.

- I think his ambivalence towards his name is pretty funny, his 'white-bread suburbanite' quote is just great.

- Of course he likes Star Trek. Who's his favorite character?

- The oral fixation thing makes me think he may have bit people as a kid. That's so stupid, I'm sorry.

- Ohhhh he's such a bastard. The tax fraud thing is funny, if not concerning. He looks like the kind of guy to hound you if he loans you money and you don't pay him back as soon as possible.

- I love his voiceclaim. Ellison has this... Charismatic yet slightly bratty tone to his voice that is perfect for Indy.

- His playlist too... Lots of nice music, lots of it which I recognize, you really nailed his vibe.

- 10/10 character, I love this guy.

12-s GrimoireRose

- I like the art you drew of him your style is very expressive and the shapes you use convey his expressions really well!

- I can honestly relate to having paranoia so i feel him so much i think it’s nice you got relatable characters! 

- Wonder what he does like dipping in his coffee or ice cream if it’s unusual stuff i’m very curious XD

- He definitely reminds me of the 70s or 80s in a sense, i’m a big fan of older themed stuff 

- I can’t blame him liking long car drives they’re so relaxing 

- Driving can be pretty stressful so i get where he’s coming from

- I get the vibe he didn’t pay attention in school much or they didn’t teach him well if he got most info from tv or libraries during childhood 

- I have a feeling he’d probably like jazz or something old school for music taste