Rate the above OC’s voice claim!

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago (Edited 2 years, 4 months ago) by Tauni Lamp CometTheMountainLion

There are a lot of threads on TH about assigning OCs a voice claim. But not so many about OC that already have a VC. This can be that thread. Just listen to or read the above OC’s voice claim and rate it /10. Don’t really care that much about effort but obviously make sure your OC already has an official VC. 

First poster can start with my new Tauni or get a free claim.

If this already exists, lmk and I will link to it.

Hotaru Kimura ryokvcha

ooh thats actually almost exactly what i was expecting, ngl :D soo 10/10!!

hotaru's voice claim is linked on the first tab of his profile, it should be pretty easy to find - just click the play icon ^^

Jason Baldwin parvapinna

Aside from the banger music, it does fit Hotaru's low-energy personality. I'd give it a good 8/10.

Jason's voice claim is in the details tab.


parvapinna the voice claim clip in his tabs is broken/not working! just wanted to let ya know

Ujuk SapphireBatWings

Rating Hotaru's voice to get this going again (if paravapinna posts an update I'll rate that voice)

Okay so great song, first of all! As for the voice itself I'm gonna go with an 9/10 I think that I was expecting something a bit lower/deeper but this voice claim works very well regardless and I can totally see it fitting!

Ujuk's voice claim

Stellareon LJ_Catsien

Eyoooo that voice really fits Ujuk! Solid 10/10! It's exactly what I imagined her to sound like and also I find it cool that she somehow has similarities to the face of her voice claim(?) not sure if you see it too though. Anyways epic choice of voice!


Stellareon's voice claim is here

Boomslang VimCurio

Calm, elegant, and slightly breathy, absolutely perfect for an ethereal cosmic creature. I'd say 9/10 fit, the only thing I think would be missing would maybe be some sort of a "mystical" element, for lack of a better word, but that's probably just me being nit-picky.


Yes, it's technically a song, but he's a DJ so what do you expect, lol.

Also side note, he's deaf so he generally doesn't speak using his real voice, but a synthetic AI voice via his mask.

Bucket Fullo Bolts lezbtron

id say a 8/10! I think it's fitting once I started thinking about it, though I was expecting a bit of a reverb/robotic sound to it , BUT I can imagine him talking with it and it doesn't feel outta place! The chorus of the song really does it justice as his voice claim, coz then it's like .. "yar that's it, that fits" But overall yeah, pretty fitting methinks!


bucket has a new va check it !! 

Pansy Azucar Awake_Ache

AW MARILINE MONROE IS ALWAYS AN AUTOMATIC 10/10! But not only that, with her voice being recorded from so long ago, you can hear a bit of the microphone buzzing occationally, giving an audiobox sort of sound, which would be perfect for a robotic character! Not to mention how sweet both Bucket and Mariline are!!!


Next one, his Voice Claim is in his bio! Just click the spinning circle and go off based on looks mostly!

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Aeolus LittleRobot

I'll say 7/10? it fits her appearance from what I've seen (unless it's outdated, haha) it kind of makes me want to start the series again /lh

Aeolus's voice claim is Randall from Monsters Inc!

Basalt Levelup


That's exactly what I'd expect an egotistical warrior deity to sound like! Damn, I gotta rewatch Monsters Inc.


Basalt sounds like the turrets from the Portal series

Valencia Cyren sacrosanct

ill say a 9/10 ! i thought his voice was gonna be something that sounded a lil gravely, but now that im hearing the VC u did chose for him it works out really well. it's a awesome and perfect choice.

Sweeps lobotomist

9.5/10! i was expecting something else though i can't really describe what i was expecting? however what i heard definitely seems more accurate than what i initially thought LMAO so! great choice nonetheless :-3

np please ping me and sweeps voice claim is claptrap from borderlands 2!

Bucket Full'o Bolts (TF) (Transformers Prime) lezbtron


i FUCKING LOVE claptrap just as i do this goober , solid 10/10 ! I genuinely think it fits so well esp with their personality! It just fits perfectly, i can hear it coming right of of his mouth, its a good fit! :3


np: bucket au time ! her voice is bmo!

Mural Moonhelm Levelup


BMO! (Huge Adventure Time fan, bmo was one of my favorite character and their voice definitely the captures the same "kinda dumb, but trying" vibe)


Mural's voice is Man On The Internet's version of Toriel!