What do you like about the user above you?

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago (Edited 5 months, 18 days ago) by IronyMobile

This can be about aesthetic in-profile, OCs, manner of typing, or anything else that is not too intrusive?


  • No NSFW discourse.
  • Sandwich posting is allowed? Given this is for positivity, well...
  • Please edit your posts to include responses (instead of posting replies).
  • May add more rules later.


Awh, your babs are literally baby! Seriously, they're so adorbs—wanna squish them.

And your art is super cool too! Simplistic yet very pretty. You're really good at drawing expressions imo. But what I find most amazing how you can draw multiple babsnin one piece! Doing lotsa babs without sacrficing the quality is hard so I admire that you're able to do it so well!

Hope this comment gave you good vibes lol /gen. Have a nice day!



Awwh, thanks so much!

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In all honesty, I think that your art style is super nice and pleasing to look at, especially the soft looking lineart! I love it!

Especially the colors that you use for your art, really! That’s what I like! Also because you definitely know how to come up with character designs in general!

⬇️oiiee thank you so much!


i loooooove the overly-shiny n sparkly shit thats just. everywhere, it reminds me a lot of early 00s stuff and im a sucka 4 nostalgic shit :333




Your art is just look incredible to look at, and the bright poppy profile you have is also sweet  as well.


im just a fan of the positive attitude you bring to forums, and how i've really never seen you do anything but nice things for everyone... when i see you on a forum, i smile!


The realistic style you have is really neat, it seems almost like it could be in a comic. The interest in superhero characters you seem to have sort of explains that, which is also cool. Your characters appear interesting and unique from their icons, which is well done? Props!

v Thank you!!


it’s always nice seeing you on the forums! i don’t even know how to word it, you just generally bring a really good vibe to every thread you post in. also i love ur profile picture lmfao


Dude, the way you do lighting is so smooth. Also, your bio just radiates weird but confident teen energy, you know? The kid in class who's chill with being a lil oddball. You have, and this will make zero sense, manic but laidback energy. It's a neat vibe.

vv Horror recommendations-

Movies: Session 9, The Thing 1982, The Others. Emesis Blue if you play TF2.

Games: Amnesia (I only know Dark Descent, Machine, and Rebirth), Outlast if you can handle gore, Subnautica if you have thalassophobia, Phasmophobia especially in VR, Iron Lung.

I don't actually read much, but The Jaunt and Mountains of Madness (if you can get through the absolute slog of a middle part) are what I can recommend for books and stories. I've heard a lot of Stephen King's short stories are great of you don't want full books.


big fan of your username... i am also a lizard :) i also think ur ocs salamander/skullamander are really neat! and i like your taste in media cuz i'm a horror fan too (altho i dont watch/read/play enough of it haha so recs would be awesome!) 



I love your character designs, theybare so diverse. There's such a cool variety of characters of many races and body types. And I like how the art is so vibrant. I'm pretty sure that I've had the chance to draw them.

I like your art style as well. It is very unique and and recognizable.

You seem like a very fun, optimistic, and kind person and I like your vibe.

I like your hobbies as well! I also enjoy photography and poetry. I especially love nature photography. What kind of photography do you do?


SapphireBatWings since its been a hot minute!

i love love love LOVE how many nice music recs you have on your profile, and i recognize a few of my favorites already!! you've given me some fun stuff to listen to throughout the day, so tysm for that! coupling along with this, i LOVE your aesthetic and the way you've structured your user profile! it's so fitting!

we also share a lot of likes and dislikes, which is v nice!! i also get prickly when ppl try to talk through my headphones so we have that in common HAHA

your aesthetics are so exciting and fitting to your user profile/profile pic/self! you seem like such an interesting person to know, and i love all of them :)

the interests you have are a nice mix of horror media and cartoons it looks like, which i am a HUGE fan of considering i LOVE both genres. ATLA, Winx Club and Resident Evil hold huge love in my heart! you're probably sososo much fun to have discussions with <3



I love the way you have profiles like beatophone set up! They're literally the definition eye candy! Especially the purple! I love profiles like that! Along with the username you have going on it definitely fits!

The art style and the art in general is so consistent and shiny and I love styles like that! Bright and vibrant!

The character designs beatophone are really nice to look at especially the vibrant colors!

⬇️hi there, thank you so much 



I love how your folders all have personalized profile pictures! It really makes them stand out and gives it more charm! + they’re pretty organized 

Also enjoy how shiny your art style is and your use of colors, it’s eye candy to me and very lovely to look at!

Your characters also have their own individual bios/background coding on them which makes their profiles even more unique and stand out! I really love some of the backgrounds on their coding and the aesthetics you chose! :D

Bonus points; your username really fits in with your art style haha