What do you like about the user above you?

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago (Edited 5 months, 19 days ago) by IronyMobile

This can be about aesthetic in-profile, OCs, manner of typing, or anything else that is not too intrusive?


  • No NSFW discourse.
  • Sandwich posting is allowed? Given this is for positivity, well...
  • Please edit your posts to include responses (instead of posting replies).
  • May add more rules later.

assuming the first one is a freebie— claim ;)


(Sorry--) XD;

I think the user above me has a good sense of humor and is fun to talk to?


Loved ur comment on me not having enough stars-- you seem rlly funny !! love ur pfp


I really like your art style, especially the way you do pixels and sketches! They look really neat but also retain that sketchy/pixelish vibe! 

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I've never talked to you before but I like all of your Pokemon OCs! I just started watching Pokemon so it's really cool to see that you have so many. I also like the piccrews that you made!


i love your music taste! i like music a lot too, but it's a different kind :00 i also think you take good care of your ocs and put a lot of love into them!! 


I adore the abstract art that you have made and your usage vibrant colours in your art. The way you write your OCs' profiles has a lot of personality to it, which is always fun to see and makes reading through them enjoyable!


YOUR ART STYLE! Your art style is so gorgeous! I especially love the way you draw humanoids. Though how you draw nonhumanoids is just as interesting as well :DD It also really appeals to your characters and makes them so recognizable, which I assume their icons is all drawn by yours truly. Very memorable!

vv THANK U SO MUCH!! I'm happy that you think so ;O; Also good to hear that how I draw them fur bbies turn out alright huhu 😳


THE OCs. They’re adorable! Your art style is simple but it looks really nice! I love the way you draw cats and dogs too! Your art style is also very easy to recognise! Love it!


you seem to be a lively and excited person; maybe a bit of a plain observation, but i do like seeing that a lot in people!! also the sheer amount of stamps on your page... incredible


The user above me,,, such friendly energy i love your vibes so much- 

Your ocs too!! So vivid and sparkly and chaotic in a good way :D

EDIT: Someone else posted before me so I'm doing you too!




i haven’t seen you before i don’t think? BUT i do love me that profile aesthetic, ughhh that kind of architecture and vibes give me life

don’t really know if there’s an overarching aesthetic that all your characters fall under but i gotta say they all look real elegant n sleek! love em


v THANK UU!!! that made me v happy ty ty


ok so i should be sleeping rn so my wording might be a little messy, but i just get some really pleasant and fun vibes from you honestly?? i've enjoyed seeing you around a lot lately

i read some of your character profiles at some point (at least casey's definitely), and they were actually so fun to read asgjkdgjksks. i love the energy LOL. i love that sorta delicate-ness of your art style too, and dude, the fact that you compose music??? there's never really anything more admirable and more of a goal than that for me, and the composition on casey's profile is legitimately so gorgeous, okay—

(also, keymash and haha-ing gang blesss 🙏 ) anyway i could probably go on more but it is v late, so just good stuff, man! lots of good stuff

v ASJHGKSJHKS MY UWUS— genuinely that all means so much to me, you're too kind       and SAME honestly!!! i've always really liked seeing you, and you just come off as such a nice and cool person in general ahhhhh. your writing is always so good, and then your characters have all this neat lore going on, i've really gotta look into it more oh man (also, the fact that i'm not subscribed to you yet??? gotta go rectify that! and XIAO. he is perfection itself, okay 🥺)


i'm sure i've said this before, but you are someone that i admire from afar! i adore your writing style, how descriptive it is, the prose being so smooth and colorful that it paints an accurate picture that others might make up in their heads while reading. i do not believe i've interacted with any of said writing outside of the forum games [and even then, again, i tend to admire it from afar, aha], but i'm sure that your solo writing is just as amazing.

of course, your art style is something to applaud, too. i love the painting style you use, and honestly? i just really like the way you draw hair. i think mostly so Caelestis' hair, because man, do i want to touch it.   

overall, you do seem to be a friendly, creative person. i want to interact with you all the time, honestly, but i've always felt too shy before, jajaja [also edit but i just looked and honestly . good taste liking Xiao . i do not have him but i just think he's neat during the liyue archon quest]