Your OC and the OC Above Go Hiking/Camping!

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago (Edited 1 year, 9 months ago) by Vapor

I think this may be the last thread from Valra that I will be remaking -- I might also recreate the making-clothing thread, but I'm on the fence about it. Let's just go outside for now.

Your character is on a hiking and/or camping trip with the character above! How does it turn out? Do they get lost or separated? Do they fare well out in the wilds? Pick your poison.


  • Keep NSFW to a minimum -- suggestions, implications, and innuendos are generally fine, but keep in mind that minors have access to this thread.
    • Romantic interactions are allowed, but only between adult characters.
    • Sensitive or gory interactions are also allowed, but must be put under a spoiler or blacked out.
  • Remember to post IC! The IC button is on top of the field where you write your post, just switch it on and select the character you wish to use.
  • There is a five sentence minimum!
    • As a general suggestion, not quite a rule, however, please try to match half the post of the person you are responding to.
  • You may only post every three posts or three days after the last post, not three days after your own.
    • Example: [You] [x] [x] [x] [You] or You [x] [x] [three days pass] [You]
  • You may post a "claim" to avoid getting sniped, but please do not take too long on it!
    • You will be pinged here with a reminder after twelve hours of an unfinished claim. After twenty-four hours of an unfinished claim, you can be skipped by the next person.
  • You must prove that you have read the profile of the character you have responded to and your post must contain elements of their information. No one wants a post where their character is barely -- or worse, not at all -- acknowledged.
  • Be kind to your fellow players, but know that in-character views are not their own out-of-character. Just because their character's rude to yours doesn't mean they themselves feel that way!
    • Do not skip over users who have you blocked or who you have blocked. Wait for someone else to respond to them before posting.
  • I supervise this thread as much as I can, but if you spot problems, please either DM or ping me.

The first post is a freebie! Anyone can post and the person below them will have to respond to them. If no one posts first in three hours, though, I will attempt to start the thread myself.
Violet Starling Vapor

PuppiDogz - hi pinging since it's been a month . sorry millie has to deal with a grandma

         The teenager was as most teenagers were. Born near the tail end of the Silent Generation, it was probably no wonder that Violet was confused by the antics of some wild, presumably Gen Z girl. What she didn't understand, however, was nothing for the older woman to be scared of. She pushed through and became the terror of people who did not understand her, after all.

         If only it didn't take pulling thorns for Millie to even consider going outside. Honestly, Violet was halfway from going off about "kids these days being on their goddamn phones all the time" -- but she resisted for now the best that she could. It wouldn't do either of them any good for her to start berating poor, sweet, "cringe" Millie, especially now when they had gotten so far. So far being just a walk in the woods with Violet leading the way down the winding path.

         Violet took a deep breath, feeling the warm spring air filled up her lungs, cautiously stepping over roots and fallen debris. Back then, when she was young, this was practically all she had, living on the wooded edge of Homewood. She would go out, beat frogs with sticks, swim in creeks of dubious hygiene, and narrowly avoid duking it out with diamondbacks. But, again, as implied, she was not Millie. She didn't have Five Nights at Frederick's or whatever it was called. That was an animatronic thing, right?

         "..They must've gotten better since then." she commented mindlessly, "Back when Chuck E. Cheese was set up, it was all full of..."

         The rat was foul. She wanted to beat the shit out of the rat.

         Violet chose not to continue on that statement. Instead, she let out a sigh, and as the trees gave way to a clearing surrounding a sunlit lake, she passed another glance to Millie. "When you're not on the Internet or playing games or whatever all day, what's it that you do?"

Void Void_Lizard

Vapor Hopefully I did Violet some justice!

Void was so excited! He'd rarely gotten to hang out with other undeads, especially in his home turf! The empty silence of the trees, the cold and unforgiving dirt and stone beneath them, the scent of ghosts and spirits that Violet didn't seem to notice or care about - it all felt like home to Void. They had set out to get some food before the blizzard could snow everyone on the mountain in place for weeks at a time. Who knows when rescue would come, and Violet would need blood before then. While more of a pescatarian than a carnivore, Void still understood the need to eat whatever you could at times. The old woman had been going on about a recent camping trip with a teenager, and nothing she said was familiar to the tall and slender undead next to her. Void wasn't exactly connected to the internet or what humans got up to these days. and Violet almost seemed to enjoy not being the only one.

Violet had been talking about a human device, a vehicle or something? What were those things called, a trunk or truck or whatever? Anyway, Void was listening to her talk about one she owned when the woman stopped in her tracks, her body bristling like a wolf that hears a hunter. A bear emerged from the trees on the path ahead, as intent on finding food for the coming storm as the pair was. Well, a bear would sure make one hell of a meal! Void Leapt forward, claws ready and antlers primed. He took a swing at the large beast before it returned a swing to him, throwing his lanky and underweight body into a tree with a loud smack. The bear towered over the undead, bellowing a roar whose noise was only overpowered by the roar of a single rifle shot. Rushing over to her new companion, the vampire helped him up and checked him over for wounds.

"Next time let me make the first move! That bear could have seriously hurt you! You could have---" For a second, it didn't occur to her the dangers that didn't actually exist to Void. "---died. Okay, maybe... maybe not." It would take a lot more than a mortal bear to actually really harm an undead. In fact, you'd almost swear the unmoving bone of his skull face was smiling like nothing was wrong. No longer needed to be concerned with Void's health, Violet got back to the bear lying in the cold grass and began to feed. It wasn't human blood, but it didn't need to be. With the vampire's help, Void hoisted the bear up, and the two set off back down the path to where they could weather the blizzard, a source of food now secured.

If an undead furry isn't your thing, I also have two human/dragon shapeshifters that love being or in the wilderness! Salamander and Skullamander Forgive the manual links, I'm currently on mobile.

This post has been removed.
October LemmyKoopa21


It was a cool autumn evening. It was chilly to October, who was used to warmer climates. However, Void felt right at home. He had been in these woods countless times, and he was glad to be back again. The tall, dark evergreens, the chilly air, hints of the dead- all these were unfamiliar to October, who lived in a warmer climate near the city. October was here as a sort of challenge. He wanted to explore the unfamiliar. Void was here to help him. 

As October and Void walked through the woods, they were blocked by a fence. It read, “DO NOT ENTER: DANGEROUS ANIMALS!” Void ignored the warning and jumped over. October, feeling the fence with his fingers, followed suit. Neither of them had brought anything. They were beasts after all, and the woods had everything they needed. Following the pleasant earthy scent in front of him which was Void, October hiked deeper into the woods. The woods were eerie and silent, but October felt no fear. He felt the bark of the tall trees with his long fingers, and breathed in the fresh mountain air, quite different from the urban wasteland he called home. 

Soon they stopped, and started setting up camp. They collected leaves and needles and spread them on the cold, damp earth to make the ground more comfortable to lie on. After setting up their beds, October and Void went hunting. They found a river a short walk away, and waded into the river to catch fish. The water chilled October to the bone, and he was quite new to fishing, but he was able to catch a few fish with his jaws. Void shared some of his catch with October, seeing as October was living while Void wasn’t. Soon they traipsed back to camp.

For a while, they lay on the leaves and needles they prepared earlier, engrossed in conversation. October described his life in the city, having to live off small animals and occasionally garbage. Void shared stories of magic he did in places like this forest, stories of how he conversed with the dead. Eventually the conversation died down, and they contented themselves with lying there. Staring at the tree canopy where a few stars were peeking through, Void listened to the voices of distant souls. October continued taking in the smells of the forest, and brushed his hands against the needles. Eventually he fell asleep. Noticing October’s snores, Void decided to nap as well.