Your OC and the OC Above Go Hiking/Camping!

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago (Edited 1 year, 9 months ago) by Vapor

I think this may be the last thread from Valra that I will be remaking -- I might also recreate the making-clothing thread, but I'm on the fence about it. Let's just go outside for now.

Your character is on a hiking and/or camping trip with the character above! How does it turn out? Do they get lost or separated? Do they fare well out in the wilds? Pick your poison.


  • Keep NSFW to a minimum -- suggestions, implications, and innuendos are generally fine, but keep in mind that minors have access to this thread.
    • Romantic interactions are allowed, but only between adult characters.
    • Sensitive or gory interactions are also allowed, but must be put under a spoiler or blacked out.
  • Remember to post IC! The IC button is on top of the field where you write your post, just switch it on and select the character you wish to use.
  • There is a five sentence minimum!
    • As a general suggestion, not quite a rule, however, please try to match half the post of the person you are responding to.
  • You may only post every three posts or three days after the last post, not three days after your own.
    • Example: [You] [x] [x] [x] [You] or You [x] [x] [three days pass] [You]
  • You may post a "claim" to avoid getting sniped, but please do not take too long on it!
    • You will be pinged here with a reminder after twelve hours of an unfinished claim. After twenty-four hours of an unfinished claim, you can be skipped by the next person.
  • You must prove that you have read the profile of the character you have responded to and your post must contain elements of their information. No one wants a post where their character is barely -- or worse, not at all -- acknowledged.
  • Be kind to your fellow players, but know that in-character views are not their own out-of-character. Just because their character's rude to yours doesn't mean they themselves feel that way!
    • Do not skip over users who have you blocked or who you have blocked. Wait for someone else to respond to them before posting.
  • I supervise this thread as much as I can, but if you spot problems, please either DM or ping me.

The first post is a freebie! Anyone can post and the person below them will have to respond to them. If no one posts first in three hours, though, I will attempt to start the thread myself.
Kjaya Yamachiche ZeCrazyAngel

I shall grab the freebie!

I shall still give a response to Mr.Pacho!

The werewolf smirked at what Pacho said "You should definitely come with my brothers and I, we absolutely love camping. It's a treat to actually not have to hide what I am to someone, most people would either try to shoot me down and some would try to capture me for other stuff... I can't really openly tell people what I am, and I can't let them see what I am. So me and my brothers always enjoy going in the deepest part of the woods, once in a while, and just be what we are." she grinned as she was a bit watchful of her step considering all the roots lying about.

Not to longer after having her little mischievous moment of flinging pine cones at him and running away like the little shit she is, he started looking off a ledge to which she asked "What are you...?", tilting her head to the side before he took off his jacket and jumped off to get in the water. A smirk grew on her face as she casually walked a little further away, the man would pop back out not knowing exactly where she went "Kjaya?" he called out.

Soon enough, she came back as a large wolf, a bag that had her cloth's hanging from her jaw. Obviously she had to undress for that... It sucked werewolves didn't have stretchy clothes, she had to get undressed and she certainly did not do that close to people. She ran at full speed, dropping the bag on the ground and jumping over the ledge of the cliff, all Pacho could see was this extremely large blond wolf jumping as far as she could to obviously not fall over him.

He did end up moving a bit not to get mauled before she fell underwater, splashing him on the mean time and as soon as her now wet head came back out of the water and she went to where her paws could touch the ground, she shook her fur, sending water everywhere... And on Pacho... Before going back in the water with her tongue playfully pulled out. "Figured you'd appreciate getting extra soaked!" she cackled playfully.

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Maribelle Burnett Vapor

Twilight was in its infancy, the sunlight shifting into vibrant reds and oranges that streaked across the sky, the trees whispering in the winds. Or, for a moment, Maribelle thought they whispered, and then she realized how stupid that would have been. The trees and tall grass did not murmur magic, and the birds and insects did not sing for anything other than simple-minded communication amongst themselves. Simply, they were as they were, and she didn't care to think much else about it.

Not that it made the journey any less interesting. Admittedly, she found such simplicity -- which wasn't really simple at all -- more beautiful than any ham-fisted and lazy attempt at explaining such everyday phenomenon away with frivolities.

Did J feel the same? Part of Maribelle hoped so. She expected that sort of realism -- that sort of appreciation -- from the older woman. It was to be a disconnect from all of that misfortune, all of that...

"There is a species that contains some venom around here." Maribelle rambled as she led the way. The river was close by. One could hear the water rushing in the near distance. "I mean, that's all spiders, though. The orb weavers look dangerous, but they aren't so. The widows and recluses you will need to keep an eye out for. I don't know if it's true that they like them, but I usually find them by raspberry leaves, if not the dusty stones of home. Maybe they like raspberry leaf tea. I don't..."

"I found it." said the girl, turning to face J, "This is the one I've been looking for."

Underneath the hill by the riverbank was not an insect, or a spider, or anything of real excitement. No fireflies, no herbs for tea. It was an animal trap. A thin halszkaraptor thrashed in the shallows, blood draining into the water from where a snare was wrapped tight and digging into its leg. Briskly, Maribelle approached the raptor, brushing past the swaying reeds.

"It's not a duck. I would have liked duck to eat better than one of these, but meat is meat."

Maribelle hovered by the bird for a few moments, examining the trap. She could make quick work of it. "Do you remember where we set up?" she asked J, "I can bring it back on my own. Just take care not to draw anymore attention than need be. There's people out here, and even a pack of this thing's cousins. I'm sure of it." She cut herself off as the raptor shrieked. Then, her lip curled. "Start peeling and cutting up the vegetables, and set up a fire, too. I'll be there, and then after maybe we can dig for insects. But..."

But first, a more burning question.

"Can you... necromance, or whatever... what has been consumed? That would be useful. A lot of the time. But then you'd probably have to... raise, um... people's... shit. Right?"

maribelle depression follow-up

Maribelle led the way at a steady pace. She knew Valnier was older than she was, but granted he was only a year or so younger than her mentor, and her mentor was still plenty strong in spite of his age. So, she kept onwards, determined to reach the top of the hill where she knew the expanse of woodland showed itself most handsomely.

"It isn't that far of a walk, thankfully." She responded to his first question, but then the claws of uncertainly took her. He... wasn't like how he usually was. Or was she just making things up? ..She thought he actually saw her, and now, she was prone to a sort of disappointment she had endured time and time again. However, it was particularly discouraging this time. She thought... no, she was making things up, right? She always did that. Maybe he never gave a shit about how she thought about his insects, or maybe their first meeting was just all fancies and formalities, and...

Well, it was enough thought for her to keep her face turned away from him for most of the journey, as to hide the sadness in her dark eyes. She should have known that he was a liar, just like everybody else! No one really liked her, did they? Not anymore. Was that her fault? Was she just annoying him with all of those questions?

The hurt in her chest lingered and burned. Her lip tightened. She buried her sigh under a hefty breath as she hoisted herself up a steep ridge.

When they came to the top of the hill, that uneasiness did not fade. It was a hole in her stomach and it made her want to throw up. Did her mentor make him tag along with her? ..What did he want from her? Why did he come with her? Why couldn't she think of anything else to say? Why was...

She hated that she was like this.

"It's just pretty." She stated sorely, numbly. She couldn't even take in the masterpiece of land like she did when she first found it, and instead spoke in a voice that was nearly inaudible, though forced out, devoid of all emotion. "You can go now. I can find my own way home."

Valnier Reikslot ProfessionalDumbass

"Creaking knees were thankfully a quiet symptom of age." Valnier thought to himself as he moved along the path. He was doubly thankful that the usual hazards of his home were not present. The steam forest was not a place to hike leisurely. Not that this hike was for pleasure anyways. It was purely reasons.

"Are we almost there?" Valnier asked ahead to the noble women. Maribelle looked back with an almost annoyed look at his question as if he had asked her why she was particularly horrid this afternoon. "Keep moving, Witch Hunter. I know where we are going, and it's not far." Her voice sounded like an old man trying to mock a woman. Tired and very, very hazy. But that didn't matter to Valnier in the end. He was brought here on demands of his order. Something about serving a vital family or whatever they thought was more important than his home or whatever was pressing.

Maribelle took a hard right up a very steep tree-dotted hill. Ok, now she was fucking with him. Climbing behind her, having to use the trees to allow his old and complaining knees to support his body. One hand was always on the trunk to steady himself. The pain was slowly getting better as he continued on. A gasp of pain, a breath of air, and one more look up at the woman who had asked him to hike. Under the presence of some sort of work-related issue.

Finally reaching the top, it was undoubtedly a gorgeous sight. A meadow with just the perfect amount of light hitting the large rock in the center, making the shiny bits of rock sparkle like gems in the sea. "This is the place," the noblewoman stated in her voice that for under Valnier's skin. "Any reason why you brought me here?" Valnier asked

"It's very pretty"
"Not what I expected"

Fukagawa (Weex'ma Balim) _kaylarts_

(a somewhat short one for you Veritas1321 !) 

For Weex, hiking wasn’t anything like a past-time or hobby, it was more of a lifestyle. And by saying that, he wouldn’t mean he adores hiking so much that he does it every day, 24/7, but that he literally has to hike 24/7. As a wanderer and a traveller without something like a horse, that’s what life amounts to.

So, of course, when an old man — one who looks like he’s seen days of battle by his vicious scars and somewhat wise demeanour…perhaps as a hunter of some kind — asked if he could accompany the young man on a “hike,” did Weex’ma say yes.

“So…” Weex said, glancing at the old man beside him, who may or may not have been struggling with the hill they had been climbing for the past 20 minutes. “What’s your story?” he asked thoughtfully. “Like— you look like someone who has seen things, you know? — Battles, maybe monsters, spirits, perhaps…?”

Weex’ma jumped to help the man, by holding a low falling branch aside for Valnier as the two moved on up and up the steepening hill. “Amulets of power, schools of grand teachings, monasteries of ancient origins… you know, as a ‘scholar’ myself, those things are interesting…” He gave the old man a genuine smile, completely human, possibly harmless, and with little to no thought process — other than what he usually thinks of, which is power — power for the good of all humanity though, of course…

NP: you can respond to either Weex or his future self, Fukagawa!


manual bump


Final bump

hazel meyers creatfran

Hiking was soothing to Hazel's soul. It let her be at peace between her and nature. But when she encountered someone else wandering in her forest? Someone who seemed a little suspicious? Oh boy.

At first, the girl was worried. This man had scars all over his face like the night had stars, and his fists looked like they packed a painful punch. Not someone she wanted to take a stroll with. Much less be around.

However, he explained himself. He wasn't here to pick a fight, rather pick berries. 

His name was Weex'ma. He had been travelling for a long time and recently ran out of food or any currency for it. His plan was to rummage through the forest and find something that was edible, though it fell apart at the seams. For some reason, he kept getting lost. (Hazel wasn't going to explain she enchanted everything to make it that way. She could explain that later.)

"I know my way around here," the witch smiled. She usually wasn't welcoming of visitors, but only if they had bad intentions. "There's some good fruits ahead of us. It'll be a while to get there, if you don't mind."

The warrior nodded as she motioned to follow. From there on out, the two began their trek toward their destination.

Hazel had been quiet for most of the journey. Weex'ma, on the other hand, decided to break the silence by telling more of his story.

"Ooh," Hazel found herself invested. "No wonder you're surprised you got lost in this forest, you grew up in one. And a Wendigo?" She shuddered a little. "I've heard stories of that thing before. Not a big fan. Kudos for you for wanting to fight it, I guess."

Potion making and fighting were two different subjects, so Hazel didn't want to comment more without making her words inauthentic. Instead, she helped Weex'ma traverse through the rest of the path. They skipped on stones in rivers and almost tripped a few times, laughing it off in the end.

"Here you are," Hazel said. She strided over to a bush filled with a bunch of berries.

"If you want, you can take some to my treehouse." The gardener leaned over and helped grab the fruit. "I'll be happy to make a potion of some sort for your travels - maybe even an energy one for your training."


v Hazel shrugs. "Why not? You're actually right. I figured potion making and cooking were a little similar, so I decided to try my hand at it...and what do you know? It's not that bad of a hobby." She laughs a little. "I guess in that case we should be heading back to my place- I'll whip something up for us."

Olivier Doornhart fizzelston

Olivier placed the handle of his axe on his shoulder. He was relaxed. The type of serene he could only feel in the forest. With its thick foliage and the smell of damp ground. Hazel seemed to be familiar with the terrain too. Which eased the Hero even more.
"My grandma always made me turnip soup," he said. A huge smile grew on his face, while his fingers danced over the axe's handle. "With ginger, cream, and carrots," his gaze shifted back to the muddy path before them and he seemed to be lost in thoughts for a while.
"I miss my grandma," he admitted in a softer tone. "And her soup."

Olivier's frown grew as they stepped further down the forest trail. "These turnips we are looking for are edible, right? Or are they only usable for potion brewing?" He rubbed his beard as he looked over to Hazel on his side. "I can sniff them out for ya," he promised with a firm nod. A quick smile and another thumbs up (this was his third thumbs up, this trip alone). Olivier lifted his head, closed his eyes, and sniffed. He could smell them. A small hint of an earth-like mustard scent. Hard to distinguish from the thousands of other whiffs but still there. Turnips. He could envision them, how their raw red shell would crack underneath his teeth. The rootlike taste. Olivier's stomach growled. They were still on the right path.

"I know we haven't discussed any form of payment," he said. Olivier had simply forgotten to ask about any rewards before accepting Hazel's request. "But maybe you can pay me back with something," he pursed his lips, "Edible. Something warms, like.. A stew maybe," he said. As his hand moved to his stomach. Gods! He was hungry! "Stews are like potions, aye? But for the stomach, instead of the mind." He even tapped the side of his head to make a point.


I am SO normal about them SO NORMAL

Olivier was happily surprised to meet Sylvestris again. He did remember the deity from back in the tavern. The giant man had a giant smile on his face. His axe rested easily on his shoulders as he navigated beside the forest guardian. The soft undergrowth softly cracked underneath his feet, twigs and leaves brushes against his cheeks and arms. He was at peace. He listened to the others tales, shared some of his own. About his village, far from here. With its cursed grounds and empty bellies. For a brief second, his smile faltered. Home…

He looked up as Sylvestris started to talk again. Olivier’s raised and the gloomy feeling slowly faded back to the background of his mind.
“Of course not!” he barked with his loud voice. He followed the other deeper into the forest with no hesitation. He trusted the other fully.

The soft smell palette of the outside of the forest slowly shifted into the more sweet one of the deep forest. The almost surgery sweet smell of decay, mixed with the freshness of a cold breeze. This place was different. There was something calling… For him. Olivier didn’t know how he could tell it, but he just knéw it. Olivier’s had to place his head into his neck to see the entirety of the cave, and the big smile appeared on his face once more.
“Yes!” he directly replied. Oliver grinned at Sylvestris, “Yes,” he repeated. Before going towards the cave. Olivier wandered into it, his hand resting on the old stone of the cave as he walked. His fingers feeling the rough texture of the age-old structure. Beyond it was even something more beautiful. The sun prickled friendly on his face, and the croaking of the amphibians received him like an orchestra. Olivier held his breath. He had never seen something so beautiful. For a few seconds, Olivier was stunned. He watched the other move past him and followed a few (breathtaking) seconds later. He leaned and slightly squinted his eyes. Olivier had trouble seeing things that were nearby, but that didn’t stop his enthusiasm. “Hello little fellow,” he greeted the forest fea, with even a small gesture of his hand. He smiled back at the other, before shifting his gaze back at the surroundings.
“It almost feels like… A heart. A, sanctuary. I feel…” Olivier’s heavy brows lowered themselves in a frown. “Safe. As if I’m on the right track. Somehow.” He rubbed the back of his neck thoughtfully. It was hard to put to words, but something sparked in the Hero’s chest as he stood here. A sense of… Goodness.
Olivier was lost in thought till the other started to talk again. He looked up, almost startled, and then let out his signature warm (but loud) laugh. “Aye! I'm glad they do!”
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Olethros Vapor

At this point, it was no surprise to Olethros that the deity had appeared once again. Not that she minded it. He was good company, and she felt he was equally trustworthy, despite the anxiety that she could taste in the air whenever he was around, though it was also a good nervousness. It wasn't dread, but rather sheepishness, that she could detect rolling off of him. Goodness knows she never expected it from Sylvestris, yet still she remained intrigued.

And also yet still, she remained in the shadowy parts of the wetland. Where the sunlight might have spotted him, she kept safe just barely off the trail, stepping lightly atop of mud as if her weight didn't matter to the surface of the bog. That said, she kept an eye on him. Every time he showed up here, he was drenched by the time he reached her. Maintaining one's footing could be difficult, she knew that, especially if they were unused to the terrain. Why, when she was revived, even she felt as though she lost her legs. The solid ground of his forest – from what she heard whenever he cared to discuss it – seemed easier to travel across.

"Few come here these days." Olethros said to Sylvestris, "However much time has passed, it has certainly changed the humans, at the very least. I rarely ever see them." That made getting supplies a little difficult, but she didn't bother mentioning it at the risk of sounding complaintive. The progression of human society, nonetheless, was lost on her. She tried to figure out what the fuck a TikTok was and ended up scaring away a group of teenagers in the process.

The trees gave into a damp field. Olethros remained a distance, just out of the sun's reach, keeping her eyes ahead. A trio of demoiselle cranes crept along the flooded grassland and a flock of ravens perched on a singular dead tree in the center of the field. Save for the birds, one might have described the scenery as dull. The early winter lighting didn't help much, a cold fog floating over the ground and the clouds overhead slowly coming together and thickening, threatening rain later on.

"It would be nice to go into town again, but I feel I just can't manage today." If it was up to her, she would be holed up in her cabin. That was probably another reason why his presence was appreciated -- it forced her to... well, to not sit on her ass. "To be as brave as you as to even speak to the mortals... wouldn't it be nice? It would at least make getting loukoumi a bit easier." As she spoke, her long ears snaked back. "..Maybe next time, might you bring some? And your lyre... maybe I would still know some songs. I'm never so clear with myself."

Cap muichiro

He rolls his sleeping bag out onto the ground, ensuring to smooth out all the wrinkles and creases. Being outdoors was what he did most of his life. After the nuke had hit his home and everyone evacuated beneath the earth, there wasn't much inside left to return to. People built homes, worked in wires of electricity and were able to figure out indoor pluming again- but still, it was and would never be as life had been before. Cap himself lived in a shoddy trailer, one that survived the blasts well enough to house him. Most of the windows were broken and the door sometimes didn't shut, but to him; that alone was more inside than not. 

Now, the woods were a calm area, practically a safe place. Hostile survivors only used roads and unfriendly, mutated beasts were easy enough to kill. Olethros had been roaming the area and almost shot down by Cap himself, had she not turned her head and looked so human. Sitting across from her now on his sleeping bag, he lifts only the bottom half of his mask up, then takes a drink of a fine, uncapped Nuka-cola. "You said you're good at mead making, right? I've tried moonshine making, but I was better at making Molotovs than anything edible. Is it hard? My buddy, he's got a thing that gets beers all ready for drinking, but they always taste really bad. I think he adds tatos to them or something- there's just something wrong with them." Pausing, he points a free index finger to the bottle of Nuka-cola cherry sitting beside her. "I promise I didn't do anything to that. You can use the cap on top to buy something somewhere too. There's a lot of vendors who walk around these places, you know?"

Leika Van der Khansen fizzelston

Leika’s flashlight lit up the lake they were camping beside. The smooth surface was dark and muddy. Kretschwick’s red moon, emulating in its reflection. She huddled herself deeper in her vest, her eyes glued to the lake before them.
“I swear I’ve seen it,” she barked at Cap. Her pipe dancing between her teeth. “I’ve seen the dragon in the lake,” she said. Allowing her torch to skim its surface once more.
Oh, they were going to be SO, SO filthy rich if that creature reared its ugly head again. There was a price on that beast’s ugly snout. A big sum. Money that allowed Leika to eat and drink for days. She maybe could even buy some new guns and ammunition, a new poncho perhaps?
Oh, to be rich. To be famous. 

“Don’t fall asleep,” she instructed the other. Leika’s gaze snapped towards Cap.
“Or I’ll make sure America would call you their little sleepyhead. Their little, doo-doo-drooler,” she said with narrowed eyes. The Easterling lifted her nose. Slowly angling her head away and back to the lake before them.Still, nothing. It’s surface as polished as a mirror, and only some mosquitos kept them company. Leika drummed her fingers on her knees. Her ears twitched.
“Vot. Fuck, klote kutzooi,” she cursed. Leika placed her flashlight down and got up. She stretched her body, her eyes still glued to the lake.
“I am going in,” she said. Her voice hardened by her determination. “You ready your gun. Cover my ass. I am going swimming.” 

Leika Van der Khansen fizzelston


If Leika isn't your cup of tea, Feel free to interact with any of my other characters Instead!