What age do you think the above OC is?

Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by  Ryo Takahashi unused-account

//sweats it's been too long since I've made a forum game

but anyway, here it is! I imagine this is gonna be a hard game, so you can guess a general age group or specific age!

Make sure you don't look at the above OC's profile! That's cheaty cheating

I'll start with Ryo!

Damn that's really close! He's 17!


Sirina Darkflame varkarrus

Mid thirties probably.

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Rhyme Tezuka YunaNoire

I'd say about... 23-25? 

Wrong! They're 8 years old!

(Honestly this might be cheating since... they're a robot...)



In their teens...?

"I-I don't look that young, do I? I-I'm s-supposed to be a powerful sex demon..." 

He's around 200, but is physically 25-ish!  

 Cero Waltz

13? (Edit: Wow I was WAY off xD)

Super close!

Deimos SakuMulti

hmmmmm 22-26?

edit: lilacautomatic yep! 27 so you hit it right on the head :Dc

 Chase unused-account

Late twenties to mid thirties?

Aaa only a year off! She's 14!


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◆ Psyche Trolluminati

I think early 20's


Almost. She's a little bit younger.





Ding ding ding! He's 21!


 Dae tobitaka

Late teens, early 20s?


Very close! She's about 28!

 Ryoko jev


Jovant aska-ray



V close! he's 25~

 Krysk Krysk

 Around... 28-30?

25! good guess tho!