What Do You Like About The Above User's OCs?

Posted 7 years, 22 days ago (Edited 9 months, 9 hours ago) by bulgariansumo

You can talk about all of the user's ocs, or just one or a few. Let's get those good vibes going! 

I haven't seen anyone do this yet, but please wait until at least 3 people post after you to post again, unless 24 hours go by. That way more love can be spread around!

[EDIT 8-24-23]: No backhanded compliments. If you don't have anything genuinely nice to say about the above user's OC, please wait. 

If there are any problems with the thread, please let me know.


I should probably do the one below me!

@nekokurisu Your character designs are really cute! I like all the pastel! I think my favorite design overall of yours is Danni!

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I love your characters! They give such a vibes, each of them is so unique and have it own vibes and aesthetic, they all looks different to each other's and have such unique patterns and colors. I especially love your mains that looks literally so banger!


I love how complex a lot of your characters are!! Also how creepy some of the ones in the favorite folder are, I really like the dark face one eye kinda thing lol they’re all really unique and fun!!

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I love the creative hairstyles, the ace rep and the animations on each of your bios ^^ I really enjoy highly visual profiles on here so your CSS was a nice treat- keep it up <3

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We've never met and I don't see a lot of OCs except your persona so all I can say is that you have a wonderful art and styles! The vibrant aesthetic, choices of color palettes, and the anatomy, it's all Chef's kiss quality. I like the way you draw dragons, like dude how do you draw that? You seem like a cool fella, hope to see you more in the forum.


I'll be honest with you, I absolutely enjoy how you make your characters personality's xD From those who are complete dick heads to those who are just ridiculous. And you're pretty good at playing them in the FG's xD I think you're one of the guys who makes me laugh the most because of how upfront some of your character does xD


i adore how they're all so specifically set up, with all the folders separating them into their own worlds / universes n how several characters linked together with others. the characters themselves are so wonderfully detailed, each of them having such indepth lore / backstories / information, as well as such beautifully formed and clean coding for their individual profiles, some even having their own alternative aus!! plus, i do really like reading about ocs with LOTS of writing!!

it was really lovely that i could tell how much you love and care for each of them by just simply skimming over them, so that was really great to see :) 

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I enjoy the variety in your characters. They all have their distinctive shapes visible in parts of their designs, and the amount of diversity in things such as races and hair style is lovely to see. Based on the written descriptions, they seem like interesting characters. I really like the way you have Sohana's bio coded (she also has lovely colours.)


the first thing i noticed was definitely the amount of detail within your characters’ designs. i love just how intricate they are, it gives them all a ton of character! i also like the variety of colors and creatures you have, it makes your characters look super vibrant and fun. i also love the variety in fantasy species your humanoids have: there’s a lot of diversity between them. overall i love the variety you have and there’s a lot of fun characters :3


You seem to have quite a few "object" OCs (or whatever the technical term is) which are super cute! I feel like I don't see these types of OCs very often and the ones you have are really unique. A sentient phone? A lil' strawberry? One of those drawing pose dolls? Really neat! There's a lot of variety in your humanoid characters too which I love to see!


vvv Aw tysm, I'm so glad you like them and I hope we can interact again at some point too! I'm gonna be honest and say pretty much all the characters visible on my TH (minus my sales folder) are all one offs and that's the reason they're missing big writing/story info. 

My group of story focused characters have actually been hidden as they are part of a 400+ page urban fantasy novel I've been working on for a couple years now. For this reason I don't really have the time I'd like to spend to write broad stories for my "just for fun" characters. 

I do really like what you said though, as I think it makes a point that (while reading stories is great!) sometimes it's easier reading through shorter bits of info rather than a giant block of words, especially when you're just playing forum games and not using the characters for much else.

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