What Do You Like About The Above User's OCs?

Posted 7 years, 22 days ago (Edited 9 months, 9 hours ago) by bulgariansumo

You can talk about all of the user's ocs, or just one or a few. Let's get those good vibes going! 

I haven't seen anyone do this yet, but please wait until at least 3 people post after you to post again, unless 24 hours go by. That way more love can be spread around!

[EDIT 8-24-23]: No backhanded compliments. If you don't have anything genuinely nice to say about the above user's OC, please wait. 

If there are any problems with the thread, please let me know.


I should probably do the one below me!

@nekokurisu Your character designs are really cute! I like all the pastel! I think my favorite design overall of yours is Danni!

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I love how their powers are all so different than each other, so they can balance out each other's strengths! I also like how they have very distinct tastes in music (Calem has SUCH a good taste in music), and I like how they have skills that are more mundane as well as cool powers. Their hairstyles are also super cool and make each one stand out nicely. 

@ np, my characters are in this folder: https://toyhou.se/Kvroii/characters/folder:3000622 


Omg! Can I say really quickly that they have all an amazing design? Because all of them are so pretty to look at! But omg! Not only that! Also love to see how most of them have a very detailed profile, especially backstory! It helps relate to them and their past a lot! Plus love to see the ones interacting in the same Universe! 👀


I like how you paint/draw them. almost it felt it was made traditionally. Also I love how you take on with the zombie apocalypse genre. A lot of zombie apocalypse I know always set in the modern world with guns and stuff, but I haven't seen one in medieval or fantasy setting that is heavily focused on zombies. Even though it's fantasy, it feels you are focused in more realistic aspects and less focused on magic and stuff like most fantasy fiction do. That's a refreshing thing to see. That is one thing that you are unique and made an uncommon take with the genre, both fantasy and zombie apocalypse. Also I like how all your OCs contain lore, I can see you put a lot of effort on them.

Thanks a bunch <3 also hello goth-punk-industrial enjoyer :D


OMG your ocs are wonderful!!! i really love how the dedication you have for them shows through in just about everything about them - their profiles, designs, art, even how you name them. your aesthetic is very present in your ocs and i think it's fantastic that your ocs are a candid expression of what you care about and value. they are all very heartfelt and it's clear that they're YOURS, made just for you to enjoy, which is something i admire a lot. and i do like the aesthetic you have - goth, punk, industrial? yes please :D


I like the wide range of humanoids you have! Its nice going through your characters and seeing the nice mix of human and creature-types, and they're all super varied in appearance (as well as a wide variety of colours and shapes in their designs which just makes them fun to look through hehe)

From the bios I read, I enjoy how your characters have a lot of sides to them, both backstory wise and general concept wise. You go for characters with a lot going on instead of a single gimmick each which i appreciate a lot (for example, the part time biologist assassin with reptile powers... very cool...) and bonus shoutout to "ohhhh wife city" being the only thing on ametistas profile because it made me laugh a lot


all your character designs feel so fun and fresh, unique from each other, like you just took a quirk and ran with it, especially with their heads. i know object heads/ non human heads are a whole genre of character, but the way you use the genre is really iconic and eye-catching. it creates for some very memorable characters, like dick! literally being a corpse trying to find out who killed you, that's a really fun concept and i love the way his design reflects it. 

on a sidenote, i am an appreciator of funny robots, and i enjoy the large amount of robotic imagery in your lineup lol

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I appreciate the consistency in design of your characters' profiles since it makes their biographies easier to follow! I love how much you've emphasized their relationships to each other, and your inclusion of details like playlists, diction, and ratings of an ability's importance rather than its strength are really charming and give a colorful impression of each character. I'm also very enamored with all of your animations, as they make the characters feel alive in a way that is harder to evoke with still drawings. I'm excited to spend more time reading about your characters, since I feel like I only scratched the surface :)



I really love how charming and storybooklike all your animal characters are (and your painterly art style supports that)!!

They're all very sweet and wholesome, and give me the warm feeling of reading childhood favorites about animals with jobs and clothing like Beatrix Potter or Richard Scarry books. I loved reading through all your characters' little stories! Your characters are all very cozy and lovely.   

(It was also very nostalgic to see characters based on your Neopets! Some of mine were, too!)

v Thank you so much for the lovely comment!!


first of all, i love your passion about your characters - the little blurb on your profile has stuck with me for a while because i always like seeing that someone feels that way about their ocs. other than that, your characters feel very grounded in reality; they feel like living and breathing people. i always get the feeling that i've met or seen someone like them before. i love how interconnected everyone is as well; my characters mostly are not connected to each other (barring a few i've created recently) and i really admire it/find it interesting when someone has their own self-contained story going on with their characters.

also joie is there so what's not to like (i love her)

( v MUAHAHA i love this observation! i quite enjoy putting my little freaks in peril )


Hi I’m back to be annoying

Oh god so! First things first is that I REALLY love normal(ish) people being in strange situations. Obviously yer cast has magic goin on an such, but a lot of them just seem so…out of it? That’s the best way to put it. None of them feel safe or in control and I LOVE IT…. Plus they all all got that PEAK design 


What I ABSO-LU-TA-FUCKING LOVE about your ocs is honestly it's whole universe revolving around warhammer. I know about DnD but I know jack shit about warhammer. I love how you can do morally diverse characters like you got the old paranoid man who's seen shit, you got the old lady who's just tired dealing with bullshit, you got a fucking sex obsessed bastard AND DANNDRAA! FUCKING LOVE HER.

I overall love how you do evil characters as well, you pull things not a lot of people would because they wouldnt dare and admittedly, I am myself not that good with bad guys and working on it since I kinda sorta need bad guys for my story. But like, their is so many diversity in your characters personalities! Even the none warhammer related ones are charming!

And Mandragora teaching Angel how to fight like a boss bitch is the best thing ever! I honestly loved seeing how Mandragora evolved through the silly little rp's and how in tune you are with her!

You have amazing ocs, man, and I can see you put a lot of love and creativity into them!

Oh lastly, thisalosomething I also liked design wise. How your oc's don't all have the typical anime cute boy style. You got MEN wi th BEARD. You know how I am absolutely not obsessed with beards. And your grizzled men look like grizzled men! Larcen. I fucking love how he looks. They uust overall feel more real!

(v Awww I am so happy you enjoy them ;u; Yours are really fun too and I always enjoy it everytime I interact with you <3)


My absolute favorite thing about your characters is their energy. Every time I've seen your characters on the forum games they have this inviting atmosphere to them, and I can tell they'll have fun interactions. It reminds me of when you have a group RP and there's that one person that'll always include you in the replies so you don't feel left out, if that makes any sense?

There's also the fact that they all have clearly been given a lot of thought and love. Just about every character has information written for them and art attached; no one icon is identical to the other too, it gives me a good impression about what each of them is about. I love their diversity too, from what exactly they are to their hobbies. 

I always have a blast seeing your characters around, and it's a reassuring sight to see too.