Offer ANYTHING For The OC Above Ya !!

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago (Edited 1 year, 6 months ago) by ian. Fo_Sheezy_My_Jeezy


Just as it says on the can, if you had the chance, what would YOU offer for the OC above ya?


random person: [Posts IC]

random person but cooler: "Id offer my life savings and my 2 front teeth for IC." [Posts IC]

random person #3: "uhhh uhhh i'd offer about this piece of lint I found in my pocket."


-Ya can offer ANYTHING!! Your money, your sock, your living soul, etc. (just as long as its not crossing into the NSFW territory)

-Wait at least 3 people before going again!! (ex you [x] [x] [x] you)

-Don't be cross or passive-aggressive to the person above you! This is supposed to be a fun, lighthearted game! Think twice before saying something rude-

-Please don't put in ur OC if ur expecting a genuine offer!! There's other games for that, such as the price the character above forum game!

(you can put in one if youd like, just dont expect it!) (also if the person is comfortable with that too)


I'll go first with my ian guy :]

 Winston Wardell winston

a packet of splenda and a $200 walmart gift card with $1.54 remaining on it

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Abigail "Pandora" Soto atacalepsy

a free tarot reading eight years from today, a penny i found at the bottom of my drawer, and a size womens’ XS shirt i’ve been trying to get rid of for months

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Bellamy That_kinda_artist

3 feathers, 7 miscellaneous rocks found in an abandoned parking lot and half of a broken skateboard.

Devi FourEyedNerd

A giant mound of plushies, a ton of books and a pair of ballet shoes

🦇Shin Noir sabine

one large pencil (30cm), used notebook and a rubber duck

Nikleus Zivikel

A squirming black trash bag suspiciously shaped as a human

🐐|| Dusty [ UFO ] DustY_Sheeb

my soul and a half

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Athena Cruxian

The protons in my brain (i have about 5)

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❧ || Narin ZER0XIDE

Two fingers and the candies I have