Ask a META question about the OC above!

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago (Edited 1 year, 5 months ago) by kirchhoff

I know, I know. I keep making new games, but I can't help myself, lol.

Similar to the plenty of "ask a question" threads, but instead of about the character in-universe, ask about the creator's journey with them! This sounds a little weird, so let me explain...


"It says that you've had this character for much longer than the creation date, how long have you had them?"

"What inspired [something about this character], if anything?"

"It says that this character was a "dreamie", were they hard to get?"

"What's your favourite part about this character?"

UNACCEPTABLE RESPONSES (Note that these aren't necessarily bad questions, they just don't fit this game.)

"Why does this character enjoy a specific hobby that they do?"

"Does this character like pink?"

"What are your character's morals?"

Should be pretty straightforward but I'll put them down here anyway.

  1. STICK TO THE GAME! This isn't the place to ask about in-universe information. Like the rule in "ask a question about the design", you're free to have a few of these questions as extras, but the main question you ask should be meta.
  2. NO NSFW! Since this thread is partially about the creator as well, and minors are on forum games, don't even ask about suggestive stuff. Gore is fine if the user above stated they're fine with it.
  3. In a similar vein, BE KIND! Asking questions like "this design is so ugly why is it so ugly" and the like will get you kicked from the game lol
  4. Cooldown is two people, [YOU] [X] [Y] [YOU]

Have fun, DM me if issues arise.

First person gets a free question from me, I like asking those lol.



If the question asks about the development of the character from an IN-UNIVERSE perspective, it is NOT suitable.

Eg. “What major events in XYZ’s life led to them being this way?”

“Where did XYZ learn this skill?”

“Why does XYZ treat people that way?”

Since all of these questions revolve around the character as a person in-universe, they CANNOT BE ASKED for this thread. There’s plenty of other threads that allow you to ask these!


If the question focuses on the character as that— a CHARACTER— that the owner works on and develops IN REAL LIFE, then it should work.

Eg. “Why did you pick this name for XYZ?”

“Was XYZ influenced from parts of your life?”

“What sort of role was XYZ created to fulfill?”


A rule of thumb you can use is to imagine if this character you’re asking about somehow became real, and you were in an interview with them.

Given that they WEREN’T self-aware that they were someone’s OC that was designed and developed, would they know how to answer your question?

If your answer is YES, then this question is NOT SUITED FOR THIS THREAD!

Eg. “Hey Mark, why do you like math so much?”

“Oh, just cause it’s easy for me to understand and it’s very useful.” ❌ TEST FAILED— THIS QUESTION IS NOT SUITABLE

Eg 2. “Hey Mark, do you like math because your creator does?”


This test may not work 100% of the time, but it should give you a good idea of what we’re looking for!

 Bellatrix Chevalier coffeeccino

Hi there

⬇️ She’s an aegislash I’ve used for a playthrough of pokemon Y. 

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MARK kirchhoff

given the nature and characteristic about the character, is she inspired by an actual aegislash you had in a pokémon run, or is she not based on a specific pokemon you have?

THISSSSS is actually one of my favourite stories to tell. lol. its honestly a little cringe though bear with me (spoilerd too cause its long)

there was this platform i was really active on called coinadopts amino, and for a time (i have no clue if it's still the case now) the trend was. pretty anime emo boys. me being the clout chaser i was, designed one to want to fit in with the rest of the cool kids. i've redesigned him a few times since but some of his older designs are honestly pretty solid and still hold up

i had no bio at all in mind when i designed him, and for a very long time his name was "punchingbag" since i intended for the character to serve as some sort of ventsona, asked a public chatroom what i should name him and someone named him mark, which as you can see, i went with

i had an idea. "mark", typically followed by a number, denoted a model or version of military equipment, so my original plan was to make him some sort of human weapon used in the military that could be rebuilt and upgraded. i didn't end up going with it fully and decided to make mark just some teenage gun nerd instead who liked to modify himself with weird machines, and i gave him the immortality and regeneration to accommodate that (but i did end up relegating the "military human weapon" idea to mk. ii, which, look! a pun because it's an AU of mark lol. mark 2)

originally i just left him with an interest in engineering and the math didn't come about until further in his development. at some point later, i decided "hmmmm what if he was perfect"

i'm honestly not sure what inspired the whole "mathematically perfect" idea at all other than just an interest i had in math. it was meant to be an explanation for the OP immortality (personally i don't find immortality too appealing as a concept unless it carries further quirks, idk i have a bias for my regular ass guys) but the explanation honestly wasn't done too well other than a "idk they're related"

the excerpt is still in the "extensive profile" bit, this is what i'm talking about

"...his body keeps him stuck in some sort of stasis or permanent state, ensuring kinda like... perfection at all times. His hair is always like this, his height is always at an exact value, fingernail area, temperature... are always constants, at least as long as he's whole. So yep for whatever's detached from him it kind of just stays however it was when it was detached with no further deterioration, and heals back in full cause his body's trying to keep his wound and scar count at 0 for as long as possible, pretty much."

hopefully you can see how the tie with math was kind of shoehorned in with little thought honestly, but back then it worked fine, if it ain't broke don't fix it but damn was it... not very good.

it actually wasn't until a few days ago that i decided to revisit my description of his power since i felt it was inadequate. this is what i came up with, which is honestly so much more thematic and thought out, compared to the old "idk he cant die bc math and i will not elaborate"

"Rather than being nigh-invulnerable to any harm, however, Mark has the funny ability where none of his body parts die off and rot on their own, and can be reattached at any point to heal rapidly and seamlessly. If, say, he were to lose an arm, he'd be able to stitch it back where it belonged and have it good as new after a day or so. It's an echo of the perfection of math and physics in theory: whereas real life is full of errors and non-negligible forces of friction and air resistance, on paper it's a wonderful world where all implements are ideal and gravity's 10 m/s^2.

In other words, his body's rounding off all the wounds and scars to keep the equation nice and simple. This power has its limits (no calculus pun intended), though: while he can recover from any injury of any degree, given that all his body parts are together, he can't regenerate much lost matter. If you took an arm from him and didn't give it back, he wouldn't grow another one. By Kirchhoff's junction rule, the sum of the currents converging at a junction is the same as the total flowing out, but whereas you're free to ignore the resistance of the wires, you can't just... give yourself more current."

this is one of the most creative and well done portions of any of my ocs bios i feel. by introducing "rounding to keep the equation nice", i summed it up a lot better than i had, and gives an actual direct tie to something that's actually used in math, and also included a not-so-subtle nod at my own username loool

to be honest, though, his original bio had some sort of charm that the newer ones just don't have anymore and i regret not at least archiving it somewhere. while it's good that he's far more developed since i'm using him very seriously and do want to create a lot with him, there was some sort of appeal in him just being some random ass dude who spawned and is immortal with no rhyme or reason, but unfortunately such a bio wouldn't hold up as well in more ambitious projects (like what i have in mind). he went from "punchingbag" to "marisyl kiselmephine" though look at you go my boy

Yukio sunnyshrimp

^ that is so awesome OMFGGGGGGGG

I've always found it really interesting how you use math in Mark's design and in his story (i.e, his body being "mathematically perfect", the way his body sustains his regeneration, etc). This is pretty open-ended but what exactly inspired you to make that creative choice? Did you go into making Mark with that being a core concept, or did it just come to you while designing him?

yukio's one of my oldest OCs - i've had him for probably a little under 6 ngl i can't remember X_X LOLLL but when i first designed him, he wasn't a priest; he was just a regular shithead dude. but i've always had an interest in theology so when i was redesigning him i felt like making him a priest would be fun. it's a position that gives you a lot of power over people, and aside from all that, i'm a sucker for an evil priest so i just went for it 

nah, none of his likes are close to mine - yukio is probably as far from me as a writer as possible LMAO. i really strive to make it clear that he's just really unpleasant so when i was redoing his profile i wanted to emphasize his sleazy characterization in his likes/dislikes. he likes cigarette butts bc he likes to eat them, he likes stained glass windows because it's fun to destroy delicate human art. 

i honestly don't remember how the hand thing came around - maybe an inside joke with an old friend? i truly do not remember. i'm not much of an artist and i am far from ever being able to draw hands. but i will peer into 14 year old me's mind & try to speculate. i've always been really interested in the soul/body dichotomy so i remember when i was younger being rly obsessed with writing poetry that had to do with how humanity expresses itself - i guess i just enjoyed writing about hands then, so it ended up getting intermingled into yukio's character. either way i just took it and ran with it and now it's a big part of his personality LOL! thnx for the fun questions! i love talking about my ocs

. Jasper Tobias 🐍 . mrjuice

Why did you choose to create a father? Was it inspired off of a movie? An encounter that you had with someone? Or was it simply the first thing that came to mind? Also, does any of his likes connect to yours? For example, you states he likes hands, do you like drawing hands? (hope that makes sense!!)


oh god… when i originally got him i noticted that we had many of the same features (height, eyes, teeth, etc) after that i slowly just started to project more onto him (he likes comic books and acts like a villain blah blah blah stuff like that) and over the time he slowly just became me (me if i went batshit crazy)

as for the second question…. 80s and 90s rock

Dallas muichiro

Curious why you picked this guy in particular for a sona character for yourself! Also curious what your thoughts were when putting him together. Were there any songs giving influence?

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Lilium IronyMobile

How long do you estimate it might have taken to develop Dallas? Were there any outer (nonspecific) influences (a couple examples being 'overall mood' or other stories) that might have affected how you wrote him?

They were at first inspired by the time I visited the tower of London some years ago, and saw the ravens there. Also there was a plaque with a legend ascribed on it, which caused my thoughts to run over the next few years.

I sort of built on their character through lore about raven -- which is surprisingly positive in context. In English/Scottish/Nordic/other lore, they are defenders/guards to a degree, warning of worse. If they disappear from a location, that can signal disaster, whether the tower or a rookery.

From notes [content warning -- religion/death/etc] —

Past English ranges where raven being defenders are concerned -- it’s also Celtic/Gaelic/etc.
In Norse mythology -- Huginn and Muninn represent the consciousness and subconsciousness of the human/other mind.
They may have been either gender; the terms used in their names are dubious.
Gender was less harsh in that social-historical range.
Each told Odin everything they saw and heard, being loyal to him, but could have left if that was decided in most chances.
Considering how long deities live, both ravens must have been very old.
Fact may be reflected by myth.

Attire is technically 'feathers', which can be interpreted to explain why hercinia and caladrius {two different phenomena that were viewed differently, yet very alike in description, making it seem as if there was a correlation} were described as 'white-plumed' in medieval/later texts. The linen is white by default, at least going by interpretation? Unsure, but texts might have focused on cloth shade, given the importance to that historically IRL. References to the plumage might have further been attempts to keep fact encrypted, which could have been meant for various purposes -- discretion a likely response that translated over into ignorance on the part of later recorders.

Their feathers convert into cloth, echoing the swan maiden tale and crane wife tales?
Able to fabricate cloth, which tends to remain mostly uniform by basis of unconscious mentality.

Feathers lengthen and ‘convert’ into cloth, melding together into structural coherency. These ‘detach’ rapidly, leaving loose hanging articles that can be discarded or utilized.

This takes a lot of energy, meaning that an attempt to stand there occurs for some moments after.

The crane wife tale didn't end well — although she didn't die, she was very weak due to expending herself in attempting to repay the hunter — who she married to support variously — for preserving her life through weavings, when money became scarce.

It could be seen as odd for a man and woman not married/related to live together continuously in historical context/values; which adds possible context as to why the crane in the folktale decided to remain/go through processes — albeit the former concept is irrelevant to Lilium’s narrative, familial connections existing instead for various reasons.

Vieri is their brother through documentation, that necessary on a few levels for travel and social purposes, limitations existent without legal connections. This is also why they defined as 'male' in documentation, female opportunity limited to some degree in terms of social expectations/reliance on male relatives. I think they tried to keep themselves as they were, not quite losing their sense of gained identity even with outside influences. Agender did not likely exist at the time, there were 'only men and women'.

At first their perception was absent concerning gender; there was only 'the self and others perceived' in regard to names/identity, as the self does not think in third person usually, and their vocal range alternated between a 'masculine' and 'feminine' voice (although it could not be realistically verified, those would likely correlate to persons long since gone), but outer influences/interactions drew them more toward a 'masculine' perspective and by extent vocal tone. Due to a lot happening that was painful, and a lot being left behind as things continued to change alienatingly, there was an unconscious choice to move away from that perspective as the years passed adrift -- which is why they currently sound 'female'.

Cloth was expensive in earlier timeframes; which makes Lilium's capability beneficial in multiple senses.

The material eventually vanishes, but light cloth and other shades are valuable. Purple ('blue' historically) was high end, which can lead to relative benefit. Gauze and bindings are a norm however, their attire torn occasionally to make bandages. That was what they did for Vieri as well (having encountered various travelers prior who did not result well, given brigands and other dangers being relevant historically), before asking him for help out of uncertainty.

The range that awareness consists of is only about a yard; anything beyond that is indiscernible. Further, only if nearby someone can they register activity complexly.

It sort of echoes the 'caladrius' element, where they could tell if someone was going to die or not.
If they were, there was a ‘look away’. {This; as if nothing else could be done; as if correlating to a cease of efforts.}

Both the hercinia and caladrius were reported to be 'luminant', which was a further correlation.
Both were hard to find, too.
That would make sense with them being similar to raven at times; they would be overlooked, further?

Hercinia 'lit up the path' to guide lost travelers, which exemplifies a kind of human-like intelligence and empathy further. Similarly, caladrius were intelligent to a similar degree subtextually through their behavior.

That they appeared to be hermits and monks in isolation, in earlier periods, would have bolstered inconspicuousness to a degree. People crossing through would not question that most likely. As time passed, fading from awareness of most persons would have meant that less encounters would have occurred between Lilium/etc and other individuals.

Herbs and other compounds (not complex medicines derived from medicinal herbs, as many are) were part of monastic medicine, which served as a basis for early hospitals (before Tudor ruling annulled that practice and instated other establishments) were frequent in medicinal practices from before year 0 and far after it. A lot of fact and understanding would have been accrued in preserved texts.

Memory and influence can accrue over time; nothing occurs singularly? Salutary and empathetic contexts have relevance by far. Monastic life was involved in the Eastern Churches as a practice, regardless of gender.

The church and its members were viewed with a lens of mysticism, as were folk-healers for a long time. It would make sense that many aspects of their lives; seclusion and contending with communal burdens included; could relate to Lilium and further figures?

Monks and nuns were healers, but further were 'detached' from the material world.
Asexual. Monastic persons were by doctrine not supposed to have sexual relations. They did a lot to reduce their sexual drives through medicine/etc. That aspect of priests and nuns, etc, also transferred over?

The closest thing to 'God' is 'nothing'.
Death is a transcendent state; relatedly; while it's bad.

Historically, relevant figures were guides – spiritually and in terms of direct necessities. Memory in some regard having ‘carried over’, other aspects probably did as well; to personality/perception/etc. Volatility is lacking? Acting as a ‘guiding light’ has further relevance, capability and related contexts situationally utilized toward aid. Benefiting the interests of the community and humanity.

"Mortification of the flesh is an act by which an individual or group seeks to mortify or deaden their sinful nature, as a part of the process of sanctification.

In its simplest form, mortification of the flesh can mean merely denying oneself certain pleasures, such as permanently or temporarily abstaining (i.e. fasting), from meat, alcoholic beverages, sexual relations, or an area of life that makes the person's spiritual life more difficult or burdensome." [Wikipedia]

There are horror aspects to this -- extremism a central focus. "Reprehensible sins of the flesh" were averted from through various means; it's a denial of inherent human aspects.

The Reformation is generally thought to have lasted from 1517 to 1648. []
Around 5 million people were estimated to have died in those conflicts, not all willingly in most chance. A want to continue would have realistically characterized relevant situations.

The most interesting part I might have written is their history, or otherwise the conceptual angles behind their 'physiology'.

People often forget that they are not wearing a mask. Otherwise, I might say that it is often overlooked that they aren't harmless, albeit pacifistic.

Sotiris Athanasiadis Nuclear-Hydrangea

Where did you get inspiration/ideas for Liliums story or trivia?

What is the most interesting part you have written for them?

What part of the character (design or story) detail that people forget or overlooked?

Np: can be Sotiris or anyone here


regarding his distaste for modern art, does it mirror your own perspectives on it?

Yes, I also see most art galleries, especially modern art ones are pretty much soulless at all. I am talking about those artworks like the painting its just a single dot on the middle or a literal blank canvas. More of money making thing than actually having a thought out concept. Not just this too but since AI art is getting rampant nowadays, its also affecting those who actually thought out and passion with their art (remember there was a person who won an art contest using ai art). 

There are a lot of amazing artists out there who still make thought out artworks that deserve support.

also, i’m a little curious as to how the animated portraits were made!

I just made them for fun, but also I like the concept of it. I seperate them by parts to be animated and put it on After Effects. I'm no animator but it just looks cool to see an animated OC portrait. For now, these animated portraits are present on my favorite OCs, Sotiris, Archimedes, and Alkinoos.


regarding his distaste for modern art, does it mirror your own perspectives on it?

also, i’m a little curious as to how the animated portraits were made!

NP, you can take your pick here:

almost totally instantly, actually! 

one look and he gave me the idea of an alice in wonderland inspired character, a tea shop owner stuck in a time loop. the initial idea was that he was afraid of something and locked himself in a time loop to avoid whatever it was he was afraid of. that was the initial idea, but it wasn’t quite enough!

i’ve never read AIW so i turned to wikipedia for some help (which might be wrong nsjsjdjdj i’m just using what the wiki says) the hatter was sentenced to death for singing for the queen, who didn’t like it. time stopped for him as a result and it’s always tea time

this gave me the idea for the thing karo was afraid of being the punishment from a ruler. got the idea for him being a controversial journalist who’s publications offended a tyrannical leader soon after! and to escape, he put himself in a time loop where all he does is serve tea to clients lol

this also influenced his name. the phrase “mad as a hatter” comes from the mercury used in making hats, thus those making hats often fell to mercury poisoning, and thus mercury as karo’s first name. karoline is a nod to lewis carroll

i was gonna name him alice but figured it was too on the nose 


when you were coming up with karoline's character, did it come to you instantly or did you develop him over time? did he go through any kind of stages/development?

you can pick anyone (except for UFT folder)!

good question!! so fun fact, briar was originally my primary sona and was my only sona for a few years. however i started leaning toward a more pink cutesy aesthetic and felt like he didn't encapsulate that as well as i wanted, so i made arden. not only is arden supposed to be a different aesthetic, he also represents a specific section of my personality in an exaggerated way, whereas briar is more like my complete self. over time though i found myself wanting to draw arden more and feeling more attached to him overall; i felt really pleased by his design and was drawing him all the time, so i took it as a sign to swap them around and have arden be my primary instead :V



What about briar made you want him to be your secondary sona?

anyone from torrentclan folder (except choco, tunnelsnout, and lionkit) is ok!


Vixen was the original name for the adopt/freebie that was her original design! I changed it to vixenflame after because I thought it was cool, and then it came to kind of shape her personality a bit? she's a very strong willed character, she'll do the right thing if she knows it must be done, and flames have a very strong presence in general

also, she is a girlboss (/hj) so the vixen part is a must lmao . I dont think she'd be the same character without her name!!

Her design is mainly based off of the original freebie i got with some edited bits! But i got her because I really liked the idea of a super long-furred cat (the cheek fluff drew me in i must admit) and i just love black and white designs in general . Fun fact, her nose colour is my favourite colour !!! 

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Kori Omoide Kvroii

I'm interested in the wolf symbolism for John. Why was a wolf chosen in particular, and did you consider other animals before that? 

Also, did he have a theme song before KICK BACK released? Which song was it if he did have one associated with him before that?

You can choose anyone in the Myrios Series folder, since most of these characters have a long pre-development history dating back to 2013-2015. Feel free to ask about anything or any time frame of development even if it's not on their profile!!

Thank you for asking!! Kori's development history is one I actually really like, and her inspiration is kind of silly at first but quickly changed into something that went on for almost a decade now!!

She was created in September 2013, I came up initially with Coalri when I was casually watching tv while drawing and saw some show with a device that could control another character. I started thinking 'what if the protagonist wore something that could do this this, but it was to steal her energy as like a spirit or something instead'. So, I wrote a short story where a delinquent girl named Coalri was secretly a dragon spirit, and she rebelled against her teacher because he was going to harness her energy and that of the other spirits in the school. She had ice powers that she couldn't use on her own, because they would only be unlocked when the device she wore was removed.

This lasted not too long, because as early 2014 rolled around and I wanted to draw a manga instead, Coalri became Koori (to go with the ice powers, Koori means ice). I was pretty pissed off that Frozen existed at the time because now ice powers were all the rage, but I was stubborn and kept them for Koori. Her story was removed from a school setting, and instead Koori was the reincarnation of Queen Isolda, a woman who was secretly the dragon spirit Kyuurei. Koori fell in love with Isolda's old lover Fennex, but a prince named Phecda tried to kill Fennex, so Koori turned him into a flower made of ice so he would someday be allowed to be revived. Koori later fell in love with Phecda, who went by the alias Taro Yamada (a placeholder name, as if calling himself John Doe), and told her that his real goal was never to hurt her, but to keep the world of Kuraia intact he had to sacrifice himself or Kyuurei, and wanted Kyuurei -- or Koori's -- help to make sure no one sacrificed her first, which Fennex was likely to do.

And then I stopped the manga, going onto another one in 2015 (which characters like Tekuka were created for). Koori's story ended there for then. I was workshopping something with Kyuurei being connected to wolves at the time instead of dragons, but it never happened.

In 2016, I picked up the project again, intending to write a novel. I chose cafe for her job because I wanted something casual for her, and I was newly a high schooler without my first job at the time, so I only really knew the jobs that were in fanfic AUs (barista, florist, etc. my first job was as a florist for a few years, so that was a bit funny in hindsight). The tech part came after -- I was getting interested in Pokemon glitches and thought that the tech aspect was cool, and I wanted Kori to know a lot about computer or game glitches. This wasn't viable, so she became interested in technology overall instead. Marun's name was originally Kyuurei Ookami, but became Marun Ookami because I figured it wasn't believable that Kori Omoide and Kyuurei Ookami would have the same initials and no one would notice they were the same person. This ended up being where the association with wolves came back.

Kori's story has remained the same pretty much since, with the novel series being finished back in May. Kyuurei became Kori's catfish persona for one chapter, Kioku Kyuurei, when fake dating hijinks occur. Isolda was made the Marchioness of the west of Curiah (changed from Kuraia to look better in writing) while Fennex's story remains mostly the same as Isolda's love interest, and Coalri's same was anagram-ed for the Ircoal Path that is in her homeland. 

I'll add below some illustrations of her designs over the years!! 


Coalri's design from 2013. I lost the original illustration, but here is a more current drawing of it to preserve it. This is where the black and red color scheme originated for her.


Koori's design in 2014. Her hair became a different style, and would take until 2016 to return to her 2013 hairstyle. This painting was done in 2014. This design lost the red and had mostly blue.


Queen Isolda with the flower that Fennex was turned into. This was Koori's past life, but she began to remember parts of it through still being the spirit of Kyuurei. Drawn in 2014 on Paint Shop Pro 8.10


Kioku Kyuurei, Kori's catfish persona for fake dating, is a redesign of Koori (2014). This was drawn this year (2022), but the design was made for Poisoned Memories, the second book that released in December 2021.

The marchioness, Lady Isolda (May 2022 version) hasn't been drawn yet. Don't know how different she will look, but since she is now distinct from Kori I intend to make her look closer to her original design.


And here is Kori as of the ongoing manga adaptation of Poisoner's City, in her cafe uniform. She has her original hairstyle back, and while this is her cafe uniform (a job she kept since 2016), she keeps the red and black theme from Coalri in the rest of her outfits, such as the one below from Poisoned Memories!!  


Thank you for asking!!! ^u^ I really enjoyed answering this question (i've been dying to talk about her development lately thank youuuuuuu!!!)