||✧The person below me gets...✧||

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago (Edited 7 months, 10 days ago) by cat-astrophism

The original thread was officially deleted (originally created by Howrse; there was permission to create a new thread with this credit), so here is a new one since it was a popular and fun thread!

The premise of this thread is you can either claim or pass the above person's offer, and then add one of your own.


Person 1: The person below me gets three favourites!

Person 2: Pass. The person below gets a sketchpage!

Person 3: Claim @Person 2! The person below gets a headcanon.

And so on. 

A few guidelines: 

- Keep things SFW, this is for people of all ages.

- There isn't a limit to what you can offer in your comment, it can really be nearly anything (as long as it is sfw). So feel free to think of something random or unique if you wish!

- It is highly recommended to ping the person you're claiming, otherwise they might not see it! People aren’t notified when you edit your comment with a ping, you know.

- Finish your claims as soon as you can - preferably within one day/24 hours at the most! If you need longer for any reason, please contact who you are claiming about this so that they're aware. 

- On this note, a small reminder (3/22/23): please try not to post again until you have finished your offer. It's only fair to everyone else this way.

- Please wait three people before claiming again to give others a chance (ex. You, 1, 2, 3, You). If six hours have passed you can disregard this rule! 

- Do not use a side account to attempt to double claim. This should be straightforward, but I’m adding it here anyways now. It’s just unfair to people when you disregard this rule by using alternate accounts. They’re still you, so you still have to wait a few people between. (7/27/23)

- Rule update 3/12/23: You can’t claim the same person twice in a row (ex. you claim Person A when they post, and the next time they post you claim them again). This is to avoid repetition for the person offering something as well as to avoid unfairness for the claimers.

- 3/13/23: It’s only a recommendation but thank the person for what you get, it’s only polite. Simply editing your comment with a thank you is a nice thing to do!

- 4/06/23: Added a list for banned users. If you exhibit toxic or rude behaviour, you will be banned from this thread - I won't tolerate that. Be kind to others, please.

- 5/01/23: It is now a strict rule to finish your claim before claiming someone else. If you have done this before this date that is fine, but as of now please be sure to finish what you owe before claiming more people's offers! This is to make it fair for everyone, and so claims are not forgotten about.

- 06/03/23: Please don’t comment underneath people you have blocked, it doesn’t really make sense to pass an offer you can’t see, and obviously you can’t claim what you can’t see too! 

- 08/09/23: Please do not do “chains” of the same offer more than three times in a row. For example: If Person A offers a sketch, Person B offers a sketch as well, and then Person C offers a sketch too, Person D cannot offer a sketch, they would have to offer something different (ex. a different form of art, some headcanons, some favs, etc).

I won't have notifications on for this since it may get busy, but I will still participate and check over posts and such here and there. You can message me or comment on my profile if you have any questions or issues, such as if someone has not finished their claim after more than a day has passed. Other than all this, have fun!

Banned users (skip these people):

04/06/23 - WingsofLove - Very rude behaviour. Undermined someone's offer, and also called them disgusting because of it. And then proceeded to try to guilt trip me and say that I was discriminating against her for banning her. Cannot be unbanned, has been blocked as well.

08/02/23 - Dazai and whatever alts they have - Was rude to me in a message, undermining claims having to do with favourites. There’s a PSA about them as well. Cannot be unbanned, has been blocked as well.

11/20/23 - mothmatt - Unfulfilled claim of 25 days as of this date, after the claimee messaging two weeks later and then me a couple days ago it is still unfulfilled. Ban may be lifted if it is completed.


Not a claim, see the post before mine.

I just wanted to mention that due to a little bit of concern expressed, I have made a minor rule update to the guidelines. Just an addition of one rule to avoid repetition and unfairness; anyone before this post is fine if you’ve done it, just please do your best to follow it from now on!



The person below me gets a video game ost that reminds me of their IC and a small hc!


Avatar Beat from the off ost!

Hc: He has a crippling caffeine addiction. The guy basically cant function without it, its a staple

Dr. Moriarty cat-astrophism

JibblySquibbly claim, would IC work? ^ Ooh love both of those, ty!

Person below gets a stock image assigned to their oc & a silly headcanon

Can’t spoiler these because I’m on my phone right now lol but here you are

Silly little headcanon: Despite loving to go on adventures, he gets lost easily if by himself. This is part of the reason why Riley will join him on his adventures

Stock image: 


Jimmy BewareOfTheMenace

cat-astrophism claim

TPBM gets a comment on their favorite character


DanishTheMenace | Claim! Any might work?

The person below me gets a random or IC poem.

The surf drifts ambient, a rolling plain of water

Inconstant through the wind and underlying directions

Underground, many organisms drift through

The frequency to life unseen.


IronyMobile claim, random uwu 

Tpbm gets a 10 faves 


afusiek claim! feel free to fav anyone ^o^

TPBM gets a colored sketch of their oc

(Delilah) 💘 WireframeArson

nyaar0n ooh, claim! ic or anyone in this folder :-D


tpbm gets a headshot of their oc!


claim WireframeArson ! anyone here please :D  ^ thank you!

tpbm gets a shaded lineless bust sketch ! - done n sent!!


Ube priyu

Baisol Claim! I’m not late this time omggg. T^T

Brb to pick oc.

Tpbm gets sub and faves!

This user is not visible to guests.

priyu claim! 

Tpbm gets a few of gifs i have saved on discord xD 

Its got pass but if anyone want any fun gifs i drop them here anyone, maybe it will briht someone day : D 

Its cringe propably but im just vibin 






This user's account has been closed.
Corky Vapor

Riouki - is for me ? ic or whoever else you want girly pop

TPBM gets ten headcanons for IC! [I will be reading profiles if there are any to make them more accurate.]

vv on it! writing them rn

Finished! let me know if you would like any of them edited . peace and love i like him

  1. Maybe he relies solely on the appearance of places in order not to get lost? He's good at retracing his steps and pinpointing little details, but his forgetfulness of names might extend to street names and what-not. He can't remember what Green Street is, but he knows that's where the deli shop with the grumpy teenage cashier is.
  2. A little inspired by his skill in origami, I just think it'd be cool if he was also into calligraphy. Maybe specifically he is adept with lishu-style calligraphy, using thick and exagerrated strokes?
  3. I like the idea of him slowly trying to love his glasses? He's still iffy on them, thinking of them as geeky, but he is SOPHISTICATED and INTELLIGENT when he has them on. [Sometimes. All other times he's a little more shy about them, but he may feel the need to prove himself in some way through them?]
  4. Has been tempted to pull an all-nighter just to power through his goal of 1000 Paper Cranes, and might have on one or two occasions. Usually regretted it the next day once forced to tend to his daily life -- might be prone to biphasic sleep as a result of these?
  5. Given his apparently poor communication skills, maybe he's prone to just... barely even responding in conversation, keeping to himself and not providing much input. Maybe he expects, even, that people can just read his mind and that he doesn't have to explain much to them based on that.
  6. Has a tendency towards observational hobbies, such as researching just for the fun of it, but also amateur astronomy, spotting and studying aircraft, photography, and microscopy?
  7. Easing on with the microscopy ideas, maybe he has a collection of slides he loves to overlook, and at times he could even try creating his own? Who knows. Maybe he likes looking at whatever little monsters are hiding in his saliva.
  8. A frequent attendee of college lectures and classes and programs, even if he's in high school. Sort of squeezes himself into them?
  9. A quiet nature can lead to some people just... telling you random nonsense about themselves without fear of judgement, at least from my experience. I like to think maybe some people would trash-talk about their friends or colleagues to him without expecting backlash, and he's happy to listen. It gives him more information on whoever he might find interesting.
  10. He doesn't care for fiction... or so he says. He mostly reads academic texts, I'm sure, but he might secretly be into hard science fiction, something along the lines of Contact by Carl Sagan, or any legal thrillers he can get his grubby little hands on. He might also have a soft spot for fables and fairytales?
⚜️ Taerosuki enigmacore

Claim Vapor! Could you do some for IC?

TPBM gets favs on a whole folder!