Experience the Memory of the OC Above You! [IC]

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago (Edited 2 months, 17 days ago) by HardyLark

Experience the Memory of the OC Above You! [IC]

Hello! In the midst of already being busy, I decided that now was the time to create a new game haha! Anyways! Have you ever wanted to jump into someone's head to experience what they have? Ever wondered how someone ever did something? Well, look no further than here! In this game, your character will be able to witness a memory of the character above them firsthand! How do they react? That's up to you!^^ And what memory with the next person have to witness or live through?

(Also if this exists already please show me so I can bump it and lock this one 😅)

Inspired by Games like:
Your OC is in the Above OC's Dream 
Share a Photo/Memory with the OC above

Now for some rules, please read these and abide by them! Especially Rule 5, that one is really Important!

Rule 1: Please wait for at least two people to post before posting again! This can be ignored if 72 hours have passed.

Rule 2: Please have your responses be at least 5 sentences if not longer. Longer is encouraged! Additionally, I highly recommend that you read the character's profile above yours and follow any notes they may leave! It's just a courtesy to the person before you! (If a post is far enough away from the intended audience, I will either make a note and ask for a change.)

Rule 3: Keep it PG-13 and friendly! This is a public game so any NSFW content will not be tolerated! As such, please do not portray memories that are NSFW. If there is a demand for an adult thread, I can make one, or another adult may do so if they would like!^^

Rule 4: If you claim, make sure you are filling your claim within four hours of doing so. If the time elapses, we will move on to the next player in the interest of keeping the game moving and fair. If you cannot fulfill your claim within the time limit provided, please wait until you can do so.

Rule 5: Make sure you post a response and a prompt! While your response must follow Rule 2, your prompt can be as short or as long as you'd like! Just be aware the more info you give the next user the more they can build off of it! I also recommend making it ambiguous enough for the next user to throw their character in there!

Rule 6: If your response includes another character, please do not godmod other characters. Also, be courteous and kind. Your character may be mean, but there is no reason to be unusually cruel! Just keep the game fun for everyone! Think of the golden rule. If the response you're writing is not one you'd like to receive then maybe it's a response you shouldn't write...

Rule 7: I try my best to check in on this thread when I can, but if there is ever an issue or problem, please DM me so I can resolve the situation as soon as possible!^^ (also feel free to bump manually if I happen to forget... I try not to, but it happens ahaha)

Overall have fun, and let's take a trip down Memory Lane!


Nothing yet...

ANYWAYS, the first poster may claim a freebie as I don't have the energy to write a prompt! Just make sure you write one yourself!

Allisriedia angeliic_gestalt

Allisriedia's eyes darted around the laboratory, her eyes locking onto the ripple patterns sent across the floor. It was such an unfamiliar environment for her, and her first thought was that she must be dreaming of the deep ocean - not another nightmare about that... was Phenax trying to haunt her at this point? As her focus trained onto the tank in the center, however, she was soon proven wrong. But what was this place...? And were they trying to drown that lady in the water?? That can't be comfortable...
Her ears soon picked up the heels upon the floor, and she looked to see another woman who looked vaguely the same as the poor one in the liquid - at least as far as that hair went, because her face didn't seem to... stick to Isri's memory for some reason. Huh... were they twins or something? As Dal cried out in joy for her, Isri sighed in relief - alright, at least this wasn't some odd futuristic torture method.
She hadn't been expecting the sudden eyes on her, however, and her heart skipped several beats as it tried to process if this was a good thing or not. To be fair, though, she couldn't even process the words being said.
And just as fast as it began... it ended, and Allisriedia woke up in her tavern bed with a quick gasp. Gods, did her mind have to play these tricks on her so frequently???

NP: I actually have two memories for you to choose from, because the one I mainly have in mind can be a little... intense. Just put which memory you chose before your reply!


You find yourself in what you can only describe as a ravaged battlefield. Blood is splattered across the grasses of the dark swamp, several figures lay in agony on the ground, and... two figures stand out in particular. A kneeling woman with blonde hair and holy magic circling around her... and a warrior in bronze armor, laying down with a sword stuck in her abdomen.
Although the two speak in Celestial to keep those around them from prying, you still understand every word. Oh, the two know each other... you soon find out their identities: a dying champion by the name of Rhisa, and her younger sister - Ami, she calls her as she hands her a little dagger ("In the army, we carry this to make death on the battlefield painless. Do you understand what you need to do?"). It becomes abundantly clear that even though these two have gone through Hell together, it still hasn't shaken their love for each other - the opposite, actually.
You hear Rhisa speak to Ami as she gently guides her shaking hand to an exposed spot in her armor - even in near-death and while tears flow down her face, she sounds so much like a protector.
"Don't cry for me, I won't be one of his valkyries...! I'll be free... I just want to be known as your sister... I've made a lot of mistakes, but you were worth all of them! I'm... I'm so proud of you... my angel."
With a final "I love you", Ami deals the killing blow and Rhisa dissipates in a pure white light to join the stars... only leaving behind a bracelet and a sword. There's silence for a few moments, as everyone feels the weight of what has just happened...
And then Ami finally lets out the loudest sob of her life, a sound that stuns even the unconscious members of her party.


You find yourself in a town market. The sun shines down upon the world, and the crowd bustles around you as all sorts of merchants sell their wares. This is the New World Market - a project being taken on by a new national government in order to preserve culture in the land.
One shop catches your eye in particular - a simple flower shop, ran by a merfolk woman. The sign in front of it reads "Coralis Florist", and despite the sheer beauty of her bouquets, almost everyone seems to avoid the little building... everyone except for one woman, at least.
You watch as an aasimar lady (Allisriedia) makes her way over to it, curtsying to the merfolk as she reaches the door. The merfolk lets her into the shop with a radiant joy on her face that spreads to you as you watch the scene unfold, and the two drink decadent tea while Isri and the merfolk (Guide, apparently) discuss, among other things, the possibility of Isri being hired here and given a roof over her head.
As the possibility finally becomes reality, Isri breathes a sigh of relief - and for the first time in what has to be several days, she finally allows herself to relax.

Nethil Dranos SymeSynth

[Response to Memory One]

Nethil is familiar with this, and that is the tragedy of this scenario, this memory burning through the neurons in his brain and stirring long-buried instincts. He needs to reach out, he wants to help, but what can he do when he is simply a witness? What can he do when the only choice he has is to watch this unfold again? Yet he can't turn around. He can't tear his eyes from the sight, and this utter cruelty unfolding before him, and his breath stills.

A mercy kill, Nethil knows from the moment those words are spoken. One of the many things that needed to be done during times of war, to spare any further pain and anguish. His right arm aches, throbbing with that phantom sensation of a tainted blade being driven through it, even though he is merely at the mercy of a memory that is not his, rather than experiencing his personal challenges and failures. He knows all too well what this entails, though, and it tears an old wound within him open, seeing these two sisters and the choices they are forced to make.

He observes, nonetheless. His gaze never leaves the scene before him, even though his breathing is heavy, eyes locked as Ami strikes Rhisa, and he is still as stone when everything unfolds, aware that he cannot do anything here, like he had never been able to do anything right in the past.

It's the scream that jolts him back to wakefulness, alongside a wave of roiling nausea, his vision swimming. The only thing he can do is twist away from his bed before his stomach violently ejects the contents of his dinner on the floor.

Prompt: [TW for brief showcase of death.]

You're resting on your back, looking up upon the clear skies. This is the edge of a memory, really. The end, rather than the beginning, yet there is a storm of emotions within, most of it you can't identify, but they are intense to the point of pain.

There's laughter besides you, and you hear someone else lay down and sit, a little behind you, and you slowly sit up in response to face her. She is, by all appearances, just another dragon, with blue hair and bright green eyes, but the sight of her sends a wave of heavy guilt, especially when she turns to face you with a smile. Something tells you that she's too young, and it repeats like a broken record. Too young, too much lost, not enough time, and this torrent seems to taint the memory.

"What do you think do you want to do, after all of this?" she asks, tone curious, resting her chin on her hands and looking into the forest in the distance. "I mean... you're the special one, so I guess you will probably just... be a legend, then."

The memory-you(?) responds by batting her on the head. It's a light tap, playful in nature, yet the memory tears a little at this, and for a moment the sky distorts with the surge of emotion. "I'll still teach you, you dummy. Just because I would be the greatest of the Draconis doesn't mean I'll forget that you're there!"

She makes a face at you in response, even going so far as to stick out her tongue, and her youthfulness grows more apparent with that gesture. "Alright, then. If you say so, o' great Æðelwulf."

The memory rips. As you are thrown back to the waking world, you find an echo of a memory, and this young dragon's pale face, now-lifeless eyes staring at you.

Corvyn thalassophobic

Corvyn's consciousness emerges into a serene expanse of sky. A realization dawns-- This is not my sky. There are no overt visual cues distinguishing this view from the familiar skies within their memory, but they feel a distinct sense of unfamiliarity, or other-ness. An unfamiliar and tumultuous sensation pulses through Corvyn's mind and body. It takes a second before they realize them for what they are: emotions. These are not my emotions, Corvyn notes. A gradual understanding settles in-- they have been granted a glimpse of another person dream, another person's memory. Corvyn approaches the experience with a profound solemnity, akin to the unobtrusive respect one would show as a guest entering a stranger's home.

The characters within this memory are not only unfamiliar; they're otherworldly, beings that don't exist on Corvyn's world. Yet their words, their expressions, their playful interactions are remarkably human, achingly familiar. Incongruous with the peaceful nature of the memory is the torrent of emotions building up within Corvyn's chest, escalating to an intensity that transcends mere discomfort into actual pain. The sensation is all too familiar to Corvyn. They know this overwhelming sense of loss that accompanies memories of something-- someone long gone. This is grief.

Corvyn does not struggle to hold on to the memory as it seems to tear itself apart. That fleeting glimpse of the young dragon's lifeless face is the last thing Corvyn sees before they find themselves curled up in their bed, eyes wet with tears.


You are looking out on a scene from high, high up in the air. Far below you, you can see what appears to be a bustling carnival, each person casting long shadows against the red-orange light of a setting sun. It is a vibrant, vivid scene, although it is too distant for any of the music and laughter to reach you. Your hands, planted on the glass in front of you, are tiny. You are in a child's body. You turn away from the window, and find that you are in a small, enclosed space: the cabin of a Ferris Wheel, painted all in white save for the windows lining all four sides.

The man seated across from you, a fatherly figure, is a mere silhouette against the cabin's windows, his features obscured by shadows. His tall frame now appears frail and gaunt. Cheeks that were once flushed with life have hollowed, and his skin has taken on a lifeless ashy pallor. Disheveled hair and a patchy stubble cloak his once familiar face. There's a heaviness in the air—a tangible transformation that the young possessor of this memory can sense but not entirely grasp.

His eyes, once filled with warmth and joy, are now distant and haunted. The carnival lights below cast an eerie glow, reflecting in his gaze like distorted memories. You find yourself wrapped in a moment that feels both tender and ominous.

As the Ferris Wheel ascends further into the darkening sky, the father attempts a smile that barely creases his lips. His voice, strained and weary, cuts through the hushed atmosphere. "You're going to succeed where I failed," he whispers, the weight of his words settling in the air like a heavy mist. His thin fingers reach out, grazing your hair with a mixture of affection and desperation.

You hear your dream-self speak. The child's voice is firm with determination, even as it fights against its own bewilderment and confustion. "I will, Dad. I promise." A promise neither side truly understands. And with that, the memory comes to an abrupt halt.

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Installation Wizard junebuggeryy

The Installation Wizard lived in a fog of memory- and in the Astral Plane, that fog was sometimes a literal cloying force. It wasn't uncommon for him to take a wrong turn into someone else's dreamscape, to stumble into a cloud of a stranger's deja vu. He liked dusting off the dead ones- the little forgotten ideas and memories that weren't important enough to hang on to, the small emotions that humans shed without thinking about it. He understood data better than people- if there was a way to archive every dead memory, to get a complete datastructure of the human experience, he would.
Well, except- Oh, but he's not human. No need to count those memories.
Still. When the Wizard blinks, and finds himself in the familial warmth of a park, he accepts it with ready escapism. It's hard not to let the dead emotions bleed into yours- and besides, this pocket of memory radiates such a solemn peace, that resisting it seems downright silly. As soon as he mentally adjusts to no longer being in his home, he eases himself into the park bench and soaks it in. He feels almost like a babysitter, watching the...

...Is that an AI? No, thats silly. Can't be. Her face reminds him of one of the posters in his room, though- the one with the Antimony Inc mascot posed like pop-idol. The child has this infectious glee to her, a curiosity that melts even his circuits. The source of this memory is one that's teething with love, has love at it's very foundation. 

He doesn't think of himself as a caretaker. Not really. Too busy, too impractical- Hell, he can barely take care of himself, sometimes. And yet- In this little snapshot of another person's reality, where consequences are few, the dream of being a parent nestles into him with a gentle satisfaction.
I will not yearn this, he steels himself. This is the dream's emotion, not mine. 

When the mother- the Architect- suddenly registers on Wizard's radar, he falls into a sheepish embarassment. He hadn't meant to be a voyeur. Must worse, he hadn't realized his own comfortable smile until it was startled away- until this mysterious figure snapped him out of being a spectator. His eyes go round and wide as she speaks, stunned into silence. Sometimes, he forgets that he lives on a graveyard.

The Wizard doesn't need to hear the quaver in her voice to understand her sorrow. After all, his sorrow, too, is a mechanical one. This sensation of family, of human attachment is... alien to him- What does one say here? How do you comfort a person who loves someone? His mouth goes dry, until-

"....Of course," Wizard doesn't need to ask questions like "who", "what", or "why". The woman speaks with such pain- to say anything else doesn't even occur to him. "I'm... I'm sorry. I don't know that I understand everything, but I'm- I'm sorry about the future. It's not a very kind place to be. I'll... I'll try and make up for it, where I can. I can't change the future, but I can do that much."



"It's a mirror that shows you your true self," The woman speaks with a flourish, and even now, Wizard can't help but note her vivacity and charisma. Everyone was right- she really wasn't a robot. Not like him, anyhow.

"Think of it as a visualization tool. For those of us who have lost our humanity, it can be hard to imagine yourself as... well, anyone at all! It's such a terrible, intimate tragedy- and it's one leaves you feeling so, so alone. But I'm telling you, you don't need to be an object. You can take back your sense of self. You can undo all the brainwashing of your transformation! You can be healed."

His hands tightened around the headset, currently in his lap. His head felt weird without the hat. He took note the neat, evenly spaced chords as they looped around and hooked into the back of the mirror. None of his wires at home were nearly as neat. Most were frayed, many were held together through electrical tape, and some didn't work at all- not that he threw them away. He wasn't good at meeting people's eyes- but he met Josephine's through the mirror, her eager and cheerful expression next to his empty one. He speaks, slow.

"I guess I just... I'm still confused about how it works? You... said it wasn't a mind control device."
Josephine buts in, with a little more force than necessary. "-Oh, no. Nono, we don't have mind control devices here. You're in the land of the free, darling, and that freedom is our highest priority! The oneirotech only reads- it reaches deep down into your soul, and awakens your forgotten wishes. It helps you find that perfect, undamaged you that's been hiding inside all along. And once you have that vision, we'll help you achieve it! Because we care about you. We want you to succeed,"

He taps his fingers on the helmet, hesitating. It was flattering, the whole "soul" talk. He used to think souls were kinda stupid, but, not when she said it. It made him feel like something that was alive. Things were easier when agreeing to something was only a button press away- he keeps waiting for some digital menu to pop up for him to click "accept". When he remembers his body, he finally gives Josephine a nod- and she guides the headse t   o n    t    o      h  I    S           M ]  i  n         D     d /

There is a human-him in his vision. A perfect him. His features pulled up into a smile, he laughs and laughs and makes a room light up with that laughing. He's alive, he's social, he's infectiously joyful and easily social in a way that comforts the people around him. He's going to change the world some day. Do you remember what it was like to change the future? Do you remember having a future? Of course you don't. 
He's thinner. He's happier. He has so many friends. His skin is soft and gives off warmth when you touch it. It's tan with the sun and both his eyes sparkle with a deep dark brown. He is a human, isn't he? He has a family. He has parents. He has people who love him. And if he doesn't, he can find that love, find that family. It's all right there and it's so so close and-

A sharp drowning sensation clogs his throat. Nothing is under his feet. Is he falling? That impossible, perfect perfect perfect human is gone, gutted out of his reality. Before he can comprehend the terror of being nowhere, he is confronted with the terror of being alone- arms flail for something, anything to catch, anything to anchor himself.

The woman's mechanical arms grabs him out of the darkness, and fishes him back to reality. He gags as the headset loosens from his scalp, cathing his breath. 

"There there," She coos. "We'll help you get there. See? It's okay. We'll help you be perfect,"


(( vvv YASSS all my homies hate josephine 🔥🔥 this is SO BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN. straight up chuffed at the combination of fairy tale vibes and my sci-fi robot bullshit. 10/10 ))

Aldéric Leslie Auclair atacalepsy

the basin before the wizard was a special one. the protector of vertis used it to observe his family from a distance, check in to make sure none would threaten his siblings. he always did like keeping tabs on others, even the brother he held at arm's length. but today, it was used to fulfill a request -- and a simple one, at that.  

tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme . . .

he sung the incantation, and the water glowed a stunning gold. the pattern of a rose wove itself between his fingers, memories flickering in the reflection of the water. then -- a sharp gasp. he found what he was looking for. alderic opened his eyes -- they too were glowing -- and said the final line.

. . . show me what i seek.

and there it was. that very same scene which shook the wizard to their very core. alderic watched, one hand in the water, the other slowly covering his mouth -- epics, that josephine figure was unnerving. he stole a few glances at the wizard, checking to see if he had anything to say, any minor reactions -- but ah. perhaps, it was better to leave that alone. the crown prince's lip curled the more she spoke -- how silver-tongued was she. how cruel was it, to wave someone's dreams in front of them like a treat, to say they'd become perfect . . .

  " . . . vittu. " 

  he drew his hands from the water, shaky breaths escaping him. the crown prince said nothing for a whole minute, just . . . stared at the water. then -- 

  " ex -- " he swallowed. " -- excuse me. i need to go scream into a pillow. "

A few weeks had passed since the siege. Preparation, and now.. it was the day. Alderic was in his room, standing before a tall full length mirror. His parents were in the room with him, dressed well for a swell occasion. He was too, judging by how Belle affixed his lapel and repinned his swordpin into it, keeping it steady. It also pinned a pale crocus, for Kajalmar. She smiled at her son, cupping his face in his cheek.

Adam, on the other hand, was being much quiet. Much more worried. He was a worrywart, anyway. He kept stealing glances at his watch- not wanting either of them to be late.

"Are you ready?" Belle asked.

He looked . . . so different from the boy who arrived at Ashridge. Different from the angry boy who lost his eye, or the anxious mess that watched the Wondergames with a stomach full of wine. Hell, his stomach was full of butterflies today! But his parents were here -- and he was soothed.

He placed his hand over his mother's, his eyes closing. Who would've thought he'd finally reach this point ? No, what kind of question was that ? Of course he would. He always had it in him -- it was just a matter of when.

And now . . . all that effort was paying off. Months of hard work, growth, and healing, and he was truly ready. The son of Belle and Adam nodded, giving a fond smile to both his parents.

"Yeah. I am. "

Their little family headed out through the castle, until finally they came to the throne room. There was a large crowd before the thrones- perhaps every important person in Vertis-- and seemingly Arendelle were present in this room. Towards the side, in the front, Alderic could spot some of the Vertisian Royal family- Kristoff was there, Ella on his shoulders. Beside him stood Felix, beside a slender woman with pale skin and black hair. He held a little girl- maybe 5- and the woman held a baby, fixxing the swaddle over the baby's ears. There were nobles he recognized- and-- was that a mop of ginger curls among the crowd, moving to the front? yes it was, it was Merida!

There were some other familiar faces, too. Somewhere in the crowd, a pair of dark horns framed a thin sheet of black hair and seafoam skin. A hunter proudly plucked at the string of a complex bow, half shaved head in attendance.

Adam put a hand on Alderic's shoulder, stopping him just as they found themselves infront of the thrones. He turned Alderic to face him, gently, guiding, as a hush fell across the grand hall. "Kneel," Adam softly instructed.

There were so many people here. More, he thought, than he ever expected. The eladrin's eyes drifted to take in every single face, every person who'd supported him since before he knew who he really was. the people who'd held him up, who taught him everything he needed to know to reach this point. The people who had faith in him as a king before he, himself, did.

And as he stood in front of the throne, his heart caught in his chest. He seemed too stunned to speak, on how many people alone were here to watch his big moment.

And, swelling with too many overwhelming feelings to count, he knelt in front of his father.

Adam put a hand atop of Alderic's head. Gentle, paternal.

"For decades," Adam said, his voice booming and filling the room. It was... strange to see such a gentle and softspoken man use his normally fearsome voice for such an affirming declaration. "For decades, Vertis has known nothing but heartbreak. The loss of future, of evidence of unions and love and prosperity, has plagued us since seemingly the dawn of Vertis Itself. From Eden's untimely death, to the deaths of Hailee and Flynn, to the death of Sinclaire Black and Viktor, to the deaths of Hugo and Avaline." He cleared his throat, voice wavering ever so slightly. A gentle whisper broke out- confusion, worry, sadness, fear. "Today, we are having a funeral. We remember the love we've lost, the pain we endured, the fear we lived through... and we mourn its loss, as Vertis- finally- claims a rightful Heir and Inheritor."

Belle handed Adam his son's crown, Adam cleared his throat, standing tall. A beat. He cleared his throat again, and then Cogsworth gasped and scrambled over. He plucked the heavy, fur lined cloak off of Adam's shoulders. "Today, on December Seventh, mere weeks before my son's birthday, we claim and call Alderic Leslie Auclair our Crown Prince and Future King of Vertis."

Adam placed the crown on his head. "We put our trust in his insight,"
Cogsworth put the cloak around his shoulders. "We put our lives under his shield."
Belle handed him a ceremonial sword, gold and gem encrusted. "We put our faith behind his ideals."

Adam then held his hand out to Alderic, to take. "You can get up now," he whispered.

Adam pulled Alderic to his feet. He looked back to the crowd, took a breath, and raised Alderic's hand- the one holding the sword- up into the sky so the blade pointed up.

And, in that moment, the crowd burst into cheers. Alderic! Alderic! Alderic! Vive le prince Aldéric! Vive le Vertis! cheered the Vertisians of Rosehelm. And, before Alderic knew it, people were throwing roses to him. Blue roses. Petals and whole flowers and bouqets. Adam let go of his hand, and just pulled his son into a hug, before letting go for long enough to give him a paternal kiss on the forehead, and then relinquishing him again.

"One last surprise!" belle said, popping up between the two. She put her fingers in her mouth, and whistled. The doors were suddenly opened, and Lumiere came out. "Introducing...!" He did a little twirl, in a show of fire and sparks. "The lovliest, most beautiful, most amazing..." Another flourish. "Most talented, fantstical, wonderful--" Belle cleared her throat. Lumiere chuckled awkwardly. "...Baker. Kajalmar Arnaldr Bjorgman!"

And, out of the doors, came Anna and Kajalmar, pushing a large cart-- with the biggest, most beautiful, blue and gold cake! It was royal blue, with gold fillagree, and a billion baby blue roses made of chocolate and crystalized sugar dotting it in a big curl.

And the party ate. And there was merriment. And love. And hope. But Alderic did not yet feel the pull of his fate- the glow didn't fully take, not until he found himself at the end of the night, just after bidding his family goodnight, as he turned in. Before he slept, he made a vow- to protect- and...

"Goodnight, Lordling."

A deep golden glow, enveloped him. Alderic was fated, not as the king, not as the oldest surviving child of Vertis, but truly embodying the one thing he strived for the most as he learned and grew. Alderic was not fated to be king, but instead, as he closed his eyes and contentedly drifted to a nightmare-free slumber, he knew he was fated as a Protector of Vertis. A title only few hold, inherited from an aunt he loved more than anything.

Goodnight, Sweet Prince.

Taeshan KurejiNeko

When Taeshan opened her eyes, she didn't see she was in her bed. Puzzled, she looked around to see a rather elegant room, occupied by several well-dressed people talking in front of a tall mirror. While she was wondering what was going on, the small group made their way towards her - and passed right through her. 

Taeshan was startled at first, but that feeling vanished when the scenery changed with the blink of her eyes: now she was standing in a cavernous, extravagant throne room full of people. In front of her stood the same three people she saw earlier; the younger man knelt at the foot of the older man while the woman held what looked to be a crown.

Am I watching a coronation? Taeshan wondered as she listened intently to the older man's - the king's? - words, his voice barely hiding emotion as he spoke of lives lost and the proclamation of a countries next heir. The woman hands the king the crown and holds it up over the young man's head as he speaks of his son, Alderic.

The king places the crown atop the prince's head and helps Alderic stand, finishing off the ceremony with the flourish of a disgustingly gaudy sword pointed to the sky. The crowd chants the heirs name as Taeshan half rolls her eyes at the mechanic feeling of the ceremony - everything felt so scripted with nobles - even the aspect of cake didn't sway Taeshan's mind. 

Day immediately turned to night as Taeshan blinked - she was now in Alderic's room, the heir getting ready to sleep. As she wondered when this was going to end, a golden glow enveloped the man, causing Taeshan to quickly do a double-take. 

"Huh, interesting," she mumbles to herself with a small laugh. "Wonder what kind of king you'll grow up to be, kid."

Hopefully a king even she'd find impressive.

Warning: depictions of war

The scent of gun powder burned Taeshan's nostrils as she trudged through the battlefield trenches, her boots stamping down a mixture of blood and mud as she steps over a dead solider pushes down the head of a living one. "Keep your head in the game, dumbass!" she yelled at the man as a hail bullets whizzed by not a second later. "-Or else you're going to lose it!"

"Y-Yes, sir!"

This kid wasn't cut out for this - a lot of these humans weren't - he was barely an adult, conscripted into the army to defend his country from enemy invasion. And here was Taeshan, an inexperienced Guardian tasked to protect him. It didn't help that there was a sickening sense of dread that snuck up whenever there was a lapse of gunfire.

Days creep by in the trenches, with no signs of advancing from either side and it soon drove the Guardian to pace back and forth during the lulls of shelling until she made a divot in the ground. It was midafternoon when the smell of gun powder was replaced with the faint stench of something mouldy that made her eyes burn as the dread that circled around her all this time pounced on her like a tiger.

"Put on your gas mask, kid," Taeshan rasped to the solider. When the man hesitated, Taeshan's adrenaline caused her to snap at him: "You deaf? I said, put it on! And go tell the others to do the same, hurry!"

As the man grabbed his creepy face mask and started to pull it over his head, the mouldy smell grew stronger still. Taeshan had to do something and what that something was was going to expend what little magic she had left...

Screw it.

Pulling herself out of the trench and passing several dead bodies, she crouched above the squadron and pulled her arms back and whipped them in front of her, her energy unleashing a blast of air so massive, a wind storm would soon break out in the skies above the battlefield. Exhaustion soon came over the Guardian and before she collapsed, she was pulled back down into the trench as bullets began flying on both sides again. 

Suddenly, the face of the soldier she was sworn to protect swarmed her vision and she tried to push him away in confusion before darkness enveloped her, her dreams soon plagued with masked faces and bodies of suffocating humans with hands clawing at their throats.

Illanya Mariold HardyLark


War was not something Illanya had ever found to be honorable, perhaps contrary to the opinions of her peers. Nothing seemed to confirm her feelings for their than watching Taeshan’s memories play out before her.

Much of it was unfamiliar to the knight, from the weaponry to the uniforms, there was a lot she could see that left her wondering. And some that did not raise curiosity further than needed. 

The trenches answered for themselves, as bullets that pass harmlessly though her own form, tear apart the chests of young men drenched in the mud and dirt they’ve been stuck in. The sound of artillery pounding the earth, shaking free dust and dirt that covers those poor souls in the trenches. This was no honorable battle with a charge. This was a fight for survival.

In the midst of the new weaponry, the unusual uniforms and words that were both familiar but odd, Illanya’s gaze picks out a Taeshan and the young man she accompanies. In some ways, despite the Guardian’s more colorful choice of language, it’s heart warming. To see two souls working together to survive this horrid wasteland of war. 

Though she’s incapable of smelling it herself, it’s not hard to see that the gas that starts to hound these men does more than simply smell poorly. What a cruel weapon. Her gaze flicks to Taeshan as the guardian manages to blow the worst of it away, magic curling and moving the toxic gas farther away from those it would harm.

Illanya grimaces when Taeshan collapses, the vision rippling and fading as the guardian’s eyes roll up and back, the memory ending with Illanya herself gasping awake.

Idly, she takes stock of her surroundings, a tent of a cleric of the Watcher. Safer, better than the vision, especially the blankets that had been placed under her at some point. She furrows her brow. What was it that she’d been looking? Odd, that she couldn’t remember. Surely it was nothing of importance… right?

@ np: prompt^^

Illanya’s eyes widen as she hears the sound of Jonic’s little whistle from where she stands, engaged still with the giant boar they’d been tasked with retrieving. She hadn’t really believed him when he’d said the God of the Hunt had given it to him, at least not at first.

Now, there was no doubt about it. The feel of divine power is so potent, pressure building behind her ears until a gentle pop and everything adjusts.

Under any other circumstance, Illanya would’ve encouraged Jonic to save Euan’s boon. However 25 horsemen, on steeds of stretched skin and gas's bore down on them now, eager to claim the giant boar for themselves. At this point she could hardly blame him for blowing the whistle now.

Illanya blinks and there he is, standing next to the young changeling she’d come to regard as friend. Truthfully, despite her father’s teachings, and the descriptions she’d read about, The God of the Hunt is far different than she expected. Perhaps in the best of ways.  Unimaginably tall, with a crown of wooden antlers resting atop his brow, long black hair cascading down his back. The furs and the clothing were the only thing the books seemed to have right at least.

The 25 horsemen stop and begin to bow fanatically before The Huntsman waves his hand. Within moments, their pursuers are dead, bodies smoking faintly. Those horrid horse monsters run off, some still carrying their dead riders as a grime trophy. 

Shamefully, Illanya knows her jaw is dropped when Euan turns to look around, first at their little rag tag group of adventurers and then to Illanya and the boar she’d just ended.

With a thick swallow, Illanya straightens as the god approaches, bowing once he is close enough. 

“My lord,” she murmurs quietly, doing her best not to flinch when she sees him reach out and tap the side of her head. Though Illanya doesn’t seem to directly notice, a similar crown of wooden antlers, seems to grow out of thin air to rest on her brow. 

“I’ve been keeping track of your progress.” The Huntsman hums, tilting his head to stare down at the knight.

Illanya looks up at him nervously, straightening from her bow. “I… I’ve been doing the best I can, all things considered.” 

Despite the nervousness and meekness in her voice, Euan simply nods and gives her a hearty pat on the shoulder.

“Very good, you do the weapon I blessed you with proud.” He hums and lets his hand fall to his side. “I look forward to seeing what you do next, my dear champion.” He says, and for a moment memory flickers. Illanya and the entire scene becomes fuzzy and begins to fade.

Save for Euan alone, whose gaze turns to you. His stern face doesn’t change, eyes simply scrutinizing you. 

“An odd intrusion. I wonder, what about this memory brought you here?”

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