Experience the Memory of the OC Above You! [IC]

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago (Edited 3 months, 10 days ago) by HardyLark

Experience the Memory of the OC Above You! [IC]

Hello! In the midst of already being busy, I decided that now was the time to create a new game haha! Anyways! Have you ever wanted to jump into someone's head to experience what they have? Ever wondered how someone ever did something? Well, look no further than here! In this game, your character will be able to witness a memory of the character above them firsthand! How do they react? That's up to you!^^ And what memory with the next person have to witness or live through?

(Also if this exists already please show me so I can bump it and lock this one 😅)

Inspired by Games like:
Your OC is in the Above OC's Dream 
Share a Photo/Memory with the OC above

Now for some rules, please read these and abide by them! Especially Rule 5, that one is really Important!

Rule 1: Please wait for at least two people to post before posting again! This can be ignored if 72 hours have passed.

Rule 2: Please have your responses be at least 5 sentences if not longer. Longer is encouraged! Additionally, I highly recommend that you read the character's profile above yours and follow any notes they may leave! It's just a courtesy to the person before you! (If a post is far enough away from the intended audience, I will either make a note and ask for a change.)

Rule 3: Keep it PG-13 and friendly! This is a public game so any NSFW content will not be tolerated! As such, please do not portray memories that are NSFW. If there is a demand for an adult thread, I can make one, or another adult may do so if they would like!^^

Rule 4: If you claim, make sure you are filling your claim within four hours of doing so. If the time elapses, we will move on to the next player in the interest of keeping the game moving and fair. If you cannot fulfill your claim within the time limit provided, please wait until you can do so.

Rule 5: Make sure you post a response and a prompt! While your response must follow Rule 2, your prompt can be as short or as long as you'd like! Just be aware the more info you give the next user the more they can build off of it! I also recommend making it ambiguous enough for the next user to throw their character in there!

Rule 6: If your response includes another character, please do not godmod other characters. Also, be courteous and kind. Your character may be mean, but there is no reason to be unusually cruel! Just keep the game fun for everyone! Think of the golden rule. If the response you're writing is not one you'd like to receive then maybe it's a response you shouldn't write...

Rule 7: I try my best to check in on this thread when I can, but if there is ever an issue or problem, please DM me so I can resolve the situation as soon as possible!^^ (also feel free to bump manually if I happen to forget... I try not to, but it happens ahaha)

Overall have fun, and let's take a trip down Memory Lane!


Nothing yet...

ANYWAYS, the first poster may claim a freebie as I don't have the energy to write a prompt! Just make sure you write one yourself!

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Dragon PicklePantry

     Dragon blinked slowly, no longer in the lake or surrounded by swan feathers, but in his bed. "What...?" He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, the irises changing from brown to bright blue. Had it been a dream he had just experienced? That didn't seem right, it was so real and detailed. He had never had a dream like that, even for... those dreams.

     Playing it back in his head, the boy tilted his head back. His hand subconsciously rubbed his throat. The voice in that dream, his voice, had been so rough, like it hadn't been used before or... something else. The feelings that person he saw through had were also conflicting, ones he felt were familiar yet different at the same time. There was a sadness to it he couldn't fully understand, and some kind of bewilderment. The longer he thought about it the more he thought about a deep feeling of happiness that bubbled up beneath all that surprise and curiosity. 

     Then there was that man with the blue eyes. He seemed like a hero, pulling the person he saw through out of some kind of darkness and guiding him around. However, every time Dragon thought back to that piercing gaze he couldn't help but feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Something didn't settle well with him, something about the way that man spoke made him uncomfortable. It was almost too inviting. Was that... possible?

     Dragon lay back down on his bed and gazed at the ceiling. Such a detailed dream. This was something that would stay with him for a long time.

     Whether through his eyes or a witness, Dragon is standing before a counter, staring at a glass with something thick and pink inside it. He gives a nervous glance to the person besides it, who laughs lightly in reaction. "It's a strawberry milkshake," they explain with a smile. "Go on, try it!"

     More hesitation, but Dragon reaches for the glass. It's cold, enough to make him want to not try it. Another laugh, however, gives him the courage.

     It's delicious. It's the first thing he's ever had that his stomach hasn't immediately rejected.

Corentine Serotina

Corentine blinks slowly as she wakes. She'd tried to use divination to see into her problems, but it seems the magic gave her a vision of something else. She smiles at the memory. She'd felt so worried. Would the cold make things worse? Would she be able to keep this down? Corentine smiles at the memory of the other person, the one who had given 'her' the milkshake. They had laughed, but it hadn't felt as if they meant it meanly. She wonders briefly where and from when this had happened. Strawberry milkshakes were fairly well known on Zephyr's Rest, so whose eyes had she been looking through? Surely not someone from this island. Corentine's stomach rumbles and she sits up in bed. She should get breakfast. Maybe Kel or Hedgehog had cooked already? She can still faintly taste the strawberry milkshake from the 'dream,' and resolves to make dinner and dessert tonight. Something that goes well with strawberry ice cream.. hm.

The most recent DnD session had an .... interesting plot. Thought it was the perfect memory to share! Many thanks to the DM, my husband <3

Corentine balked at the sign above the door. "Royal Interrogation Room." No one had said anything about an interrogation, just that 'it was an honor to be summoned by the royal family.' But Corrie had no connection to the cult, and was confident she could get through this. She just needed to say what happened when the cult attacked the library, right? She took a deep breath and opened the door. Inside sat a ridiculously long table. It looked like it could easily seat 50 people. But only one chair sat at the table. Corentine went over to it and sat down.

Somewhere in the room a clock struck, signalling the top of the hour. Corentine waited for the royal family to enter, but they did not. Instead the room stayed still and silent. This is unsettling. But before she can contemplate its meaning the air is filled with the voices of the royal family. They seem to emanate from unknown spaces in the chamber, as if they are coming from the walls themselves. The cacophony is disorienting, and no matter how hard she tries she can see no sign of anyone in the room besides herself. And as suddenly as the voices started, they stop.

"Recount the events of the attack on the Royal Library." The voice is male, deep and commanding. She explains what happened, skirting around the bit about Kel'grokon. She's trying to keep the demon a secret, after all. When she finishes a different voice, more stern and authoritative, speaks up. "Were there any warning signs or security breaches that could have signaled the attack?" Corrie explains, feeling a little more confident now. If these are how the questions are going to go things will be fine. But after her answer the voices start up again. This time there begins an incoherent barrage of comments, each voice seemingly attempting to speak over the others. Amidst this experience she struggles to maintain her composure. It’s a mix of formal regal tones and sharp inflections and interjections. And then, just as suddenly as it started, it stops. Another round of questions, another bit where the royal family discusses amongst themselves, and then everything goes quiet. "When we ask of you, you may ask of us."

Corentine sits up straighter. This is the last step. She's heard about this. But she really just wants this over with. "Respectfully, I have no questions at this time."

She is dismissed, and as the attendant opens the door to greet her she finds herself thinking that really, this wasn't all that bad. Eventually she steps outside back into the sunlight. Huh. That’s weird. She can see the sun rising on the horizon. But she’s quite certain it was later than that when she came in. And as soon as she steps out of the palace itself she feels a wave of exhaustion come over her the likes of which she’s never experienced before. Corentine rubs at her eyes. “Am I supposed to be this tired?” After asking that question she also realizes she’s starving and thirsty. She feels like she’s about to pass out and die, and her body is visibly shaking.

"Typically yes!" The attendant says, smile never leaving their face. "Refreshments will be provided in your room."

She returns to her accommodations. Each step she takes makes her feel weaker and weaker. The attendant has to step in front of her and open the door because her hands are too weak to turn the knob herself. She stumbles to a tray of food in the center of the room, which has been thoughtfully placed on the floor. As if they knew she would crawl to it on her knees. Which she does. She cannot stand anymore, her legs quite simply won’t hold her up. She is not consciously aware of what the food is, she is only able to eat it and try to regain her strength. The world around her seems to be fading out, but every time she comes to, more food is gone and her hands are in a different place on the plate. She sees stars for a moment and then blacks out.

Corentine has lost all sense of time but she feels it must have been several days. Multiple cycles of waking up and eating the food, then passing back out. But eventually she wakes up with enough energy to shakily stand. She looks down at herself, finding herself filthy and smelly, still wearing the clothes from what must be days before. She goes to clean herself up. Corentine is trying to return to normal. She’ll be going home soon, after all. She tries to eat at normal times, although she still finds herself scarfing down the food much quicker than normal. She tries to sleep at a regular schedule but finds herself dozing off randomly. And she’s attempting to keep track of days. She’s slowly coming out of it. It takes her about three days since she starts keeping track to go back to normal. She could basically function by the second day but it’s the third day where she thinks to herself ‘okay, I think I’m okay. Just barely.’

And that is of course when there is a knock at the door. She opens it to find the attendant smiling up at her. "Your presence is required in the Royal Interrogation Room. The royal family has determined they need to extend your interrogation. It is a great honor to be offered the opportunity to spend time in their presence." This path is familiar to her now and she gets the sense it will become more familiar over her stay here. The various twists and turns of the maze that is the interior of the palace is no less discomforting than when she arrives and now she finds herself struggling to keep up with the attendant’s brisk pace.

She puts her head down on the long table this time, legs shaking from trying to keep up with the attendant. "Whenever you're ready," she murmurs. The same voices speak to her, asking the same exact questions. Corrie answers, but it takes her longer and she finds herself stopping to catch her breath repeatedly. And when it's over the door swings open behind her. The attendant's smiling face is starting to feel mocking. Walking back is even worse this time. She’s very much struggling to focus. On anything. And it’s about the most she can do to put one foot in front of the other. Again she collapses, although this time she’s crawling before she gets in the door to her room. She fades in and out for an indefinite amount of time.

This process happens nine more times. Or at least that’s the number she thinks it is. It could be more, but it is certainly not less. Each repetition makes her feel more weak, her answers becoming more incoherent, but yet they continually call her in. Wearing her down until she isn't even sure what she's saying anymore. At long last, the day comes where the attendant knocks on her door with a different answer. “Take the rest of the day to pack your things and compose yourself. Your escort will be ready to pick you up tomorrow morning.” She feels like she could cry with relief, if she had the energy to do so.

Samaël Raffaëlle EclipsedShadowK

Tension filled the air the moment a royal entered the interrogation room. Normally, Samaël would poison royalty by spitting into their wine, seducing them or by crying onto their shoulder. This is different. As the confessions began, they couldn't help but feel like something's... Off. They couldn't identify what it is, but certainly there's something with the aura surrounding the interrogation room. Upon the consumption of the food, Desrosiers could tell that there's something about this castle. Raffaëlle can't heal the person of this memory, for it is just a memory. Desrosiers can feel the exhaustion from the repeated cycle of interrogation, consumption, fainting. When it finally ended, Desrosiers felt immensely drained and they couldn't even mutter a word.

Everything's the same in the village, just as it used to be. Even after the death of the old woman who raised them, Desrosiers couldn't stop but stare at her grave. She treated them like her own kid and yet...

"This is your fault"

The nagging voice from the depths of their subconscious surface to their thoughts.

"You are the reason your real parents are executed"

They thought to themself, "Mais je n'étais qu'un bébé..." But it was pointless. An angel approached the teenage half demon, half angel.
"See? This is your fault," He told Desrosiers. "Your parents... And now your adoptive mother. Dead because of you." Desrosiers balled their fists. The last words of the old woman that she told to their child.

"Ne t'en veux pas si je meurs... Ce n'était pas ta faute..."

"Que savez-vous de sa mort ?" They mumbled, gritting their teeth, furrowing their brows and their head hanging low.
The angel looked at them and asked Desrosiers, "What did you say?"
"Je vais vous demander encore... Que savez-vous de sa mort ?" A yell echoed throughout the sky. "Vous ne saviez rien d'elle quand elle s'occupait de moi !" They tried to hold back their tears.
"Oh, and your parents?"
"Qu'en est-il d'eux ? Vous les avez tués et vous m'accusez ! C'était il y a treize ans et vous en voulez encore à un enfant de treize ans ?" Their voice becomes an angered and shaky roar. "Pourquoi est-ce que je mérite une telle cruauté ?"

The angel just scowled at Desrosiers. A cloaked young man showed to the scene making the angel flee.
"I heard your scream, is everything alright?" He asked.
"Qui êtes-vous, Monsieur ?" Asked Desrosiers
"I am Johannes Émile Daniel, call me whatever you like, but I'm here to take you under my wing. I live within the village like you."

Archimedes Athanasiadis Nuclear-Hydrangea

EclipsedShadowK Archimedes gonna watch Desrosiers memory :D

Archimedes felt uneasy, a heavy feeling when he "woke" up. Yet, it seems different, far different from where he slept. He opened his eyes, he was surrounded by lush, green forests and mountains, dominated by rose bushes. This doesn't look like the outdoors of Athens and this isn't in Greece either. Seems to be somewhere in Central Europe, yet it doesn't have any significant details where exactly is as the structures are as old as the middle ages. Looking his hands after he inspected his pockets or bags, there are no phones either. Was it some VR prank from the gamers from the squat or just his Naughty twin doing tricks again? No, neither of the twins bear oneirokinesis nor the gamers playing around the VR nor Archimedes had a dream spell. 

Archimedes looked his own reflection towards a puddle, yet only an apparition of himself. The waterproof jacket, steel toed boots, cargo pants, and the London After Midnight shirt he wore for the 3rd time was gone, replaced by the clothes that was specifically in that period. As he walked through a village in the middle of the forest. The atmosphere felt like those from an anarchist social center, yet quite different from modern times he lives. There, he saw a young individual, with horns and tail of a demon and a halo of an angel. With hair that resembling Archimedes, split between light and darkness. They seem familiar, as if Archimedes met this person before... yet everything seems changed. The teen was staring at a grave of somebody, perhaps a loved one or someone close to him. 

As soon as Archimedes watches the grieving person, a voice can be heard from a far "This is your fault! You are the reason your real parents are executed!". An angel appeared and approached to the teenage angel-demon hybrid with a furious demeanor. 

The teenage angel-demon said something in French, unfortunately for Archimedes, he cannot understand a word. He has no idea what the young person said, yet, the angel kept degrading the young person by insulting them. Despite his stoic expression, his heart felt sinking when he heard the young angel-demon at the moment they are furious. As if someone felt injustice and a self-criticism for something they didn't even do. 

Archimedes clenched his fist and attempted to give the angel a knock-out punch. However, it went through the angel unaffected. The engineer said something to the teen, they didn't hear him either. Seems Archimedes is just a ghost, a spectator within Samael's memory... for whatever reason. When Archimedes saw a cloaked figure approaching, the angel left. There was someone helping the teen away from the harassment they experienced. 

As soon that memory ended, Archimedes abruptly woke up in the real world. He messaged Desrosiers if there is something wrong with them because of the things he saw.

It was year 1985, the year he's going to study engineering at the university. While he and his twin aren't together at the uni, Archimedes met a programmer named Nafsika that time. It wasn't the stoic, cold, shell Archimedes has when he saw them. He shows more his softer side, a more compassionate, generous side of the tough engineer. Nafsika introduced Archimedes to tabletop games such as DnD and he played as a chaotic good cleric. The catch is their sessions doesn't have any game master, so the players come up with their own scenarios and such. During his free time, Archimedes alone builds robots made out of junk toys, often participates in robot combat events. 

Outside the university, Archimedes, Alkinoos and Nafsika went to mutual aid organized by the local anarchist areas and punk shows in the various places. There was an event in Radiant Wight where it was a bi-weekly theater and punk show and Archimedes was part of it. He didn't tell Nafsika about it since he participated until the start of the show itself. As soon as Archimedes shows up, holding a baglamasas well as his father was with him, performing together for tonight. The engineer was masked and dressed all black, as if he wanted to draw attention to the music more than his appearance. He felt nervous at first, as he barely perform in an open stage.

Grim Illumination, his father announced the band's name with his deep, passionate voice. They were playing in a more folk style of music, yet the lyrics were more punk. Typically, his father sings in the band but there was one song Archimedes made and his father let him lead the song. A song dedicated to Nafsika, that was written by Archimedes since he met them.

v (glad she liked experiencing a punk show and a folk punk band)

Illanya Mariold HardyLark

It felt like a haze to the knight, observing the life of someone else. It was odd, experiencing it from this angle, up above from where Archimedes stands, walks, and lives his life. Brown and gold wings keep her aloft, though it's not as if she has to dodge through buildings and rooms to view. A blessing in the oddity of this situation. 

Everything was new to her, many of the things they did, used, and played music with were all new and unusual to her. Though with her experiences traveling into whimsical and unusual places of the fey, was it really all too different? From what she'd observed of the man, he wasn't exactly the most friendly sort often coming off as cold, so every victory and softening of that rough exterior is worthy of a cheer, even if the facsimile of Archimedes in this memory can't hear her.

It passes faster than in real life, something Illanya would consider a blessing as she watches Archimedes play with the band, time only resuming as normal when the important things occurred. Illanya doesn't even consider it odd when she claps at the end of his performance, a proud smile on her face until she returns to her own body, sitting up with a blindfolded figure nearby, their head tilting towards the paladin from where she lays. 

"Did she show what you were looking for?"

The Paladin sighs, running a hand down her face. There's still a fond smile on her face even as she shakes her head. "No, I didn't. We can try again another time. Thanks again though, good cleric." The knight stands and bows politely before carefully striding from the tent.

(Sorry it's long I've been wanting to write out something for this for a while)

The cold is biting on her fingers, especially the deeper she and Raka are led into the palace by the chamberlain. Walls of ice surround on all sides, pristine yet sharp. It felt like a trap, just like their waiting room at been. Left to freeze to death, if only by the ignorance of the fae, who did not understand the mortal limitations of their guest's bodies. The chamberlain, Mirror, is a curious being, short and mechanical, yet speaks more eloquently than many living beings Illanya had known. Even from where she stands on one side of them and Raka on the other, she fears that their ruse will be up soon. That the two party members who had slipped away would finally be noticed and the battle would begin anew.

It's a large room that they're brought to, with their new guide, Drifa, standing oddly close to what looks like a cage, with beautiful bars carved from dark blue. "Come and touch the bars. Aren't they beautiful?" Drifa urges, and Raka steps closer, rapping a knuckle against the ice. The sound is a beautiful noise yes, but still, Illanya hesitates. She's not sure what possesses her to stay back, because surely all would be well. "Why don't you join your friends, they certainly seem to be enjoying the ice." Mirror speaks, and for a moment, it sounds like the best idea Illanya's heard. There was no reason to worry, everything looked- fine?

No, that was wrong. That oddly hazy look in her companion's eyes, the chamberlain's insistence that she join them. This couldn't be right at all. 

"What have you done to them, Chamberlain?!" The knight jerks back, drawing a metallic javelin from her back and leveling it at Mirror, and the chamberlain simply smiles. "Don't make a mistake here, good knight."

With a crackling light, the javelin strikes Mirror in the chest cracking the metal casing and causing the construct to make a horrible, metallic screeching sound, drawing similar constructs made of ice to their side. Illanya scrambles, tearing towards Raka and smacking him upside the head. "Something is wrong, we need to go!" Her voice is desperate and frightened as she dashes for the door, hitting it with a thud and finding it locked. 

Illanya isn't given much of a chance to try the lock further as she feels an unbearable cold wrap around her entire being, sinking all the way into her core. Though she cannot see it, her irises turn an icy, glowing blue, not unlike the glowing interior of the Chamberlain.

"Illanya, come here." Their voice is cloyingly and mocking. Even so, the knight feels her body shudder. Then to her sudden terror, she finds herself walking towards the chamberlain, some part of her mind immediately following the lead of the construct like a clumsy marionette. Had she still been in control of her facilities, she might have thrown up at the sensation. She comes to a stop at Mirror's side and feels herself turn, now icy blue eyes staring blankly ahead, the face of her friend Raka, and beyond those bars, a flicker and a much more wearied and frightened Drifa appears in the cage. 

An icy blade burns at her throat, Mirror chuckling wheezily through that hole she'd just made in their chest. "Now, be good for me and get into the cage, before I force her to do it for me."

Was it possible to feel a stranger in your own body, to feel unfathomably small in your own armor? A scream would have bubbled up through her throat, but not even a breath quickens at her horror. All she can do is watch helplessly. And hope it ends soon.

The Glass Thing ProfessionalDumbass

Yur’vic was unimpressed. He had walked the halls of the black wood camp enough to not fear the glass shards, nor the ice. All they were was an intimidation for cowards who couldn’t see beauty for what it is. 

But at the events transpire, as the voice coos in the knight's ear. Yur’vic was filled with….SOMETHING. It was something one gets when their superior tells them off. It felt like a pit. What was the knight doing? Don’t go for the fool getting himself killed. RUN! GET OUT! YOU WASTED SECONDS AND NOW YOU ARE STUCK! 

Then she started moving without her input. Yur’vic knew he couldn’t control her, this was a flicker of the past. He knew he could do nothing but watch as the mind he inhabited could no longer move its own body. Even still he tugged and pulled back to get her away from that damn cage, she had to get out before the glass took her. Yur’Vic’s chest felt like exploding as she entered that damnable cage. 


Np: oh boy I had this ready and everything

Blood flowed freely down Yur’Vic’s face. The entirety of his right snout had been obliterated by a Minotaur’s club. He had escaped, but he was going to die. Die in a filthy ditch when he was designed for SO much better. Why did he have to be so unlucky? Why was he killed for worshiping a god?

He stared up past the canopy of trees towards the void beyond the realm. A quiet plea for help. He knew he didn’t deserve it, he was hardly even worth anything. No more strength in his body, no more energy, nothing. All he was, was another Bestigore who had gotten unlucky. “Slaanesh, please…I need help. I’ll pillage a thousand villages, write a thousand poems, indulge in the flesh a million times. Please just save me.”

He was unlucky, he always knew that. That’s why his snout blazed with pain again. Why it felt like he was growing, but at the same time why he couldn’t breath. He was dying, but there was a hand on his snout. Long, purple, and powerful. With magic dancing through his fingers. Where his hands touch wounds replaced themselves with glass. Where the glass appeared, glorious pain blossomed. Slaanesh had sent someone to save him? 

No, Slaanesh had sent a King in glass. With a deamonic face which leered down at Yur’Vic with cruel compassion. With a voice like silk, the King spoke “You, you prayed for a savior. I have come, my beautiful Glass Thing.”

Sgt. Surge McConaughan JadeWizard

What in the sane hell is this? Sarge wondered, though it was quite hard to think really, it felt as if another mind was in his head. He questioned if this was somehow a trick or some black magic from General Slaughter to torture him. It sure felt that way, the mutilation done to this body, even if not his own, made him sick.

Ah, typical religious violence, he thought sardonically. Sarge probably would not accept whatever god they worshiped, but he always hated conflicts such as these. He pitied how pathetic the beast felt laying in the ditch tasting the bitter flavor of death. He was no stranger to death, however, most on the battlefield were quick, not drawn out like this, it was horrible.

Their face stung like someone poured salt into their wound, their throat tightened, and they couldn't breathe. To make matters worse glass crept up the ruined side of their face, some horrible demon was messing around with their body. While the beast seemed curious if not a little relieved, Sarge was panicking, horrified at the sight and feeling of their body being forcibly changed against their will.

This is...

It was agonizing and violating. Sarge wasn't sure if he wanted to cry, vomit, die, or all three in that order. A chill ran down his spine as the demon stared down at them, voice smug as if acting like they were his property rather than a person. Sarge screamed.

(So this tormented him more than I thought.)

So Sarge is a toy soldier and he got his scars from fighting a giant hand with an X-acto knife. Have fun! Also TW a bit of gore.

Sarge wasn't sure when he realized it, but he had gotten separated from his men at some point during this scouting mission. He was alarmed, slight paranoia nibbling away at him, he wasn't sure why yet. The garage did not show signs of threat yet but this section was suspiciously dark. He hadn't felt this unnerved in years, it bothered him how he couldn't find the source of this creeping fear.

He ventured forward carefully, torch in one hand and pistol in the other, ready for a fight if necessary. Suddenly something lunged at him, he jumped back and pointed his gun at it.

"He-He-lll-lp," A female voice croaked.

Pointing the torch at it, Sarge discovered it was a Ceratopsian of some kind but then he saw the lower half...it was different, as if someone had cut it off and replaced it with the body of a lion. The dino reached out to him but then it's eyes glazed over as it went limp, there was nothing he could do for her. Not anymore.

"What is going on here...?" Not even Green Nation would do something so sick as this.

The lights flicked on, suddenly and Sarge's world was filled with horror. Bodies of various people and creatures littered the garage, all of them mutilated and stitched together with miss matching parts from one another. His throat tightened, heart racing like a machine gun.

Then a chill ran down his spine...someone, or something, was behind him.

Then before he could react a stabbing pain lanced through his shoulder, in panic he turned and fired with wild abandon. He saw it, that "THING"! It floated there, the blade held in its grip slick green with his own blood. All his shots missed and it lunged forward, burying its blade deep into his shoulder. Sarge screamed, almost passing out as it started to attempt to saw through his shoulder. He thrashed and, like an animal, gnashed down on its hand, breaking free of its hold on him.

He didn't know what happened next, he must have fled as the next thing he knew he was stumbling toward his men bleeding out. It all felt so dizzy, and he couldn't think anymore, it hurt too much to, and he wanted to throw up. He didn't even realize when he passed out.

peter becker creatfran

Peter didn't have nightmares often, but this one was going to last him a while.

His dream started with him hovering in a dim and messy garage as if he was some omnipotent god. It felt weird, and even more so as he focused his vision on a soldier standing below him. He seemed to be lost and confused from the look on his face. It must have been the same expression Peter wore when he went out for an expedition - not knowing what was coming next, or often times worse, when.

He got the answer to both in the next few seconds. There was a sea of creatures with parts taken apart and meshed together like terrible arts and crafts projects. Part of him knew very well that these were just kids toys, and that it was stupid nonsense. Yet he didn't feel that way. Something burned inside of him, shouting and screaming that this was a terrible injustice.

The soldier below him seemed to agree. He couldn't even react before a giant hand grabbed out and snatched him. The poor army man fired his gun at rapid, inhuman speed, though there was nothing that could be done.

Peter wanted to help, but found his body was nothing but a ghostly husk. His palms only got sweaty, and his vision blurred.

Then he woke up.

He shot straight up in his bunk bed, not wanting to wake the other soldiers with his heavy breathing. Questions flooded his mind, a lot of them with answers he didn't want to know: why did he have that dream? What did it all mean? And worse, was that soldier supposed to represent him?


np: have a wholesome memory :D

It was a hot August day. A fourteen year-old Peter was sitting on his horse in the middle of the heat, and he had no idea how to make it go.

All the other soldiers seemed to be doing fine, sitting comfortably on top of their equine friendsBut the most experience he had with a real horse was watching the carriages from his city pick up and drop off fancy rich people. Now he was expected to do it to stay in the military? Of course, there was always the option of asking for help. Despite that, though, he didn't want to look stupid - especially in front of that mean instructor.

Keeping his cool, he looked around at the other teens. To make their horses move, they pulled the reigns and subtly squeezed their steed's stomach with their legs. Peter had been trying to do that for the past few minutes, but the darn animal refused to move.

A small smile appeared on his face. He remembered when he was a kid, playing with his little siblings, they would pretend to be cowboys. The only thing they needed to make their horse move was to say 'giddy up!' and they would be darting away from whoever the bad guy was.

"Giddy up?" Peter stifled a laugh, not expecting the command to work as he tugged on the reigns again.

But oh boy. It did.

In a snap, the world became a sharp whiz of color and sound. Peter was suddenly passing by nearby hills and streams with the freedom of an overhead bird. Wind blew in front of him as fast as a tornado. Dust flew behind him, courtesy of his noble steed, whose stomping hooves were as fast as his heartbeat.

"THIS IS AWESOME!" He screamed, laughing as he rode across the countryside. The memory of the moment etched himself in his head to be remembered for an eternity and cherished for even longer.

Four "Mine" Aloofcloud

Four found herself in a bewildering situation, completely disoriented and unsure of her surroundings. Just moments ago, she had been peacefully tending to her plants in the kitchen, but now she stood amidst a group of men on horseback. A startled cry escaped her lips as she jolted in surprise, desperately trying to make sense of the situation. However, her presence seemed to go unnoticed by the riders, adding to the strangeness of the moment.

In an attempt to break the surreal silence, Four mustered up the courage to speak, "Excuse me...?" But her words fell on deaf ears, for one rider simply passed right through her, as if she were a mere apparition. It was an odd sensation, unsettling for the woman who felt entirely out of place.  Amidst the confusion, Four's attention was drawn to a young boy who appeared to be struggling with his mount, while the others effortlessly rode on. Eventually, the boy managed to get his horse moving, and laughter erupted as he swiftly raced away on his horse.

Left alone with her thoughts, Four stood there with a perplexed expression, watching the horses fade into the distance. And just as abruptly as she had arrived, she blinked once more and found herself back in her kitchen, as if nothing had happened. She wondered about the identities of those people on horseback and how they were faring today...if there were still alive, or if what she saw was even real. 

The memory of her parents death, tw for mentions of violence

A haunting scene unfolded as Four, a brown-haired woman with fox ears atop her head, trudged through the snow. Her hands stained with crimson blood, tears streaming down her face, she made her way through the familiar forest that had been her refuge countless times before. But this time, an eerie sense of foreboding gripped her heart. Something was horribly wrong, though she couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. The stillness around her only amplified her unease.

Approaching a blonde kitsune, Hachi, with eight tails, who appeared to look around the age of 14, Four's voice trembled as she spoke, concern lacing her words, "Hachi...? Are you feeling sick again?" There was a softness in her tone, yet an underlying edge, as she couldn't shake her anxiety.

As she reached out to aid Hachi, a rustling noise caught her attention. Turning her head, Four's breath caught in her throat. It was Uno, her white-haired sibling, missing an entire arm. She had never imagined such a sight, not of Uno. Uno's piercing gaze fixed upon her, then shifted to Hachi, revealing the first trace of emotion she had ever witnessed on his face. Four opened her mouth to ask Uno if he was alright, but before she could utter a word, he cut her off with a chilling revelation. "They're dead," his voice as cold and gentle as the falling snow. Four stood frozen, her mind struggling to comprehend his words. She had to inquire further, but before she could, Uno provided the answer. "I killed our 'mother' and 'father.'"

Shock washed over Four, rendering her speechless. Stumbling backward, she tried to process the weight of Uno's confession. Finally finding her voice, she blurted out, "You have to leave." She knew the gravity of the situation. This revelation would wreak havoc among their siblings, and Uno's volatile nature could pose a grave threat to anyone who dared confront him. In a desperate attempt to protect everyone, Four raced forward and placed her hand on Uno's shoulder, quick to heal him. A new arm sprouted from the gaping wound, mending him. But instead of gratitude, Uno forcefully shoved her away, his words laced with venomous curses. "Go! Just go, Uno. We don't have time." She pleaded with him, urging him to leave.

Thankfully, Uno begrudgingly heeded her words, not wanting to deal with the inconveniences he considered his siblings.

With Uno gone and a fleeting moment of respite, Four took a moment to catch her breath. Picking Hachi up in her arms, she prepared to depart from the scene. However, her relief was short-lived as another one of her siblings, Novem, approached with an air of anxiety. Worry etched in his grey eyes, he addressed Four hesitantly, "Hey... Four? Have you seen mom or dad? Something feels off, and I wanted to talk to them about it." Four stared at Novem, a bewildered expression on her face. Slowly, she shook her head, indicating that she hadn't seen their parents either. It was the truth. Novem, in response, nervously wrung his hands and offered his gratitude before quietly slipping away, disappearing deeper into their territory.

Four's heart raced as she encountered Tres, desperation etched across her face. She couldn't contain the urgency in her voice as she whispered, "Uno... Uno killed our parents." Before she could even urge Tres to flee for their own safety, a chilling scream pierced the air, emanating from the outer edges of their territory. There was no mistaking the anguished voice—it belonged to Novem. The sheer weight of grief in his cries caused Four's tears to flow, blurring her vision.  But before she could react or warn Tres again, the determined three-tailed sibling was already bolting towards the source of the screams.

She wouldn't follow, she had to protect Hachi, and by now storm clouds had formed, tornados descending, ground shaking, all the works of Novem's grief no doubt.  All Four could do was run.

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Allegretto PicklePantry

     Far underneath Castello di Litari was an old cathedral dating back before even the castle was built. Allegro had only recently discovered it, and the giant, sealed door the cathedral almost seemed to hide. Runes of an ancient language glowed, beckoning to him, and though he couldn't read its language it was as if it spoke in his mind, asking where he wanted to go. Curiosity go the better of the prince, but where indeed? His mind pictured Isolde. He'd meant to pop in and surprise her, but the doors seemed to have mistaken it for a trip to the past.

     The scenery was unfamiliar. This was no performance hall or home that Allegro was used to seeing Isolde at. This was another cathedral, perhaps just as old. The clothing everyone had on was something out of a period film, yet for some reason he got the impression none of this was acting.
     He walked down the aisle slowly. Whether by the doors' doing or not, nobody seemed to notice him around, not even the bride at the end who was seemingly lost in prayer. Even from this angle he could tell the bride was stunningly beautiful, yet something felt wrong. Something felt off. With each approaching step he felt a chill run down his spine until he was close enough to confirm his fears.

     There she was, Isolde, beautiful as ever yet so significantly different. The proud, strong woman he felt so strongly for was so small right now, her expression sunken and distant. This was not Isolde.
     Purple eyes flickered down to the binds around her. Allegro reached down to try and release her, but like a ghost his hand phased through. He narrowed his eyes. This is no way for a bride to be, least of all you, he thought to himself when trumpets began blaring. Uncharacteristic fear showed on Isolde's otherwise pretty face. Allegro remained silent as he turned to see the center of attention himself.

     The groom approached with elegance in every step. How peculiar it was, that man's heartbeat. It wasn't a normal heartbeat, and something about it felt... as if that man was aware of his presence.
     Isolde was forced to her feet and force into marriage by that man. Even with his quiet whisper could the prince still make out what was said. The usual playfulness and bemusement his face typically sported was gone, replaced with a deep frown and a controlled anger. He distantly recalled Isolde having someone she hated. He never knew who it was, but he was beginning to understand.

     By the time Allegro had blinked, he found himself standing in front of the giant Sealed Doors under his castle. He was still for a moment. Had it all been his imagination? No, deep in his heart he knew that wasn't the case.
     In the end it seemed the doors showed Allegro exactly what he needed to see. He stepped closer to them, brushing his fingers against the ancient coat of dust. They no longer reacted to him.
     "That wasn't how I wanted to see you as a bride," he muttered under his breath, the aggrieved expression still on his face. He didn't get the impression Isolde was hiding this info out of shame or guilt. She was strong, she was capable of protecting herself, but knowing this now he couldn't stand the idea of standing idly by.

     A sigh escaped him, and he pressed his forehead against the Doors. If he could not fix the past, then perhaps he can secure her future.
     "A wedding to replace the first one."

     Allegro was just a kid, no older than three. He sat curiously at the table as a man with purple eyes and white hair excitedly set down a plate of some kind of new food in front of him.
     "Eat up, little guy," said the man. "These are called Hot Pockets. They're delicious and all the rage where I grew up! You'll love them!"
     A woman about the man's age with white hair and golden eyes seemed to say something about the food not being as good as he claimed, to which he took cartoonish offense. They playfully bickered over the nutritional value of a Hot Pocket while little Allegro took a first bite.

     "Mmm." The two parents stopped to look over at their son, who had already finished half of his first Hot Pocket. "It's good!" 

[PMS] Ophelia "Sunshine" AnnaDreamurr

Ophelia bolted up, confused with the situation she got herself into. She rubbed her eyelids to see a small child enjoying what seemed to be a new food. She scoffed, as why in the world would she want to see this. But something pierced through her cold, dead heart. She looked at their happy faces, they are simply just eating together, trying something new, but why is everything so cheerful. The bickering was only playful, their eyes gleamed love and joy. Something Ophelia was jelous about.

Though it's not unordinary that she's like this, but why is this envy so painful. Of course, her own family wasn't like this. While her father was as bright as the sun, her mother kept trying to find something wrong with him, to criticize, to judge, it was clear she only married him to brag that she's married a doctor that works with the mayor. She had to endure her family break apart, but why does she have to see THIS family be happy, to MOCK HER? to BRAG?

She felt like she'd had enough, but she couldn't look away. Seeing this made her felt a bit warm inside, as she imagined, what if her reality was just like this one? No, it could never be. It will never be like this.

It was 1971, Ophelia ■■■■■■■ was merely 5 years old living in Mary Bell Township. She hurried to get all her toys and things, curious on where her family will go.

"Come on now starlight, let's not be late for the train" A tall but tired man with ginger hair and warm green eyes said as he also packed up his bags. He seemed disturbed, panicking and in a hurry to leave.

"Where are we going, dad?" Ophelia said, excited

"Somewhere, far away from here, somewhere safer."

"Is mom coming too? Where is she anyway?"

The man turned his head towards his daughter, tears streaming from his bruised and exhausted face, sighed, and said.

"She, also left, to a better house. We are also going to a better house, in a brand new city and brand new friends. You like that, don't you?" He tried to smile but it was clear that he was worried

A new adventure excited Ophelia back then, so she hurried up. What she didn't know was that her mother had left them for a richer man, the town that she lived in held almost impossible standards to live by and executes innocent people trying to escape, the mayor wanting to brainwash the town of all it's flaws, she didn't know that her life was instantly changed once she stepped inside the train. 

They arrived to the city of Front Street, a broken, neglected, almost dystopian city of smoke, loud partying and crime.

"It's awful" she said as looking at the tall and broken down buildings

"I know, it may seem dark, but we can help it, we can save them from living the lies of May Bell, saying to themselves that they are broken and help them be better mentally. Would you want to join me, starlight?"

Ophelia, confused, but said "Of course, dad"