How Well Known are You on TH?

Posted 7 years, 16 days ago (Edited 7 years, 16 days ago) by superdeadaccount

Yes, I stole got inspired by somebody else on another site *Cough* CS *Cough* I don't know if something like this exists yet, if it does, I'll close this.

So this game is kinda self-explanatory. You rate the person above you from 0 (Who are you) to 10 (You must be God because I quite literally see you everywhere)  For example:
First Person: I've seen you around. 5/10
Next Person: I don't know you. 0/10

Here are the rules:

• This thread is not made for chatting. If you want to chat, do it via PM.
• Don't double post
• No fighting
• No advertising for stuff like trades, commissions, or sales.
• Anybody who breaks the rules will be warned via PM.
• You're banned if you break the rules three times.

You can start off with me! I just joined a couple months ago, not really expecting that high of a rating.


6/10; i’ve been seeing you and your characters some decent amount around the forum games lately!


10/10 I see you everywhere!! Maybe that's just me. But I do recognize your user everywhere xD

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8/10 I see you around a lot! I believe we've interacted in forum games a few times as well


7/10 not sure if we've interacted but I've seen you a decent amount and I recognize a few of your characters 


7/10 we've never interacted before but I've seen you around on the forums :D I hope you're doing well!


6/10 i see you around but not like a crazy amount


6/10 seen u, but not alots!


10/10 everywhere I look I see filename2s (/pos)


0/10 i don’t think I’ve ever seen you before!



I've seen you around somewhat mainly because of your oc Juliana. But otherwise we've never really interacted before


1/10 mightve seen you before ><

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6/10 seen you a few times but i don't believe we've interacted but you seem chill :]


10/10 oh hi there. Always see you since many years in forums