I want to see a TH user who...

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 20 days ago) by ElithianFox

Similar to the I want to see a character who thread, except this one's about Toyhou.se users! This thread can be interesting to find other users with similar interests and discover new people in our small community.

Some topics you can ask for:

▶︎ OC related: I want to see a user with over 400 characters; I want to see a user who collects demon OCs; I want to see a user who writes very detailed character profiles.

▶︎ General interests and hobbies: I want to see a user who likes aliens; I want to see a user who spends a lot of time combing through random Wikipedia articles; I want to see a user who is a polyglot.

▶︎ Fandom interests: I want to see a user who's a hardcore gamer; I want to see a user who's an anime fan; I want to see a user who watches all of their shows in one long sitting.

▶︎ Art related: I want to see a user who draws traditionally; I want to see a user who isn't an artist and who just likes to collect OCs; I want to see a user who draws for a living.

▶︎ Miscellaneous: I want to see a user who's Swedish; I want to see a user who works with animals; I want to see a user who owns more than five pets.

I suggest trying to keep topics fun and lighthearted; asking for someone who experienced a certain trauma or someone who hates a particular thing others may like would be out of place. Also, feel free to talk a little about the topic you claimed! Tell us about those alien mythos you like most, show off some of your artwork, post a picture of your pets, as long as it's relevant to the prompt you responded to I'd love to see it all! <:

Should 12 hours go by, you can change the topic. You can say your relationship with the previous prompt ("I always wanted to buy a puppy but never got to it :(") but stating your dislike for the above user or their prompt is uncalled for. If you dislike the previous prompt, please don't draw attention to it and just move on with the next prompt. Failure to this rule can lead to a warning and in the worst case, a ban from the game.

To keep this thread separated from the character thread, please do refrain from being too specific about character-related ones! "I want to see a user who owns a character who's a mermaid" is more fitting for the other thread than this one.

If no one has responded to a claim after 12 hours, feel free to post a new request!

To kick off this thread: I want to see a user who's currently in college!


i'm from australia :0


show me a user who prefers winter over summer!


Winter is so good! I actually love the cold wind and everything

 show me a user who likes space or collects space themed ocs!

This user's account has been closed.

Sorry, 12 hours! I'm in the UK so I have no idea what year being a freshman is

I want to see a Toyhouse user who is also from the UK! Bonus points if it's not England


I'm from the UK! Though no bonus points as I do live in England. I'd love to visit/live in some other part of the UK one day, though.

I want to see a user who lives in Australia. If three hours pass, then someone who lives anywhere that's not the UK or USA.


I don't live in Australia but 3 hours have passed and I live in the Netherlands! (It's rainy here, believe me. A lot of cows...)


Show me a user that loves musicals (also what's your favorite musical?) 


I love musicals!! I have a fondness for Alexander Hamilton! Of course I do (Psst. And the sherk one Its my horrible guilty pleasure) 


Show me a user that hates a type of food with a passion! If three hours pass anyone who just dosnet prefer something is fine. 


I hate mushrooms with all my heart

Show me an user that has only a few characters


14 hours passed, and I totally do not fit the prompt at all haha

I hoard too much-

Time for a new prompt! I want to see a TH user who likes strawberries a lot!

If six hours pass, any TH user who likes some specific fruit a lot is accepted ~


I really love Canolope even tho i cant spell it... someday they'll make canelope ice cream!!!!

i wanna see a TH user who hates their OC's ???

(or just doesnt like them in like 6 hours)


Over 12 hours passed. I'm not sure why I would hate my own OCs, honestly...? Of course some of them are villains and I'd hate them if I met them in real life, and I don't condone the things they do, but I still love them as characters. I wouldn't make OCs if I didn't like them because then I'd have no interest in working with them.

I want to see a user who is writing/has written a novel (doesn't have to be an original or published novel). If three hours pass, then just someone who likes writing stories is fine.


I'm trying to write a big fat story for some of my characters :) I'm no where near the end yet tho.

I want to see a user that writes very detailed profiles

if six hrs pass, anyone that writes bios for most of your characters is fine.

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This user is not visible to guests.

I'm fascinated with marine life so yes, definitely interested in biology--more specifically marine biology. There are just so many organisms to discover, every one of them is so cute and unique in my eyes. :)


I want to see a user that owns a pet parrot! If 6 hours pass, any pet bird will do!