[IC] Eat it or Leave It

Posted 5 months, 25 days ago by SymeSynth

I swear that this thread existed some time ago, but I couldn't find anything about it, so here goes nothing!

The gist is simple: the OC above will state or provide some kind of food, and the OC below chooses whether they will eat it or leave it!
- As an IC thread, the food provided here can be varied. You're free to have your OC show off entirely fictional or something like magical food if you'd like, but do note that you will probably have to describe this a little further compared to something mundane!

- This is primarily a 'for fun' thread. You don't have to take this too seriously.
- Post IC. This is an in-character thread, after all!
- Please try and describe the food! If it's obscure, I'd recommend having something like a picture or a link so others can be familiar with it! If not, a written description will do.
- Don't be an ass. This means that if you have a user blocked or if you've been blocked, you should refrain from posting until someone else is available. Don't skip people.
- Some effort is recommended, but not required. At least try to go for three lines! Showing your character's reaction to the food is generally the best way to go about this game.
- Claim on time. If you have made a claim, please edit your response within three hours. Users who have not edited their claim may be skipped.
- Avoid sandwiching posts. Unless 12+ hours have passed, wait until at least two other users have posted before you go again.

Rules may be added or adjusted depending on how this thread goes. The main rule here is to have fun!

First post is a freebie!

Kale apodoforcas

claiming the freebie

“I know this is a drink, but this should count right? What do you say about orange juice? Freshly squeezed with or without pulp or whatnot. Ok but no matter what, I hope you really don’t enjoy it; I just can’t stand that thing. Tastes so gross and it just gives me bad memories for some reason.” 

<Sona> [Edeia] Elsyne SymeSynth

Elsyne can't help but snort in amusement. Really, treating orange juice as an abomination. He could name so many beverages that would be a very unpleasant affair, and this one chooses a type of juice.

"I quite like it. Something fresh and pulpy, preferably," he says, tone rather chiding. "Rather interesting that you hope that I wouldn't enjoy it."

He tilts his head. "What, do you expect everyone to share the same tastes as you do?"

The fae being gently lowers what appears to be a peculiar vegetable soup on the table, its strong scent savoury and tempting. And, following that, he snaps his fingers, allowing a variety of kitchen utensils to manifest before you, and he allows himself to hover on the opposite end of the table, his gaze settled on you.

"A simple meat-and-vegetable soup," he says in lieu of an introduction. "Don't worry, I haven't tampered with it besides the ingredients, so you don't have to worry about being bound."

(Some kind of peculiar variant of tinola, except that it uses some nondescript fae fowl and vegetables as ingredients. Surprisingly delicious, if one is willing to taste it, just a bit exotic.)

Boss Esterofila

“Hey, anytime anyone cooks anything for me and I don’t gotta pay for it, is good by me.” 

Boss peers into the soup. She doesn’t recognize some of the oddly-colored veggies floating around in it, but as long as they taste good, what was the issue?

She takes a pensive sip from the spoon, and gives a pleased snort. “Well, it didn’t kill me. That’s the first victory. The second is that it tastes pretty damn good. You should give this recipe to my camp cook, I know about a hundred hungry outlaws who would love to get their greasy paws on this stuff.”

/ / /

Boss tosses a plate on the table. On the plate, is a mountain of mashed potatoes with some sort of deep brown meat sauce, and a nice, fat steak. 

“This is the sort of shit that keeps you runnin’, y’know.” She says, wiping her hands. “And it happens to be my favorite dish. Go on, then, eat up- oh, right.” 

She imbeds the fork and knife into the table with a solid thud.

“There. Now dig in.”

(Np please ping!)

The Wanderer thalassophobic


The Wanderer's gaze flicked nervously between Boss's imposing figure at the other side of the table and the hearty meal before him. His expression as he listened to her speak was evidently one of fear: wide-eyed, brows furrowed. His anxiety was made even more clear by the way he almost jumped out of his seat at the thud of the utensils against the table.

Gulping, he tentatively picked up the utensils, eyeing the steak and mashed potatoes. He looked back up at Boss, then gingerly  took a small bite. His eyes widened. Immediately, his body language  changed from cringing fear to surprise and delight. He proceeded to wolf down the meal with the speed and energy of a ravenous animal-- or a starving boy.

The plate is almost scraped clean when he's done with it. Then, suddenly remembering himself, he looks up at Boss with a wide smile, no trace of his previous fear. He makes a gesture with his hand, the sign for "Thank you."

The campfire crackles, casting a  warm glow over the the Wanderer's face as he tends to the flickering  flames. Nestled in the tranquility of the wilderness, you encounter him just as he finishes his carefully-prepared meal. A pair of freshly-caught trout lie skewered and suspended over the flames. The aroma of the crisped fish, seasoned with herbs foraged throughout his journey, wafts through the air.

He gestures for you to come closer, and sit with him by the fire. After a short wait, he removes the skewers from the fire. The fish are rather small, and he could easily finish both by himself. Instead, he turns to you, and with a gentle smile and a welcoming nod hands you one of the skewered fish.

The Robot/The Black Knight (Demon Form) batsunsetz

He puts his hands up in a gesture of surrender, pushing the fish back to the Wanderer. He ran his toungue over his lack of canines, herbivore biology making the fish seem just- straight-up inedible.

"I'm a vegitarian," he muttered awkwardly, "Also, uh, demons don't eat.... food..."


He steadied an open-faced teapot with one hand, while grinding a blood-red moss into hot water with the other. After a couple minutes of stirring, he pulled down two small cups- he poured the now pink-red drink into both, offering one to you.

"Humans call it Bloodmoss," he said, trying to disipate the steam of his drink, "It's, uh, fruity- and, well, humans say it tastes a bit like blood."

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CHRIS. your_mutt

Chris’ tail curled in excitement, drawn to the familiarity of the pastry. Although, he had never had one covered with strawberries; and for that matter, he’d never had a single strawberry. The tiger picked it up and excitedly brought it to his mouth. The sweet aroma teased his senses, but as his teeth sunk into the curious red fruit, an unexpected tanginess hit his tongue. 

Eyes widening in surprise, Chris paused, momentarily taken aback by the burst of sourness. The contrast between the sugary crust and the tartness of the strawberry was stark and startling. While the initial shock slightly turned him away, he was intrigued by the flavor that lingered. 

Despite the unexpected twist, Chris took another bite. Gradually, the initial hesitation became appreciation for this new sensation. It was a strange delight, the fight of sweet pastry and tangy fruit creating an unusual harmony. The tart, once an uncharted territory, became an intriguing addition to his palate, expanding his taste buds. “It’s super good!”


@np, pls ping me!

Chris finally tore his apron off of himself and turned around as he dished the food he had been cooking. The smells and sights were foreign, but not to him. Despite it not being apart of his culture, he happily implemented it the moment he first tasted it years ago.
Chris set the plate before you, the blue design of the plate now gone beneath the food. The plate was adorned with chicken neatly coated with a brown sauce, two split hardboiled eggs, and thickly sliced boiled potatoes, lying on a bed of fresh rice. Finally, it was garnished with a piece of green lettuce. 

“I’m still working on the recipe, but I’ve almost perfected it!”

(the food is aji de gallina, or, peruvian curry)

MC comedy_pink


"Ooh…" MC hummed as they scanned the plate of food inquisitively. While they were familiar with the food presented to them, the dish was something they had not seen before.

Taking the utensils, MC carefully cuts a small part of chicken and lumps it with a portion of rice and potatoes. Looking at her spoon for a moment, she takes a bite, and processes what she had just consumed. Hmm, it tastes… delicious! The sauce has a flavor that compliments the chicken nicely, and the potatoes were just right to her. She likes it!

"This tastes wonderful!" They said with a smile. "I'm going to empty this plate, for sure."

(eat it! :])

(np, pls ping. ty)

Coming out of the kitchen, the robot had brought a tray of cookies with strawberry sugar glaze with sprinkles. He settles it down on the table. Its presentation gives off the feeling of overt sweetness.

"Sorry for the wait! I accidentally spilled some ingredients while I was baking, haha… regardless, I hope you can enjoy the array of cookies I made for you."

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Alois SymeSynth

Alois isn't quite the drinker, but... who is he to refuse a pastry as inviting as this one? It is an open secret, his fascination for all sorts of sweets and confectionery, and if an invitation to try a free sample presents itself, then he will take it for himself. Esri being fae is no issue to him, not at all.

Instead, he focuses his gaze onto her, those empty orbs filled with a nebulous intent, and he nods at the presented slice with a soft smile that does not quite match the way his eyes look. Perhaps he is simply that way.

"Thank you," he tells her, carefully taking a fork to the slice and taking a bite-sized piece to relish in the taste, humming in appreciation as he closes his eyes for a moment, before reopening them with a flutter of his lashes.

Then, he takes another small bite, inspecting the pastry with something akin to analysis. "Quite delicious, really, although I prefer mine with a touch more sweetness. I'm not sure if others would, though, so I would say to keep the recipe as it is."

The first thing that hits you is the scent of lemon and condensed milk, as Alois strolls into view, a pie carefully balanced on one of his hands. He gently lowers it to the table, and his eyes flicker over to you before returning to the confection, lowering a plate and utensils in front of you.

"A sweet lemon pie," he says, apropos of nothing, "a crust of nuts and graham crackers, with a filling of condensed milk and lemon juice, as well as egg yolks. A rather humble dish, but a delicious one."

(OOC: He may also stare at you very intently while you eat the lemon pie)

August n4ils

August’s eyes glow an excited pink at the pie; they’ve always had a soft spot deep in their heart(?) for desserts. “oh, wonderful!!! this looks SOOOOO good, thank you :D” August spoke with surprising politeness as their eyes dim back down.

The demon then spends an embarrassing few seconds trying to make sure she didn’t fuck up cutting into the pie, as he had noticed the empty, piercing stare Alois was giving her the entire time.
As August finally sets the slice onto her plate, she near immediately stabs into it with her fork, lifting the piece to her mouth and biting down…

Her eyes glow that vibrant pink again in utter shock. It’s delicious, the sweetness and tartness providing an amazing combination.

“ouuuuu…this is so good..” August hums with sparkling eyes, taking bite after bite. If Alois wasn’t staring at them right now, they would just pick up the piece like a slice of pizza and eat it like they haven’t eaten in years.


The demon of sloth skips in front of your table, plate in hand. The smell of perfectly seasoned meat and garlic wafts through the air as they set it down in front of you. 

“here you go!! ^_^” August says cheerily, setting down a pair of cutlery and even a pink napkin…

The meal looks absolutely delicious, albeit a bit unidentifiable. A large, vaguely steak-looking piece of meat with a concerningly red sauce drizzled over it, a hearty spoonful of baked mac and cheese, and broccoli…to of course balance to hearty meal out.

“this is one of my faaavvvorrite meals…i hope you love it!!! :3” August beams, seeming just ecstatic to be feeding you. Worryingly ecstatic, but they probably just mean well…

(ooc: yeah shes about to feed you another demon just for funsies im SO sorry)

The Robot/The Black Knight (Demon Form) batsunsetz

"I'm... vegitarian."

The meat would seem inedible to him even if it was totally normal, but the oddness of it made him want to vomit. He, nervously, poked at the meat with the very edge of his nail, and immediately wiped the "sauce" on his skirt while trying not to gag. 

The broccoli and mac n cheese looked more edible, and he pushed a piece away from the meat before eating it. Of course, the goat-demon liked green vegetables, and his chewing became a lot less hesitant.

"I'll take more of the greens?"


"It's butter... mushrooms and chickpeas."

The curry messily scooped over a pile of rice resembled butter chicken, but there was no chicken. Instead, small mushrooms and canned chickpeas swam in the sauce- appropriately meaty, but also edible to the herbivore serving it.

Tenebris starb3rr1

Tenebris stared at him as if he were speaking nonsense, and in a way, he has. The luminary had no idea what any of those items were, but here they were, presented to him. The sight of soaked grains was already enough to keep Tenebris away from the main course, but out of pure courtesy, he scooped a bit of the plated sauce into his mouth.

There's no flavor— Tenebris doesn't have the receptors for it. There's a hint of a grainy texture, but it's something palatable in his book.

Given the unassuming nature of the dish, he decided to venture more and popped the curious shaped vegetable in his mouth as well... Regret. Regret. Regret. Not only is it soft, it's slimy. He covered his mouth in pure shock, briefly recoiling to aid his body in forcing the mushroom down. "..It's okay." Tenebris strained.


"I don't really know what this is," Tenebris explained with nonchalance as he shook the metal tin, splaying out on his hand a colorful array of star-shaped goods stuck to one another. "All I know is that they're the only thing I can stomach."

On closer inspection, you can see they're dusted with a light coating of something white. It may be some sort of powdered sugar to emphasize sweet tones. Or, maybe it's centuries worth of dust that's built up.

( np: it's star candy he's doesnt read labels )

 Barnabas Lattskull

He takes one of the star-shaped candies from the horned man's hand and holds it closer to inspect it. He should know better than to take anything from a stranger but something about this squishy little thing allures him. Maybe it's because of the resemblance to the sweets that the king's advisor had given him a week ago, something called a "Tur-kehsh Del-ait". Ahhh... He's always had such a weakness to sweet things........ He ponders for a moment.... he thinks there's at least a chance that it isn't tainted with anything and on the chance that he IS poisoned...... his stomach can handle it..... hopefully.

With some hesitation, he had let himself chew on the unknown confectionary. To his surprise and delight. it was a wonderful taste! Such sweetness with a fruity flavour, it definitely beats whatever that other candy was called.  His hand moved to take another piece from the small pile on the man's hand, but stopped... seemingly bashful about his eagerness to take another piece of sweet from the man.

"Uh... sorry...... but.... May I have another piece.... or two?"

The smell of something roasted fills the nightly air of the camp. Though as it makes your mouth water, there is a feeling of dread as you recall that the meat that was stocked and stored for this journey had run out... and Barnabas had procured some.... alternatives, coincidentally right after that ambush by the goblins.

He cut off strips off and placed them on a wooden plate, handing them to you with an expression of penitence as he too knows that the unspoken is somewhat hard to swallow.....

(NP: he's feeding you roasted meat that you know definitely came from goblins)