Ask A Question to the OC Below!

Posted 5 months, 19 days ago (Edited 4 months, 7 days ago) by SymeSynth

We've got a lot of 'ask the OC above'-type games, so let's change things up a bit. In this case, the OC above asks the OC below a question, and they have to answer! And so the chain goes.
- Any question goes as long as it's not NSFW or offensive. It can even be a peculiar question!
- The OC below does not have to answer the question correctly. The answer can be wrong or straight-up nonsensical.

- This is primarily a 'for fun' thread. You don't have to take this too seriously.
- Post IC. This is an OC thread, after all!
- Don't be an ass. This means that if you have a user blocked or if you've been blocked, you should refrain from posting until someone else is available. Don't skip people.
- Please keep things PG-13. This is an SFW thread! If something is a bit more questionable, please spoiler it or black it out!
- Avoid sandwiching posts. Unless 12+ hours have passed, wait until at least two other users have posted before you go again. If you've sandwiched recently, please refrain from doing so again unless several days have passed.

Rules may be added or adjusted depending on how this thread goes. The main rule here is to have fun!

The first post is a freebie! That is, your OC opens with a question! (If no one claims it in within three hours, I'll post IC.)

Attila Vadász Nuclear-Hydrangea

for NP:
"What performance do you wanna watch at one point of your life? Maybe you wanna see your favorite singer at some point or some old school rock and roll band before they retire and die. Even a once in a life time opportunity. Anyone wants to see their favorite music at some point of their life."

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[Umin] Ak'haum SymeSynth

"Ah, I have numerous performances I'd quite like to watch. Namely, the final songs of my protégés; their final act before the curtain call. And from there, I can take their memory and preserve them."

"Have you ever had a decision that you regretted? Something that you have wanted to take back?"

Asteria Star-Seeker thalassophobic

"No! I don't believe in regret. Regret is for the weak. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, sure. I've said things I didn't really mean to people I really loved. I've allowed myself to be made a fool of by people I really should never have trusted. I've done things whose net effects in my life were unambiguously negative. But do I regret any of it? Not at all. Time moves ever onward, and so do I!"

"Do you have any enemies? Individuals who seem to stubbornly insist on getting in the way of your goals and interests?"

Christian Gray PK_Skeletons

"I've got quite a few of them myself. I tried to keep everything on the hush and then bam, cat's out of the bag and everyone wants me dead. While yes, I do believe I deserve it, I don't believe people should be so rough with me about it. Everyone is so aggressive and it scares me. It's not like they have their own questionable problems . . ."


"Is there anything you would like to change in your life? Could be major or minor. Just something you could have done a bit differently or just, could of not had happen?"

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Sinevis SymeSynth

"I find the experience of music itself pleasant in general, so I find myself listening to all kinds, be it classical, technological, perhaps even futuristic or alien."

"If you knew how your own story ends, what would you do? Would you accept it, or would you attempt to change it?"

Encore Hellborn angeliic_gestalt

"I'd change it with every damn thing I have. It's already not going too good as is, and... as a bard, we love bending fate and fables more than anything else, y'know."

"Is there a memory you have which you cherish?? Like, one that puts a smile on your face every time you think of it."

Morgan Volk Aloofcloud

"Yeah....yeah, I have some memories with my best friend that I enjoy, where I was much younger and could afford to be carefree, though they're also painful to recall."

"Why....are people so divided with pineapple on pizza?  Is it something you like?" 

Empyr Mellus SymeSynth

"I guess it's a bit of a mix of people being defensive about their choices, as well as the opinions of traditionalists... but also just the general infamy of it. I mean, there's the Internet and all..."

"Oh, here's a fun question! Have you met any higher beings? Gods, eldritch entities... those types! Do you think they're great?"

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Siyu ryokvcha

"...I indeed had the displeasure of meeting one. He was a great nuisance and incredibly immature, to put things lightly. Such beings are often drunk with their own power and believe themselves incorrect that one was. To put it simply, they all disgust me."
"Tell me...what do you fear above all else? Is it perhaps something peculiar? An oddity? Or...something more common? I'm rather curious, you see."

Illanya Mariold (Undead AU) HardyLark

“It’s odd, because it used to be so clear. It was easier, when I had something to pin it on. Hells, even now I know the things… the people, the memories that strike fear in me. I thought I was afraid of ever seeing those wh-who did this to me again.” The masked individual takes a breath where previously they’d been deathly still, their body finally moving in a more natural way before slowing to an unnatural stop.

“I killed them, you know. Made it so that I would never have to be afraid of them again. I destroyed that which could ever make it happen again… and yet I still fear. I still feel that panic and terror as if it was the day they captured me, crushing me.” There is an edge of desperation to the woman’s ragged voice, and it’s not hard to see the lights flickering out the holes of her mask. 

“So… to abate your curiosity, traveler.” She nearly spits, though the spite seems less directed at Siyu and more at the situation. “I do have, what many mortals would consider an unusual fear… but my circumstances are far more unusual than most.”

“What is something that you would do anything for?” the masked undead turns her face to you, the blank bear face boring into your own. “Could be a person, a goal, an ideal… anything really.” She tilts her head and the flicker of light flashes through those dark eye holes. 

“What is the thing you’d die for?”

ME WHEN XENO  EXISTS I JUST ... AFJKHA AAAA that's so good I just want to hold this scrimble gently ough.

Xeno Cherenkov junebuggeryy

BIG FAT [tw: suicide]

Xeno leans back in xer chair, arms behind xer in a picture-perfect chillax. Xe chews a straw, deep in thought- teething a wrinkle in the plastic for every wrinkle in xer mind.

"You know, sometimes I think I'd die for dying's sake." Xe says, finally, utterly casual in xer admittance. "How convenient would it be to have something to die for? Ohhh, I'm chompin at the bits for it! God, that'd be so cool. But, ehg, I'm just one pissed off freak of nature with enough dissatisfaction to rival the sun and absolutely no direction. Just tell me where to put this bomb already, y'know?"

Xe sighs, settling downward, into something more solemn. "...If you die for something, it should change things, god damn it. It should alter the fabric of existence. You put your whole fucking soul into it, and the soul should mean something! But- eh, I worked in an emergency room. Had a few close calls in one, too. Most often, dying is just dying. Messy, smelly, undignified. What changes is that now you're dead." 

The chewed up straw is so light, that xe can't feel it through xer gloves. Xe only notices it had fallen to the floor when xe realized the crinkling noise hadn't been heard in a while. Xe sighs, and picks up xer piece of garbage. "It's just... You know, with me, it's- Ehg. I- know how this sounds. And, and don't try and talk me out of it. But with me, it's kinda just a win-win? But, like, I can't take myself out. Then I'm just- Then they win, then everyone's right about me. One of these days, I'm going to break through and find something worth dying for. I'm going to invent the fucking future, and I don't care if it takes me with it."

"Do you-... like your body?" The question is sheepish as it slips out of xer. Xe has the awkward intensity of someone who knows it's prying, but can't take it back. "Er! Sorry, you don't have to- I don't even mean just, just appearances, I guess. I mean, do you like.... having one? Living in one? Do you even.... think about it?"

The Robot/The Black Knight batsunsetz

"...Fucking look at me. No. No I don't."

Dry, blunt, all words to describe his voice- but not his everlastingly static face, the face that just blankly stared as the demon inside writhed. It wasn't hellish- he knew hell, this was worse

"It's- I can't describe it as feeling heavy, because I can't feel anything at all. Vi hugs me, I get my arm ripped off- it's all the fucking same. Always constant, fucking, nothing, just a vauge sense of cold. I wish it fucking hurt, pain is at least something, pain at least reminds me that I'm alive."

"I feel even fucking more like a workhorse than I did in my old body. I kept- back in hell, people kept telling me that all I existed for was my work and the whims of whoever was above me. At least- at least at home, I could point at something to say that I was more, I could point to my blood- everything I was, was theirs, but my body wasn't. My body was leaky and inconvenient and uncontrollable, even to hi-" a sharp pause, a memory of feathers and gold- "them. Now it's... clean, and cold, and able to be made into whatever he- they want me to be."

His voice cracked, but his eyes refused to form tears. He couldn't even cry anymore.


"That was- uh, what's your opinion on physical activity? Working out, sports, whatever."