Ask A Question to the OC Below!

Posted 5 months, 19 days ago (Edited 4 months, 7 days ago) by SymeSynth

We've got a lot of 'ask the OC above'-type games, so let's change things up a bit. In this case, the OC above asks the OC below a question, and they have to answer! And so the chain goes.
- Any question goes as long as it's not NSFW or offensive. It can even be a peculiar question!
- The OC below does not have to answer the question correctly. The answer can be wrong or straight-up nonsensical.

- This is primarily a 'for fun' thread. You don't have to take this too seriously.
- Post IC. This is an OC thread, after all!
- Don't be an ass. This means that if you have a user blocked or if you've been blocked, you should refrain from posting until someone else is available. Don't skip people.
- Please keep things PG-13. This is an SFW thread! If something is a bit more questionable, please spoiler it or black it out!
- Avoid sandwiching posts. Unless 12+ hours have passed, wait until at least two other users have posted before you go again. If you've sandwiched recently, please refrain from doing so again unless several days have passed.

Rules may be added or adjusted depending on how this thread goes. The main rule here is to have fun!

The first post is a freebie! That is, your OC opens with a question! (If no one claims it in within three hours, I'll post IC.)

 Allen crrisp

"Mm, what's a linux? An O..S..? You mean it some sort of laptop brand..? I never heard of it. I use Mac by the way-- HOLD ON why would it be considered killjoy if i dont use it..?! Take me to the place where I can find this Linux, I'll buy one for myself! (⁠˘⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠˘⁠)


..Oh, I'm getting hungry after all this shopping, let's grab a lunch after this~

So what is your idea of favorite/comfort food? A meal that you would eat over and over again :9