Respond to the fact of the OC above you!

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 4 months ago) by  Mircalla Karnstein colorful

ALSO A REMINDER TO ANYONE ELSE WHO SEES THIS: I've been seeing two word replies lately. Sorry to seem like someone to call out but I've been seeing it a lot here and I know people in real life would REALLY react like that but let's change it, mhm?

What I mean is, rather than replying something like "Oh no.", reply "Oh no, I would immediately flee away from your state if I were you." 

I will be pinging people to revise their replies. I'll be giving five warnings before someone gets banned on this thread. No hard feelings guys but let's make the game seem like a game qHq

Hello, this is my first thread in the whole Toyhouse Forum. Well, there's many variants of "above you" games here, and here's one of my own

First, we get to spout a random fact about our characters and the next OC will make his remarks about your character and solely only the fact that was spouted about him. Here's an example:

  • Damien: Mackerel is my favorite fish.
  • Aros: I'm sorry, I don't know how it feels like to eat fish. I killed my girlfriend and I'm guilty about it.
  • Mirca: Whaaaa!! Bad boy!! You shouldn't kill your girlfriend!! I also have a friend named Xavier and we're marrying... as friends!
  • and so on...

I do have a few rules and it's the usual ones:

  1. After posting, just wait every 3 new posts before you could post again
  2. Stay in character as much as possible. If the other person's OC is canonically rude, please do not take it as an insult
  3. You can claim your spot to prevent it from being ninja'd or snatched
  4. You can edit your post when an OC responded to the fact about you
  5. Please put effort on your replies

Well,  let's begin!

"I said d**k at the front of my BF! By BF, I meant best friend! He was so shocked when he heard it and he was so funny when he reacted!"

Grisangore WishingWell

Grisangore is baffled at the outburst. They have only known faeries to be playful; a little chaotic, a bit mischevious at most, but never outright malicious! Yet the idea of faeries the size of their fingernail giving Marcus the shivers is a thought that causes the mage to giggle. "They are not harmful! Well... provided you know how to approach the fae. I fear you do not." At that remark, they smirk. "I could teach you... but only after seeing you interact with a faery first. I feel it would bring me great laughter!"

"But I jest. I wouldn't subject you to their magic intentionally. You are correct, they are deceptively powerful given their size. I understand your trepidation."

They tried to maintain their composure, but soon a fit of laughter overcomes them. It's almost too much to bear; they must excuse themselves from the situation.


"I could share a simple fact about myself! Unfortunately, I have never seen snow. It does not get cold enough in Edologia for snow, but if I were to travel north, I hear I will absolutely encounter it. I just do not want to leave my queens unattended otherwise I would have made the trek years ago. Have you ever seen it?"

Ryuu honeyfinnz

Ryuu laughs a little bit. “I wish I could see snow! I’ve never seen it- well. That’s not accurate. I’ve only seen it when manipulating dreams and sensing fears. Oh-! I once met a person whose biggest fear was suffocating under a lot of snow! I had to address their second worst fear, because I don’t have anything to go off of! Anyways. I live in a pretty hot place, we never get snow here. I’d take a trip to somewhere there is snow, but I don’t have the money.” ——————————————————

“Hmm, a fact... Oh! Despite my powers, I actually can’t control my own dreams, or have a definitive answer to what my fears are. Of course, I know what I’m scared of, but I had to figure it out by myself, you know? And for my dreams, I’d be a lot happier if I could control those, to be honest. I pretty much only have nightmares.”

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Juice / Propinquity Kolo

"Your what? Like a pocket? A pocket on your body? Ahahaha, ha, what? That's weird, pal. What kinda animal are ya, that you have a pocket on you? What would you even put i- you know what, actually, nevermind, I don't want to know and I frankly don't give a shit. Why don't you give yourself something reasonable, somethin normal-like - wings or somethin? Not a pocket. You're not a jacket, eh?"

"Fact about me. Fact about me? Right, right, lessee - well, here's a fun little tidbit: I was walkin' down the street of my town, whistlin' a tune. Now, I didn't think it was nothing special, but apparently - and I tell you this with NO exaggeration, zilch overstatement - so poetically beautiful and movin' that it brought the guards along the road to tears. They're used to my presence, though, so they weren't affected too badly. Now the people in their houses - they might'a dropped dead, a little, brains bleeding out of their skulls. So-" Juice punctuates with a sharp flash of teeth and smile, "-wanna hear the song?"

Tektite Jellysideaccount

For a moment, Tektite pictured the scene. People crying out after hearing such a tune. Blood and brains spilling from skulls. She was trained to respond to such violence with level-headed, calculated action. She shrugged it off. "Nah, I don't want to hear your silly song." She grinned the same way Juice had. "Go away." She fished for a reaction, and if he reacted the way she wanted him to, she would slice his bloody head off.


"Once upon a time," Tektite began, "I was out on a dangerous mission, I had to retrieve a two-ton, alien criminal from the deepest pit of planet Skabaar." She rambled on about the exact location and terrain for a moment. "I get there, and the guy puts up his fists to fight me!" She laughs, "I threw a million chains around his gargantuan fat rolls and pulled together until he exploded!" She cackled with laughter, "It was so fun!"

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Moloch Larkspur P0CKETKNIFE

Vaeril listens intently to her confession, although he was admittedly a bit distracted by her appearence. The scarring on her arm in particular caught his attention, but he doesn't let his gaze linger long enough to stare, and instead directs his focus towards evaluating her expression. He notes the sincerity in her words as she voices her thoughts, and from her solemn tone he could guess there was a deeper insecurity at play.

"Your confidence is the larger issue here," he begins, perhaps a bit too bluntly, and chooses to soften his tone in his next statement, "Law should be impartial, and if you have the ability to exercise that judgement then why should that very avantage be held against you?"

He remains unsure how his words came across, but his intention was nonetheless to offer her reassurance. From what he could gather, everything she said was entirely true, and he would've advocated for her taking the position by force if he felt she had the confidence for it.

"I'm...not the best conversationalist." He seems reluctant to admit the fact, but nontheless continues after a brief moments hesitation, "It's uncomfortable, and I can't be bothered with what petty matters people have to comment on. If it doesn't concern me in some way, I don't want to hear it." His words take on a more frustrated tone near the end, and he waves his hand in the air dismissively. The behavior seems disproportionate compared to the fact itself, an observation that implies he cares more about this social inadequacy than he'd like to admit. 

Fee xmoriartea

"What's to say people don't think your own quabbling is petty, huh?" She tilts her head, leaning her chin into her palm. "People like to talk and pretending you give a shit helps them keep talking. And keeps them around when you want someone to give a shit. Besides. Never know what you'll learn if you just keep your ears open and your mouth shut a minute. You don't have to actually CARE about the conversation anyway, just engage and simmer that temper of yours for a hot second and people will think you're great company."


Fee hesitates for awhile, she tucks her hair behind her ears and she examines the water rings left on her bar. "I lose time sometimes." Her nose scrunches up and she keeps her eyes downcast. "Sometimes I wake up to notes for me I didn't leave myself, or with bruises and cuts I can't remember. I woke up to, shit, 30,000 gold one day. No fucking idea how." She rubs at her eyes, trying to clear a fog that's just out of reach. "I don't know what happens. I'm not sure I even CAN know. Everytime I try to focus..." she snaps her fingers. "Gone."

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Finn InnocentBunny101

"Oh wow! That sounds like a lovely little hobby you have,I would enjoy to see what works you have made if you ever have the spare time to show me~ Oh maybe you can run a tailor shop and sell your works! Sounds like a lovely future to have and a amazing dream"


"Yknow, I never really knew who my parents were, they sort of just sold me to the royal family, aha- for most of my life I thought they were my family and that family made each other preform for a bunch of strangers, glad I know better now"