[IC] First Impressions for the OC Above

Posted 1 month, 23 days ago (Edited 1 month, 15 days ago) by SymeSynth

Another remake of a thread that will be closing this April, originally created by protonoise, done to avoid any awkward timings and potential record losses!

The gist is simple: Your OC has just met the OC above, and, well... what's your OC's first impression of the OC above?

- This is primarily a 'for fun' thread. You don't have to take this too seriously.
- Don't be an ass. This means that if you have a user blocked or if you've been blocked, you should refrain from posting until someone else is available. Don't skip people.
- Post IC! As usual, this is an in-character game.
 - Optional: You can provide a prompt for the below user as a guide for a first impression! Maybe they know of a surface-level information like them being a doctor, or their reputation!
- It is strongly recommended to only give the above OC's profile a skim at most. This is working under the assumption that your OCs have just met, after all!
- This is a PG-13 thread! So please keep things SFW as best as you can!
- This is semi-casual, so some effort is required. A paragraph or five lines is a strong recommendation to start. You are allowed to go a sentence or two, but I do recommend adding some 'oomph', like visual cues and body language!
 - As a soft maximum, I recommend having three to four paragraphs maximum. Going over this is fine, but please don't expect the next users to put in the same amount of effort.
 - Follow-ups are not mandatory, but highly recommended.
- Claim on time. If you have made a claim, please edit your response within three hours. Users who have not edited their claim may be skipped.
- Avoid sandwiching posts. Unless 12+ hours have passed, wait until at least two other users have posted before you go again.

Rules may be added or adjusted depending on how this thread goes. Main rule here is to have fun!

For the first poster, I strongly recommend responding to Adrienne Passer, as they are the last IC post for the original thread! You may also take this post as a freebie, but I discourage that for the most part.

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Gendelfa ProfessionalDumbass

(coming out of a hiatus to torment lol

To describe someone like Rasalas is to describe what Lumineth saw themselves as. Gendelfa was no better; she saw her race as the savior of everyone else. But to see someone appearing as human but being so clearly more was a puzzle. He was graceful, an enigma. He could be what some called aloof, but Gendelfa knew better than to call someone aloof. Aloof was often a term used by anyone who did not understand the scope of one's wisdom. Then again, that was the Lumineth side of her speaking.

Gendelfa ran a rag across the head of her hammer. She had seen her as a scholar on par with anyone the humans could present while still having a rather healthy dose of combat experience. But she had to remind herself that this one was beyond what most humans she had seen could ever hope to be. Still, that only worked to further her conflict within. She had to stow her less-than-pleasant thoughts to think practically as she stared the man down. Taking a a page out of her partner's book, she offered a grunt and walked past the man. Nodding as she did.

"Impressive" That was her assessment of the man, and all she would say to him before she could figure out the puzzle that was him.

Pierre C0WGIRL

A true warrior! Pierre had heard whispers of the warrior circling around taverns and knight's chambers- it had been a popular story to tell in the illumination of a single candle, ten young knights-to-be huddled up like penguins in the dingy rooms of the castle's basement. So, when Pierre had actually seen her, he had felt his stomach churn. He had nightmares about that story. 

He's standing off to the side now, hidden by the shadow of a building, watching her. It's not that creepyIf anything, he could play it off easily by saying he was on a ground-level patrol. He felt himself fiddling with his shirt, regretting the decision to ditch the armor.. he would have loved a battle with her. If he could have fought her, beaten her, he surely would have gained a reputation even more solidified than before. He's itching for the fight, and he scoffs at himself for being so desperate in this moment. Gendelfa was always so..  put together, calm, stoic, but surely she's hiding something. Deep down, in the seconds before a fight, there's always some sort of spark. There's no way a warrior of her ghost-story status could be so perfectly well-mannered.

He can't stand it anymore. Running a hand through his hair, he steps out into the sunlight. As he begins to approach her, he can't help but notice the heads that would usually be turning in his direction are focused in on her. It bothers him more than he'd like to admit. 

"Hey." He says, with a crooked smile that isn't quite in his eyes. He's sure of himself. She must have heard of him, so no need for introduction. "Are you up for a spar?"

Rex mfxdraws

Rex notices Pierre's charming nature and crooked smile, and can't help but raise an eyebrow in suspicion. "Well, aren't you just a ray of sunshine," she remarks dryly.

Her eyes narrow as she takes in his appearance, her gaze lingering on his missing right arm for a moment as her lips curl into a smirk. "So, a fighter, huh?" she comments playfully. "Bahh forgive me for for being skeptical, but... one arm seems a bit... disadvantageous in a brawl, wouldn't you say?" Her words carry a subtle challenge, a glint of hunger in her eyes as she continues. For a fleeting moment, Rex entertains the thought of sinking her teeth into his flesh right there, but she quickly pushes the impulse aside, reminding herself to play nice for now.  She knows better than to underestimate someone solely based on appearances. She leans in a little closer in attempt to provoke more of a reaction. "But who am I to judge? Maybe you've got some tricks up your sleeve.", she chuckles, playfully tapping his one arm.

She's eagerly looks him in the eye to see how he takes to her playful jabs. Rex still notices the aura of confidence about Pierre. This frustrates her a little, though she tries not to show it. Rex can't deny the intrigue that tugs at her - there's something about his positivity mixed with a hint of mystery that she just can't shake.

"Y'know what, you're alright, french boy." she adds, with begrudging approval.