This sounds like a fun one! I havent seen this around, so why not?

Basically imagine if the oc above is roomates with an oc you have, that's about it.

 Invader Tec Jellysideaccount

Tec and Contral would always be at each other's throats about everything. Tec is very loud and violent with everything, whilst Contral is more dignified and shy. Tec would try his absolute hardest to keep Contral on his toes, set traps, jump out of nowhere just to scare him, never share any little thing, steal things, destroy things, and many more annoying things. Tec would never allow any technology to be finished, he would take it and make modifications to his own mechanical body with it. Contral would have to install security measures to keep Tec out of his important things, and so forth. The two would never get along and would fight until the day one of them quits.

Flauros Rorichi

As i understood Tec is a pretty cruel and malicious creature...just like Flauros xd So i guess they would be terrible roomates always creating conflicts over the smallest things. Also i think they would definitely try to kill each other at least once a day xd And their life as roomates would end pretty quickly with them destroying the place they would live in i guess xd 

So yeah awful roomates i don't approve it xd

Ethan Wilhelm PicklePantry

After all these two have been through? Utter chaos, terrible idea.   But boy howdy would it be funny. Ethan's bad luck would constantly cause him to make these mishaps happen, like Flauros opening the fridge to find that there's no more juice, there's a fly in the room (that she'd probably incinerate tbh), she stubs her foot against a chair he didn't put away. And all of this would cause her to try and destroy him each day, leading to him cowering under the dining table most times. These two? Absolutely wild. I feel like it'd be something out of a sitcom.

 ♤ Wren ♤ Wrenkenstein

I have a feeling that Wren and Ethan would get along pretty well at the start, and Wren would enjoy his optimistic yet mild company. That being said, the "Bad luck" aspect would definitely annoy her, and its constant generation of mild inconveniences would probably evolve into something more as time went on- especially because she'd be affected by it. She'd be incredibly tolerant of Ethan knocking over her things, stumbling over her machines and the like, but as soon as it began to latch onto her and hamper her ability to work? She'd be hella pissed lol. She'd probably be caught between blaming him and feeling pity. But she wouldn't, like, throw things at him or anything. 

Maribelle Burnett Vapor

Apothewren sorry for ping but it's been like 4 months and i like this thread so i'm gonna try and necromance it

Maribelle would certainly look up to Wren, considering, you know, she's a scientist... even if science is sort of frowned upon where she's from, but it's cool, it's fine. she'd dig it anyways. Although, expect her to also be... kind of annoying when it comes to science, even if she really tries not to be. She'd just want to question everything. It'd be easier just to lock her out of Wren's room and tell her to go away. she'd still admire wren nevertheless, even if after the fact she'd be too shy to say anything else to her

Other than that, Maribelle might keep away from Wren for the most part? It takes her a long time to really grow attached to someone, but she'd do her best to hold up her end of the housework. She'd honestly just do whatever's asked of her. If Wren wants to just leave the laundry entirely to her, then that's alright with Maribelle. dishes are for her, though

Also, like....... introverted, sleep-deprived roomies?

Fitzgerald (Human) kafkaesque

in the 0.0000000000001% chance they agreed to be roommates with each other (probably more out of necessity than actual choice even then), Maribelle and Fitz wouldn't get along. like. at all. even then, that's a bit of an understatement, because there's a good chance one of them would ask to change rooms pretty quickly lmao- she probably wouldn't be able to stand his rich bitch attitude, while he'd find her snark and her withdrawn personality to be more than a bit annoying/frustrating. they're essentially opposites, but there ain't any attraction here. just... full-on resentment, bickering, and petty wars. when they're not fighting, they'd do their business on the opposite sides of the room, only acknowledging each other via angry glares or some sharp words here and there.

maybe they'd get along eventually and become friends, but they probably wouldn't be THAT close, and I shouldn't even really mention that because that has a near 0% chance of occurring. they do seem to have a shared interest in flowers, sweets and insects, but... that's kind of it. maybe one of those topics somehow gets brought up one day, and neither of them are in particularly bad moods, so... *jazz hands* their first (and maybe only) friendly conversation. out of 3489737849632 hostile exchanges. their first actual instance of bonding is Fitz sharing one of his cookies with Maribelle that's my take thank you for coming to my TED talk-

   - oH g OD honestly... accurate... and I love it. Fitz can't stand teenagers or people who act like them (which is ironic because... well... he high-key acts like a high-schooler). the petty brawls between them would be interesting to see indeed. >:))

 Cash C. Faye hmx12

❝ hEE hOO ❞

Cash would literally just be a generic annoying 14 y/o who has no cares in life besides being King on and reaching tier 100 on Fortnite. He'd probably subtly tease Fitz on being an older version of his sister, and disregard his existence. In the middle of the night, legend says you can see blue light coming from the TV, and a distant scream of rage. They'd probably get into flex battles, mainly bc Cash is a blond equiv of Ricegum. Probably only talks to Fitz if he brings potato chips without Cash having to ask. I'd just imagine them being subtly petty toward each other, but do talk occasionally. Cash doesn't really contribute much into maintaining the house, messing shit up but never bothering to clean it.

I,,, i,, i can't. idiot blond kid face-camming his minecraft girlfriend and then his dragon/demon mom  roommate breaking in just to say she made spinach brownies


oh geez taffy would totally go full mom on him. she's already super worried for her peers her own age so having this Very Teenage Teenager in her House and Home is... she'd pretty much adopt him as her own kid. even worse if he's the "GET OUT OF MY ROOM I'M PLAYING MINECRAFT" type because she'd totally, totally pop into his room at inopportune times to ask him if he needs anything or to tell him that she'd made dinner. xbox live voice chat interrupter supreme.

James Orca

James would feel very, very invaded upon. Putting such an affectionate person with someone who'd rather be alone could potentially be disastrous. I could imagine Taffy constantly checking on James to see if he's doing alright, and he keeps having to tell her that yes, he's fine, leave him alone already. Bonus points if she barges in when he's doing something he's invested in.

However, that's not to say James would hate or even dislike Taffy; annoying as she might be, at least she's a nice person, and that's something he can respect. If things go smoothly enough, he'd probably put up with her at least part of the time, but not before establishing some serious boundaries.

Dolores (Human) kafkaesque

given their fairly opposite personalities, I don't think Dolores and James would exactly get along at first?? although it'd probably be more from James's side of the equation than Dolores's, as the former would try her absolute best to make things cordial - even friendly - between them. despite the tension - though - they do have some similarities that'd allow their dynamic to improve over time. James seems like he'd at least appreciate Dolores's more laid-back and calm personality, and their time together would actually be quiet. the dragon doesn't seem like a talker, and Dolores respects that. so, they remain silent and tolerate (perhaps even enjoy?) each other's company. they'd do their own separate things, but the peace in the air is what makes it worthwhile.

of course, once they open up more, you BET that Dolores is going to be the mom friend to James and try treating him like a son LMAO. she already has that dog of hers, so... why not have another animal companion under her belt? obviously she wouldn't use him as a perch, but she'd be the type to burst in during his video gaming sessions and ask if he wants something to eat/drink. they'd still keep separate parts of the room and wouldn't necessarily be Super Close, but their time in that room wouldn't be too bad after the first few bumps! hell.... she'd probably miss James once they go their separate ways..... but that's not saying much because she's lonely af and literally latches onto anyone who tolerates her for more than a minute sdjfysvgdfusvcysd-


   - ofc it's the Old Duo who actually have their shit together... although not by much because Noel is an angsty wreck and Dolores is..... trying.

I mean.... Dolores isn't exactly new to jackass men in her life, so she'd sort of appreciate the familiarity?? although at the same time... it's not exactly the healthiest reasoning to be chill with someone's presence wheeze. she's also a bit too nice to really be that frustrated when he's being bad-tempered ydfvgsfdsdc- she'd 100% gripe over the dog though, mostly because that's like. her only companion these days. but that'd last for a bit before she complies and at least sends Poffin off to a pet-sitter haha.

tbh the moping is probably the only thing that'd cause any actual conflict between them, as petty as it sort of is. but... they're sad old people, so... groveling over problems is sort of inevitable for both of them. but YEA at least they actually fucking know how to sit down and talk?? and not engage in petty warfare?? the roommate arrangement won't be permanent for sure, but they'd at least work to make the situation tolerable for both parties lmao. also hell yea at the stupid nickname.... she'd probably return the favor tbh.

Noel Alkaev Vapor

they'd probably be more likely/more willing to become roommates than Those Two Above, but as much as dolores and noel could get along as friends i don't think..... it'd be the same way them being roommates. noel is nice[r] to ladies, for sure, but he's still a massive dick to everyone. he'd probably appreciate dolores, and would definitely enjoy having her around, AND wouldn't intentionally be a jackass, but he'd be a bit... tetchy. also he'd tell her to get rid of poffin straight away, which is worse than any war crime he's ever committed. i'm so sorry dolores.

THEY BOTH also have a tendency to mope, which at least on noel's side would annoy him to no end, because only HE gets to brood. no one else. and dolores would hate hearing every single swear word that pours out of noel's mouth.

bright side? i feel like they'd TRY to make it work, and are both actually capable of sitting down and discussing problems like normal people. also eventually dolores would get a stupid nickname.

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Petrel malaquill

I feel like they'd just stay out of each others' way. 

They both tend to be withdrawn, they both want some peace and quiet, they both don't really trust most people, and they're both really only invested in the well-being of one person, which makes me think there'd sort of be a mutual just... never dealing with each other unless they have to, especially since Noel doesn't like other men. Neither likes dogs, so pets are a non-issue. Neither of them get enough sleep, which once again could also work really well, or could be really annoying; Petrel tends to cope with anything by keeping busy, and sometimes that means doing all of the dishes and then some at 3AM.  On the plus side, the room is probably spotless despite the amount of horrible depression concentrated within it.

Overall, it could go great, or it could go very poorly? I think their individual quirks could clash just as easily as their similarities could mean things going smoothly. 

🐤 Seok RatKingUmi

I feel like Petrel and Seok would have quite a 'stay out of each other's way' relationship if they were roommates much to Seok's disappointment. Seokyeon is incredibly touchy and affectionate and gets attached to people verrryyy quickly, but he is good at reading social cues so he would be very easy going with his affection and maybe prod subtly to see if he can get any more since I do believe Petrel could be incredibly intimidated by his extroverted nature. He would certainly express his softness in small gestures like leaving plates of food for dinner out for Petrel and asking him if he needs anything when Seok goes out to work, he would constantly try to get him to go out and have fun with him, but if Petrel didnt want to he wouldnt push him to. 

However, I feel like if Seokyeon ever found out about Petrel's mental demons and trauma, Seokyeon would try to silently comfort him, as he himself is prone to flashbacks and severe measurements of anxiety and panic, maybe even try to reason with him and get him to open up about it despite being the literal most awful sympathiser ever. 

Honesty I think the line between them getting on and not getting on if whether Petrel can withstand a 26 year old man baby haha. All Seokyeon wants is to get along with legit everyone and if someone is gunna deny that then *shrug* not his problem. 

Rylex Marclyn

These two would live it up! Rylex loves to hang wid them boys. Rylex is a 'boys will be boys' type of guy. Would just love to party and do obnoxious shit together. I can see them playing pranks on each other and just being immature and rowdy. Maybe Rylex more than Seok on the immature part. But hey, I can see Rylex being able to convince Seok to have some fun and do stupid shit with him. Peer pressure! Probably cause lots of issues for their neighbors. Though Seok is the younger, he may have to be the more responsible one. And on days Seok is not feeling in the mood to socialize, I'm guessing Rylex will still barge into his room and want to hang out. Kind of in your face, takes no for an answer type of guy. This will probably exhaust and annoy Seok. Or no? Idk. LOL!

Though they are very different in personality. Seokyeon is more artsy fartsy. More intune to his feelings. He seems like he has a lot of mental health issues. And Rylex is just a dick. Rylex is a closed book, will never express his emotions. It's considered too girly for him. His ego and machismo is WAY much bigger than Seok. They may not get along all the time for that reason. They both have similar upbringing too. Rylex had a shitty childhood. He was born from the hood and had to survive by himself. They may connect on that, but at the same time. Rylex still make fun of Seok, because of his emotional issues. I can also see these two getting into psychical altercations from time to time. Maybe knock each other around. But you know, Rylex never takes that kind of shit personal. He just likes to fight. After the fight, will probably just have a cold beer afterwords and talk like normal. LOL! And Seok is actually the type of guy that Rylex loves to bully in the military. LOL!!!

However, they may get along due to their similar occupation. Being a military guy and a SWAT guy. The same type of discipline they both have. The rigorous training they do. Maybe they like to test each other a lot. Work out together and push each other's limit. Like have competitions between the two. Who can do the most pushups. Who finishes the finish line first. Just fun but very competitive exercising activities. I'm guessing when the day they don't gotta do mission or work, that is when they partay!! Rylex likes to work hard, but also party hard. And he'd love to drag Seok into his lifestyle. I think they'll be great roomies. 

LOL!! Geezus! Yuh. These two won't get along. I feel bad for Rose. Rylex won't ever beat him but will bully the life out of him. More like shoving and slapping around. Name calling, playing cruel prank and jokes. Rylex is always up for a friendly fight and competition But Rose look like he can't take the hit. So maybe a shove or a hard smack. Just typical douche bully behavior. LOL! Poor kiddo.
LOL!! Man when Rose starts tossing shit at Rylex... Damn.. LOL. I can picture it. Be so funny. Rylex would be like, this boy crazy! Rylex will have to be the reasonable one! And he usually isn't. LOL. So hostile!!
They always say two negatives makes a positive? Two assholes living together look like they don't work, but they may? Guess if the Roses won't make peace. That would be that. Just bad roomies. LOLOL!!