What do the above user's OCs say about them?

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 years, 5 months ago) by pajuxi

Some pals and I thought this would be a cute and fun thread!!

How this thread works is that you are going to look at the above user's entire collection of characters on TH and share what you think they show in that user's tastes! It can be entirely based on visuals but if you want to go above and beyond (winks) you can also look through personalities/stories and see if theres any common themes or ideas! 

an example response would be something like:
" @(username) based on your OCs I think you have a lot of interest in victorian aesthetics! You like happy ending to stories and also have a fondness for curly hair!" you can be as in-depth as you want and its fine if you are not 100% exact because its just meant to be fun/ its fun to see what other people gather about you from your taste in characters!! 

-make sure to claim before writing so we can reduce people getting ninja'd!
-you have to have at least 3-4 characters visible to play!
-if you have a lot of characters with problematic content/backstories/etc. please give a warning for that in your post!
-play nice and don't be rude or mean!

and thats it! I'll start off the thread- to the person below me what do you think my characters say about my tastes?


You definitely seem to a have a preference for male/male-presenting characters! Overall, your OCs are also very diverse; despite being all humanoid, their species are varied, and it's first noticed by the uncommon skin colours that some of your characters have. I also notice that you're into angels and demons similarly to me 😏

Your characters tend to be linked together by a detailed, well-researched lore, but their bios tend to stay short (I'm not complaining though! It's easier and more pleasing to read for me haha). I guess you either plan to write a story about them and don't want to spoil, or that you keep most of it in your head and didn't have the time to write everything down yet?

The colours you use are very bright, saturated, guess you're a generally happy and funny person.


@Judas-la-Carotte There are some really clear themes in your characters when browsing through them, especially those of religions and other beliefs that aren't necessarily tied to religion per se, and they make me inclined to think the topic is probably really interesting to you and close to your heart. Re-imaginations of already existing historical and mythological figures are also really closely present, and you seem to be particularly interested in putting new twists to really well known characters, as well as portraying them as much younger than in their "original canon". There are other characters who aren't quite what they seem either, like Norea who painted her horns and wings and cut her tail to seem like an angel. 

It might be an odd thing to say but I feel like the themes of like... innocence and the loss of it as well as social issues and rebellion against the corrupt adult world are something you probably find interesting and definitely more than worth exploring in fiction, and I get the feeling you're probably interested at least to some degree in philosophy, religious dogmas and notions in the more philosophical sense? 



First of all I wanted to say I looove your OCs and their aesthetics aaa ;v; ♥

Then, I guess you've been said that a whole lot already, but I guess you're really inspired by (old school) shoujo manga? Maybe you're into more "classical" paintings and illustrations as well? :o You also seem to be a fan of "royal", and more generally, "historical" themes, maybe mythology too? 

I guess you have a preference for blond-haired and fair-skinned characters, and that you mainly use pastel and earthly colours in your arts and designs. This gives a very soft personality to your collection, maybe you're like that irl too? :o



Your OCs are very colorful and extremely pleasing to look at, looking at them, you might really like fantasy and especially angels. You also like sweet and gentle characters a lot and tend to make them more towards the "Good" alignment.



Your ocs seem to be really unique! They are very diversified and colorful. A lot of them have a bit of a...serious facial expression? I'm not sure how to word it but their stare like they know of what's going on and it's a thing that catches my eyes at least.

They probably show you likely have a straightforward yet open-minded personality and you're likely fairly calm. I don't know for sure though.



You seem have a good mix between non-human (but still humanoid), supernatural (?) and more down-to-earth, realistic characters. Maybe it's because of the base, but they all look happy and cute, I guess you like kawaii aesthetic and that you're a rather optimistic person? You seem to have a preference for "simple" designs as well, and to focus a lot on colour in your designs and artworks?

This is very specific but I get some Untertale vibes when looking at some of your characters, maybe this is/was an inspiration for you?


Aaaah i'm seeing so many cuti little babes! Looking at your characters i can say that you like fantasy stuff a lot! Especially angels! They all have such nice soft palettes and sweet personalities so i'm sure you are just as amazing as your OCs are <333

btw you are so good at making moodboards and they fit your charas so well~!


ohh your ocs are all so very pretty i love

You like a lot of cute female characters, and darker color schemes! You also put a lot of though in your ocs and their designs. And even getting inspiration off of those around you as well, which is cool! You also have a lot of characters that are angelic/demonic or other supernatural beings like that, and their personalities fit their designs a lot too!


Heck they're all so cute, I wanna fav they all, AAAAAA

I think you like a little of blood in ur OC's. And you don't appear be a person who likes "Tottaly edgy" things. You like characters with one Sad story? Or one normal backstory? You don't have one "favorite color", right? And, you love write the personalities, give life for the chara's. You love mystic things, aaand... Paranormal things? You have a special affection for what you have created, as if this were a living person.

It seems like you hold a grudge against something because I've seen that some of your OCs have a vindictive spirit?

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You have so many different taste! You've seem to have dappled in a little of everything in ocs. I think that's pretty cool, you haven't gotten into a little niche so you can keep creating all these new and different ocs. You favor darker skinned character, which is really cool, representation does matter. All in all you, you have so many ocs and so many ideas, I'm a little jelly :>

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obluda All of your characters are really well-developed (with the obvious exception of Bryce, who's a WIP), which shows you're very dedicated to them. Perhaps on a larger scale, it shows that when you're dedicated to something, you'll pour your heart and soul into it. Never change that. They feel very much like people you could meet in the real world, which would suggest you're social and you like people. Since their bios all use the same template, perhaps you like consistency and order, to quote your own post. Overall, your characters are just awesome.

Also, "Domek picked up many of his core personality traits from the dogs his mother breeds. He is small, pugnacious and likely to bite at your ankles." is pretty funny.

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