This is a game similar to my previous “How difficult is the above oc to draw?” thread. But this time, you put a brief text prompt for the next person. Then that person responds /10 how well they could do it. You can play this game ic or ooc.


To start off the game, how well could you draw Hillary in her 184th outfit with a beach background?

Lui Tosdohl Skykristal

100% possible, I have some experience with group art and interactions too! but it would take a looong time :'D about 7/10 because of time and effort.


How well could you draw an epic fight scene of Lui and Infinity? (speaking of her alien form) 

Dr. Enigma comedy_pink

the characters by themselves? i can do ok i think (5/10). a whole fight scene, however? uh uh sorry, can't do that (0/10). i'd have to do lots of background, posing, shading, and lighting studying first. i do see the whole picture in my head sort of sooo

how well do you think you could draw dr. enigma inventing a robot?

Chris BewareOfTheMenace

10/10 Actually I can! Sounds simple to me so maybe I can draw him making a robot.

Okay, can you draw Chris arguing with his father or young Chris closing his ears while his parents arguing very well?

Yavi Yavervin

I crave angst and I would absolutely draw that, expressions of characters always fascinated me so yeah yolo- 10/10

How well can you draw Yavi holding a bouquet of purple flowers for Chan. :]

Watches in absolute fear

Kaoru ryokvcha

10/10 slash threat. don't think i've forgotten. four days.

bringing in this loser again sorry :( how well could you draw kaoru in his main outfit (effugium) playing the violin in some sorta dark, macabre scene with a faint spotlight on him?

OverDosen OyaZumi

Already doing commission with him, so it may be a bit easier to me:D, but still, the design is pretty hard, and this all composition....actually I may do smth like a doodle for him like this :D just to try, so idk, 7/10?


How well can you draw Dosen with opened mask, probably fighting someone? :D (I also bring this dude again, cus idk)

Shizuku Hoshiyawashere_TvT

5/10 drawing Dosen would be totally fine but I'm horrible at drawing fighting/dynamic poses.

How well can you draw Shizuku playing with (lots of) cats? :)

Bluejay OmegaPrime


Orion Koocotzcy Skykristal

(just gonna continue with Hoshiyawashere_TvT since they're no claim or anything from above??)

8/10 heck yeah I would have a blast drawing Shizuku with lots of cats playing :D Not the type of outfit I usually draw so -2 points for that. would likely be alright-ish? Other than that I can draw that!


How well could you draw this alien beast lurking in between some cave/stone formations, stalking someone? 

Martell Mutonian

Relatively well, I don't have any examples of course, but I can do scenery like that. I actually really enjoy 'prowling' poses, the only thing that might give me an issue is his feet and snout since I'm not used to either. I find Scaly feet to be kind of weird to position.
Overall a 8/10.

How well could you draw Martell in uhh... Whatever this pose is.


Dakota C0WGIRL

im really trying to improve my art and a main focus of mine so far has been drawings that only partially show my character/ avoid faces because i feel like I dont focus too much on my anatomy otherwise SO i feel like. this would be a 7/10 for me :) I'd probably struggle with the wires tho as i tend to get lazy when it comes to non-human things.. something im also trying to work on. bleugh. 


how well could you draw dakota on his horse ? :) 

Albrikt endiria

exactly 5/10 I wouldn't have problem with drawing Dakota himself, but the horse.. oh my god... a real hORSE 

how well could you draw Albrikt with his reindeers?