Give the OC above a Warrior Cats name

Posted 25 days, 20 hours ago by cloudsnrain

The Title pretty much explains it all^^

Here are the rules:

• Come up with a Warrior name for the OC above

• Try to make it a Name that isn't a Copy Paste of the Characters original name

• You can submit Characters that already have Warrior Cats names

• You can submit any SFW character not just Cats

 • Keep it SFW

Have fun!^^

Fist comment is a free Space

Veroica proxyle444

sparkpaw !! alternatively: sparkbite

spark: represents his energetic & opportunistic traits

paw:  since you mentioned he was youthful!! figured being an apprentice would fit

bite: represents his ruthless & obstinate traits

Audemus pocketbrows

Maybe Strongpetal? She is 'the Resilient' but that's not to say she can't also be vulnerable (especially without her other half), and yet beautiful. 

Daniel (Brrr) IndigoBookwyrm

Bonepatch, because necromancy, but also patch as in patching someone up for healing.

v Ohhhh, that's so cool! I love it -- thank you so much!! <333

Vendetta Badweather4cast

IndigoBookwyrm Aspenshadow! Hear me out: An entire aspen grove, though many trees may be a part of it, are considered to be a single organism, just like Daniel! Vaer heads may move or emote separately, just like how an individual aspen may sway to a different tune than the rest of the trees, but vae are ultimately connected to the same life force (the same roots).

Since vaer colors are darker, however, I thought "-shadow" made a fitting suffix! Vae are the gentle, playful shade of the trees and all the accompanying branches, the occasional dappling of light phasing through vaer golden eyes blinking.

(I absolutely ADORE this bab, btw, so expressive!)

IndigoBookwyrm You're very welcome, glad you like it!! (Also, you have a great username!) <333

howdyadoitsnatty *deep breath* Natty, this is too too good, I absolutely love the way it rolls off the tongue, plus the meaning is perfect!! Very much considering switching out the name I gave her in my battle cats AU for this one now. Thank you sooooooooooooooooo much, my friend! <333

Maya Arnaud howdyadoitsnatty

Heatherhawk, Heather being a sort of purple/lilac flower, while hawks sort of have a simultaneously regal and graceful but also dangerous connotation to them

Terra Nova cloudsnrain

Nightweb or Nightstring

Night - mainly for her Dark color scheme but also bc Sunlight hurts her Eyes

Web/String - the more obvious reason would be bc of the Spiders but also bc of the fact that she felt pushed around and never really free and is now a Puppet/Puppeteer herself

Also fun meme name: Darkweb bc she used to work in computer science

Snap! K1K1StaR

LightStep as a pun `cause light means glow and easy at the same time

and i feel that their (?) paws are soft to step without a sound

🌈 revelation 🌈 andreus


"twisted" for the swirl pattern in their design

"bark" for the brown colors in their design, but also because it is an onomatopoeia and they are sound/music themed!

Fuku sarurun


"Shining" because rainbows are glimmery and come from the sun after rain, 'eyes' because their eyes are really big

Elia Night_Knight

sarurun Dawnfern, mostly because I think it fits their soft vibe; However, I did pick dawn- since I think it goes with Fuku's light fur and secretive personality :3c

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Nova cloudsnrain


Scale- bc they are a dragon

Scar- bc they used to be a Warrior

With the backstory of them now being an Innkeeper but being a knight before that, they remind me of a cat like Ravenpaw. They left the clans after being a Warrior, having enough of the fighting, and now live in a remote place and share prey and herbs with travelling cats who pass through.

Boss Esterofila

I'm not all that familiar with Warrior Cats stuff so forgive me. But I think Halflight has a very pretty ring to it. Another option could be Nightgazer, but personally, I think Halflight is a more pleasing word.

Kai sarurun

Pikebranch > Pikestar;

Pike; a fish, chosen as a link to one of her parents; Brooke > brook. I tried to pick a 'tougher' name to match her overall vibe.
Branch; from her last name Tree > branch.

Branch>Star; Since she is a leader of a gang in her universe, I could see her as a leader of a rebellious clan and earning the 'star' title.

Tempest Be-Glitched

I used to enjoy WC fictions.


