Ask a Favor of the OC Above You! (IC game)

Posted 6 years, 4 months ago by ChickieDee

If there's already a thread like this, please go ahead and let me know!

So the point of this game is very simple! The character below you will ask your character for a favor. This favor can be anywhere as simple as stepping aside for them on the street, to as difficult and insane as asking that they take a hit out on a mortal enemy, or to as silly and ridiculous as putting a pineapple on their head and doing the "I'm a Little Teapot" dance. Whatever they want it to be! 

Then, you edit your post to have your character's reaction to the favor, whether it be positive or negative!


1) PLEASE MAKE SURE TO CLAIM A POST FIRST. This is to ensure no one gets ninja'd, which we all know can be super frustrating!

2) Let's stay away from any insanely NSFW favors, alright? Lightly suggestive is alright, but I would prefer to keep this thread open to everyone if possible!

3) Make sure you post IC, and that your favors and responses are written IC!

If I need to update these rules, I will!

Have fun everyone!

Rivers Vaccaro ap0calypse-weekend

"Anything you want is fine with me." Rivers smiled back at him "Thank you, I really appreciate it by the way”

Rivers tapped on Xander's shoulder, "I wanna ask a favour of you. If you've got the time." He wasn't exactly sure how to ask this or if it was even the right time but here he was doing it anyways. "Would you sing a song for me please? I heard of your skill and well I was curious." He pushed his hat up, realizing it was slipping down. His words were slightly slurred, he hoped that Xander could still understand him despite it. "I also just missed the performances I used to see sometimes with my friends back home." Rivers laughed, though there was a tinge of sadness in his voice. "Well anyways, it's uh your choice." 

Sinevis SymeSynth

There is something almost akin to an ethereal hum in the air as Sinevis lands; the only indication of his appearance, as the way he touches down onto the ground is otherwise so, so terribly quiet. But the Archivist is a rather distinct figure, especially out in these plains, those vibrant colours of his a contrast to the seemingly-endless sea of sepia. It's probably rather easy for Rivers to notice him, from there.

Though, if that is not the case, the winged man will announce himself to the other man nonetheless. Namely, by walking forwards and into the courier's view, an ornate box in his hands. The expression he wears is one of neutrality, though there is something that is indistinct in those eyes of his and the way they reflect the colours of the rainbow.

"I've heard that you are quite good at lockpicking," he begins, holding out that ornate box over in Rivers' direction, but not quite giving it to the courier just yet, "would it be alright for you if you could try to unlock this?"

v Sinevis' iridescent eyes zero in on Isri, and the winged being smiles at her, that ethereal air of his only seeming to be magnified as he returns the bow.

"Of course," he says, his voice practically chiming, placing a hand on her shoulder as he begins to guide her around the library, "any particular deities of destiny that you are looking for, or will something more general suffice?"

Allisriedia angeliic_gestalt


She smiled as she was proven right - this seemed to be the librarian!! She flinched at the touch for a moment as she felt the sudden warmth on her shoulder, but soon accepted it. "Well... I'm looking for books on Klothys, but if there aren't any books on Her here, I'm alright with a more general book..."

Isri wandered the library like a lost child in a mall, trying to not die from how embarrassing this felt. She'd been searching for a single book for hours, but it seemed to keep evading her. Was someone playing tricks on her - one of the gods, maybe?? Just as she was about to give up on her search, however, she spotted someone who seemed capable enough of helping her - although he seemed relatively tall (and a little terrifying, in her eyes), he also seemed like he knew this place inside and out. Well, the worst he could say was no...

She walked over to Sinevis with a tiny smile, curtsying politely to him. "Hello...!! I apologize for bothering you, but... uhm, do you have... any books focusing on mythology? On deities related to destiny, in particular? Thank you so much..."