Say something nice about the above user's excerpt

Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Edited 6 years, 3 months ago) by Caine

Trying my luck with more writing-based games again; hopefully this one will catch interest! 

Basically stolen from Nanowrimo forums, you post a small written excerpt and the next person will say something nice about yours and then post their excerpt and so on. Because this is a more text heavy game and requires you to actually read what the other person posts, make sure to read the rules carefully to keep the game nice for everyone!

How to play:

  1. Read the excerpt of the person above your post. Make sure to claim your spot so nobody will snipe you! 
  2. Say something nice about what you had just read: maybe the characters seem interesting, maybe the writing style is really cool or the excerpt makes you want to know more! 
  3. Post your own excerpt into the same post. Use the spoiler function if your excerpt is on the longer side. 
  1. Your excerpt must be from original content: no fan fiction unless it includes original characters!
  2. Your excerpt must be written by you. It can be from a story, your RP reply or something else as long as it's oc content and text format
  3. Keep your excerpt PG13 so everyone can participate this game!
  4. KEEP YOUR EXCERPT SHORT & SWEET! I'm not setting up word limitations unless needed but try to be reasonable!
  5. This is a compliment thread: don't give critique or complain! Also avoid comments like "your character is so edgy but--" that include negative associations directed at character/writing
  6. Your reply must be at least three sentences. 
  7. Your text must be in English as its the default language of the site! 
DM me if you feel like someone is breaking the rules! Feel free to direct all questions at me as well if any arise!

First poster will get a free compliment! If nobody posts within 6 hours I'll post an example post you don't need to reply to 


I love it! The writing is ambient and creepy, and the choice of a school at night sets up the uncomfortable mood very well. The characters seem well defined and dynamic with the situation. The writing has no errors really and it's very well thought out. And the best part is that you left the reader with a need to know more with that awesome cliffhanger at the end.

(Now, this is an older peice from one of my watt pad books so please excuse the grammatical errors.

I could see it. The big Planet, in the sky, veering ever so close to our planet earth. It looked almost inconspicuous with the night sky, like it had been there all my life. The extraterrestrial planet was going to crash into the earth soon, and almost everyone was boarding the spaceships that would take us to a new planet. 

Surprisingly, I didn't even really care. I liked my home. The memories I had playing outside in the grass, splashing in the stream, and playing with Boof, our tiny white dog. I also had fun playing racing games with my friends, even though they didn't understand why a girl liked video games. I brushed a lonely strand of hair from my face as I stared at the vastness of space. Then, I heard a very recognizable voice behind me.

"Hey there, Helena. You weren't at work today so I became kinda worried." It was Jacob, the hardworking intern at the company where I worked as a programmer. We were good friends, and often visited each other. "Yeah, I just needed a break from the panic of work. I'm just thinking about my decision to stay." 

As soon as I said that, I saw the disbelief hit Jacob like a semitruck. "Are you crazy, Helena?! Do you have a death wish?" Jacob shook his head as he sat down, making a small gesture with his hands. "I'm not mentally ill in any way. I just think that it would be better to spend the rest of my life free, where I can roam, then trapped on a spaceship for the rest of my life." I argued, subconsciously ripping a tuft of yellow grass from the lawn. My T-shirt and dark skirt rippled in the light breeze that the sky offered. The stars above twinkled brightly, like burning gemstones. "What if we make it there really fast? Hmm?" Jacob suggested. "Look, Jacob. I know you care about me. But, it is my personal decision to stay on Earth." I mumbled. Jacob sighed, and stood up. "I always knew that you were the most stubborn employee." Jacob halfheartedly chuckled, rubbing the top of my head. He turned, and waved a single goodbye before disappearing over the hill.

I looked back up at the sky, pinching the edge of my skirt. What if they do make it early? I asked myself. All of a sudden, I realized. People just do that to make a situation seem better then it is. Yes, I shall stay here, where I grew up. But even now, as I stare at the ever looming planet in the sky, which has already stopped the cycle of the moon, I break into tears. My parents would be going off, as all my friends as well. I would have no one that I would know to comfort me. Boof, my now very elderly companion, shuffled up to me. I picked Boof up, cradling him in my arms as I silently sobbed to myself, my indecisiveness taking over my mental capacity to think clearly. Boof nuzzled my arm, helping me somewhat. I carefully laid my body flat on the grass, brushing away a tear from my cheek. As Boof curled up in the space between my arm and my body I looked out into the sky once more, and tried to think of something. I finally realized that, while I thought I was, I was not alone. The animals, the trees, the bugs, the dogs and cats and some other people on this doomed Earth. Either they didn't care or they knew that perhaps it wasn't over for them. I smiled to myself as I looked out to the Milky Way, visible by the lack of artificial lighting and as vibrant as could ever be.

It was a quiet night, and I wasn't alone


bumps this thread too to see if I can revive it 


Storm_Clouds I like the:

  • the level of environmental detail you use 
  • the amount of character-building you managed to do in such a short excerpt
Keep it up! I don't have anything spectacular to post here, so I'll randomly choose something.

Coming soon - excerpt of something average...

This user's account has been closed.

(Manual bump while I'm on bumping timeout)


Chickety_Chyna pinging because it's been quite some time! Your excerpt is interesting, it makes me ask questions about who these characters are. The premise, if I'm getting it right, is pretty different! It comes off as a bit of a Truman Show situation, which has me wondering how many people are watching Kinney and Marlon have personal conversations. It's definitely raising a lot of questions! Last thing: I like the characters' names, they're really different!

Here's my excerpt, from chapter one of Punch Cat!

Night fell fast in Confectionery City, and sunrise was slow to come. As darkness overtook the city, it came to life, neons and fluorescents bursting in every window, above every door, on signs and billboards, streetlamps, stoplights, twinkling Christmas lights not yet removed, and warning lights for construction zones. It was an unassuming place in the daylight--boring buildings, a bit drab. The citizens weren’t all that interesting, most of the time.

But at night, that changed. Suddenly everything glowed, and in that glow, the streets, the people, they looked different.

Winter in the city was different, too. It was dark by six o’clock, and frost glistened on window panes, sidewalks and cars, but nobody could tell that it was cold out just by looking. It was only once someone stepped out without a coat that they realized it was January, and still freezing.

Perhaps if they had had a white winter, the cold would come as less of a surprise. But snow rarely fell in the city. Some suspected the nuclear plant on the edge of town, while other residents blamed global warming. It was more than likely some combination of the two.

On a street lit up in neon pink and green, two blots of black ink floated along, cheering and laughing at one another. One of the shadows cackled, a raspy but feminine voice, and as she came into range of the street lamp, the dark figure became clear. It was a Cat, not a cat, not that housepet, but the type that spoke and walked upright. Some called them Jellicle. Most Cats took offense to that terminology.

“Oh Haaaaalley,” the Cat sang, her orange eyes glowing like sparks. “What should we do tonight?”

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(Modpost: Just a heads up; if you use racial slurs in your piece you might want to give out a warning AND further context for them; I don't know your story or characters ((beyond that they seem to be from historical fiction)) and don't want to assume you condone their use, but I'd advice erring on the side of caution or avoiding posting such pieces in the future!)   

THAT ASIDE I really enjoy the pacing of your piece! The way you describe the setting makes me think of the way movies often linger on the setting before moving on to action, letting the viewer (or in this case reader) take in where the characters are before moving to dialogue or action. Especially how the rotting bodies is described has an almost poetic feel to the description, despite the very gruesome reality of death and destruction in a warzone. 

I also like how natural the dialogue feels between the two characters and how the actions are described between them: they have a realistic rhythm to them and they don't drag on for too long, and the small actions described between the words break it down so that it doesn't become too dialogue heavy or you'd lose the track of who is talking. Every word and sentence has a clear purpose, making the flow of the excerpt a very solid read!!

My excerpt is from a still wip thing so don't mind the likely grammatical errors! The context is that their teacher told the class he has an important announcement to make later that day but didn't give out any more details. 

“I hope Mr. Courtenay will reveal we won’t be having exams after all,” Edmund laughed as he sat on Oliver’s desk, swinging his feet in a carefree manner.

“There is no way he would do that,” Oliver said, and from under the desk tried to playfully kick Edmund's leg with the tip of his shoe. 

“I hope it’s just nothing bad,” Jonathan, who was sitting next to Oliver, mumbled. “Back in my old school, we once had an announcement at the end of the school day because a student had gotten hospitalized after an accident. They didn’t want us to know how serious it was while we were still at school.”

“You’re worrying for nothing!” Edmund laughed and reached out to pat Jonathan brotherly on the shoulder. “I bet it’s something trivial.”

“Hey Claude, what do you think?” Jonathan then asked from Claude, who was sitting behind him and reading their textbook in advance. 

“Huh?” he asked as he raised his head from the book, seemingly unaware of the conversation topic at hand. 

“What do you think Mr. Courtenay is going to talk to us about?”

“Ah, that,” he shrugged and nonchalantly turned back to his book. “Didn’t he do something similar when Jonathan arrived last autumn?”

“He did?” Edmund piped in, tilting his head like a dog. 

Claude nodded, eyes still glued on the book. 

“It was the day before, mind you, and it was at the end of the last lesson of the day, so I didn’t expect people to pay much attention to it.”

“Ah, yeah, figures. For the last 10 minutes of the last lesson my mind is already outside playing football, so I definitely didn’t listen.”

“I’m pretty sure I was skipping on that day,” Oliver added. “Sorry Jonathan, we swear we were very excited about your arrival once you really showed up!”


Okay, first of all, I really like how you write dialogue! It's kinda difficult to make the characters feel distinctive especially when it's a fairly lowkey conversation such as this one, but you get a good sense of who everyone is from the way they speak, which is really nice! It gives the dialogue good flow and it makes you want to know the characters. :>

I also like how said dialogue sets up the situation here? Like, I actually want to know, what is the teacher's announcement? Especially if prior announcements the characters experienced had involved A) someone getting injured, or B) someone new arriving? You kinda get a sense of nervousness along with the boys since you don't know, either. Something like that?

Oh, and I like how this shows the relationship between everyone as well, it feels like a easygoing friendship between them and you can get a sense for everyone's dynamics, too. Forgot to mention that. :> All in all, nice little conversation! The grammar errors didn't stand out that much, either.

My excerpt was kind of a character study? I guess?? Or a practice in narration. It's just the main character (Henri) thinking about feeling homesick amid her current situation.

She still couldn't get over how dark it was here.

The woods were silent, the only sounds being the crunching noises Henri's feet made as she trekked over the brambles on the floor. She flashed her flashlight over the tangled branches and upwards toward the vaguely moonlit canopy, and even then, she felt all she could see was shadowy, black shapes. She could see the glow of the pale moon (the only real consistency between home and Transylvania in her book) shining faintly over the leaves, leaving them silver, but it still didn't lift the unease she felt.

Why did I come here again? she thought. Wait, trick question. She knew exactly why. Henri considered herself to be a resilient girl, since she did manage to keep her sanity after finding herself in a giant gothic castle with vampires when she could have sworn she had been on Earth an hour prior, but even she had times where the long, dark hallways, giant cobwebs  and the growling of the thing in the basement was a bit too much.

Which is why she came to the woods. Despite the absolutely uncanny darkness and the dangers of monsters (the bad kind) coming to suck on her marrow, it was the only place within travelling distance that felt halfway familiar. She thought back to traipsing around in the Erwin Woods back home with her friends, hiding to scare trick-or-treaters, and she suddenly didn't feel as scared.

Henri heaved a sigh and kept walking. She didn't dispute that she liked it in Transylvania - against all odds - because it was different. She didn't feel bored in school anymore, for instance, not when she was ignoring evil eyes from the jiangshi twins in the lockers and eating peanut butter cupcakes made with magic by a teenage witch. She got to experience having older siblings, even if it meant fighting with Jeremiah for two hours about leaving his gardening stuff everywhere and the dangers of tripping, or having to listen to Charlotte gush about ancient vampiric literature that she had never heard of. She got to go on extraordinary adventures and do extraordinary things, and see extraordinary sights.

But at the end of the day there's no place like home, and that's where she wished she was right now.


I really like it! You set up the setting and the feel of the excerpt pretty well, the tenseness is there and the sort of relaxation she feels when she starts to remember her memories from back then. I’m not very smart so I don’t think I can put it in very good words, but I think you transitioned between the two feelings very well! And I got a good glimpse as to who Henri is from not knowing a single thing about her previously. It really does feel like it's her thoughts, thinking to herself rather than having a narrator tell everything to me. It's not very much like, "this happens so then this happens, then that happens and then this happens next," it doesn't feel like that at all, it's very fluid and honestly it makes it sound more natural and  still tell a compelling story.


(I’ve never uploaded any of my writing on and to be honest I was never really proud of the one I did upload so I don’t really count that one ;w; so here’s an excerpt from my notes. It's a permanent W.I.P since I don't plan on uploading it anywhere.)

"What do you do? When I'm not home I mean." Joanne said, following Seiji around the house and helping him with his daily chores. 

"I do the chores after I wake up and brush my teeth, Then I usually cook, do a bit of exercising and sometimes I go out with my friends but, we're not the types to out that often anyways. So I usually just stay home in front of the computer," He smiled, easing Joanne enough into letting out a giggle. That was so in character for Seiji, the quiet, homebody boyfriend she loved. And that was the end of it, at least she thought so. When they arrived back in their bedroom, she sat on their bed while Seiji was plopped down the laundry basket between them and sat down not too far from her. She saw his lips move, but he hesitated to say anything else. Her instincts told her to prod further and poke at him until it finally blurted it out but, this was a rare moment for her and especially him. Finally home and spending time with her boyfriend. quietly folding clothes together, it was like Joanne always dreamed of; finally calming down and getting to live peacefully with Seiji until they were old. "Well, I wait for you to come home too."

Joanne's mind stopped in their tracks, her daydream shattering back into reality. Even though her hands kept folding clothes, her eyes were staring at the floor in disbelief... There was no way, right?

"But you know, recently I stopped. So that when you're home, I make that I can spend more time with you and cherish it before you're gone..." He quietly said. It took all of his willpower to finally say how he felt, he'd been holding it in for so long and within this moment in time, it felt so right to finally tell Joanne. As he finished up with the last of his half of the laundry, his gazed moved up from the drawers to his girlfriend's face. Trails of tears running down her cheeks, her eyes puffed up and face red. Even though she was overwhelmed with guilt, not a single sob or cry left her mouth. His foot moved the laundry basket out of the way, scooting himself directly next to Joanne. His hand moving over and letting her hands fall to her lap and drop the shirt onto the floor. Her eyes moved from the ground to him, staring at his worried, loving face. 

Her static composure immediately broke into a sobbing, guilt-ridden mess. She leapt into him, wrapping her arms around him tighter than ever before. Her body pressing up against his made him fall back first onto their bed, letting her cry freely while he held her in his embrace, gently caressing her head as the weeks and months of built up remorse found its way out. 

"I'm so.. sorry!"


boy i leaped here fast. but THIS IS VERY GOOD!! i know you said you don't upload your writing here, but you really should!! you write nicely and know how to get into your character's perceptions! the way you displayed this relationship was really good!! you included things that i personally would never think of; such as the idea of one character really cherishing their time with another. which is silly of me to forget people do, but i do and you nailed the presence of it! i also like how simple this is in terms of what they're doing. we know joanne as the 'out' girl. she's always out. she's always doing something. she parties, she drinks, she has fun. seeing her doing a task such as folding laundry? it makes her all the more human because no matter how often we party, we still have these mundane tasks to accomplish at the end of the day.

i also like seeing 'Finally home and spending time with her boyfriend. quietly folding clothes together, it was like Joanne always dreamed of; finally calming down and getting to live peacefully with Seiji until they were old. ' that blip. it shows another side of joanne that we never see here in forum games, and that's really interesting. it's like she's torn between this life of 'i do what i want' and 'i want to live the domestic lifestyle'. good stuff to get into!! you did very well! i want to see more writing!! MORE STUFF! be proud of your things!! they are nice!!!

@NP: this piece is pretty abstract, im sorry if you understand nothing of it

You had known of humanity beforehand. You learned more of them when you had risen from adolescence in their atmosphere, sided among their flank of growth. In the further- you designated yourself to jealousy, turning your withering wings on their kind with a putrid envy, hostile and selfishly hurt. The tongue you bore cursed God’s name in a horrible language; mouthing poisonous inklings of bile and malice to the bare philosophy of carrying on an angel’s legacy. 

You sank deeper and deeper into a cherried ocean, breathing through your gills the taste of scarlet waters as they inflamed your throat, riddling both lungs with pulsing wrath.

You abhorred that life. 

From the beginning it was fair, a child’s fantasy. You bestowed upon yourself the virgin’s concept of a relationship; your worries grand, but your curiosities bolder. Sketching the perfect anatomy of an ideal, flawless spouse, you performed a showing like no other, confidence embellished with an adrift note of youthful arrogance. A former friend wandered unto your production, encoring his hands together at the invisible words you sang upon the imaginary stage you danced along. He fell into you, his beating heart glowing beneath a fragile ribcage; ribboned with pink passion.

Your own heart sought inquisitive reaction, peering shyly from behind a forbidden fruit it knew not to savor.

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Manual bump 

