✨💬 OC Voice Acting Thread! 🔊✨

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 6 years, 3 months ago) by Aarix

I'm sad the old voice acting thread never gained any traction, so I'm going to try starting a similar thread -- with a few tweaks!

This thread has the potential to get very complicated (so please read the full post, including the edits!), But here's what to do:

If you're looking for a quick, fun lil bit of voice acting:

  • Post IC, with some lines for your character.
  • If they happen to take anyone's fancy, you might get a claim! (Please remember to edit your post once you've gotten a claim!)
  • Keep in mind that you might not get a claim! After all, people in this thread will be doing stuff For Free so your lines/character may not get chosen. No hard feelings!
  • You can post as much as you like, just don't expect to get a claim for everything. Or anything, necessarily.
  • It's impossible to get "skipped" in this thread, as it's just a free-for-all. Posts will likely not be in order. You might get some voice acting later, you might not. It will be a ~surprise~
  • Remember to thank your actor if they decide to perform your lines! <3
  • Don't be mean to anyone if their voice isn't what you wanted/expected! This thread is just for fun! It's nothing serious, and of course anything you get will be for free!
  • You can add directions/suggestions if you like, but don't expect them to necessarily be followed.
  • Likewise, you can add a preference for the kind of voice you want, (eg masculine/feminine, deep/high, gentle/brash, a specific accent, ect) but the actor is obviously free to use whatever voice they have to work with!
  • You can post longer lines but don't expect to get a full 3 page monologue acted for you. I re-iterate that people in this thread will be taking your requests for nothing in return, so be reasonable!

If you wish to claim for someone, and do a little voice acting yourself:

  •  Comment with your claim, and ping the recipiant to let them know you're claiming! The threads in this post likely won't be in order, so pinging is important.
  • Then get Dramatique™ and record yourself voice acting the lines that were provided.
  • Link or PM your recipient the file of your glorious voice
  • After you've done this, edit your original post to let people know you claim's been completed and sent!
  • You can claim as much a you like! Just remember to follow through :'o
  • Try to polish up the audio a little, if you're able to. Try and edit long pauses or mistakes out where you can, and if you can clean up the file somewhat I'm sure it'd be apreciated! There's plenty of free software you can use (audacity is good!)
  • If you'd like to add relevant special effects (like, for robot characters for example) go nuts!
  • It's okay if you don't think you're a "good" actor, or if your audio setup isn't optimum. This is just for fun, it's not meant to be serious at all!
  • Keep in mind that this is just for fun. You likely won't be getting anything in return for your effort, so don't expect to be reimbursed! The aim of the game is to just have a good time.

Some other rules:

  • Keep things PG! Swearing is ok, but lewd stuff is best avoided. If there's enough demand for it, I'll make a NSFW version of this thread. But for now, keep it (relatively) clean!
  • Please be kind and courteous! Don't demand things of people, and remember to thank people if they put in the effort to act your lines, even if they're not what you were expecting! Likewise, if you're acting, please try and put at least a little effort in, and don't use it as an opertunity for any kind of meanness. Don't get jealous if someone else gets a claim and you don't, that's the nature of a thread like this (and there's a chance you'll get claimed later!)
  • Above all, have fun!   

Phew! That was a lot!

But hopefully people can have some fun in this thread! If you have any more ideas of how to get things running more smoothly, please let me know!

Edit: if a post goes for a long time without any claims (say... 2-3 days?), I'll list it up here! That way, even if the post gets burried there's still a chance it'll get done c;

Edit: Please don't repost the same lines even if you didn't get a claim! Once they've been up for a few day's they'll go up here, with a brief description of the desired sort of voice (to make them easier for potential actors to find!)
Also, it's important to edit your original post once you do get a claim, as I'll be trawling back through this thread frequently to find unclaimed lines!


If you're not so experienced in dealing with audio, fear not! There are plenty of good resources out there, some of which I'll try to list here!
(Let me know if you have any other recommendations!)

Free Audio Editing

  • Audacity (an open-source audio editing program I really recommend!)

Free Places to Upload

  • Chirbit (you need an account, but I'd highly recommend it)
  • Vocaroo (audio quality will be reduced & upload size is restricted, but you don't need an account!)

Other Helpful Stuff

  • Sometimes a little digital wizardry can come in handy, especially while voicing characters outside of your normal vocal range. MathewMii made a great post with some tips for masculinizing your voice with audio editing software here!


These are posts that have gone a while with no claim! If you're thinking of doing some acting, have a look at these ones first c:
(Please ping me if you get a claim for one of these (if I haven't noticed it already) so I can take it down from here. Or ping me as well when you're claiming!)
(This section will need to be constantly updated)

VioletValentine870's Ozias (Ideally a mid to mid-low tone voice, but any is ok)

MathewMii's Fabio (Higher male voice. Strong Sicillian accent)

Aarix's Dain (Any masculine voice)

hextant's Noah (Any voice, cuban/spanish accent is ideal)

@Konchippu's Nighthawk (Chill & relaxed low, masculine voice)

FellowPigeon's Darcy (Cool & sarcastic female voice. New Zealand accent is ideal)

@Rosieoci's Prisma (Grumpy & laid back)

spacecadet's Mercury (high, androgynous voice)

@CinderIsHere's Violate (very low female voice)

Rondonu's Ophilia (mature female voice)

@Freeroses' Darren (friendly male voice)

Orca's James (deep male voice)

@branchchieffaba's Nitrogen (mid-toned male voice)

MathewMii's Diego (gruff male voice, Irish accent)

@cinderishere's Nugget (high pitched, childish male voice)

@Yuna_Animatus's Kimiko (dramatic, sweet female voice)

for my own reference: this list is current as of 2:00am 01/02 and contains all unclaimed posts up to and including page 10



OHHH THATS SO GOOD ;Q; oml thanks so much I love your voice, suits her well tbh..
That last one is my fav tho so good


KittyKnight Ahhhh this turned out great! Really loving your take on those lines - thank you! :"D

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Lorna Smit FellowPigeon

It would be super cool if someone is interested in doing Lorna. I imagine she has a deep but still feminine voice and tends to speak in a soft but serious tone (also maybe with a Dutch or similar accent  since that's what I based some of the language off. If you don't have one it's still totally fine)

"So, you can see the past and possible future? That sounds like it would be confusing as hell. I have this old pocket watch I fixed up recently, you can keep it if you want, I have no real use for it anyway."

"I am no stranger to violence, I don't doubt my chances against you. And when it comes to the matter of magic, well I've fought your kind before. Don't underestimate me " ( growling)

"Quiet Kei! Do you want to get us arrested!" (Hushed)

"The second shot is what haunted me. Because it means what I did was no mistake, no accident. I wanted to hurt him and I did. There's no returning from that" (Grimly)

₀₈ | Belladonna HeraDevil

I'd love it if someone could do Belladonna! I imagine her to have a very honeyed voice. She sounds very strong and a bit high-pitched. She speaks very innocently and acts as if she's done nothing wrong, like Nui Harime. She's very feminine and seems kind of suspicious.


"You really thought I was on your side? No wonder Sparrow was so suspicious of me! You thought I would stand by your side and fight against the very people who raised me? You were wrooooong~ You're such an idiot, Daphne. Just like every other Adeseclus out there. All you are is a blasphemous idiot!" (With a loud and happy voice)

"You... I'm going to obliterate you! How dare you! Elias is mine! Get your hands off of him! You disgusting freak!" (Angry)

"Sparrow... I'm so sorry. I never realized how precious and safe the world was until now. I really am your evil > parallel. I'm so sorry." (Hushed, remorseful)

"Of course, mama!" (Joyful)

"Hahahaha~ You're so funny, dear Iris. (Cunning, manipulative)

Aputa Wrong-Q-Etude

Lol I'm so nervous about posting this lol. Anyways, I'd think that possibly Aputa would have a more elegant sounding voice with a sternness to it. Maybe sounding a bit tired as well? She's very old probably more than a thousand years old so she'd more than likely sound more adultish rather than childish. 

"Hehe... You know, if we ever do manage to make it out of here we should go stargazing. Maybe find a nice hilltop and just watch the stars for a couple of hours... Hey! Sans! You know how you owe me? Promise me that we will go stargazing if we get out of here... please..." (from happy to somber probably)

"Let the space in between fill itself with stars... Let the stars shine brighter than anything else" (hopeful/proud) 

"Oh... It's you... What do you want human? Can't you see I'm busy I do have papers to deliver to King Asgore after all..." (Annoyance/disgust) 

"Hello human. It's been a while since you fell. You know, I really don't like how Toriel runs the place or that Asgore is dead... I kinda wish I could've been there to save him. I hope you're happy because I'm sure not... Whatever you can't change fate, Papyrus wants to talk to you." (sad/tired) 

"You evil little demon! How could you?! I wish I'd have met you so I could have done you in! How could you have killed him? You spared everyone else, but why not him? Sans no, I wanna hey! Look kid, Sans is pissed I took the phone, but if you ever come down, here again, I'm not going to give you mercy not after you killed both of them you little monster!" (angry)

Honestly, you can make her say whatever, as long as it isn't too vulgar. Thank you so much in advance to anyone who even attempts to voice her you'd make my day :D

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whoops it's been 17 days since I updated the list
at the same time I dont want it to get too long
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I might leave it for now
the excitement seems to have mostly blown over anyway