Favourite artwork from the person above

Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Edited 5 months, 7 days ago) by FellowPigeon

The rules of this game are pretty simple: look through the art of the person above, pick the one that is your favourite and write a bit about why you like it. Whether it's the colours, the composition or just the feel of it, anything works, try to write a couple of sentences.  But remember this isn't a criticism thread so make sure what you say is nice. 

If you have most of your art on a different site (e.g Instagram or DeviantArt) feel free to include a link to your account. Instagram doesn't allow you to insert an image's address so simply linking to the image you like is fine if you are claiming for someone. This is also an all-ages thread so please DO NOT  link to galleries with uncensored or easily viewable NSFW images. If the person above you doesn't include a link you should be able to see their art in their toyhouse gallery. 

Reminder: Please include at least two or three sentences in your reply. It's always great to receive a thoughtful comment so including more than a bare minimum "I like it" level response is encouraged

(If there are any problems in this thread feel free to shoot me a message about it)


I am very. Very stupid but I do think this is a painting that you made irl, the faces within the flame, the expressionless motion of the subject as the chaos around them happen, the differences between the dark, dull blue to the chaotic, vengeful flames is wonderful, as if the subject themselves have no motion, the surroundings sure do, I love every aspect of this art piece for I am, a very, uneducated man when it comes to painting lmao



Ooo this is hard! 

I probably have to go with this one! The lighting is gorgeous, and that face?? Stunning! I like how the background is simpler, it adds to the piece but doesn’t overwhelm the viewer at all!



You have a lot of cool art!! aaa i think i like this one for the shading? Like how the shading is very intense here i can tell what time of day it is with the colors you used (kinda reminds me of the lesbian flag colors slightly ajkhk) i low key want to be wherever this person is at it looks so whimsical and relaxing to be in i’d just lay in the grass n watch the sunset i miss doing that irl. Also like the detailed hair and the shine is rainbow colored it just goes so well with that burnt orange and violet 


v Thank you!! that is textured brushes yep, it’s a gouache set i bought online before i knew how to really paint so it does seem a bit blurry was an experimental piece i had in my head! 


I love this one's perspective! I see you're using textured brushes to paint over the landscape to give it more of that depth, while being simple. I especially love the reflections of the water's surface, makes me want to see more of the picture, and gives me more of an idea of its world. And the characters fits in right well in the artwork, it's a very serene feeling. ^^



Can I just say?? that I adore your art?? Like it's so perfect, I love the colors and the composition and the characters and just oh my god I wish my art looked like yours. Such a hard pick, but this one is so cool!! Love the characters interacting together and the newspaper being held up like that would help at all and <333



im a big fan of how you use your colors .. i think my favorite would have to be this though because the contrast here is suppper pleasing.. along with the pose and lighting etc etc.. i just think it all works really well here and i think its one of your best pieces. I think the lighting is what made it stand out the most though, and i really like how bright the brick is.. it ties in with the character without BLENDING in if that makes sense . although i did almost choose your walkcycle .. i just really like your art :) it makes me smile!! 


I really like the way you paint and render things, it's both very detailed and very vivid. Even when it's the sketches, though, I'm really just generally charmed by the way you draw things, you float between detailed and vivid and simplistic yet evocative very fluidly.

I admit I'm a bit split but I'll have to choose the one where someone is getting their ear pierced, it's simple yet really vivid and you can see a lot of care and detail in it, it feels really intimate. I'll give seconds to "I bite" though


I think this one is prob my fav out of your gallery!! The colors really make it pop out among everything else and I rlly love the character design! The little curls do a great job of framing the face and making the silhouette more interesting, and the pupils are so cool??? also I am just always a sucker for scarves... sue me, lol


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This one caught my eye so fast! The rendering is beautiful and I adore the salmon theming. The pose too!! Very intimidating despite the fact that a salmon is so incredibly non intimidating that it should offset the piece a little bit. The hand!! The colors!! Just really pleasing to look at



oough ur art is all so yummy...... i think i like this one the most though, i'm in love with the pose and i'm a sucker for anything with eye imagery. also THE RINGS AROUND THE TAIL HELLO???? objectively the coolest part of the art besides the eyes obviously, anyways I LOVE ALL UR ART KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!!


i like your style. its very cute! i think id say that this one is my favourite mostly because of the subject (biblically accurate angel!!). the colours and design of the character is also great. good work!



I really like this one !!! Its super cute and i also like the  tarot card inspired vibe


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You've been putting out a lot of great art lately. I could just link your most recent piece of Maestro, but in all honesty I like this drawing of Sal the most. The bounce lighting is beautiful, so is the way you rendered his skin and eyes. everything really pops in this, and I feel like I could reach out and feel the fabric of his clothing. It has this silky look to it, ethereal.