✨ Who do you prefer between...?

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 1 year, 2 months ago) by fuelli
This thread has rules regarding the effort you have to put in your replies. Please read them carefully before claiming and posting. Violation of these rules could lead to a warning or a ban from my forum games.

This game is simple to play! Post the link to two of your OCs (don't make people have to search through all of your characters lmao), and the user below has to tell which one they prefer and why! (With an OOC explanation) Then they post two of their OCs as well, and so on.

The two OCs to choose from can be anything! They may be related in some way in their story, they may be similar, they may be polar opposites, they may have the same number of faves, they may be chosen at random... Go wild and have fun comparing OCs ~

Rules and guidelines

About your claims

  • Read the above OCs' bios, and do comment about them, not just the designs. Bringing up the designs is fine, but it must not be the only thing you talk about. Preferences based on appearances only are better suited for the low-effort version of this game. 
  • Write an actual, thoughtful reason of why you prefer a character over another. A simple "I like their design better" or "I find them more interesting" and nothing else isn't really enough; try to be specific.
  • Be fair: if the person above you took the time to write a paragraph, don't give them one or two short sentences only in return.
  • Stay nice when you explain why you prefer one character over another. Don't make passive-aggressive, inappropriate remarks on other people characters, whether it's the duo or just the one you didn't choose. It's a 'who you prefer' choice, not a 'who you dislike the less' one.

About the characters you post

  • Please make sure the OCs you post have bios with enough substance for the next poster to have something to write about them.
  • If you got no response after a long time (let's say 1 or 2 days), it's recommended to edit the end of your post, suggesting a new duo to make the thread keep going.
  • For everyone's comfort, please refrain from posting NSFW or otherwise possibly disturbing characters. If you really do want to use such OCs, please offer a second pair to choose from, so the game doesn't get stuck.

If you find these rules too strict and want to play a low effort comparison game instead, you can try this variant!

Let's start for real now! Who do you prefer between Isabelle and Ismaël?


Right off the bat I prefer Fleur on looks alone - I just reallyreallyreally like pink and her silhouette just stands out to me a lot compared to Linwood. Her hat and bow are super cute, too! I like the funny lore both of them have (child laborer Linwood rip bozo...) but I dunno, the appeal of the wacky girl is too strong! Besides, Linwood seems more like a goon (*new york accent* yes boss) kinda guy. From the two of them, Fleur seems like she'd be the better stand-alone character (though they both work better as a team, of course!)

Libby Lovelyfluff or Lucca Lovelyfluff?


I think between them, I prefer Libby more, which kind of surprised me because if I went on design alone, I'd like Lucca more. But after reading the snippets on their profiles, I like that Libby is just a girl who is trying to find what she's good at. I kind of empathize with her on that level, being the jack of all trades since she can't settle down on one thing. Plus, when I read that Lucca wanted to turn her into an idol, I went "eeeeh." Good on Libby for not showing any interest in it, she should enjoy her teenage years!

Tourmenté or Fo Lan? // Secondary: Striker or Nokule?