Things The Character Above Is No Longer Allowed

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 6 years, 3 months ago) by Jubil Avarilen SymeSynth

...To Do: Forum Game Edition

A bit of a joke thread, but I suppose I'll give it a try!

Ground Rules

1. Use a character that has a sufficiently-developed bio. No one's going to be able to cook up a proper response if they don't know a thing about your character's personality and nature.

2. No double-posting unless there is no response for 12 hours. Moreover, don't use the same character until at least 4 posts have been made after yours.

3. Keep it SFW. No explicit stuff, please. If there's slightly suggestive stuff, black it out.

So, the game goes a little like this:

  1. Look at the character above you, and read their bio.
  2. Write up something ridiculous (or silly, or dangerous... or all three) that they might end up doing (and would end up getting banned from doing again). Better: add a scene detailing what had happened!
  3. Good luck, and have fun!
Let's start off with my character, Jubil!
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Soliel jetsetspy

Vega is no longer allowed to be a guardian angel

 ⭐ Sherbet Lemon ZodiacCloud

Soliel is nolonger allowed near party poppers because of the time he popped one too close to someones ear ^^'

Dr. Nicolai Ivanovich Kozlov RaikaiRan

Sherbet is no longer allowed to drink lemonade because she tipped a whole bucket of lemonade over a very important person a few days ago. xD

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This user is not visible to guests.
 Shon Nevins IndecisiveAdvocate

Gabroska is no longer allowed to buy wine from local wineries since he had gotten into a rather heated argument with an owner what type of wine is better in either taste or appearance. It had gotten so far that a fight may have broken out and half of the winery destroyed. Since then a warning has been given to other in the area to watch out for him!

This post has been removed.

Shon is no longer allowed to go on his little (and occasionally illegal) adventures because he accidentally wandered a little to far and got caught by a not so friendly farmer. One thing led to another, and now the county jail knows his name.

 Tome (+ Salagon) MolaMola

Coaco is no longer allowed coffee after that one time they had 20 cups and started shaking a bunch then ended up in the hospital.

 dennis littlebirby

Tome is no longer allowed to yell "release the hounds" and throw Salagon in combat, since, you know, the whole not being able to see thing. Really, if they could see it would be totally fine, but that one time they threw Salagon right into that pile of orange rocks... it took forever to find them!

Claude Altair

Dennis is not allowed near the aquariums. Not since he tried to free all the fish.

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Fabio Propiziati MathewMii

After hacking every computer with the "You are an Idiot" virus, he was banned from using any computer at their middle and high school.

Kove moryonenn

Fabio is no longer allowed to go on dates after many incidents caused by his bad luck.