Your OC Goes on a Road Trip with the OC Above!

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago (Edited 3 years, 21 days ago) by PicklePantry

Road trips are fun, right? You make some pit stops and have some adventures with friends.
what if your OC went on a road trip with the OC above?

Who's driving?
What music are you two playing?
Is there anyone else in the car?
Is it even a car?
Where are you headed?

OC 1: (Starting)
OC 2: We're driving from the cops because we stole from a bank.
OC 3: I just want some McDonald's and thought you were my Uber.

- You can post again after 2 people, or if 5 days have passed
- No NSFW plz
- Post IC
- No one-line/low effort replies. Show that you've read the character's bio.


First Teehee

Ethan Wilhelm PicklePantry

"Thanks again for the ride," Ethan said while strapping on the seat belt. "It's pretty cool that both our jobs are next to each other, huh? Oh! That reminds me!" He pulled his backpack in front of him and opened it, pulling out a Terry's Chocolate Orange, and handed it to Luvee. "Here! Think of it as a "welcome to the neighborhood" gift. Your husband told me you like chocolates, so I got you one of my fa.... fav... Uh-oh." It was a curse that followed Ethan relentlessly: motion sickness. It was especially bad for him, too. No matter how short the ride, his stomach would always get sickeningly cold and heavy after the first mile. He couldn't think straight, willing his mind to not focus on the heavy, sinking feeling. He could hear his stomach grind, feeling a storm inside him.
"D... Do you mind if we stop the car real - URP - quick?" he mumbled. As if on cue, his shadow twitched, and the car twitched as one of the wheels popped like a balloon. Oh that's right, that's why he never carpooled with anyone...

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Esoterin Rorichi

"Road trip~! Road trip~!" Esoterin was excitedly singing(?) while driving a car, a guy trembling with fear sitting on a set next to her. "Well, you know, i haven't had such trips forever~! I'm soooo excited! I'm sure it will be super-duper fun!" She was babbling nonstop, talking over the music and seemingly annoying her dear guest, "Oh btw, do you feel the smell? I wonder what it can be~" They were driving in silence for few pleasant seconds when Esoterin suddenly exclaimed, "I know! Please give me thiiiis lil bag on the back seats, I'm sure i took a bottle or two of perfume, a little bit of some sweet scent won't harm anyone, right~?!" Katharos bended over to take the bag, which happened to be much heavier than he expected, he almost dropped it on the floor which scared Esoterin. The car skidded. It scared the both of them, but Esoterin was absolutely fine within a second, unlike Katharos who started trembling even stronger than before. "Awww don't worry, stuff happens~! We are all alright, after all! Okay, now hand me any bottle you like(it seems i took more bottles than i expected te-he~) and we willl add some pretty sweet, sweet aroma here~ Oh and please look if i took a lipgloss with me, i will literally die if it's not here~" After recieving a perfume and Katharos' negative answer Esoterin screamed, "Oh no!! Nonoononono! We need to return! No! We must return! Gosh dear fasten your seatbelt! I'm gonna drive faster~!" 

After several hours of (pointless) searchings for Esoterin's lipgloss at her place, they were finally in the car again. "Well, at least i have my lipsticks...right?..." She wasn't all that cheerful as before and their second drive started in a complete silence. Esoterin pressed radio button and some vaporwave song started playing scaring Katharos. "Oh sorry, I just need a minute to mourn my lil lippgloss which we lost foreve, dear... vaporwave is so relaxing, right?" She even sobbed dramatically. They were driving silently for some time, both thinking about their own things. "Oh hey! And where are we going btw?!" She exclaimed in surprise.

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Joey.D.wyvern Joey-D-yvern

it took some convincing to get her in the car. Peanut butter snacks got her in there. Why would anyone want her in a car with them?

"Where are we going?" 

No answer guess he didn't feel social. She could relate. She wasn't sitting down more like laying down in the middle seat. she soon got bored and began messing with the window switches, sticking her head out the window.

"Hey, doggy!" as the car stopped at an intersection she sniffed the dog sticking its head out of the car in the nearby lane. The owner stared silently. What even was that sniffing his dog? as the car started driving again she climbed out the window and onto the roof. This caused quite a stir among the other drivers.

Armageddon PicklePantry

A vein was practically throbbing at the side of Arm's head as he tightly clutched the wheel of the car. He didn't know HOW he got in this predicament or WHY, but he was this close to losing it. That dragon-lizard-WHATEVER had been moving around the car endlessly, moving between seats, poking at him, hanging her head out the window to yell at everyone they passed by. It was when she tried to climb out of the car (again) that he slammed the breaks down.
"I swear to God, kid, if you keep moving I'll TURN THIS CAR AROUND, DO YOU HEAR ME?!" he snarled.

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Taesha de Santana zeotaku

T.D. loved snakes, and using her own albino kingsnake, she was able to Snakedad to go from instantly hating her to being just bearable. She wanted to go camping, and she needed someone just as awesome as her to go with her, and Snakedad just happened to be the person.

In the car, Snakedad was driving because he didn't want someone like T.D. on the wheel. He had good reasons to believe that. There was an awkward silence in the car for quite a while. An hour into the trip, T.D. broke the silence. "So, it's Snakedad, right? What actually inspired to start having snakes?" He was a bit reluctant to answer that until she started saying her own reason for liking snakes. The simple answer of "Snakes are totally tubular" was enough for him to become more fond of her. She opened up on how she found her snake- Hotshot, she named it. All the both of them talked about in the car for the whole road trip was snakes. It was a pretty epic trip. In the end, he probably still hated her because she was a human, but he definitely thought her love of snakes was to be respected, and she was a bit better than the rest of humans.

 Ocean Sapphire Jellysideaccount

      (Forgive me if I misrepresented TD's character here.)

"Goodbye, dear Moonstone!" The Sapphire waved goodbye to her partner, she was going to be gone for a whole week. Moonstone packed her one bag full of meaningless things. Gems didn't need clothes or food. They didn't need cars either, they didn't tire out. The small Sapphire met T.D. at a local gas station. T.D. was waiting for her in a car. The Sapphire sighs and jumps in, already missing Moonstone. "Thanks for meeting me here, and thanks again for the ride." Sapphire had learned a lot about human manners and tried to act proper. "We are going to the mountains, right? Where I asked?" T.D. looks over to her, as she changed the radio, "Yes." She replied. Sapphire remained sitting at the passenger window. Watching the rolling hills and enjoying all she could take in. She reached into her bag and pulled out something that Moonstone packed a book? It was a journal! Inside was a picture of Moonstone and a note, "Write about your experience!" Sapphire smiles happily, this was going to be fun. 

Sapphire looks back at TD, "So, hm, you have powers? I do too!" She looks into the future. "Be careful at the next exit, I foresee a careless driver." TD rolls her eyes at the fact, "Yeah right." It was only ten minutes later that they had no car because of TD swerving to miss a careless driver, Ocean Sapphire swiftly saved her with her power, and they now were on foot. "Just, keep looking forward." TD was very hardy and survived walking, but, Sapphire did not understand why she needed 'rest'. "Preposterous!" Ocean announced, "We must continue. The mountains are only a day away!" She peers into the future, "Er, two days." She finally breaks and checks into a hotel with TD's money. She did not touch the bed that night, she remained on the balcony of their room, overlooking the gross town they decided to stay in. 

The next morning Sapphire pulled TD back onto the road, and they continued. 

Finally, after another whole day, they made it to their mountains, Sapphire created a shelter using her powers and they had a great time!


Omg, this was so sweet. Thank you for writing this!~


Since Loki couldn’t drive, Sapphire was going to transport them. In the passenger seat of the car, he stuck his detached head out the window, tongue lolling out, fur blowing back in the breeze.

“Be careful,” Ocean Sapphire told him. “I foresee that you will lose your head.”

“No worries, miss! I’ve lost it twice already—“ Loki was interrupted by a smack to the head from a road sign. Sapphire winced, but Loki’s body was still in the car, tail wagging like crazy.

It took about two hours to get to a parking lot, where they stopped and waited for his head to get back. That took about fifteen minutes, and Sapphire looked rather grossed out, wishing Moonstone was there.

After ten rousing rounds of the alphabet game which Loki kept cheating at (and Ocean Sapphire kept calling him out for), the pair finally arrived at the city, and the Sapphire taught Loki about many intriguing aspects about both human and Gem life.

Gem Silica Jellysideaccount

(12 hours have passed, and this was too cute to pass up!)

    "Another road trip? Oh, Sapphire." Began Moonstone as she was putting away the dishes, (Two plates and a cup.) "We just got this beautiful shed from the nice lady, I need help freshening it up!" She brushes off their pull out couch and Sapphire helps apply new sheets to the bed. "But, Moonstone, it was so fun, and I made a friend!" She interjected. "Hm." Moonstone paused, "Okay... but, Gem Silica gets to go." Ocean Sapphire smirked and they performed a loving dance to become Gem Silica. 

   Gem Silica meets Loki in her car, a small convertible the same color as her hair. "Hey, Loki! I'm ready!" She opens the car door, and it was like a circus act, as a giant woman pulled out of the small car. "Wait, where's Sapphire?" Loki looked confused as he sniffed the air. "Oh." Gem Silica blushed, "Um, I am Sapphire, or rather I am an embodiment of Sapphire's love to Moonstone." She ponders for a moment. "I'm a fusion." She smiles awkwardly. "Cool!" Loki looked at their gems, recognizing the Sapphire on her upper back. "Let's go then!" Gem Silica opened the door for Loki and they drove off to their destination, a carnival way out on the seaside. 

   After a rousing game of the alphabet game yet again, Loki wasn't cheating and it was rather Gem Silica, using her future vision to see what the next item would be. After hours of the radio playing nothing but hardcore rave songs, Loki changed it to his preference. 

   They arrived at the carnival, Gem Silica held Loki's head whilst they road an extremely fast roller coaster. Gem Silica enjoyed the photo booth, even refusing to get some more pictures. She won countless games and gifted all of her winnings to Loki. The only thing she kept was a bunch of glowsticks, which she used and decorated her whole body. They had an amazing time.

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