Ask about the above OC's VISUAL DESIGN

Posted 5 years, 8 months ago (Edited 1 year, 7 months ago) by RadiantRaindragon

Hello and welcome!

This is a question game specifically for talking about characters' physical appearances. Their outfit? Their hairstyle? Their scars? An accessory they always wear or a sword they always carry? You get the idea.


To help clarify what kinds of questions are allowed in this game, I've made a list of correct and incorrect examples! Hopefully this should help out anyone who's stuck thinking of a question!

Format example:

Person 1's post: Why does Spike have a necklace of house keys? Edit: Adder got the scar during a criminal job that went a little wrong.

Person 2's post: Where did Adder get that scar from?

You can post IC if you want the next person to question a specific character, or you can post OOC and let them pick for themselves. If you post IC, try to stick to characters that have something noteworthy in their designs - while there's nothing wrong with more plain characters, it can be hard to think of an interesting question about them.


1. Stick to the theme of the game. Your post must include at least one question related to the character's design. You are allowed to ask non-design questions as extras.
2. Don't be rude or passive-aggressive towards other people or their characters in any way.
3. Wait for at least 3 people to post before you go again (unless over 12 hours have passed since the last post, then it's fair game for anyone).
4. All characters must have at least one, SFW art piece. This means characters with no art, or only 18+/filtered art, cannot be posted. You are allowed to skip people if they have no art or only 18+/filtered art.
5. Please do not post the same character repeatedly. This is to lessen repetition of the game.
6. Do not skip people (unless they're breaking Rule 4). Even if the above user has blocked you, that is not valid reason for skipping them.

I actively monitor the thread for rule-breaking, but if you think I missed something, please PM me and let me know.

If you break rules: Depending on the severity of the situation, I may either PM you with a warning or immediately ban you from the game. Regardless of severity, you can be banned if you repeatedly break rules.

❤ Marius Horsefinity

What a fascinating character!! What were your biggest inspirations behind his design? Is there a reason (beyond being a god lol) her limbs are somewhat detached? 


Super cute design!!! What aspects of his design tie into his backstory/lore?

Thank you! Most of his design aspects do actually link to his story in some way or another. Each of his scars are from a different event throughout the story;

  • the lip scar is from his exile
  • the scar along his back is from the incident that led to him meeting Koran
  • the one on his neck comes from an incident where Koran's father wanted to "make sure" he was a good fit to protect his son and sent some guards after Marius (and Marius won lmao)
  • the one on his shoulder comes from an assassination attempt on Koran's life
  • and the two on his stomach are from incidents during the course of the main storyline, both of which came from him protecting Joan

As for his outfit;

  • The orb around his neck is a soul orb, which is a magical item made from the soul of a nymph. Avar gave it to Marius so he could do basic magic to protect himself, and he uses it a fair amount
  • Avar makes most of Marius' shirts and pants, though he also has a royal guard uniform (the red and gold outfit)
  • Marius' cloak is one his mother stole from a human who had somehow gotten past the enchanted forest's barrier, and gave to him before he was exiled
And honestly at first he was a fox man because I wanted to, but even that has come to tie into the story. His people are a rarity in the world, which does make the royal family more inclined to keep him around as a "status symbol". His superior hearing also lends to some of the conflicts and resolutions throughout the story!

So like,, tl;dr: basically all of it lmao

Alec Finnyian spitmoth

Super cute design!!! What aspects of his design tie into his backstory/lore?

eir "slasher" honeyhelm pixiekinz

are those stripes in his hair? if so, what color are they? also, does he have pierced ears under there or does he just have the ones on his face?

yeah they all do, they show up when something important happens to her due to the magic tattoo on her chest. her arm is the old dwarven stories she was told as a kid, the dragon is her friend hack that cut off her arm, her sons are on her back, the bees on her stomach are from the meadery she started, and the centaur looking thing is her friend eager

 Kestrel Polar-Tang

Is there any symbolism behind eir's tattoos, or does she have them just for the aesthetic?


There's not actually any significant meaning to her tattoo beyond her just loving birds and bird related things!

Belladonna howdyadoitsnatty

What exactly does Kestral's Tattoo mean to her? (if anything - it seems to take from a prominent feather thing they have going on though)

I think it serves to make her both look somewhat distinctive and alien (the constantly dripping uncomfortably wide goopy smile is like the first thing you notice about her), but it also sort of represents hate and vitriol literally spilling out her and sorta flowing down her lips and face, like it's just pouring out of her like she's full to bursting.

I think that would make sense, old drawing but sometimes I draw her (when she's very not amused) to just kinda look like this, while other times her eyes also drip onto her face.


PAL lezbtron

I'm curious about her mouth, is the drip a stylistic choice or is there more than meets the eye? I'm also wondering if her emotions affect how drippy/drooly her mouth gets? 


Np: Please, don't ask about her screen face I am begging you. No, it cannot run anything and you cannot play on it. 

Gregorio Sanguinetti Nuclear-Hydrangea

does the vibrant cyan color on Pal's outfit glow in the dark, or can it glow. What material is that certain part.

Where did the burn mark on his forehead and the little cuts on his body come from?

It's from a lab accident, he got hit by chemical and he got burns from it. It stings so bad, he got to the hospital because of that chemical burn. It wasn't him who did it but it was someone in the lab

The cuts are really small and scattered so I am curious how that happens?

Incident during hiking, he encountered an animal or maybe a magical creature attacking him. He tried to fight off the creature that was attacking him. The creature was defeated but Greg didn't continue hiking and went to the hospital. This happened around mid 2000s.


[🍊] mr. man krak7en

Where did the burn mark on his forehead and the little cuts on his body come from? The cuts are really small and scattered so I am curious how that happens?

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Ines zeta-male

Hi do the cuffs on his ears match J's... if they do, are they some sort of uniform/tag or just like the ear form of friendship bracelets.
... 1 more you don't have to answer I'm just greedy <:) → Was he born with white hair or did it turn at some point?

np sorry my characters are barely designed you can do renn or anyone else if if they're easier to think of something for </3

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Corvo dandikix

Is the fish-like tail an angel trait, or something he acquired when he fell?


It's uhhh an important character trait I swear. Yeah its just for fanservice reasons. Because i like boob windows on men.

Julián Ezra NeapolitanSorbet

Ohhhh really like Corvo's design haha, looked at the gallery and I'm curious on why his outfits have a circular opening on his chest? noticed that pattern 

The wings are just hair clips ! They don't support his hair in any significant manner he just wears them because it's part of his uniform basically! 

The crown is magic, its literally just a bunch of light made to look like a crown, it's not physical so you can literally slap your hand though it and it'll pass by like it's nothing haha, the reason why it isn't in some of his art is cus immmm forgetful HAHA, I keep posting art i think it's finished and then realize I forgot his crown, and I'm too lazy to add it sometimes ! It is a constant thing on his design tho

Ingannare Void_Lizard

What are the gold wing things Julián sometimes has in their hair? And is the crown of light a physical thing, a style thing, magic, something? I noticed it isn't always present in art, why?

are they perhaps inspired off of a character? - Visually, not anything specific. I'd say Ingy's biggest character inspiration was Jester from DMC3. I've always liked the chaotic vibe I get from jesters and I see them pop up now and then and wanted one of my own. My bro showed me the song Court Jester and that's what prompted the creation process. As far as the species and colors and all that though, no single character or media influenced me. I prefer green and people as bright contact colors instead of blue and red, and I just made the species as I went, drawing whatever had the energy I was going for.

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