The endless "step by step" game

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Edited 5 years, 1 month ago) by Kogami

Stolen from Drawception forums.

Basically it's like you're contributing to a tutorial or cookbook by providing instructions from the first step and...well, until as long as this thread can go because we're doing one ENDLESS step by step, as mentioned in the title.


  • New rule 9/3/19: You can post either as OOC or roleplaying as IC!
  • You can whatever instructions as you want, really, though it'll be more fun if it's something related to the previous step (regardless if you continue or slightly twist it.) (E.g. Step 1: wake up from bed, Step 2: go back to sleep, Step 3: ASCEND TO OUTER SPACE DURING YOUR SLEEP)
  • These instructions will be all fun and games and can be as long or short as you want but don't attempt on anything NSFW, offensive or just plain rude.
  • You may post again after every 3 posts unless the last post were left for over 12 hours.
  • Don't skip number, edit your post if sniped.

...and lastly, have fun! We shall create the ultimate guidebook or wikihow with this mess that our characters created |D


Step 1050: realise you’re not over your ex (satan) and cry


Step 1051: Realise that eloping with the rock-counselor wasn't the best idea so you buy some flowers to beg Satan for a second chance


Step 1052: Satan declines and says it isn't gonna work out, you fall into a state of depression


Step 1053: find a new lover to be with


step 1054: realize that nobody will ever love you, so you decided to go to the animal shelter instead


Step 1055: Backflip again!


Step 1056: All the animals in the shelter loved your backflip performance


Step 1057: Backflip once more!


Step 1058: while you're at it, do the cha-cha real smooth dance for impress even more the animal shelter


step 1059: watch the animal shelter staff also get amazed at your dancing talent


step 1060: force them to dance with you :)


Step 1061: The dancing somehow results in several earthquakes.


Step 1062: the birds from angry birds fly in out of nowhere and hits multiple buildings


Step 1063: as the god of the world, start an epic fight with the angry birds to try and stop them to cause apocalypse among the uh... buildings I guess


1064: The angry birds are impressed with your cha-cha-cha combat dancing, and vow to help you find a new partner, your new wing-men