Mass Scammer: Catherine Hu (MANY ACCOUNTS)

Posted 5 years, 16 days ago (Edited 4 years, 1 month ago) by Quartzstorage

Update: I am personally stepping out of this due to time, and mental health, but if others have information please continue to share it in the thread here! ! 

Scammer's Usernames:
Scammer has multiple accounts now I'm aware of and are actively scamming and stealing characters across them:

Here is a master list of their accounts across all platforms there are so many that this thread cannot possibly contain them all:

All DA accounts appear to have been banned via an IP ban………… - not positive but likely them based off comments/behavior

Situation Summary: 

- Claimed other art as theirs.

- Tried to commission other people's OC's claiming they were theirs.

- Scammed with others adoptables they did not make and stole.

- Scammed and tried to scam with commissions (Mainly art).

- Scammed with ToyHouse Codes.

- Paying for adopts/commissions with PayPal and after asking for a charge back after getting the adopts/art.

"they're probably a kid who thinks this is just a game and doesn't get what she/he is doing is wrong" THIS IS WHAT I THOUGHT, but they've already stated that they scam because "no one likes them IRL" and they have scammed people for amounts of +$100 SO THEY KNOW THIS IS WRONG. And they don't care. 
Admission to scamming and master list of who, and what they've scammed from them can be found here:

Personal account:
So this took place over the course of 2 days, I was seeking a toyhouse code and posted in the toyhouse code chat that I was offering a headshot in exchange for one. This user, Creativecat (account now closed) advertised 40 codes in the thread and said they'd do the trade. I completed their headshot and gave it to them, and waited to be sent my code. I was sent empty messages before finally receiving a message this morning with an account THEY MADE and the password, instead of giving me a code.

When I try to message them, I'm informed they've closed their account. I Tried to log into the account the "gave" me and it was "banned for being associated with a permanently banned user"
I've been scammed out of time and art with nothing in exchange.
This user isn't only scamming me however, they are currently on DA, charging inflated prices for codes they don't have.
Their DA username is: blazestarwarriorcats and is still active.

Here are the screenshots of the exchange in order:

Initial AgreementwK2jKat.jpg9L4SjBO.jpgPI1fkMX.jpgGiving them the headhsot9FUIO1y.jpgFirst attempt trying to get my code.
QyyC4Av.jpgSecond attempt trying to get my code.Kc9S8EA.jpgHere they are on DA replying to me, with the art as their icon.ihPz13W.jpgThis is what I receivedFGlOSax.jpgThem asking me not to change the email! And my response. After this interaction they closed their account and I could not contact them further.
b8aHzbj.jpgThem Advertising they have 40 codes on TH8BmIH2k.jpgHere they are charging inflated prices on DA for codes and scamming users there as well. I wasn't aware of this until after our encounter.5jVOrA1.jpgHere is another user saying that they've been scammed! Surprise surprise.

The conclusion of this is, I'm new to posting art on the internet and using Toyhouse, and DA. I don't know how to report users on DA, and this has taken a huge hit to my artistic trust of people. I feel ripped off, disappointed, and grossed out that some scammer is out there using my artwork against my will.
I'm hoping some of you can help me get this sorted and handled, I don't want to see other innocent people being scammed like this by this person!
How do I report a DA user? If you know how and would like to help please contact me.
I hate that I have to do this :<

Update: another user has been scammed and made a post, to see this interaction and more proof of this scam please see this post:

Update 2: over 10 people have came out that they were scammed by this person. They are still scamming people and DA admins are not handling the issue, please help me report this scammer by taking some time to report them to the admins so we can finally end this scammer. They also have a new scam going around so watch your backs!

Update 3: they're going by a new name on toyhouse and still scamming people.
Beware Heads up everyone this scammer is
firespirit2018 - account has been banned 4/24

Update 4: Theyre going by another name here on DA and playing coy: Catherinedrawzzz
Attenmpted to go under a new name on toyhouse: Spiritstar - has been banned.
Toyhouse has perma banned their IP and will be banning all accounts made with it.

Update 5: They have yet another new account, no suspicious activity on it yet but keeping an eye on it.

Update 6: They are now going by stripetail101 on here, they have been reported. - account closed. 

Update 7: they are using a new name and pulling the same old tricks. They are now also stealing characters so beware.

All updates will now be posted at the top of the page to keep the most recent information the most readily available.


they made another account brightspirit2019 here on toyhouse, they were asking for codes so expect more to pop up :/


i hate to be a negative nancy here, but considering her father has been informed about this and she's still at her scamming game tells us that she's not stopping any time soon. i don't really think a petition is going to do anything if she hasn't learned anything from all her old deviantart accounts being deactivated. 


I agree with @iboga. We can and should keep an eye out on her and deal with the accounts as they come and go, however. But need to understand she will most likely not stop. And I hear that petitions don't work a lot of time time, but that's just what I hear. Not too sure about if that's true or not.


From my observations over these 7 months (which is ridiculous in and of itself), Catherine Hu and the majority of her emails and paypal transfers originate from China, where North American law really has no pull, so petitions are likely not going to work. I'm not sure if this is a money laundering scheme and there are more people then just her involved, like some sort of scam operation like phone scam centers, or if this is just a case of a very determined individual. Either way, peititons won't work, regardless of the motive behind her actions after being IP banned on nearly every social media site. She likely knows North American law can't touch her, and his may play into why she's so tenacious about it. 

But this is all speculation and observation. 


AzuelZorro102 the account of the same name was banned here on th a day or two ago. I found and reported them and informed the groups keeping an eye on her. If you notice any more "brightspirit" accounts they will likely be her, she doesn't try to hide anymore. If you spot any more report and spread the word asap. All we can really do for now is remain vigilant and delay her activities with bans. 


... literally just realized this is a person who i blocked on hangouts...

yeah i did an AT with her and so did a bunch of my friends on the thing so we ended up kicking her.

she tried to suck up/play nice and im way too easily sympathetic, so i felt bad. (i was super desperate for art bc it was a few days after i designed Bella [more info on Bella in profile.])

it honestly feels kinda surreal.


its splashheart2020 now ivypelt on DA

splashheart2020 here


Just got this message from her on my group server if you're still keeping track of this stuff 



galalalee The ASU discord is open to anyone who wants to keep in track of her or provide SS/proof of things she has done. She yesterday did this so I don't think she'll be stopping soon: (That is the most newer journal updated because the one listed on this thread is not editable) ASU (Anti-Scammer Union) will also keep track of other scammers and we have an alliance with "ToyHouse Official Scam Patrol" to keep everyone safe ~


caravan-outpost Edited with a new one, thanks for telling ~