Tracer found (@/Snoz), Artists beware.

Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Edited 4 years, 1 month ago) by Kill3r-Qu33n

the User @/ Snoz is a tracer, here is proof of many images along with the originals. they also steal character designs.  please spread this information so others can be aware, they also advertise their commissions using some of these images. 

Edit: since some people have asked I haven’t contacted the user personally but many people on deviantart have made PSAs about them and tried to comment telling them that tracing is wrong, the user does nothing but hides the comments and continues to trace.



NSFW art is legal for minors to draw as long as it is not shared with anyone and the characters depicted are of age from my knowledge. (in the US and Canada at least)


Their accounts been closed, only found out after my submitted ticket of traced fanart got a response.