PSA on MilkyBread/Lovecore_Pubby

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago (Edited 3 years, 27 days ago) by Goober_

Edit: They changed their username to MilkyBread, the thread still refers to them as Lovecore and Lovecore_Pubby however

New post:

Lovecore_Pubby is an art tracer + OC thief + All around horrible person that's had SEVERAL accounts on Toyhouse that have been taken down, they constantly make their way onto toyhouse (I'm not really sure how) despite being banned. They've been tracing for years for reasons I don't know, personally I've known them for about 6-7 years and they've been tracing all this time without stopping, they're really really toxic as well and will literally steal and trace people just to spite them. If you've never heard of them they're very manipulative and often scam people with stolen designs or do things like steal OCs and hold them ransom forcing the original creator to make them new OCs to stop using the stolen version. They'll also try to get their friends (Who you can see giving them designs and drawing their OCs on their toyhouse) to give them art by making them feel bad for them, It's very scummy of them and I'd just advise you.. Don't interact with them. Just block them, report them if you're able to

There's proof of them tracing here: (My inactive account, the first link is more up-to-date) 

Twitter threads:

First thread

Newest thread 

They've had several accounts, all of which have been banned, such as:

Sunnyside_Up, YagiToshinori/Spacetisity, SpookDaddy, Reasonance, NightyNite, etc

They do have a couple traced/referenced pieces being credited back to them, but they kept mostly all of them off to avoid being banned off of tracing/referencing 

Traced artwork Original: Original artwork

Possibly deleted Original: Referenced off of SpookieLee's base without permission

Edit: They also have this character they're attempting to sell that's referenced off of Sc00tySc00ty's OC (Without permission)

They also recently just gave away(?) this design, which is just completely 100% stolen 

Photo of it under design tab  

Photo of design (Don't message the uploader please)

Original artwork/OC 

Their traced version (Taken from my instagram, it's kind of old but they're still giving away stolen designs to people on Toyhouse..?)

I'm not really sure if there's much we can do since they're trying to keep traced artwork off of their profile or if we're able to report them for ban evasion, I just decided to warn people to stay away from them because of how horrible of a person they are. 



it does also seem like they kindoff ripped a design from overwatch, or atleast partially. helmet is 100% Bastion and they even have a little bird friend just as Bastion does. it wouldnt surprise me if most of the art they have of them is traced over actual fanart of the character. 


Nighticrawler the oc in question is litterally tagged as Overwatch and Bastion so there's that :o (would that make the character a kinsona?)




oh i didnt even see that! but i believe there was something about kinsonas not even being allowed on toyhouse, as it isnt techincally your character. 


Valra I'll add it thank you


I have the suspiscion they might be trying to hop onto a new account, as every character mentioned in this thread has been traded to a different person by now and most credits have been changed from them to another person. 

while i can not confirm such (because they have blocked me already) it is incredibly weird to see. the two people they have been trading with seem to be Spicylatte and Blacklightstars


Nighticrawler They might be trying to move, I don't know since I can't see anything. They've already blocked me and I've blocked both Blacklight and Spicy since I really dislike them and don't feel comfortable with them

I also noticed they removed images I added to the thread a few days ago, like the one where they reference off of Spookielees base, or Blacklight's "Melon" OC that Milky drew. I did save them in discord DMs with my alt account, the thing is my discord recently got disabled so I'd either have to wait a bit to add the images or figure out the login for my alt