PSA: RebeccaTheWolf; doxxer, miscredit, theif+

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago (Edited 1 year, 2 months ago) by RamblingDemon

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As of 02/20/23 Rebecca’s main account (RebeccaTheWolf) and newest side account (Stuff) have been closed due to multiple site violations.

As of 04/14/23 the following accounts of this user have been closed:

Rebeccaadopts (closed)

jodie3tears (closed)

If new TH accounts belonging to this user with proof linking the accounts springs up, I will create a new thread linking back to this one. Thank you for your assistance Toyhouse.

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Kon’nichiwa! This is an updated PSA on my original bulletin from 2021. I post this as, in the past year, RebeccaTheWolf has continued to break rules on TH from continued miscrediting of characters/ bases/ AI generated adopts (for personal profit), to publicly doxing another user’s private information , to commuting downright art theft, to more. (see below for the entire list).

This is largely a repost of my original bulletin on the matter, with updated information as of December 2022. As it stands, my post currently contains the most evidence of Rebecca’s repeated breaking of TH rules. Because of this, I have had other users continue to provide updates. This post will be kept up to date, and will be kept unbiased and fair. I do not take any side in particular, and this PSA serves only to inform other users.

⚠️Before I get into it I’d like to say please do NOT harass or gaslight/instigate a fight with any involved users. This bulletin simply serves as an argument to find and to show what truth to these claims I could find. You are free to share or ignore this bulletin of course.⚠️
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Claims about Rebeccathewolf/Stuff/

RebeccaAdopts/jodie3tears: (and Broccoliisbestboy)

  1. Harassment for NFT Characters/Freebies
  2. Removing credit of designers by reuploading character profiles. 
  3. Block/Ban evasion via using accounts; already has at least 1 frozen account
  4. Harassment of users who have blocked/blacklisted their account
  5. Possible minor (lying about age) with NSFW art 
  6. Art theft + tracing
  7. Stealing art of copyrighted characters (NEW) (Updated 12/28/22)
  8. Publicly doxing/ giving away identity & social media of another user & minor. (NEW) (Updated 12/28/22)
  9. Selling/ trading of AI generated adopts w/o added art + miscrediting adopts to self. (NEW) (Updated 12/28/22)

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Proof of multiple accounts:

  1. image0.png?width=960&height=164

Known accounts:

Rebeccathewolf (Closed)

Stuff (Proof) (Nov. 2022) (Closed)

Rebeccaadopts (Live)

jodie3tears (Live)

Broccoliisbestboy (Disproven as of Nov. 2022) (Profile still contains miscredited characters, art, bases, stolen assets, ect however)

Known accounts: 

*See spoiler for info/ reason:

Rebecca’s FufAffinity and DeviantArt account favs consists of F2U bases. User is notorious for coloring in bases and uploading bases w/h-out proper credits (miscredits to self alone for art, or links back with broken links). If you recognize any bases that are being used and the art uploaded miscredited/ broken linked, feel free to share evidence of such.







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How do these claims hold?

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1) Harassment for NFT Characters/Freebies

Harassment is going to be a bit difficult to define as well. Some may have harder criteria for  defining harassment than others. For Rebeccathewolf’s alleged harassment multiple cases where Rebecca commented on  characters listed as NFT belonging to different users were brought to my attention.

The first that I will talk about comes from the user @Shmapnap (a total of twice).

I personally do not define this as harassment however. While annoying for sure, though it is not harassment because as far as I can tell Rebeccathewolf does NOT press the matter past asking once (on separate individual NFT character belonging to Shmapnap). Nor does Rebeccathewolf seem to ask with multiple/alternate accounts once blocked in the case of Shmapnap.

I am NOT trying to undermine/invalidate these user’s opinions if they do feel harassed. If these users feel personally attacked that is their business and not mine, and I respect their views and opinions.

Here is the proof that Rebeccathewolf has commented on @Shmapnap

Characters commented on:



Other instances of commenting on NFT characters include commenting on @Star_boi (‘s) personal mascot and @BobaBubbleTea (‘s)  main Fursonas in 2021.

Respective character profiles:



So does the claim hold? YesAs far as harassment is defined by the law dictionary

“harassment. (either harris-meant or huh-rass-meant) n. the act of systematic and/or continued unwanted and annoying actions of one party or a group, including threats and demands.”

Rebeccathewolf may make no threats against these users, nor continued annoying actions after the fact, they continued to ask for the character (ping) even after being told ”no” multiple times. Again, this perspective is up to the users whose character(s) have been commented on.

Edit: 7/22/12

User xerneas has stepped forward with attached evidence of Rebeccathewolf commenting on an NFT OC on Xerneas’s profile and then lying about not seeing the NFT tag.

Source: Comment of this bulletin



While I would normally say that it is possible to not see a tag, Rebeccathewolf claims that the fault belongs to their phone not allowing tags to be seen. Implying that the user did see the tags.

I’d like to point out that:

1) This is virtually impossible due to tags being ingrained into the coding of this website. Tags will ALWAYS be visible.

2) Any phone that has internet access will show these tags. I-phone, Android, ect.

*xerneas shows a similar character profile which shares the same tags*



As of this edit you can see that user Rebeccathewolf does actively comment on NFT characters, despite knowing these characters are off-limits.

So while Rebecca may not be harassing one user repeatedly, this is technically a form of minor harassment as Rebecca just doesn't seem to understand that no means no. Because in any context if someone tells you no and gives you all the signs additionally saying no, then you don't have a good reason or right to continue pushing for whatever it is you want.


My own experience:

I have had my own experience with Rebeccathewolf asking for my characters. However, the characters that were asked about were, fairly, listed as for offers as far as I remember.

Now I will say here and make it clear that:

1) Rebeccathewolf asked for multiple of my characters listed as free or offer.

2) Rebeccathewolf did offer for the characters. Meaning, she completed some form of payment for them. In this case, art. (I will not bother listing all the profiles as I don’t want to go through 2,000+ characters looking for them.)


Here is a screenshot of Star messaging me via Discord. I communicated to Star that Rebeccathewolf did pay for that character. This comment also shows that, while it has been over two months since transferring, Rebeccathewolf hasn’t removed the “hold” (or when viewing the profile the original or offer connotations as of writing this bulletin) from the character.

Character profile:



So from my own experience I wouldn’t claim that I myself was being harassed. Yes, it was somewhat annoying to have found Rebeccathewolf commenting for almost every free or offer character in my TH, and in a couple cases some really HQ characters I had for trade/sale who’s comments I have long since deleted after politely declining, but what characters I did trade to her were fairly traded for.

Let me emphasize that again. I made the willing decision to trade with this user. Why? Because I no longer wanted the characters. 

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2) Removing credit of designers by reuploading character profiles.

Okay this is a big one.

So removing the credit of characters means that:

1) You are essentially stealing the character, paid for or not.

2) You are giving the designer and any artist who did art of that character (if credit is removed) a big middle finger while stating that you do not care about their time, effort, and creativity which went into that design/art piece.

The evidence that I could find of Rebeccathewolf removing credit comes from the user’s own profile page, via comments made by @sess and xerneas who have experienced this:






Does Rebeccathewolf remove credit by reuploading? YesEven though I didn’t bother trying to match the character to the designer (2,000+ characters is frankly a lot to go through), the past five days since posting this I have found a multitude of characters and art without credit, or, if they are credited, they are all miscredited to Rebecca or credited to broken links.

 Though it would help the argument much more to screenshot almost every miscredited and broken linked character/art, it’s also time I really don’t have and I also don’t feel the need or should be white knighting the situation. 

If the affected users wish to do so, they can step forward and link the character in the comments below. And if Rebeccathewolf has updated their credit then I will admit that I am wrong and apologize.

But as far as I can tell when writing this Rebeccathewolf has indeed removed the credit, and is even subtly demanding that should user sess want to be credited for their design then sess is going to have to subscribe to Rebeccathewolf’s account and just have to wait an undetermined amount of time to be credited.

I understand going through personal things, but if you know the character the designer is talking about and you know the character is uncredited it literally takes less than a minute to credit the designer. Also, by reuploading without credit and pending credit to the designer only to cancel it and then ask for patience and a subscription; or hide the character all together; comes across as very shady. Just credit the designer.


EDIT 11/24/22

Broccoliisbestboy and Rebeccathewolf no longer have their accounts linked as belonging to the same person. (Disproven as of November 2022; user had private profile doxed by Rebecca) (Profile still contains miscredited characters, art, bases however.) 

Please keep this information in mind going forward. I will not be deleting any of my original bulletin as the bulletin contains valid proof of both users breaking TH rules. Thank you.


Edit: 7/20/21

My friend SeafoamAura has alerted me to her own experience with Rebeccathewolf miscrediting one of the adopts that she previously owned/worked on.

In this case the adopt was miscredited by a user by the alias Broccoliisbestboy who is an alleged “friend” of Rebeccathewolf (ex-friend as of 2022). This user claimed to SeafoamAura that Rebeccathewolf had given them the OC. However, even if that is the case then Rebeccathewolf, adopting directly from a credible user, failed to give the artist information and links to Broccoliisbestboy (who again, shares an account with Rebecca).

Now there is a pre-existing PSA (linked here) regarding Broccoliisbestboy. This PSA INCLUDES PROOF THAT BROCCOLIISBESTBOY IS AN ART THIEF (+more evidence below). The comments of this thread provide more evidence to the allegations being made against Broccoliisbestboy/Rebeccathewolf.

(And yes, I used the word “scummy” when being informed of this because it frankly is.)


So with permission from SeafoamAura I present her experience with Rebeccathewolf/Broccoliisbestboy.

As stated in the Discord chat I’d also like to note that though SeafoamAura states that their is a NSFW image tied to the character the image has been censored. And I am also taking note that Broccoliisbestboy did NOT tag the image or character properly. So this means they were exposing the sexual image to minors and they even set it to the avatar of the character. That means that anyone could see it. Minors, people uncomfortable with it, people who have PTSD like me. That is NOT okay.



Above is the original character profile that SeafoamAura traded to Rebeccathewolf with the attached proof of trade. This is how users can see how an adopt has been passed down and who the adopt has been passed down to.

Below is the thread of comments where Broccoliisbestboy makes the claim that Rebeccathewolf gave them the character. SeafoamAura also states that her artwork is being miscredited. You can also see that the character is miscredited as the designer is Broccoliisbestboy when the true designer is ThatWeirdOni (who is a fantastic designer/artist).





I’d also like to note that SeafoamAura states “a Picrew link that doesn’t lead to anything” matches to allegations made in the PSA by other users who had similar experiences with Rebeccathewolf randomly crediting Picrew generators instead of the proper artists.

This brings me to my next point, harassing users via block-avoiding (the avoidance of a block on one account by using one or more alternate accounts).

Edit: 7/22/12


User xerneas also provided a link to Rebeccathewolf’s frozen alternate account where OCs are being moved from. An account allegedly frozen for miscrediting.

I am pointing out that this is a TRUE statement because the the characters being moved (many past freebies) DO MATCH UP, AND the fact that both Rebeccathewolf and jodie3tears share the same exact icon as of adding this new evidence. Their DA also shows that Jodie and Rebecca are the same person.



**Character is also miscredited 


Slight gore warning (blood)


Source: Rebeccaadopts profile + Implied violence against a minor ("Lost kid meets my OC Jeff")

Edit: 7/22/21

I am including this edit to state that there is even more evidence pointing towards Rebeccathewolf/ jodie3years/ Broccoliisbestboy removing credit of designers and artists with full knowledge that the user is indeed miscrediting purposely.

It is possible that characters being moved from jodie3tears to Rebeccathewolf are being miscredited and having their designers/artists removed.

I hope this is not the case.

Edit: 7/24/21

A friend who wishes to remain anonymous has sent me screenshots of miscredited characters in Rebeccathewolf’s TH Account. Proof shows that these characters are credited as Rebecca’s design but the galleries show otherwise, with many having no links to designers or artists, and some having links THAT DO NOT LEAD ANYWHERE.








We are not sure why these images have different credit dates “5 April 2018” and “29 April 2018”. My source suggests this may be because while the character was created today, the images may be shared from an alternate account. So this means the images are very likely intentionally uncredited. Theoretically, the links should be there since these are older images (likely from her frozen account, again, frozen for miscrediting).

This is a character that was created during allegations against Rebecca for not crediting or miscrediting their characters and it is happening during this time. I believe the phrase is “caught with a hand in the cookie jar”. Because there is no reason that these characters should not have proper links back to the designers/adopt page.  

I’d like to point out that Rebecca has taken the liberty of stating “I am the creator of this design” when creating these characters as well. All designs below (and most on that TH according to sources) are credited to that user and not other artists.

Similar cases below.










These are just SOME of the characters that my source sifted through, claiming that there were many others were:

1) Missing Credit

2) Linked credit that led nowhere

3) Suspiciously miscredited to Rebeccathewolf when having vastly different art styles and quality

4) Picrew/Gaia/assorted generator characters miscredited to Rebecca and Broccoliisbestboy (which is against TH guideline as a comment in the PSA forum points out).






*recently uploaded, and still miscredited 2 days after comment was posted in forums and responded to by Rebecca*

Correct credit:

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From my original post in 2021, Rebecca holds on their account 2000+ characters. I point this out solely as an overwhelming majority of OCs from this character account remain miscredited (similar to the examples above). I will not be going through each and every singular character profile however. As the examples above, many characters have been credited as Rebecca being the designer, and/ or contain art with invalid links.


Update: Dec. 2022

An anonymous source came to me with an updated screenshot of Rebecca’s current character count. I cannot determine an exact number of miscredited/ uncredited characters out of the 3,000+ characters on Rebecca’s main account alone. Character account has increased by 1,500+ since last year. Miscredited/ Uncredited adopts range from artist drawn OCs, to Picrews/ Dollmakers, to AI Generated adopts.


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3) Harassment of users who have blocked/blacklisted their account

Now we come to the claim of block evasion, avoiding blocks and targeting the users who have blocked you.

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And with having so many accounts, and these are just the accounts I could link, it really doesn't make anything easier, nor does it make the suggestion of Block-Evasion look anymore impossible. Because the evidence of block-evasion is there. And even though I personally have IP-blocked each account, each account I did IP-block needed a new block and therefore had a different IP address. An IP Address is defined as:

"An IP address is a unique address that identifies a device on the internet or a local network. ... In essence, IP addresses are the identifier that allows information to be sent between devices on a network: they contain location information and make devices accessible for communication"

So this user is using multiple networks with multiple addresses to access different accounts and evade multiple blocks.

*Please keep in mind that IP blocking can be avoided, and you can check periodically if the block is still up.

IP blocking is extremely easy to bypass and your mobile does NOT share the same IP as your desktop/laptop (as long as your mobile is not connected to your Wi-fi). Remember that the IP address blocked is only blocking the IP address at the time of blocking. Any other wi-if will allow the blocked user to evade your block and view your profile using an outside third party app such as Amino or Discord while logged out of TH.

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As of 7/22/21 evidence of at least two cases of block-evasion have occurred.

User @Decaying_Cryptid made a comment on this bulletin where, after blocking Rebeccathewolf, Rebeccathewolf contacted Decaying_Cryptid via their sale's account Rebeccaadopts

It is obvious that Rebeccathwolf had seen the adopt on the freebie page and once the adopt was transferred to Decaying_Cryptid realized that Cryptid had blocked them and therefore used another account to evade the block and ask for the character despite the character only just coming into Cryptid's possession not even an hour after the adopt was transferred to their account as of adding this edit.

Character link:




I want to make it clear that there is nothing wrong with inquiring about a character you are interested in. However it is extraordinarily rude to offer immediately after the character is transferred to another user who adopted and earned that character fair and square. Instead of just asking Rebecca straight up offers for this character, but even more so goes out of their way to evade the block that Cryptid had on their account. This is called block-evasion and it's very frustrating when you don't want to deal with that person.

It also means that the person you blocked doesn't respect your block or your reasons for blocking. This is a big "screw you" type move. And though that may not be the message that Rebecca is intending, it is the message that comes across.

Another instance of block evasion comes from Rebeccathewolf actually block-evading me.

The image below shows the blacklist that Rebecca has on their sales account. This image currently in this moment shows the phrase "making fake bullets and being super childish". Firstly, nowhere does Star link my bulletin in theirs. And while I am aware that bulletins like this are public property, I want to make it clear that I have IP Blocked Rebecca on four separate accounts; two of which were blocked BEFORE this blacklist updating on their profile, and two other accounts (one which was NOT since of me posting this). This means that Rebecca was using their sales account to view my TH. And that makes me SUPER uncomfortable. I'm curious to why I am not blacklisted, but hey, I'm not one to count my chickens.


And of course Rebecca is entitled to feel this way and blacklist whoever they want. I do understand that it easy to feel attacked in this situation. However, calling someone else "childish" really isn't necessary, and claiming "fake bulletins" when the evidence is stacked against you doesn't make your case look any cleaner. Especially when you are the one going out of your way to block-evade the users you blacklisted or posting these "fake" bulletins. It's easy to get caught up in the drama, but going to the point where you become upset at the users for being traded an old character that's gone through who knows how many hands since being in your possession (that was likely miscredited in the first place) isn't really something to stress over. 

Another thing, someone isn't bullying you because they told you no. There are plenty of times where I and everyone on this website have been declined characters in trades/sales/gifts. That's part of the adopt game. And yes, it is upsetting. But what Rebecca should take a look at is that, again, a majority of these characters were NOT for offers in the first place. And thanks to the evidence provided by Cryptid you are very aware of this.

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I do want to put in a word here for Rebecca however and state that the other parties are also at fault. Even I am at fault for putting this bulletin out there, but that's why this bulletin is to remain as neutral and non-threatening as possible. I want to be unbiased and fair. So I'm going to mention that Rebecca does have a valid reason to feel this way and blacklist who they want. But it still doesn't give reason to worsening the situation. For example, below we can see that Rebecca commented on Star's bulletin first.

This is something called gaslighting. Rebecca knows that these users do not want to talk to them, yet they continue to do so anyways. But I want to note clearly that Star had not blocked Rebeccathewolf at this time. There was not block-avoiding.



Now I’m actually leaning closer towards Rebeccathewolf with this one. While the user did offer on NFT characters, what they did doesn’t quite qualify as the textbook definition of harassment; and Star came off as a little harsh (sorry Star!). There’s no need to use reporting as the upper hand, and making retorts back only fuels the fire. And this comment thread does actually continue, but I don't care to post all of it because it just shows that both parties are inciting each other and the best thing for both to do is just walk away.

However as for the allegations against removing credit that is entirely up in the air. Yes, I found SOME evidence, and more evidence is STILL surfacing, but I can't make a complete case on the evidence I have, Though what I do have is heavily stacked against Rebecca, I do want to give Rebecca the benefit of the doubt just because I haven't gone through their entire TH, let alone the TH of all four known profiles. All I can say for now is that those accusations are just that, accusations. There is some leaning towards it being true, and for now I’m going to assume it is because I couldn’t see any evidence stating otherwise and multiple sources are claiming that they have had their credit removed and it is a recent event.



This is an edit to include more proof of Rebecca harassing/gaslighting users that have personally blacklisted their accounts. I am tagging one set of screenshots as spoilers however due to the fact that I don't actually agree or approve of how the other user who posted their bulletin responded to Rebecca. I understand that it is frustrating but it doesn't help your case as the defendant to make such passive-aggressive comments. I apologize to that user who posted the bulletin, but my personal opinion is that the situation could have been handled more professionally.

Another thing is that Rebecca and Broccoli both comment within a minute of each other. However, I'd like to point out that one person is able to comment on two separate accounts if one is on PC and the other is on Mobile. Furthermore, this is the only time these two have commented in minutes of each other, which makes it seem very suspicious due to that fact alone. It feels less like two separate people (given the same exact way of speaking, same reaction, and other factors) and more like trying to force heat off of yourself.

Also, if they are two different people it doesn't look good to be associating with a proven art thief. 

The first set of screenshots however was handled better and shows that Rebecca/Broccoli is continuing to gaslight Star and Jam (This includes possible block evasion to read the comment and then reply to it.through responding to comments and even messaging Jam in DM. 

(This includes possible block evasion to read the comment and then reply to it.)

Nobody is making up any "lies" or "going off information they know nothing about". All the proof and evidence in my Bulletin, the PSA, and the other bulletins has HARD EVIDENCE AND SCREENSHOTS OF THE ACCUSATIONS.

Nobody is making up anything. Star even APOLOGIZED for how they replied on their own Bulletin. Furthermore Broccoli still continues to DM and harass Jam while claiming the opposite is true. 



And to respond to Broccoli, I understand making a mistake. But regardless that art is STILL on your account AFTER FINDING OUT, I quote, "LAST YEAR". If you've known this for a YEAR why is the art on TH still? And you know that Pollo-Chan doesn't allow their YCHs to be used as bases/other art because those are paid commissions of other people's characters (see Art Theft section of this bulletin). You are only hurting your own argument, and acknowledging your theft.

And you make it worse by harassing Jam via DM.


You can see that Broccoli is sending these hateful messages to Jam.  I have Jam's permission to post these, because Jam is so tired of these DMs and messages. Even blocking doesn't seem to help as Rebecca/Broccoli are targeting Jam's friends who have not blocked their accounts: commenting on bulletins, characters, and I'm sure DM'ing them as well. 

Broccoli sending DMs to Jam calling Jam "Childish" and even accusing that it "isn't their business" while messaging Jam to pull Jam back in after Jam's DNI and Blacklist was posted/updated. These DMs were sent within a mere hour of each other with Jam trying to avoid a fight. So Broccoli is just sending these at regular intervals in hopes that Jam will get annoyed/angry or pity them in reply.

It is an attention getting tactic. Just like how Broccoli/Rebecca are doing the same in the comment section of bulletins and DNI posts about them. 

As you will see. “LOL” is the first message Broccoli sends. This message is a clear gaslighter as it comes out of NOWHERE and teases Jam. Jam also points out that as much as Broccoli argues they are not Rebecca (when everything points to the users being the same) Broccoli has mentioned Star multiple times.

But the thing is, Star has blocked Broccoli (and the adopt account) before and hasn’t talked to Broccoli. Outside of having to unblock just to ask that Broccoli please stop commenting on these bulletins to start something.

Broccoli is mentioning a comment thread that they should NOT have access to, unless they have access to and use Rebecca’s account.

And while I understand third-party apps and the likes do exist, it is still very suspicious. Broccoli even avoids this subject after Jam points it out.

Here are some screenshots are some screenshots from those DMs. I have permission from Jam to post these, which you can see in another screenshot below or in the comment section of this bulletin.Screenshot_20210728-211850_Amino.jpg20210728-000.jpg95f47f66e489efc7d59869d52d69dc2d69940b358a85b728b783fa9ab7d79a21cf6805cfbd7a0b34





Source: Bulletin post by

Again, I absolutely do NOT approve of how this was handled in the slightest. There was no need for this comment section to derail in derogatories and petty insults. Doing such was a bad move. I know that by now Jama was sick of the situation, especially with Rebecca gaslighting the situation, but it was still the wrong thing to do as it only makes Rebecca's bullying standpoint more true. What Rebecca/Broccoli is doing is wrong, but I do not believe in "two wrongs make a right". So I apologize to both Jama and Rebecca for having to experience this.

I personally think both of them should have dropped the conversation or Jama shouldn't have responded in the first place. The point being however is that Rebecca/Broccoli continue to gaslight and harass users who have clearly blacklisted and asked for 'Do not interact". By interacting with this knowledge it is very likely to lead to situations that cause issue like this.

And maybe that's what Rebecca/Broccoli want. Because it does make them look better. I'd suggest that both apologize to the other for the insults, block, and call it a day.

Especially when that art thief is backing you up and harassing the poster of the bulletin with you. I'm also pointing out that the first time Rebecca mentioned Broccoli they purposely misspelled the username, but the second spelt it correct for some reason? As if they were dragging that account into the situation. 

unknown.png unknown.png


Thank you again to my anonymous source.



Despite Rebeccathewolf/ jodie3tears sharing the same account owner josie3tears was NOT IP blocked despite both Rebeccathewolf and Broccoliisbestboy both being IP blocked.


Please note that just because an account has its characters frozen that the account can STILL REMAIN ACTIVE.

This means that a frozen account can still see your profile, and while one account may be blocked an alternate account will NOT be blocked. While Rebeccathewolf and jodie3tears clearly share an owner the latter was NOT blocked for me (another example of how easy it is to avoid IP blocking).

As of writing this the image above shows that the most recent activity of this frozen account is not even four full days ago.

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  • Possible minor (lying about age) with NSFW art (NEW) 

This part is more speculation than anything, so I do want to point out the following:

1) I am not personally claiming Rebecca/Broccoli/ect. is underage

2) Rebecca (ect.) has NSFW on both main accounts (which is censored for this bulletin); NSFW which is not properly tagged AND on uncredited/broken linked bases.

grammar and tenses.

Source: Rebeccaadopts (profile)


There is a huge issue with minors having NSFW. I understand that in the world we live in with the technology we have that it is impossible to not come across NSFW or heavily sexualized imagery. I'm looking at you YouTube. With your mobile harem adds, and Elsa Gate gaming page links. But the point being is that even here on TH and any social media site that it is way too easy to lie about your age. And I'm not saying that someone's art should be a determinate in age. If I ever tried digital off base I'd look like an elementary school kid discovering MS Paint for the first time.

But writing style and an inability to follow site rules is a clear indicator of age and identity. Toyhouse has to have one of the easiest, if not the easiest, means of crediting and uploading. It literally walks you through it step by step and I'm pretty sure there are forum posts on how to do these things.

For this section I want to point out that I am a university student with a degree in literature and two minors (going on three) for writing alone. I'm also getting my teaching credentials. What I'm getting at is analyzing writing, especially the writing of minors has been the better part of my life. And part of writing is your ability to follow instructions and directions, as well as sourcing your material.

A lot of writing I am seeing by Rebecca/Broccoli is showing me that this person is underage. Firstly, the user writes without using punctuation and in run on sentences. This is something that even foreign exchange students I have worked with above a high school level and age can correct within a couple months at most. Punctuation is fairly universal. But when you combine it with run on sentences it shows that: 1) This person is inexperienced in writing. 2) This is a common issue in writers aged from 8-14 as this is when more emphasis is put on conjunctions and sentence clauses.

Another thing about this users writing style is that they frequent back and forth between capitalizing "I" and "I'm" as well as have the tendency to misspell words or use the wrong tense. This is something that, while I have experienced minorly with older students, isn't actually that common once you get past the age of 16. Now this is just my personal experience. So let me make that clear once again, this isn't always the case but it is what I have experienced generally. I also want to state here that Rebecca does say they are autistic, and I do respect that and understand that this may be affecting how they write.

Also, Rebecca and Broccoli have the exact same writing style. While I do acknowledge that Rebecca may have ghost written their shared profile, I do want to point out that Broccoliisbestboy in comments uses the same writing style down to the individual flaws in grammar and tenses.

Untagged (censored) NSFW art. This is further incriminating as the art (50+ miscredited or with broken links) that is not censored is mixed in with censored art. I'd also like to point out that Broccoli did the same exact thing with the character SeafoamAura had given/traded Rebecca, further pointing to them being the same person. 

These untagged NSFW images include: Anthro, Feral, and Human

Credit to another anonymous source for these screenshots (there are more but I will not post all screenshots).


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 Art theft + tracing 

I have been requested to include information regarding the art theft on both Rebecca's main accounts (Rebeccathewolf and Broccoliisbestboy ).

Firstly, the allegations against art theft is primarily directed towards Broccoliisbestboy. While Rebecca does appear to be crediting herself for a lot of designs and miscrediting artists, only one person has approached me so far with credible evidence. Again, this user chooses to remain anonymous. Thank you to my source for handing me the evidence of art theft on Rebecca's account.

The art theft on Rebecca's account is a traced picture of art by a user known on Instagram, Furaffinity and other accounts as Pollo-chan. Now this artist has explicity stated that they are not comfortable with people using their sketches and YCHs as bases. As they put it:


Source: Journal on FA

As I understand there have been a LOT of cases where people have been claiming Pollo-chan's art as their own, or trying to pawn off paid commission sketches of other people's OCs as YCHs of their own. As stated in their journal Pollo-chan does not allow any of this, and furthermore doesn't post to any of these sites. Using or tracing this users art to create bases is not only art theft, but in some cases character theft as well. Furthermore Toyhouse is very strict about this rule, and does NOT allow traced art or bases without proper links (something Rebecca/ Broccoli has been doing.)



Source: TH Forum-Rules

Rebecca has also uploaded art work of Pollo-chan's, crediting it as a base. The base is credited as a link to Pinterest, which, again, Toyhouse does NOT allow. To add to this the credited link to Pollo-chan is actually broken. Which is evidence leaning further to show that Rebecca is aware that Pollo-chan does not allow their art to be used as bases. And the character that has this stolen art is also miscredited as the original designer is unknown, and instead listed as Rebecca even though the adopt image is right there missing credit.





Furthermore the presence of this image serves to further link Rebeccathewolf and Broccoliisbestboy as the same person. The PSA posted about Broccoliisbestboy contains entire galleries of traced/stolen art from Pollo-Chan by Broccoliisbestboy; this includes screenshots of characters from their Toyhouse, Furaffinity, and other sites. And while I do understand that this art could have possibly been a gift between Broccoli to Rebecca (if they are indeed two separate individuals), Rebecca still has this image on their TH, credited to them. Stealing art from the same user, both miscrediting/broken linking, and sharing an account doesn't do either any favors. It really does feel like Broccoliisbestboy is simply a scapegoat account for posting/selling/trading stolen art.

I highly suggest reading the PSA which provides links and screenshots of proof of Broccoliisbestboy stealing and marketing stolen art.

 And to make matters worse Broccoli (who shares an account with Rebecca, and has the same writing style + art style + miscredited and uncredited art and characters) has REFUSED to take the traced/stolen art off of Toyhouse. And I quote, "if pollo-chan says to me to delete them then i will".

But... Pollo-Chan already has. The journal posted by Pollo-chan sates as much.


And since Rebecca/Broccoli have all evidence towards them being the same user this isn't doing anything to help the allegations against them. I do want to take note that my source has claimed Rebecca's profile or at least one of them has stated that they are not to be associated with Broccoli, but this statement feels pretty empty as the DM and screenshots I received today (7/25/21) show that at the very least their shared account Rebeccaadopts still shares a profile page linking them together, information on them, and a shared blacklist. 

As it stands this is currently stolen art credited to Rebeccathewolf on their profile.

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Stealing art of copyrighted characters (NEW) (Updated 12/28/22)

A user came to me with evidence of Rebecca’s TH containing OCs with (more) stolen art. Images have been uploaded from "free vector" sources that have stolen copyrighted content, and treated as a "coloring page". This is against Rule 4.5 Usage of Bases which states that uses of bases from anime (copyrighted works in general) is not permitted unless the original artist permits it



Site in credits; 

Copyrighted character; from the anime Rosario to Vampire.

I cannot speak for Rebecca on this matter. I too have actually made the mistake of trusting “free” PNG sites— though in response to learning the truth I immediately deleted all characters using assets from the site and NEVER outright stole entire pieces of artwork. However, I have little faith in Rebecca deleting these stolen art pieces given past experience noted in this bulletin here.

And according to the user who informed me of this art theft of downright copyrighted images, Rebecca has still been uploading characters w/o proper credit.

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  • Publicly doxing/ giving away identity & social media of another user (and a minor at that). (NEW) (Updated 12/28/22) 

I don’t want to get too much into this one. What happened is a user came forth in the comments of my bulletin with a bulletin of Rebecca’s own linking to their blacklist. Rebecca‘s blacklist clearly shows both Broccoli’s (a minor’s) real name/ face from their private Facebook, and a secondary FB account for personal use.

In this blacklist, which separates Rebecca’s account from BroccoliIsBest’s, Broccoli’s is fixed by Rebecca. Rebecca claims that Broccoli stole OCs from them (many which are missing proper credits anyways), though one user points out that Rebecca traded/ gifted those OCs legitimately to Broccoli.

Feelings are feelings. People have the right to feel how they feel. What isn’t okay is publicly doxing someone, giving away their social media with their real name, face, and other personal information.

I don’t wish to dox Broccoli more than they already have been. So I have HEAVILY blurred the screenshot provided to me of Rebecca doxing. Rebecca clearly links to Broccoli’s personal Facebook account.

Please do not harass either Rebecca or Broccoli over  the matter.



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  • Selling/ trading of AI generated adopts w/o added art + miscrediting adopts to self. (Updated 12/28/22) 

General Information:

Rebecca also has begun trading/ selling AI Generated adopts from ArtBreeder, which, while not necessarily against TH rules, breaks TH rules by: A) trading/ selling AI generated adopts without any additional original art. B) Rebecca miscredited these adopts to their TH account (instead of to ArtBreeder).

This is a scam towards unsuspecting users more than anything, as their is 0% originality or effort put into these “adopts”. Not to mention ArtBreeder famously uses stolen images and characters to create its AI content. This also isn’t the first time Rebecca has miscredited AI/ App-made/ Picrew characters.


AI generated adopts:



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In conclusion:

As of posting this here is how the claims against Rebeccathewolf hold-

  1. Harassment for NFT Characters/Freebies (Yes)
  2. Removing credit of designers by reuploading character profiles. (Yes)
  3. Block/ Ban evasion via multiple accounts (YES)
  4. Harassment of users who have blocked/blacklisted their account number (Yes)
  5. Possible minor (lying about age) with NSFW art (UNKNOWN)
  6. Possible art theft + tracing (Yes)
  7. Stealing art of copyrighted characters (NEW) (Updated 12/28/22) (YES)
  8. Publicly doxing/ giving away identity & social media of another user. (NEW) (Updated 12/28/22) (YES)
  9. Selling/ trading of AI generated adopts w/o added art + miscrediting adopts to self.  (NEW) (Updated 12/28/22) (YES)

Evidence has continually resurfaced of Rebecca breaking TH rules on many, many, many different levels  spanning from 2021-2022.

There is no genuine remorse for this continued rule breaking either as this user continues to break TH rules after a year of my initial bulletin: Miscrediting of OCs and Bases, stealing/ tracing art, miscrediting AI generated adopts w/o added art to sell/ trade for personal gain, harassment/ gaslighting towards other user, ect.

What I hope is that I’m wrong and Rebeccathewolf will add credit to miscredited characters and bases, and be honest about where their AI Generated adopts come from.

I also hope that by now OCs, such as those who El were designed by sess and xerneas designed, and for any other designer of reuploaded characters, will receive the proper credits. Because there is a lot of suspicion when it comes to not only denying credit but in “reuploading” and not simply “transferring” to this new account.

What Rebeccathewolf/stuff/jodie3tears (ect) (and by extension Broccoliisbestboy) does is entirely that user's business however and it isn’t my place to intrude.

If you feel personally concerned over this or you have traded a design to this user or suspect you have (and feel like sorting through every character to see if your design has been credited) then you are free to do as you will. 

I personally don’t really have too much of an opinion on this. This bulletin is just to clear up any claims regarding  Rebeccathewolf and all affiliated accounts and test the truth behind them, and to give an unbiased informative report.

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Have I blocked Rebeccathewolf? Yes. I ended up doing so not because anything related to this bulletin but actually back in 2021 shortly after Bedlam was transferred because I simply got tired of that user REPEATEDLY asking for my OTA/DTA characters in mass quantities every single time someone was listed. It felt unfair to other users interested in my characters.

To anyone who has made it to the end I hope that my bulletin has been polite and helpful. I’m not trying to take anyone’s side. I apologize if it comes off that way, and I will try to fix it if I can to be more neutral. As always you are entitled to your own opinion over the matter. And if you don’t agree or you do agree then you can always comment below, or better yet just take these points and evidence into consideration and make your own informed decision on if.

If you have your own experiences with really any user who has done any of the above points feel free comment below, and if you want to do so, too. Because no matter what your opinion is valid and you are entitled to how you feel so long as you are not actively engaged in hurting others or yourself.


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draconicpatches I will restructure the bulletin accordingly. The character “hoarding“ will be rewritten as that portion is included as an unknown amount (at least 2/3) of characters in that count being miscredited and uploaded by Rebbeca. I cannot show the exact amount of miscredited characters out of their current character count as it would be time consuming to go through each and every character individually on all accounts.

Thank you for your comment.

Edit: Post has been restructured accordingly and the section of “mass hoarding” removed. 


great I love how one of my old characters has fallen victim to her


It was already a person I had in my sights because of the disproportionate number of characters they have. I can understand that they do what they want, but personally, I find it difficult to conceive the interest of having so many characters to end up just... having them, as if they were hunting trophies .

His way of writing also disturbed me a lot, but although you have theorized vis-à-vis the age of this user, I wonder if there is not also a question of mental health or delays of development. It's far from being bad, but that's what I had wondered, especially since the person sometimes has enough perspective to say that they don't know who made the arts, instead of saying that it he made them in the credit section of the images.


ThatWeirdOni I am very sorry that the design was traded to them, as I did not expect what became of the whole situation.

As for my portion in the PSA, I do not really have much else to add other than a quick mention that both Rebecca and Broccoli are on my private blacklist because of this situation. I don't like to share my blacklist info publicly usually so that is the most I will mention in that regard. I have not interacted with them since either, but I definitely was not expecting to see doxxing happen. I hope this is resolved, and that Broccoli is safe even though I did have my own issue with them.


It’s always something worse and worse with her, I wish she would just...follow the rules. It’s that easy to do so I don’t understand why she doesn’t. Idk, I’m sorry for others who were affected by her actions. :(


I sucks to see I'm not the only one who has issues with them. They own an old design of mine that was redesigned which is against my tos and when contacted completely seemed to ignore the fact and remove the redesign, had me blocked for a bit after I had contacted them then unblocked me not to long ago.

The behavior from this sucks and I'm so sorry to everyone effected by this, it sucks to see so many be hurt by this and I hope everyone will be okay.


SeafoamAura it's fine you had no way if knowing. No blame goes to you at all. 


As someone who works in America you can lose your job for POKING SOMEONE ANYWHERE BECAUSE ITS CONSIDERED SEXUAL HARASSMENT 

it makes me sad that Rebecca doesn’t understand the meaning of harassment in it’s entire definition 

Harassment is literally doing ANYTHING unwanted MORE THEN ONCE so if Rebecca comments on multiple characters after being told the first time to follow tags and doesn’t is harassment 

I ONLY go on my iPhone and see tags easily and I have one of the oldest iPhones there is and genuinely I hope Rebecca sees this so Rebecca understands because to me she doesn’t understand the real meaning of harassment 

Also ThatWeirdOni I adore you and your designs and I really hope things get better for you as a lowkey fan 


Taerriin Awww thanks I appreciate the kind words. And yeah pretty crazy situation but nothing I can really do. Sent TH a report but doubt that'll stop Rebecca from coming back and continuing their behaviour. Shame really. 


Oop 🤭 good to see they're getting reported


Wait, on a seperate note (I'm sorry op but I don't have the attention span to read all of it so I'm not sure if you mentioned it), I find it's rather uncomfortable that some of the gifs Rebecca uses for their folders is fanart or art of other people's characters that they're using without permission. I know if I were Sad-ist (gifs of their art used), I'd probably be super uncomfortable knowing this person is using my art :/


Jamalambbamm. I was not aware. If you could post screenshots of the Fanart/GIFs with links back to the original OCs to show they are not owned by Rebecca, I will add it to my bulletin. (If the Fanart  pieces being used are of Pop. Furries, I don’t know where that would fall on TH rules— I believe still against.)



this is not deviantart by the way, its Chickensmoothie.

CS is a collection game, think like "neopets" "flight rising", but without the swappable 'traits'. theyre all premade by the game's artists on their own bases, some people upload them on here as ocs no clue why.. so its like theft of a game character which is not allowed on th still

not discrediting the =s argument, thats still the site username you're looking at!  // oh the actual dA images didn't load yet, mb but still the game character theft is rulebreaking