Penacony owed art 2+years no contacat (resolved)

Posted 4 months, 19 days ago (Edited 4 months, 17 days ago) by kuregalis

Google drive screenshots

art comm post

Hello just dropping this here. I was late to the party and forgot to charge back the money all those years ago and just remembered that I comm'd them. I reached out with a message and they read it but did not reply, they've also been regularly uploading art/bulletins . It looks like I'm not the only person who hasn't gotten any correspondence from him.

That's about it, not much else to mention I think.

EDIT: refund received, I have reasons to believe Penacony will also be reaching out to the other folks!


Cherrycollie nope, I forgot you can do that actually lmfao, I will go ahead and do that now thanks!


They did make a bulletin that they’ll refund those who commissioned them?


wobbuffet thats great! thanks for letting me know. looks like it was recent


i'm glad you could get a solution quickly! i can't help but have a bad taste in my mouth that if they weren't called out with this they would've continued without saying anything like they did these past two years, and the fact that while they take responsibility never at any point there's a "i'm sorry". They should also at the very least have contacted personally the people who are still waiting. Just overall very unpleasant. I'm glad you could work this out, but it's definitely extremely unprofessional and rude from them. 

Here is a report link in case they change their name.


hey i just want to say. i’m a long time friend of this person. we are all holding him accountable as his friends but calling him rude for “not apologizing” and saying you should report him is so unbelievably unneccessary. 

these things happen quite often with other artists and yeah, he made a mistake putting stuff off for awhile. he is doing everything in his power to fix this problem but understand that this is 1. a person without a job who is UNABLE to get a job due to his living situation, and 2. he has not said this because he is trying not to make excuses and take responsibility but he is an extremely anxious person. 

in this situation he does owe people money, but your commissions are all like $20 dollars tops. so honest to god please just take a breather and let this dude figure out how to refund yall because it is NOT that serious. 

and just to mention this as well, if you see him making adopts, be aware that he is doing this to make money to pay back the refunds. 

there is seriously no point in attacking him or reporting him over stuff that has happened a whole 2 years ago. call me biased because i’m his friend, but theres always two sides to a coin so cut the unneccessary comments and just get your money back jfc. 


^ $20 is $20 thats a lot to some people, lol. it is that deep. reporting is justified if they haven't completed the work they've been paid to do after 2 years
that said, op, i hope you get your money back! i do find it a little odd that they're only doing this now rather than before, but i suppose better later than never! keep us updated


hakurei if U think reporting is what you need to do by all means, lessen your chance of getting your money back bc then thats not on him anymore ?????? 

like i said, reporting him isn’t going to get your money back. attacking him verbally really isn’t either because that just makes you look bad to other artists watching this, imagine that smh..

if you are really here for the sole purpose of getting your money back then go to his bulletin and ask for it back so he can see who really needs refunds and who is just dickriding the psa forums once again.


Cherrycollie yea id understand reporting him if he was still ignoring it but he is Actively Trying To Repay Yall and so far i see about 1 person (the op) who is even trying to get their money back or responding to him instead of flocking here


starrail you're being awfully combative and aggressive love!! take a step back and think for a bit before pinging me again thank you
im not here to get any money back, because i dont even HAVE the $20 or so that you think "isn't that serious". im asking op to keep us updated on their refund. please re-read the first line again now that you're done reading this one thank you
if they do go through with the refunds and all is resolved then that's great!

v just editing instead of replying but i agree honestly! reporting is justified like i said in the sense that they took money, spent it, and had nothing to show for it but i do still discourage it at least right now


hakurei i’m being informational. but take it as you will…??? why are you even on this post if you aren’t a commissioner.  op is already getting a refund….. you can clearly see that from penacony’s bulletin 

i feel a need to defend my friend from people like you who have nothing better to do ig… and if $20 is a lot to you maybe you should stick to trades and not commissions cuz that sounds like a you problem and not a majority problem...<3 oops sorry i guess i AM being a little aggressive and combative! i’m broke constantly and i HAVE a job. still don’t think $20 is serious enough to insult someone trying to resolve their problems with the op and the actual people who comm’ed them.


snipping this last bit out since im just blocking starrail, no need to fight fire with fire when all they'll do is attack anyone that disagrees (and makes fun of someone for being poor...?)

anyways like i said IN MY INITIAL POST. op please keep us updated on if they deliver!


ok… anyway just to clear it up i myself am poor and in no way am i making fun of poor people but i said what i said! :P keep fiending ig