Penacony owed art 2+years no contacat (resolved)

Posted 1 month, 12 days ago (Edited 1 month, 10 days ago) by kuregalis

Google drive screenshots

art comm post

Hello just dropping this here. I was late to the party and forgot to charge back the money all those years ago and just remembered that I comm'd them. I reached out with a message and they read it but did not reply, they've also been regularly uploading art/bulletins . It looks like I'm not the only person who hasn't gotten any correspondence from him.

That's about it, not much else to mention I think.

EDIT: refund received, I have reasons to believe Penacony will also be reaching out to the other folks!


Starrail you are not helping your friend out at all. If anything your openess to be so hateful and how you think it's okay to shame someone's economic status makes you and your friends look elitist af. I get you want to defend your friend but you're doing more harm than good...


D0UGHY all ive done at most is tell someone $20 is not that much money for a commission for them to be verbally attacking my friend like they are?? 

you calling me elitist is so interesting because i didnt shame anyones economic status i literally make $12 an hour 😭 why would i even do that… stop reading between the lines

im speaking from a point where i haven’t had $20 before and still don’t i’ve got cents in my bank rn. still doesn’t mean that its ok to attack someone. just get your money back and go


starrail other people have pointed out my issues with your reply. but please read properly my message. i never tell anyone to report them, in fact, i say multiple times i'm glad the situation was resolved. the report link is a common practice in service reviews as a way to keep track of the person's username in case of changes, which I clearly stated that's what it was there for. You're free to check any other thread in this forum and you'll see it present in 90%+ of them. This is to make sure people in the future can keep track in case they choose to avoid. Please don't put words in my mouth to build a defense against what was quite clearly very shady behavior.



that is an incredibly dismissive take. 'putting stuff off for a while' sure is a way to say 'ghosting people for two years and hoping nobody notices'. at this point i think reporting is not currently necessary, if corrective action is being taken (which remains to be seen ), but at the point the advice was given it was completely sound; the op paid money and did not receive the agreed upon product, and the same is true for multiple other people, over a long period of time, with no response; that is a perfectly reasonable time to file a report

downplaying actual real world money too is not a great look. especially if it's 'just' $20, why can't he 'just' refund them all?

if this hadn't been going on for two years, i might have more sympathy. two years is plenty of time to decide he can't do something and refund, to communicate the delay, to offer alternatives, really anything other than an extended period of ghosting

i get he's your friend, but if you're really holding him accountable, you wouldn't be making excuses on his behalf. it really just makes you both look worse

for reference, i am not directly affected. i just don't like people running off with other peoples' money


chiikawa 👍🏻


hinatot so i think youre misunderstanding something. i’m not defending my friend against people asking for refunds or saying its wrong that he ghosted them. i’m defending him against people who don’t need a refund and are just tagging along to say he’s rude and to report him or trying to blow this up etc etc etc. 

i myself am saying $20 is not that serious, but as i stated in my first post, he is someone without a job and to not attack him for not being able to refund everyone right away. i think its weird that op waited 2 years to even say anything, but still got their money back right away because penacony is taking responsibility for his mistakes. 

youre totally right that he should have done something way sooner, but remember i am going to be a little biased about this as his friend, and at least he’s not making any excuses for himself. he’s solely focused on refunding. i’ll take whatever fault you want to try to find for me defending him against bystanders misusing the psa forums, that’s fine by me because i know what i’m saying is getting twisted into “starrail makes fun of poor people” even though i myself am poor… its fine. i’m still gonna defend my friend until he can speak for himself better. 


OP I would consider blocking starrail so that they can't continue derailing this thread further. It's obvious that they are going to keep being combative and aggressive towards people and saying something like "I'm confused on why OP waited so long to speak up" is so victim blamey because just like the artist who forgot to do the comm they were paid to do, OP forgot about the comm themselves. If grace and respect should be given to your friend then the same should be granted to the OP. 

Edit: Mutually blocked starrail but my point still stands lol Don't come in here with a dismissive tone and then expect people to not respond the same way. OP and the artist both deserve the same respect and grace that you're acting a fool in here about. 


you guys are asking me not to put words in your mouths but are doing the same thing to me… where have i been aggressive to the OP im glad theyre getting their refund?? me saying i find it weird this post was made 2 years past the comms isn’t harmful because the same can and has been said about penacony (which is true, and it goes both ways) 


^ agreeing with this because i cannot stand when shit is misconstrued, and im also a friend of penacony. op is getting their refund, cool. should this have been posted 2 months in? absolutely. should there have been communication before then? absolutely. that does not leave penacony open as a punching bag for people to talk shit about, simple as that. but if you want to think otherwise, cool, but for the love of god do not misconstrue shit and then get angry when the same is done to you, and vise versa, thats all i've got to say tbqh.


honestly, having friends come in to defend is not helping anyone; not penacony, not the commissioner, and certainly not you both as his friends. i'm not really sure what you think is being accomplished by doing this, it just makes him look worse for not speaking up for himself and makes it clear that he has a friend group that enables this kind of negative behavior

$20 could be a week's worth of food. it could be all of someone's spare money that they saved to put towards treating themselves. it is definitely not nothing. and there is no time frame after which someone is not allowed to speak up about a negative experience. two months or two years, it doesn't matter; the results are still the same. money was taken and no product was received. communication was attempted with no results. the refund bulletin was only posted after this thread went up, which only reinforces the idea that penacony had not intended to do anything to rectify this situation, especially as there were multiple other people with the same issue, it sounds like

you are both quite literally making excuses for him. 'it's only $20' and 'it was so long go' are excuses. penacony has not expressed any remorse or said anything resembling an apology, at least nowhere we as people checking service reviews can see, which is kind of a big deal if he is trying to right things. it doesn't have to be groveling for forgiveness, an apology can be as simple as 'i took on more than i could handle, and i'm sorry' and do so much for someone's image. having friends go into incredibly civil threads (like seriously, some threads devolve into gross stuff so quickly. the commenters here have been very level and calm ) and make excuses, whether he is directing you to or you're doing it of your own volition, only makes him look worse

i await to see if the op updates and actually got a refund; that at least would be a positive. but as of right now, the only action we have seen is continued avoidance (aka a continuation of previous issues ), a bulletin only put up after this thread started, and excuses being offered by third parties, none of which are doing him any favors. the best thing you, as his friends, can do right now is back off. i know you want to defend him, but this is only making him look worse. if he is actually remorseful and making things right, then the op's eventual update should show as much


im only making a comment as people twisting words, i never said anything about the money but take it as you will lol. i understand what you are saying but again, IM only making a comment about 1. misconstruing words and 2. anyone coming to this thread specifically to report him and possibly lose contact with op and other people who want/need their refund, but again if youre reading it as me making a comment about the money ("you are both quite literally making excuses for him. 'it's only $20' and 'it was so long go' are excuses.") then take that and run like the wind, im just clearing up that thats not what i said, dont read between the lines of what i say, thanks!

edit: penacony has also already pmed op and op has not responded, so there is action being taken, dont assume what you cant see or whatever the hell that phrase is. <-- this is directed at whom it may concern, not at any specific person

edit 2: because holy shit the reading comprehension is so bad here. "if people are thinking of reporting him or are going to report him" is not me victimizing my friend, its a comment at people who are reading the thread to not make a comment and are immediately going to go ok report this guy. atp just say youre not reading what im saying, if people ARE "coming to report him" then that comment is for them, not you, its really not that hard to understand but ok i guess.


hinatot heard, i’m already backing off as i’m too tired to deal with this and we were already on the same page to begin with about this whole mess. youre free to say what you want about me or alphinaud it really does not affect me since i said what i needed to say, with the intent to nip harrassment in the bud. 

we’re actively trying to get penacony to make better decisions and he’s working on a different approach as we speak per my and other friends advice, so i’m sure you and everyone else will see that soon. just be aware that despite us defending him here we are in fact holding him accountable and making him do the things he lacked doing yesterday when the forum was made. anyway, i apologize if ive ruffled some feathers and i’m backing out now and letting penacony have his own voice from here on out


last thing i'll throw in here, it's pointless to derail the thread further.

it's still being thrown around that people are "coming in to report him". please point out any instance where that was said in this thread by anyone else. 

you're victimizing your own friend and making the situation worse when the only comments before starrails first comment were saying that the situation was resolved and at most, criticizing their past behavior, which is a completely fair point to do and people are within their full right to comment on it. 


Okay...this was something to come back to.

First of all my reasons for not refunding immediately was because I was way down the queue and I was willing to wait because of the amount of people ahead of me + the notice in the comm post about Penacony taking a break.

Before I made my post I PM'd another of Penacony's commissioners in case I maybe missed an update where he was handing out refunds but according to them he had not responded/reached out. Granted, I should have reached out to as many people as possible instead of just one person but Penacony reading my message but not replying after multiple days, the comm post itself not being updated, and art/bulletins being put up made me feel ignored.

I did not chargeback when I should have because I: wanted to give them time (I really liked their art and I was the last in the queue) and I forgot (out of sight out of mind + things happened in my life that made me less concerned about TH)

I'm not putting this post up out of malice or me being petty. It's a service review and not an attack on Penacony as a person. I personally think the way the business (and yes it's a business transaction) was handled was horrible. I am allowed to make a service review about a service that no matter how much is still something I paid for

There is nothing wrong with telling people who gave you money that you can't follow up on the service provided and just telling them "Hey, it willl be awhile before I can get the refunds to give your money back I'm sorry, please be patient with me".

I am happy that Penacony saw my post or just decided to take action after this long. I'm thrilled that he's offerred refunds to those who want it. It's great that Penacony has friends who are willing to hold him accountable as well however I am feeling awful that people came in here and started arguing about "20 dollars being 20 dolalrs + implications that Penacony is a bad person". It isn't about the amount of money owed, It's about not being given the service we paid for. I do NOT think Penacony is a bad person, just a bad businessman. Unprofessionalism is what I intended to make my service review about. I was not aware there were people harrassing Penacony etc etc, I just made this for other people to be aware that communication did not happen outside of the "taking a break" update.

My post was made BEFORE the refund bulletin. Please remember that.

EDIT: The refund bulletin has been deleted however Penacony has reached out to me for my Paypal info.

EDIT 2: Refund received!


kuregalis this is completely fine and your clarification makes complete sense, my only concern was that people were going to mass report him etc etc and im not implying that the report link is there for that exact reason, shocker!! i know. im super happy youre getting your refund and we've already talked to him so im glad theres communication in there as well. making a service review is fine, it just ofc comes with concerns  with people who love to not read and just report shit immediately but thats not on u!! its on people who cannot read for the life of them.

again im glad youre getting your refund, i just wanted to clarify My statements if they seemed weird/accusatory towards you, godspeed with the rest of any commissions you get and hopefully you dont have to deal with something like this again o7 (an idea that i have as well, is if you Do have trouble remembering things, make a trello and have it bookmarked on your browser or however, and check it often, thats what i do with comms that im waiting for)