PSA/Beware: Raux+Alts [BIG Update3]

Posted 5 years, 8 months ago (Edited 5 years, 1 month ago) by MoonLotus-Hime

Update3: Raux new Account

Update2: Admin has decided to closed Raux's(including 0myung, Wimpod and Dentist) account.

Note from my friend sent a Reporting ticket:


Noting Admin why Raux's 4 account was closed and if Finch/@Orpheus, he live with Raux and share internet, going be closed too. In which they did not:


Update1: Added in Skele-Tea/Zone [With Raux begging and pinging for money.]

Our main and Personal PSA is live. Everyone can view this in my bulletin here on my profile. As well as full info how this come to be. So read there before here.

Other Raux PSA LINKED:(PSA @ Twitter [This has more people spoken about their experience with her] | PSA: Scammer@DA | BIG PSA @ Twitter Triple by Silent-Koi/KingCurious) | (Art Collab Exp. by Alpacasovereign@ Twitter) | (Personal PSA | DA PSA by me)


Beware[PSA]: Raux




New: image1.png @ Discord | TheHiddenEgg & ThisBadPerson @ Twitter | Hidinginmyroom @ FA

 Raux(Abandon) | 0myung(Current) | Wimpod(Adopts with Orpheus) | Dentist(Ghost acc) | Raux@FA | RauxFA@DA | 0myung@DA(Side) | Cumore/Törtchen#5171 @Discord(abandon/side) | 0myung#5835 @Discord(Current) | Raux@Artfight | RauxFA@ Twitter | Coralin12491214@ Twitter(Troll Acc)

This is strictly for business. So let get down to it.

Rules: We all know the rules... DO NOT GO, OR DARE TO, Harassing/Witch-Hunting/Taunting/etcs AT. ALL.

This just to warn you and AVOID them. Or at least, trend lightly. No need to go after them or anything.

Summary: This is related to the Personal PSA. An old ex-mod of Raux's wanted to make a PSA on her horrible behavior after the incidents in her last server(now deleted). Soon, several ex-mods ended up getting together to discuss this; they had been banned by her, kicked by her, or left because of her terrible behavior. We all decided to look further into Raux and her boyfriend Finch's history, since her behavior with characters and money had been suspicious before.

When we searched around, one of our friends found Silent-Koi's Twitter status mentioning 'RauxFA'. We noticed that several accounts responding to the post were alternate accounts of Raux. We dug deeper and asked that Raux had commissioned, then later demanded a refund from, Silent-Koi. This was after being incredibly picky with the art. After demanding the refund, she broke a promise to Koi and uploaded the art pieces to TH without their permission.

Once we knew what was going on, we contacted Silent-Koi about it and they soon posted their PSA about Raux scamming them. The PSA was posted in DeviantArt and in Twitter, the latter of which exploded into a response of nearly 4.8K. Since then, we've ben shocked to find out that more people are coming out with their experiences with Raux and her boyfriend Finch.

Extra:  Even though we are ex-mods, we never knew she was doing any of this at the time. She has scammed, guilt-tripped others to give her their adopts, harassed others, etc. We now know thanks to Silent-Koi that this behavior is not restricted to her personal circle, but is a possibility to anybody who does business with her.

(Rewritten/Edited by FreeFallingUp13)


(Anyone have horrible experience with Raux and/or her friends for Business only to be posted here. PM me here and I'll send you my Discord # to contact you there further for easier communication.)

WHO: Skele-Tea/Zone vs Raux

WHAT: Pinged/Publicly commented at me out of nowhere on another artist's adoptable deviation.Then further noted me, advertising their discord group.

WHEN: August 3, 2018 9:04 AM - 3:00 PM (est)

EXPLAIN: (From Skele-Tea/Zone themself)

I was participating in an auction for an adoptable. Upon returning to deviantArt, I saw that I had been pinged by RauxFA in a separate comment. They expressed their "hate and love" for me because they often saw me purchasing/bidding on adopts they seemed to like. They further expressed feelings of entitlement, attempting to guilt trip and beg for money. Not too long after, they noted me, advertising their discord as if they didn't do anything wrong. I decided to ignore the note instead of pushing any further interaction with them.

PROOF: Skele-Tea Incident

WHO: Silent-Koi/KingCurious vs Raux (Resolved?)

WHAT: Harassment | Picky | Demanded full refund | Scammed

WHEN: January 27, 2018 & Sep 10, 2018

EXPLAIN: (From Koi themself)

RauxFA decided to ask for 10 bust shots; and I had 5 finished in about 5-6 days while also working a fulltime job. She harassed me every couple of days about it- and after getting a wip of the five finished AND scrutinizing it with changes; demanded that I give her a full refund or she would take out a ticket with paypal. She said in her note that she would NOT use the art she took from me, but is now using it anyway.

PROOF: Koi Incident | PSA @ Twitter | PSA: Scammer@DA

Twitter Stats:  Start | Status itself

WHO: Anon3 vs Raux

WHAT: Art trade backout

WHEN: October 2017

EXPLAIN: (Written from Detective)

A friend of detectives has had the issue of raux backing out of a trade. In october of 2017 her friend was doing a special inktober that was halloween themed which you could either pay for a spot or trade for one. Raux had taken up a spot and the artwork had been completed by the friend. Her friend tried asking a few times what the status of the trade was since her half of it was finished. After asking only a few times she had found herself blocked by raux and told "delete the picture i wont use it anyways." and canceled the trade.

PROOF: Anon3 Incident

WHO: YukiPan vs Raux + Finch?

WHAT: Begging | Guilt Tripping | Block & Evading

WHEN: January 18, 2018

EXPLAIN:  (From Yukipan themself)

It all began when this adopt was uploaded. This was a general auction with an AB of $45 and it was up for about 45 minutes before I had decided to AB it. Within 5-10 minutes of me purchasing the adopt, I was contacted on a throw away account. To where they claimed that they wanted to purchase the adopt for their "Friends" birthday. To which I told them multiple times in the screenshot that I was not interested in reselling or trading the adopt. Afterwards they began to become aggressive with their response, calling me egotistical? Lol cause I don't want to resell an adopt I bought 5 minutes ago.

At that point I had sent my last note, telling them that they were incredibly rude and I blocked them. I contacted Kittymaster about the incident and explained the situation where they came to the conclusion that it was Raux and her Boyfriend mucking around on other accounts because Raux was pissed that she wasn't able to get the adopt. Mind you, pointing out the part where she "hid the comment where she said she was late for the auction but was happy that I got it." Shortly after, I receive another essay from a throw away account. Cause I am expected to completely bend over for an absolute stranger who is treating me like shit x'D... Calling me the worst person in the world who deserves to suffer cause I don't want to give them a character.

I blocked that account as well and reported them to DA, both of these throw away accounts are now deactivated from my knowledge. Afterwards, I didn't have contact with them for quite some time so I forgot about them... Until I had put up a trade post where specific characters in a specific folders were label for trade or sale and she contacted me on her main account attempting to bribe me for the same character as before.(Mind you the amount she offered would insinuate that she didn't care about breaking the original artists ToS)

Afterwards, I thankfully have not had contact with them. Although I have some concerns that they might still be lurking on alternate accounts due to the fact that they would of had no way of knowing that I had my trade post up since none of the accounts they contacted me on, were watching me at the time or were blocked. :T So I am unsure of WHO really sent me the note but considering what I have heard from other users, her boyfriend is the more calmer one out of the two and those who have read it more so assured that it was Raux throwing a tantrum on the alternate accounts.

PROOF: Yukipan Incident

WHO: Anon4 vs Raux

WHAT: Commissions; drop in quality

WHEN: May 26, 2018 & August 19, 2018

EXPLAIN: (From Anon4 themself)

I originally commissioned Raux end of May 2018 for a simple freestyle commission. She provided no updates until I contacted her nearly 3 months later. It took 10 days for her to complete the commission which was very, very simple. 

I commissioned her again when she put out "emergency" commissions. Shortly after I had commissioned her, I saw a beware of her on Twitter. Made a comment on it. She saw the comment. I sent a polite note to her, she replied with an attitude and completed both commissions within the hour at very subpar quality. She made no attempts to defend herself and instead took it out on what she owed me.

PROOF: Anon4 Incident

WHO:  MOHNOT & Invisiblesyro vs Raux

WHAT: Traced/Copied | Stalking | Harassment/Slander

WHEN: August 17. 2018

EXPLAIN: (Written by Milesian, Edited by me, and Approved by MohNot)

The VK stuff is specific though and the drama related to it was very hostile towards specific individuals who are partially active in the community and on Deviantart/FurAffinity.

Tl;dr Raux asked to buy a character/adopt from a decently popular artist who is semi active on FA but more active on vk. The character is a closed species and they didn't know it. The artist said it belonged to someone wasn't going to be sold. Awhile later Raux basically copies this character directly - pose/colours/basically 100% and then when called out attacks everyone acting like they're nuts for pointing out the similarities.

Now there are screenshots of her asking to BUY this character. The character is a a closed species not a random thing - but she tried to play it off like a random 'gryphon' or whatever. And then she went on for like a week saying some really awful stuff - found out the artist was being basically abused at home and that their friend who was helping translate for them was dealing with a similar situation and said things along the line of 'I hope you get beat a lot you deserve it' because well they are in that situation.

They had friends helping them do this for awhile and it was both on and on deviantart - they got really intense about how english speaking communities don't do this, how it's really racial or something. It was really unpleasant to watch and I know it really hurt the person helping translate who like said was going through a LOT.

They're LGBT in Russia trying to get out of a bad situation and it seemed like boarderline racially motivated. Very very strange to watch and it just kept escalating - At one point their entire rant got translated into Russian - like this person they stole from wasn't unpopular. And there are screenshots of them asking for the character that they stole too before playing dumb. And then attacking so it wasn't 'lol it's just similar.' (Full story under spoiler)

As far as anything with the Russian stuff the big thing is a lot of the individuals do not speak English super well or had to have some stuff translated for them so Raux seemed to take advantage of this the individual they stole from was: Invisiblesyro@VK.The individual they freaked out at on TH who speaks english and contacted them on this person (their friends) behalf was: MOHNOT.(They speak english but are not a native english speaker)

This is the design that was stolen- Is made by Invisiblesyro/Imargomorthis that is part of their closed species that is very established on vk called Marlings

(Info can be found here  -- TOS in russian | English vers.[Google Translation])(Also Raux may had found them here: Their Image Post on FA and decide rip it off by tracing it. This is in English and where it doesn't speak about the CS: Marlings)

Here is an icon, unable get the fullbody, of the character that Raux made: Traced | Copied

Here is Raux asking to buy the design. They were contacted about the design: Notified. And took it down because it was a CS.  However, their reaction right after that made a ranting journal about how unfair it was essentially. Here is Moh contacting them about the designs similarity on behalf of the adopt/cs owner, who does not speak English very well, in a journal that Raux made which has since been deleted. She made a journal about it, to throw tantrum over how unfair this was that similar designs couldn't be made/that they were bullied into taking a design that was simply based off the same bird.

This also led to Moh being basically ganged up on about the designs (not being similar) even though they were basically exactly the same, close to traced. This is a closed species, mind you, something that Raux would know if they simply looked. Not only were the markings exactly the same but the specific features of this CS were exactly the same down to stuff that was very exact to the Marlings- this wasn't just a 'Gryphon' as they kept arguing: Full Confrontation.

On top of that, if that's not convincing enough, they clearly had asked to buy the specific design and they are basically traced. Same pose, same angle. They then posted this in another journal shortly afterwards.

She wrote some whole big rant about people but it has since been taken down since she seems to be turtling(I can only find it in Russian since it's been translated)- It was really passive aggressive and attacking, saying some dumb shit about how only people in Russia do call outs and how you can't copyright a birds markings. But also adding that she wouldn't have stolen it if if she knew it was a CS. So basically it was really dumb: Ranting.

Stuff BRIEFLY stopped and then suddenly she was on DA attacking these people again for what seemed like no reason. Now it's important to note that both of the individuals mentioned, Moh and Imargo have spoken in public about dealing with troubling home situations. In particular Moh recently spoke out about needing aid through Patreon and feeling bad about having to ask for it- going so far as to say they're getting beat at home.

 So even after all this when I end up seeing this I was kind of shocked about Raux Comment. Similarly, Imargo has also posted about having difficulties with their living situation in the past and it can easily be found. Then Raux decided to comment about all of it. Raux probably still bitter about being asked to taking down their 'gryphon.'

PROOF: MohNot & Invisablesyro Incident


Trimmed some posts per request. Please remember to keep the Service Review rules in mind prior to adding any posts, and try to keep all posts neutral and informative.


Just gonna bump and big update:

Update2: Admin has decided to closed Raux's(including 0myung, Wimpod and Dentist) account.

Note from my friend sent a Reporting ticket:


Noting Admin why Raux's 4 account was closed and if Finch/@Orpheus, he live with Raux and share internet, going be closed too. In which they did not:



Hey I know this issue is solved (somehow) but apparently, you forgot to censor Anon4's name on this screenshot

Though yeah, I was on their server before and good lord, their behavior was wild. I rarely go around their server but I got to witness how much of a tyrant they were, too :/ 


She's opened a new FA account following more PSAs being made about her over on Twitter recently. There was a journal made on the Raux account linking to this new one here or here's a screenshot if it gets deleted.


Just SLOWLY updated w/ Raux new account! Sorry if I'm not like responding but I DO see your reply. 

Thanks you those telling us about it❤

Edit: Also updated with her new Server! Thus check that in Personal PSA over here.

