Update4: Raux and Finch new Account as well New Discord/Server!

Update3: Admin has decided to closed Raux's(including 0myung, Wimpod and Dentist) account.

Note from my friend sent a Reporting ticket:


Noting Admin why Raux's 4 account was closed and if Finch, he live with Raux and share internet, going be closed too. In which they did not:


Update2: Alex/nyliax & Ants/@Lovedeluxe [False accusation]

Update1: Wei and Neko has made a Journal to apologize and address something: Wei Journal and Neko Pt1 & Neko Pt2

Our secondary and Business only PSA is live. So everyone go check out in Service Review right now. Either after this or come back later then read this. Your choice.

Other Raux PSA:(PSA @ Twitter[This has more people spoken about their experience with her] | PSA: Scammer@DA | BIG PSA @ Twitter Triple by Silent-Koi/KingCurious) | (Art Collab Exp. by Alpacasovereign@ Twitter) | (Business PSA | DA PSA by me)


>Warning: ONE of them will contain; Trigger, NSFW trolling conversation and/or Gorey picture(Censored)<

Beware[PSA]: Raux+Alts & (Ex-)Friends




New: image1.png @ Discord | TheHiddenEgg & ThisBadPerson @ Twitter | Hidinginmyroom @ FA

Old (deleted) Server: We ❤ Adoptables/Creativity Addicts | New ServerHot Art

Latest Discord Server: Furry Trash Gang

Her Old account: vv

 Raux(Abandon) | 0myung(Current) | Wimpod(Adopts with Orpheus) | Dentist(Ghost acc) | Raux@FA | RauxFA@DA | 0myung@DA(Side) | Cumore/Törtchen#5171 @Discord(abandon/side) | 0myung#5835 @Discord(Current) | Raux@Artfight | RauxFA@ Twitter | Coralin12491214@ Twitter(Troll Acc)


{They played their part on defending and/or go along with her action and deserve to be here unless reason to be taken down}

>Finch/Orpheus: image0.pngNew Discord^

Ikazu @ Furafinitty | Orpheus | Wimpod (Adopts acc w/ Raux) | Sadden-Bore@DA | Sadden_Bore_@ Twitter(Abandoned?) | Sadden-Bore@DA(Current) | Finch#5505@Discord(abandon) | Shino#6829@Discord(Current) | Demio@Artfight

[Both Wei and Neko are NO longer friend of Raux and Finch but will stay for PSA.]

>WeiWei/Raxolot: PumpkinSpic3GemstoneRaven(Was Raxolot) | Pumpkinspic3@ DA(Was GemstoneRaven | Current) | Skynightadoptables@DA(adoptable acc) |「Moon」/Boo#2707 @Discord | Vriskabakes @ Twitch | Raxolot @ Tumblr | Piratemaelstorm @ FA | PirateMaelstorm@Artfight 

>Blake/Neko: Xx_T1ddyCh33s3_xX (Was Blakey852) | Blake852@DA |「Sun」#3664 @Discord(Current) | Blakey 852#1486 @Discord(Side acc) | Missingon@ Twitter

Rules: We all know the rules... DO NOT GO, OR DARE TO, Harassing/Witch-Hunting/Taunting/etcs AT. ALL.

This just to warn you and AVOID them. Or at least, trend lightly.

Notes: this shall be edited either from additional info from those who come forward about this. Some will remain Anons for rather not be involved but willing to share experience and screenshot for us. Also sorry for wall of text here.

Summary: This mainly takes place in Discord, but there have been incidents on TH, dA, and other sites as well.  This Beware/PSA is more for personal interactions, a warning to be wary when interacting or dealing with Raux and her friends. This is to warn everyone about her cruel actions, trolling, and unprofessional cruelty against her old mods and people in her server(s). Despite her being 30 years old, she acts like an undisciplined child who hurts and harasses people to get what she wants.

(Rewritten/Edited by FreeFallingUp13)


Story: In past, Raux is once an admin, along with Finch/Orpheus, of Creativity Addicts Discord Server. Where all ages are welcome thus a lot of people joined in and enjoying themselves. As the name says it all, It's mostly aim to Adoptable and selling them but as well as giveaway and hangout. However, there was an incident/drama with one, or few, of her mods. Then after that, all things started to spiral down after she started kicking/banning people for little to no reason and unable to come up with a reason besides 'their annoying.' In the beginning, she had another previous server was called I ❤ Adoptables before her second one is Creativity Addict. Her 1st server, I ❤ Adoptables, the beginning if anyone remember it, is one where a lot of people firstly joined at started before we all had moved to new server. Thus that one was deleted due to her 'breaking the server' in which was the strange reason to move really and unknowingly how is it possible but mod did not question it until VERY later

>2nd server, Creativity Addicts, one is due to drama and at the end, one of her mods deleted the channel before another of Raux's mods made new server where everyone go ahead and join where she 'won't' join, which is a lie she did join but with her ghost account and with her friends, she said she won't delete her server but ended up deleting Creativity Addict after all. So Raux old ex-Mod, now a new Admin, was very aware the drama take place and her action. And soon, Raux and her friends are banned in new Discord server their ex-mod had made. But there's more to story everyone! For what reason? Let her old mods and one that was kicked/banned for little to no reason do the talking. 

As well as after Silent-Koi made a PSA on Raux scamming them and using their art without permission and promise not too... More evidence are popping up afterward about being used for collabs, scammed, guilt tripping, harassed/slander, copy & trace and etcs...

So here is their experience:


Extra: She never did apologize to any of her old mod. And if she did, may not really sincere way and may be pretending to be nice knowing her. Once she's caught, tries apologies why she does it or play victim or guilt trip than addressing the problem. Or says 'she did nothing wrong' line. May or may not throw a tantrum or troll you and anyone else at the end. Who knows after the drama. We mod never knew the darker side of her until everyone started see how shady and unstable she is.

>So any new mod of her that never knew about this... Please trend lightly and take care of yourself. And I seriously hope this shitty thing NEVER happened to you like she done to rest of us. 

We're NOTHING to her after all we done for her but maybe a piggybank. Don't believe we're nothing but piggy bank? Few ex-mod regret to this very day after finding out her true color. They SPENT ALOT of money to her by either donating due to 'IRL issue,' buying their adopt or buying them the adopt and/or commissioning them or for them.

(Anyone have horrible experience with Raux and/or her friends. PM me here and I'll send you my Discord # to contact you there further for easier communication.)

WHO: Alex/nyliax & Ants/@Lovedeluxe vs Raux

WHAT: Accused Alex of being a pedophile. Also accused CoffeeCat and I of being rape / pedophile apologists. (Trigger warning: Mention of Rape & Pedophile)

WHEN: April 2nd, 2018

EXPLAIN: (From written from Ren themself)

On April 2nd, the members in We ❤ Adoptables were speaking about their characters in general-chat. I came in someway through the conversations, speaking of my characters as I wanted to interact with the others. I told them of my two main OCs and how one brutally kills the other. The others react in a way as "to protect the one that died" with the "he didn't deserve it" thought. Not long after, Nyliax, who in this situation I'm calling Alex, comes in and tells them of her vent persona, Taeyeon. She tells them that Taeyeon hadn't come from a good family and was almost raped by her sister at a young age. Raux comes into the conversation asking Alex something along the lines of "Your OC get raped? And they're 13?" Alex confirms that taeyeon ALMOST gets raped and without much warning (Other than a "Bye.") Raux bans Alex from the server. With Alex's ban, all of Alex's previous messages were removed. I didn't know this was coming, so I don't have any screenshots of it happening, though Raux does confirm that Alex was banned alongside their messages. Not long after, Nyliax and I start DMing. She sends a paragraph or two to me (in the stash of screenshots) and joins back in using another account. She sends the paragraphs into the server and what goes down is in the screenshots. 

TL;DR: Nyliax spoke of a vent persona's backstory that included almost getting raped at the age 13. Raux doesn't ask for the rest of the backstory and jumps to the conclusion that Nyliax is a pedophile. Raux manipulates the situation by saying that Alex wrote detailed rape scenes of said 13 year old persona and drew / probably draws child porn. CoffeeCat and I try to back her up in a way that she's not a pedophile (which she's not) and Raux accused us of being rape / pedophile apologists, which then led to us being banned.

PROOF: Alex/Nyliax & Ants Incident(The number that are out of place are SORTED so IGNORE the number title misplace/delete)

WHO: Cae/Caerus vs Raux + Blake & Wei

WHAT: Personal Info | "Worrying other" | Slut Shaming | Triggering WARNING(Rape Mentioning)

WHEN: July 30, 2018 & August 4, 2018

EXPLAIN: (From Cae themself)

I'm sorry that I had to censor things from the convo, it doesn't change the context though. Those things I censored are some really invasive intimate things assumed about my private life, that I'd prefer not to be seen by people for the sake of me and my boyfriend.(Full story below)

Things started when I had gone on a vacation to Edinburgh with two of my online friends. We had rented out an apartment with separate rooms where we stayed in.  Being an adult I was fully capable of making my decision with going to see these people who I had known quite a while already. By this time I wasn't too active on the server because of all the drama that had been happening there, however I wasn't hiding my visit in Edinburgh really. Raux had freaked out when i casually mentioned that i was there. She kept implying that these friends of mine are rapists, asking me if i had something to defend myself with, like a pepper spray or something. I simply told her to stop accusing my friends of these disgusting things, I've known them way longer than she has. These comments made me avoid the chat whenever she was on, but I did always reply to the PMs she had sent to me, whenever I got Wi-Fi, still traveling outside of my country.

Things seemed alright, I started dating one of the friends who I went to Scotland with. He had decided to visit my country, since I still had a bit of my vacation left. I mentioned this in the server, and thats about when that screenshotted conversation took place. They said that people were worried sick and that I was ignoring them, when in reality only Raux had contacted me about this thing, and I had replied as soon as possible. No one gave me an impression that anyone was worried about me before this.

So basically in the conversation Raux and Neko started pestering me about really private things, I tried being nice and replying and explaining things because obviously I was in a shock there. But when it got to a point where Raux insulted my boyfriend and our relationship, I started to lose it. Also for the record, I'm a victim of an extremely traumatizing rape, which Raux is aware of and pretended to care about. Yet she wanted to use those rape jokes of hers. I also want to explain that I was never wasted, yes I did drink a few but I was fully in control and only fell asleep due to the time zones and long travel.
And for the last screenshots, those I wanted to include because I thought me and Wei were in good terms, so I wanted to get some validation from them, I was feeling terrible and I just wanted to ask their opinion as their friend. Yet they felt the need to leak things out to a person who I had begged him not to talk to, for this person had slut-shamed me, and absolutely made a fool of me in a mod GROUP chat. Which is why I snapped a bit at the end, but apparently this conversation was me ''harassing'' Wei, when I had only wanted to hear their view, as a ''friend''.

Extra: As for the things that I sadly haven't screenshot. Raux had previously gotten mad at me for not buying her a birthday present after only knowing her for few months. She is 30 years old, I did wish her happy birthday and wanted to buy her some lootboxes in Overwatch when she was on. I had however been too tired after work and just passed out at home, and the next day she had claimed to be disappointed in me. I told her that she is making me feel like she doesn't value me as a friend, but wants things from me, since she had been begging for money before to buy pills, however had used the money to buy adopts and commissions in reality. She got mad and kicked me out of the server and blocked me everywhere. Unfortunately I regained that friendship momentarily there. She would tag me to buy things for people and got mad at me when I told her that this made me extremely uncomfortable.

PROOF: Cae Incident

WHO: Bel/LaBelph vs Raux + Finch

WHAT: NSFW Modchat | Decapitated Infant(REAL and very graphic Gore)

WHEN: August 05, 2018

EXPLAIN: (From Bel themself)

No need me to explain how all went down. Everything is told in screenshot itself. Nothing is left out except censoring the picture she sent me about my daughter. 

Mind you, she got angry at me because I told her my feelings and disappointment that she posted nsfw shit (a ton of it) in a chat with minors. At least 2 of them are. She then turned around and complained that nobody else said anything, that it's not her fault I have a kid, that I should have moved to a different chat until they were finished. When literally no one would complain because she has a horrible temper and were afraid of her backlash.

Not everyone was outspoken nor voiced their concern as myself and few ex-mod. Those who did, did not end very well like I have.

PROOF: Bel Incident (The graphic gore part IS censored and if you truly want see the uncensored for further proof, PM me.)

WHO: Anon ex-mod vs Raux

WHAT: Being unmodded | Kicked

WHEN: ???

EXPLAIN: (From Anon ex-Mod themself)

During that period of time I DID NOT post anything in the adopt server headed by Raux as I was in a involved in a large trade with Anon friend. Anon friend was the one who showed off the characters she had received from my end of the trade, however I was contacted even though I was dead inactive. I don't have screenshots of the previous convo or the chat, as the argument started because I made an offhand comment about just being demodded suddenly, and it escalated due to frequent pings to my name for a convo that I was present for and when I asked her to stop, she responded"@[Anon ex-mod] You can't stop me." Furthermore, after an hour, I was kicked from the server, her decision probably; and when I asked a friend to contact and ask what had happened, none of the remaining server mods knew that this had happened, thus that was her decision. (Abuse of power?) And despite all that. She tried to reach back out to me after I had a sudden jump in art improvement and offer me a place among her 'ranks.'

PROOF: Anon Mod Incident

WHO: Anon2 vs Raux

WHAT: Trolling | 'Hooking up'

WHEN: June 3, 2018

EXPLAIN: (From Anon2 themself)

For the past few weeks I had seen Raux raffling off characters left and right and I always lost, so I decided to send her a lil dm and ask if she ever gave away more characters that she could consider me because i'm a trash and her ocs are lovely! Of course she rejected and said I was rude, which I apologized right away since I knew it was wrong of me (As seen in first screenshot) and well.. Really the trolling is hard for me to explain since I had no idea what was going on. I was suddenly questioned and told another mod in the server at the time had a crush on me and she wanted us to get together, despite me having a girlfriend at the time. I got really uncomfortable and got an anxiety attack over the whole joke, since it was in a call with multiple of the other mods, which made me feel extremely humiliated and like a burden.

That's the best way to explain it

Apparently it was ok for her to offer me free sex because i asked for 'free ocs'

PROOF: Anon2 Incident (Warning NSFW: Sexual conversation)

WHO: Cookie/CookieKHR vs Raux + Blake

WHAT: Demand/ask to delete Server

WHEN: August 5 , 2018

EXPLAIN: (From Cookie themself)

On one of my backup discord accounts, I was in the new server established by Raux/Myung after the old ‘Creativity Addicts’ server had its channels deleted by another mod due to hard feelings towards Raux as a result of the incident with LaBel. Raux deleted this server and made the ‘hot art’ server with haste in response, keeping myself, Raxolot(Wei) and Blake(Neko) as moderators on this new server. 

Before Raux deleted the Creativity Addicts server, I said I would make a new server for everyone who was a previous member so we could all stay in contact, as many of us had become close friends. Raux sent everyone a notification to join my server, ‘The Doodle Bunch’- the current running server. At the time, Raxolot, Blake and myself were still on good terms and I still spoke with Blake (although infrequent.) I went offline for a while and when I came back, the new server she had made Gad disappeared from my server list. I found this odd, as everyone had been fine with me however in the end of a long story, I had been banned for “copying her server.” I messaged Blake and he would say things like “it’s not your place to steal people” and asked if I’d delete my server. I of course, said no.

PROOF: Cookie Incident1

WHO: Cookie/CookieKHR vs Raux + Raxolot + Blake

WHAT: Dog Icon

WHEN: August 14, 2018

EXPLAIN: (From Cookie themself)

As previously mentioned, I was in the hot art server Raux made for a short period with my main backup account and an anonymous friend of mine also joined. One say, they sent me a DM in which I saw the icon of their server was of a dog- my dog. The dog in the image is my 8 year old chihuahua in an image I took back in 2016. After I had been banned, she had cropped the image of my dog, using it not only as the server icon, but also as a group emoji. This beyond displeased me, so seeing as she had blocked me on her accounts I knew of, I turned to DeviantArt. I posted a message on her wall as I was sure she wouldn’t read a DM from myself, which politely asked her to remove all uses of the image of my dog, only to be met with an onslaught of vile language, a harsh intonation and what she would like to think hurt me. May I bring up that this is a 30 year old woman and that I’m a 16 year old? Continuing down the downwards spiral, I tried to respond to her to only find she had been a coward yet again and block me before I could answer back. That’s right- a 30 year old grown woman was scared of confronting a 16 year old. Although I’m not proud of what I did next, I felt like it had to be done.

I then made another deviantart account to send her the message I was unable to deliver, for her to be ignorant once again (although I expected as much) For some extra context for the irony I’m about to explain; Two other mods and close friends of mine were what I’d call the ‘catalyst’ to an already unstable reaction. They were banned and exiled from the Creativity Addicts server for “sharing screenshots of the modchat” Here’s where it gets ironic; After I DM’d Raux on DeviantArt on my other account, I received a message from Raxolot, who also gave me a mouthful of abuse, vulgarity and broken English (I’m sorry but please learn to stand before you walk). Raxolot’s boyfriend, Blake then messaged me, telling me that I’m bad for ‘stalking’ and ‘harassing’ Raux. Now, I’d like to point something out here- I sent the message to Raux and Raux only; how would both Raxolot and Blake also see this? Through Raux sharing screenshots. How ridiculous. Who would have thought simply asking for an image of my dog to be removed in a polite and calm manner to an adult end up with having not one, not two but three adults shove abuse down the throat of a 16 year old? Please, just stay away from these awful, manipulative scumbags for your own sake, nobody deserves having to deal with these vile creatures.

PROOF: Cookie Incident2

WHO: Abaddon vs Raux

WHAT: Harassment

WHEN: July 2nd, 2018

EXPLAIN: (From Abaddon themself)

I was a member in Raux's server along with my boyfriend for a few weeks, and eventually my boyfriend became a moderator for her. However, me and him were going through complications which eventually led to us breaking up. He was feeling extraordinarily distressed about it (and another thing which is a bit too personal to mention here) and vented about it often in her server and, I'm assuming, to her personally, which prompted her to get involved and message me. The conversation consisted of her prying into my personal life with him and blaming me for things I had never done, and she (in her own words) wanted to say one final thing to make me more upset and sent me a large paragraph about how "unattractive" I am and how "made a big mistake." I blocked her shortly after this, and please note that aside from this and one small interaction me and her had three days prior, I didn't really know her personally at all.

PROOF: Abaddon Incident (I prefer not showing the whole conversation as it involves a lot of my personal life.)

WHO: The Doodle Bunch Mod vs Raux

WHAT: Lied about not joining our Server | Leaving unwanted remark/comment

WHEN: September 18, 2018

EXPLAIN: (From one of Doodle Bunch Mod themself)

This maybe insignificant like the rest here seeing just our personal server in all but this is important to us Mods/Admin of The Doodle Bunch. Anyone who is mod and admin of your own server would understand. This sake of our member even mod themself, ESPECIALLY those who witness the drama in old server, Creativity Addicts, once run by our ex-admin, Raux. Plus we all other want NOTHING to do with Raux NOR her loyal friend/mods after all drama and the way she and her friends/mod treated other.(On August 8,2016, one of her old ex-mod deleted near all channel, that's where many was confused what happened... For VERY good reason. Afterward, says she wan't delete her server but deleted anyway without a warning sign even those who was offline. She must've deleted it cuz all drama took place in herself and guess got sick and deleted it all but now have new account go by, 0myung, and new server called, Hot Art.) 

Story below:

Raux herself said she 'promised' in her old server she won't join her old mod, which is now a ex-mod and became Admin, to The Doodle Bunch.

However, she lied and came in with her ghost account, Unwelcome.(99% that is her ghost account she entered and because she did enter same time with her current mod. Plus we know her well she have MANY account that we may not even know or listed here in all just to troll.) Seeing that many people, in new server her ex-mod made, show their dislike of Raux behavior lately and how she treat most her member. As well as them finding out what she done to her ex-mod. Though her ghost account and her current mod are banned from our server. However, we didn't banned her now side account, which WAS her current before made new account, 0myung.

On Sept 18, unknowingly why she decided to come to our server despite knowing she's not wanted. We still want nothing do with her. Those who knew her, believe going be trolling around and in which she did. She does alot of trolling when she's either bored or whatever reason.(So be careful she may troll you in your own server, she's done many time in past. When being a mod of her at the time.) So many may or may not be surprised about it. We haven't even bother her server at all and if do, pretty sure they'll recognize us and banned us anyway. Yet decide bother us in our server that she 'promised' not to come in.

In her intro here, she link someone else's DA account, may or may not be random pick, plus made up whatever age and name to get in.(We did contact the DA owner about it but only got respond of 'Thanks for telling me.') As well as left this comment on one of the channel.(We thought we locked up and made sure to but forgot check it all and change them. So that's how she's able comment.) As well as sending some of the message to her ex-mod with a Dabbing emote and one them got long message from her.(See Michi Incident)

PROOF: Doodle Bunch Incident

WHO: Michi/Sachuuki vs Raux + Blake

WHAT: Asking to take gift art down | Harassment

WHEN: September 9 & 18, 2018

EXPLAIN: (From Michi themself)

Basically, I just wanted Raux to take my art down that I drew for her, no money involved, it was a little gift to cheer her up. Why I want my gift art for her to be taken down in TH? Well after the drama in Raux old server, but now long deleted, we're no longer friends. At this point, after finding out what she done to many other including our now ex-mod, our friendship is at rock bottom.

One of my friends had told me it's still up on her TH. I just wanted my gift art to be taken down because I feel uncomfortable seeing on there. As I said no longer friend. Since Raux's old Discord was abandoned I simply asked through Blake as I knew he is one of her closest friends, and I didn't believe it'd be such a big deal at the time, and I didn't want to wait out a reply on DeviantArt. I thought it'd be possible to go like this: 

I ask Blake > Blake could ask Raux > Blake could give me Raux's answer or tell her to contact me herself.  

Instead he didn't even ask her at first. I admit I was quite desperate about it at the beginning and didn't back off after the first no of Blake. But I did after things started to go downwards and he told me no was Raux's answer and how she laughed at me.  

Long story short, I begged for a while, stopped since the conversation was just going on and on about the same thing. Their explanation is, that she owns the artwork, So I just dropped it, wanted to send my last reply, but Blake blocked me. (or only accepts DM from friends) 

Of course, maybe they're right, but I at least wanted to have asked her, because there is no harm in asking, right? But imo she probably just keeps it up to annoy me. I'm over it. 

9 days later, when I woke up I got a message from Raux's old Discord (I was half asleep when I sent my first reply and didn't realize it was her at first)  She thought it'd be necessary to tell me she still got my art on her new TH. I was pretty much over it and didn't even consider replying to her anymore, it'd just end in a useless discussion.

She then, sent me that long, rather informal and rude, German text, basically talking about how our doings only boosted her and Finch's income, which, we literally don't care about at all (Good for you??) and how she doesn't give a shit about all of the drama. (And I mean, good for you too??? I just don't get why she needed to send me that)  

She also says that we are not innocent either, and I agree, did indeed do some questionable things, but most of that would be talking behind some of the members back with Raux together when I was still one of her mods.(Raux often talked bad about some of her members in mod chat, many of them were just annoying to her and got banned because of ridiculous reasons, and I just agreed with whatever she said) About the others I can't judge.  

In one part she also blames me for the drama, (I guess) implying the time I asked her to take down my art, which never got it's way to the public until now btw. I tried to send a reply to her over a day later (it was so late since I was busy with irl and didn't want to get distracted), only to find I couldn't, as she most likely blocked me.

PROOF: Michi Incident

WHO: Ex-Mods vs Blake/Neko

WHAT: Telling their side of the 'story'

WHEN:  Aug 19, 2018

EXPLAIN: (From Ex-Mods) [This is going be long respond to his post. So warning; WALL OF TEXT.]

It's so sad that, i have to write this, after a fair bit of time, because people instead of judt moving on with their life, decide to keep throwing drama around. Its sad, that some people just dont know whrn to stop, even after being cut off from each other.

So a little ago, there was a big piece of shit drama that hit, and well, its sad. Shit happened, things were said, people walked different ways, alway from each other. Sad part is, one party is still using the drama to keep causing problems and keep abusing the other party, instead of just moving on with their lives.

>Oh? I wonder why they can't move on and still bothering you guys. Is it because their still unfinished business left? Still talking badly behind us in your own Modchat? Or is it because we don't want other to suffer her, plus you guys, wrath like the rest of us ex-mod had to deal to end?! Wonder which is it. We will LOVE to move on if only RAUX and plus you all, even APOLOGIZE to us and to everyone else that got involved. Would been FANTASTIC but never did nor even tried. Not even slightest. If do, probably not even sincere. As well as NEVER do this BS again. In which never follow through and will do it again later on.


The big thing is, they are telling their side of the story only, they are only giving people their opinion. When you only hear one side of the story, its very biased to that one side.

>Giving their opinion than hearing your side... PLEASE. Do tell us. We have EVIDENCE do YOU? We have screenshot of what went down. To prove our point and not just pulling this from our 'opinion' or BS to anyone without proof. Biased? Can't be biased if we have screenshot of our WHOLE conversation now. So is it really one sided as you say it is as well as  being really biased?


Event #1
Baiscally someone was sharing mod chat with non mods, easy to understandright? Non mods, dont have access to mod chat. Things can be said in their, like names of people who are currently being looked at by mods, for either inactivite or events, the way they act or such. This even shouldnt of happened  and would cause drama betweem admins and mods of any discord server.

>Ok this one. True, true. Mod shouldn't be allowed to send screenshot outside of the Modchat. Though that was blame on Raux. She modded them in first place without knowing if their a good mod or not. (Done so with few other for who know what even if been there for week later) So with that, no wonder their drama. 

As well as the way she handle it. Just straight off bite at anyone who is a suspect then de-mod and banning them. Then tried to work things out by have nice talk and have punishment but that didn't happened. Would post up screenshot but pretty sure other who got involve want NOTHING to do with it. So rather not post it up for sake of them.

Another thing is that in Modchat, thing said about our member is distasteful. None of us proud of it. We'll admit that truthfully, As well as thing said to our ex-mod... Which is disgusting and cruel. Painting them the bad guys.[Though remember, we're afraid of her and we just go along with her ONLY. We didn't got a choice nor voice our concern without her backlashing us and try hurt us by using knowledge she knows of us in short amount of time. Plus she'll stalk many of us saw and believe she is stalking very day despite her and her friend 'wanting to move on.']


The caerus event, now this event has a bit more back story, they went to stat in a hotel with online friends, a bunch of mods were worried, they had messaged caerus, but had been ignored, the mods were worried, they had found out through someone else that, caerus had also got knocked out drunk, still getting ignored, half a week later, drama starts, things were said by both sides that wasnt right.

>Wait wait... WHAT? Now your just making this up because you dislike or have grudge against Cae for whatever reason. Cae never ignored us or anyone. They tried their best to reply even if they're gone for awhile. They still come back and reply what happening right now. Also Cae was NEVER knock out drunk. So who the heck is this someone your talking about, to get this type of information? I want to know. I really do. Though if that true, where them proof at? Where the backup to your opinion? And not all mod was worried they know they'll come around eventually and Cae did. Always do.

For Cae absent, for two reason: firstly, Raux because pretty much at this point, most mods are scared of her after banning or confronting people left to right, and secondly, Cae was with their new lover that they're seriously in love and trust for very first time. We're seriously proud, congratulating and grateful for their taking a baby step especially their traumatic past, which I won't go into that. So Neko, why are you lying through your teeth about all this? Or is it because people starting find out what Raux done to us and everyone else yet?(Full info/conversation in Cae incident)


The LeBel event.
This event is really one sided, so basically on a daily basis, LeBel would complain about their life in mod chst, looking for constant heart strings to play for them, in all honesty, a lot of people were getting abit worn out by it, so they were asked to stop for that day. They didnt agree.

>... Are you serious? How much you going to lie. Bel doesn't complain often about their life. She complaining about NSFW posted in MODCHAT. GESH. Why? Because Bel have a daughter with her and where they live at is illegal to show underage NSFW or else be arrested. So when Bel check the modchat and only see NSFW picture posted, they try ask Raux to please stop posting it because they have a daughter with them. In which RAUX didn't stop. 

And so I call BS on looking for constant heartstrings and people worn out about it. As well as other telling Bel to stop. Because none of it freaking true nor did it happened. Even ask old mod that was there at time too! So why keep lying again and again? Just so no one can question you further or else you bite like usual? Also... LOVE you left out part where Raux SEND A PICTURE OF REAL. GOREY. DECAPITATED. INFANT. To Bel saying that could been her daughter if she knew how hard it was.(Check in Bel Incident for for detail)

Also LOVE that you guys are painting us the bad guys without all proof in all. While we have proof now. Hope you guys see your way but pretty sure your just as stubborn as Raux is.


Guess what? Mod chat is nsfw, the channel was marked NSFW and had NSFW stuff posted in it, in the past, but LeBel decided to complain, because they had a kid in the room, when they simple could of just not looked in modchat, but they complained and caused a fair chunk of drama.

Minors in modchat, or exactly 2 mods that were minors, who hadnt complained, who didnt care for the NSFW stuff (you seriously can see worse NSFW stuff on here with safesearch on) they knew to just not pay attention to modchat. Amazing how minors know better then adults.

>Well guess what, Bel ask freaking NICELY about it but no. Raux is one caused the drama for not even at least CONSIDER other's uncomfortable thought or say in this but guess no use arguing, huh? Because it'll ruin her 'fun' in which many other don't consider fun at all. Or says 'to cheer up other' that mainly herself really. Also Bel wanted see modchat in case anything go wrong, what going on, up to date, talk to us mod only or if needed and you EXPECT them not look at modchat despite the NSFW?! Hello it probably still be on there even if she look away. She'll be back on it if Modchat don't move along to cover those NSFW. Unless you delete them all.

>Also there are minor in ModChat... So you ALLOW a MINOR to look at NSFW. You do realize that they'll be in trouble for looking at NSFW depend where they live and what law they have for doing so. As well as any grown adult will be very UNCOMFORTABLE for having a minor looking at NSFW image there because obvious reason. Don't care? WE DO. The reason they didn't complain is because of Raux. Most mod are afraid, GDI. AFRAID to be chewed up next by her as if it's a Russia Roulette. So no one complained but few do... Pretty much got shitty end of the stick by her. Which is why we're writing this PSA.

BTW, sorry if minor know better than adult. Guess they know better than you too Neko.


Anyway, that's all the events that i was personally apart of, these people are toxic and are useless for telling the whole truth, they always tell everythinf that makes them look good, not the whole story.

>Part of? You were there the whole time but you just allow Raux even more so egg, and going along, with her on about it then just helping them sort thing out. Oh really? Who toxic and useless, us or you guys? Also how are we useless? Guess now we know the real you and how you think of us, We done our job as Mod and friend, we gave them, mostly Raux, money for crisis sake for 'RL issue' but guess we're nothing to you and her plus rest of the her gang but a piggybank and tools at disposal, huh? 

Also we're trying make ourself look good and not telling whole story?! BS Neko. We have whole story. The screenshot we still have and all evidence we have gathered. 

So tell us... Who trying make them self look good and not give whole story? Us or you guys?

(PS. Sorry be rude to you personally Neko/Blake but please type better or at least fix your typo. As well as typing it better. I for sure know you are able speak and type English finely with us but can you not type it out correctly here especially while doing this. Or least proof read before submitting it. Thank you VERY much.)

PROOF: DA Journal | Screenshot(in case he deleted it) | WayBack Timemachine


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I know you dont like me anymore. I know none of you guys do, I did horrible shit that I regret. but please read this


thank you.

I remember I got banned from her server because I asked her to please not use everyone so heavily... Like every few minutes there would be a ping. All the mods jumped down my throat because it was 'too much effort' to make a new role for people who were interested in this silly little mini game. I got banned, and I was still in another server with Raux, Raux realized it later, insulted me based on my religion(I'm a Pagan priest) and promptly banned me... absolutely immature.

I'm glad this was finally posted, and I hope people stay away from this woman.

I have a few more thoughts that I wasn't really able to type into my section, as it had no evidence, but I'd like to discuss them here!

The first one is more of an extension to my part. I mentioned I talked to her in a small interaction a few days prior, and it was in regards to my boyfriend. The way she handled the conversation kind of made it seem like the only purpose was to dig up dirt to send to my ex? Which, she DID end up sending our entire conversation to him, which caused more problems between us. I kind of expected it midway through the convo, which is why I tried to cut it short.

The second one is something that didn't happen to me but something I witnessed. Someone was in the group and had a pink role (I forget the role name) but they didn't like how it was pink? So they spoke about it in general chat to have it maybe removed, because they didn't like pink for very personal reasons, and Raux comes in basically saying oh they're so sensitive, they need to get over it, until they promptly left and the entire general chat was just ragging on the person. It was incredibly rude for a simple request.

These are some of the other things that happened without evidence. If I could get some I would, but unfortunately I didn't think it'd be needed, so I'm sorry!

Overall, just a bad idea to get involved with her. She's either gonna use you or dispose of you later.


i tried skimming through each PSA and the evidence to see if this was touched on-- i dont think i saw it?-- so this is just my humble addition that can be taken with a grain of salt since i have no screenshots:
but i distinctly recall one morning (over in central standard time, that is) months upon months ago, that someone had put up a PSA on here about Raux, being unjustly kicked from that adopt discord. this was around the time their username was 'Grandma'. It took no time for Raux and their S/O to jump into the thread and, predictably, harass the user into deleting the PSA entirely. Like, no one else had commented, it wasn't even an hour into the thread... And honestly the screenshots showed Raux telling the user's friend that they kicked the OP for being 'too annoying and i couldn't handle it' or w/e. it was nuts.

and isnt this the same user that got everyone all spooked over VK coming onto here and stealing/reporting everyone's characters or whatever? that one time everyone mass-hid their OCs?   

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That's what's still very much concerning to me. The VK theft - she would give away things in MASS but somehow was constantly begging and crying about being broke :thinking: I've found quite a few of these to be stolen already but the fact that she tried to perpetuate this idea of people from VK coming to false flag I'm sure was just to cover her tracks and theft. She has stolen from people who don't speak English or speak it as their native tongue and is hiding behind that. What's WORSE is she has stolen from them and given these stolen goods to people who have no clue - I've seen these stolen things change hands too, so people have traded them in some cases....it's just a tangled mess...

Oof, I had a feeling she did something like that. I had a user contact me for a trade, and I had noticed a lot were from raux so I declined. I didn't think the user was involved, but it made me ultra skeptical having seen the first PSA on Twitter from Koi before o)-(

Another incident; I was in the first server and had to leave.

There was a system for verifying people's age to determine whether they were a minor or not. This was so that only adults would get into NSFW channels. I thought it was a really neat system, and it was one of the original things that drew me in about the server.

It came as a huge surprise when Raux herself began posting genital emoji designs in the general chat, which was NOT gated for minors. They weren't just emojis, either - they were huge vectors that took up most of chat. 

I asked people why it was being posted in general chat, and was met with a lackadaisical response of "well she's the owner, what are we going to do?" from some mods. I noted that it's illegal to show minors nsfw material  and got attacked for it, the bad mods giving the excuse that "drawn porn isn't porn" and therefore doesn't count. (Spoiler alert.... it does. That's why webcomic sites have warnings, too.)

One of the mods actually facepalmed and went "I don't really want to get into this right now..." That implies that had this argument several times before - which, as it turns out in this PSA, they did.

Eventually I lost my patience and explained that seeing these emojis was heavily triggering for me. I have PTSD. This was brushed aside, and I was treated like I was being too sensitive and that this wasn't nearly as big a deal as I was making it out to be.

If adults show a minor graphic NSFW material, as far as I know, all adults involved are liable to be punished, because of guilt by association. I wanted to protect everybody, not just from the material, but from the consequences. Instead, I got ignored, yelled at, and had to leave because I had a panic attack and realized how unsafe the environment was. Truly disappointing.

I like to add more to this story. In the previous We❤️ Adoptables server, there was a time that Raux started posting bad dragon dildos in the general chat (Again, the general chat was supposed to be SFW). Eventually, she marked the general chat as NSFW, but even after this scenario ended and the general was remarked as SFW, if I remember correctly, all the fucking bad dragons were still there. I'm not even sure if she even cleaned out general chat of that (because she had a habit of doing so) before she had everyone move to the Creativity Addicts server or not.