looking for feedback on horror species!

Posted 4 years, 1 month ago by vesselkin

Howdy nya'll, ive been working on this species for about a year now and I've recently decided I'm just gonna go ahead and start developing it publicly since I'll probably never feel like its 'complete enough' for release otherwise. I'm really interested in getting some feedback on what ive got so far! 

WARNING: one of the central aspects of this species lore involves involves implied body horror, however there's no gore/blood in any of the images and, as I said before, the body horror is merely implied and not described, just a heads up!

I'm scatterbrained as hell so everything's kind of a mess right now but I've got most of the species info here: https://toyhou.se/3086767.linen-freaks-species-/gallery

and here: https://www.deviantart.com/kobivo/journal/linen-freak-info-836551629

I'd super appreciate any kind of feedback, especially critique, since I've kinda been flying blind all this time and could really use some outsider perspectives!


I love them. If you made these, I’d be willing to help you with them. I’d probably have at least five. Probably more.

Question: can their bodies be other colors, and can they have other sorts of features? 


Thanks so much for the interest! I'm still not %100 sure what direction I wanna go with the species (like should it be an arpg or more casual, should there be specific traits+rarities or not, etc) but I can def let you know once I've got something more solid if you'd like?

As for the questions: their default colors are usually light grey/off-white to dark grey/tan, but they can dye or paint themselves any color whenever they want. and other features are also really open since they can alter their bodies pretty much however they want! 


Msiaii sorry, forgot to ping you in my response omfg 


Alright! If you want, I can help set up a Discord and make adopts too!
Another question: could one say, edit their body to look like one of those skull crawlers from Skull Island, or really any weird dragon-y thing?




Msiaii sorry for the late response, I've been busy with personal stuff!

I don't have any plans for making a discord yet and I'm not really ready for guest designs rn, thanks for offering tho :^D

and technically yeah, tho I'll probably ask people to come up with some kind of in-story reason to justify designs that deviate so much from the species base anatomy, since the lore is the most important aspect to me ;w;

