Posted 2 years, 4 months ago (Edited 11 months, 5 days ago) by sinn

➼ Inspired by Lovecraftian mythos, Bysmalbats is a CS (closed species) started by sinn. Originally a project meant solely for the purpose of exercising creativity, it turned into a world with multiple key characters, factions, regions and an overarching storyline as it developed further.
➼ The word "bysmal" from Bysmalbats stems from the mixture of "Abyssal" and "Dismal"- the deep and terrible!
➼ Please be warned that this is a very lore heavy species, with more important updates themed around lore updates and the forwarding of the overarching plot.


Eldritch creatures made by an ancient god, the「All-Mother」. They have lived deep below the Earth, hidden, for centuries. Since the beginning of time, Bysmalbats have been deeply intertwined with humankind, fulfilling their darkest desires for the ultimate sacrifice. With this exchange, drenched in blood and sweat and tears and agony, a Bysmalbat gains an Allegory.

The definition of allegory is a story that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. In this case, it is a retelling and unfoldment of the agreement between the Bysmalbat and human. But instead of there being meaning behind these words, there is instead potency. For Allegories are the root of a Bysmalbat’s Wonder- an arcane power passed down by the「All-Mother」herself.

Indeed, what great and terrible things the Bysmalbats are able to do with Wonder. It gives them abilities beyond what humans ever though imaginable- to grow old and young again at will, to make others feel immense joy or great sadness, to understand another's every thought an action.


The things it can bring forth- wouldn’t you like to know as well?



The second part of our Spring Event is a discord based event themed around a gacha system. Prizes such as the Bysmalbat currency Copper Coins (CC), additional traits and even MYOs can be earned!!



Looking for more cool, sheek bats? Well we've got just the event for you! Our summer drink themed Bysmalbats are finally being rolled out- come welcome our first bat of the adopt batch <3


The preview for all our GA bats for this event, represented by beautiful embodiments of their bats as drinks~ bat_summer.png




Idk how I stumbled across these but these are cute! How does one go about getting one?


Idk how I stumbled across these but these are cute! How does one go about getting one?



Hi! If you’re looking for pre-made designs, we often do mod adopts, and sometimes host GA events or raffles!
If you’re looking for an MYO, we occasionally do sales, and we host a lot of discord only MYO raffles too uwu7


… flower bats 💐👁 👁

for FREE ???


Bat fun fact! Did u know that while most bats hibernate, not all do! Normally bats hibernate around late autumn till about April or May but some bats that are in warmer climates do not hibernate. Some bats also migrate rather than hibernate, and for those bats that do hibernate--some opt to hibernate alone while others hibernate in colonies.

Half-related fun fact! Flowers apart of the Tacca family oftentimes have black flowers! In the family are Tacca chantrieri, a species more commonly referred to as 'black bat flowers.' These flowers enjoy humidity and can grow up to about three or four feet tall under ideal conditions (around a meter tall-give or take-for the rest of the world), beating the height of the white batflower.





guys did u know there is only about 1 week left to turn in your very own bysmalbat with the special trait 'flowering wings' ?

and the community here on tH is only 6 members away from hitting 500 bat enthusiasts which is nutty ...
did u know that after bysmalbats launched in september 2022, the community closed with exactly 420 members? crazy.

anyway -- Bat fun fact! The little brown myotis (aka little brown bat) is a common bat seen in most of the USA, Canada, and Mexico, and is not to be confused with the term 'myositis' which is a term used to refer to conditions causing inflammation in the muscles.
Little brown myotises have mouse-like ears, dense fur, and a wing span of about 8-10 inches ; they are considered microbats ... and they are currently listed as endangered, so please be kind to them if you see them out in the wild! Like most bats, they should be coming out of hibernation around this time, all throughout May. They eat insects such as mosquitos, so they'll be a big help this summer ... ♥


For a 


you too, could get your hands on a special LIMITED EDITION flower wing bat 🌹🌹🌹❤️❤️❤️❤️💹💹💹





Woah woah woah!! Did you know that the flowering wings trait turn-in event is ending in about 2-3 days? And that the Bysmalbats world has just hit 500 members???? Due to that, we've unlocked another Bat Fact (Math Edition)!!

You may have heard that bats can eat up to 1,000 insects an hour, which would equate to around 16 insects eaten per minute! However, the study this idea came from was not representative of real-world conditions. It was in a closed space with many insects, and the trial was posed over a few minutes. Many factors at play can influence a bat's eating rate; for example, how many insects are available or how filling each insect is! Although bats can catch up to 20 insects in a minute, that rate cannot be sustained for a whole night, and shouldn't be extrapolated as such.

Although bats aren't as big of an eater as we thought, they are still wonderful pest management and even pollinators! Actually, when bats pollinate plants, it's called chiropterophily! Come join the cloud of bats today, and make some flowers bloom! ♡


Hello bat lovers and distant friends of chiroptera-kind, I regret to inform you that... the end is nigh. Or, well ... sort of!

It is NOT too late !! The turn-in event ends June 2 at 23:59 [CST] ... or June 3 at 4:59 [GMT] if you're feeling funky.
So please, if your hands move at speeds up to 10 mph--the average speed of your typical cave bat in the night air--check out >> this bulletin right here << for all the information you need to get the chance to Make Your Own silly little bysmalinthe!

BUT WAIT, according to that same bulletin: "June, we have a very special Floral Bouquet Event where you can win CC, SLOTS, TRAIT upgrades, and more!"
So if you are worried about time, please join the Discord [ if you are 16 years or older ] for potentially even more goodies. ♥ I promise it's not normal in the slightest in there!

...And now, what you've all been waiting for (no one is expecting this except maybe the poor staff getting these notifications):

The final bat fun fact! -- Desmodus rotundus, more customarily referred to as the 'common vampire bat,' have notably strong hind limbs that allow them the capability to run and hop, leaping after prey or away from large predators. Hopping has been shown to additionally allow vampire bats the opportunity to get into flight much earlier after meals while, in comparison, other bats may struggle due to their bodies being a bit too ... rotund after feeding. Hematophagy is the term for what these little critters do, feeding on the blood of other animals, typically livestock.

These bats can leap-run up to about 2.5 miles per hour ... about 4.02 kilometers per hour if you want to be fancy. In the air, they can reach about 13.6 kilometers per hour (something like 8.5 mph for gringos). Not bad for being puffballs the size of a teacup ( ... they barely weigh anything over 2 ounces. )

