Ventrils || interest check!

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago (Edited 2 years, 1 month ago) by Noir0Sun

Would you be interested in joining?

10 Votes Yes!
1 Votes Interested, but I have suggestions/advice
7 Votes Not interested

Hello everyone! Rigbydraws and Noir0Sun here!

We’ve been working for a while on building a closed species, and we figured now is the time to do an interest check! If enough people are interested, we hope to have a MYO launch event sometime in June! Here is some info on our closed species, Ventrils!

Ventrils are a species of Fae that live among the stars, forced to encase their souls in Cores and Vessels in order to protect against a parasite that feeds on a Ventril’s souls and subsequently takes over the host’s body.

Our official visual guide is still in the works, but here are our mascots for a quick trait rundown; Ace and Sophie!


All Ventrils’ share similar traits, like horns, ears, and tails, but they’re also divided by two types; Cold weather and Warm weather! Cold weather Ventrils have fur-type appendages, while Warm weather Ventrils have feather-type appendages. There’s also a hybrid of the two with a mix and match of multiple traits! A Ventril’s Vessel is a doll that is enchanted with the magic of the Ventril’s core, giving it life; most Vessels look like their Ventril, but some can look completely different!

You can read the full written traits sheet here!

Here’s a bit of lore to show off our concept!

49508039_6TpFM5SgkVSiAOx.png 49508054_BKbLgmYPKwPEaZ7.png

[Image text: What is a Core? Every Ventril has a unique crystal called a ‘Core’ that protects their soul. Ventrils' Cores come in all shapes, and are the size of their heart! A Ventril’s soul at birth appears white— but when it's placed in a 'Core' it can refract into a multitude of colors that reflects the Ventril's magic! ‘Common’ souls refract into a single color. ‘Uncommon’ souls refract into two seperate colors, or a gradient of the two. ‘Rare’ souls refract into a multitude of colors, and are often iridescent. Cores are then placed into Vessels to protect them from damage!]

The toyhouse world is still a wip and is not open to the public yet, although hopefully it will be soon! We also decided to allow early entry into the Discord, for any interested people!

Thanks for your interest :D


oooh mo youre so swag and cool and wow your co-owner must be so hot too i love this already


MisaHollyFlora will do!


Ping list please


Arcticfoxbat noted!


Awe these are so cute. I’d love to be added to ping list!