Elxin CS info and adopt hub (MYO slots available)

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago (Edited 2 months, 15 days ago) by Hag

 About the Elxin

Elxin are a shapeshifting trans-dimensional species who have been around for many millennia, seeking out other worlds and species to dominate and assimilate. Some consider them deities, others pests (and many more do not even know of their existence).

Most of their power is easily foiled by their own incapacity to bend space and time for long, often losing their own identities-- most notably through memory loss.
It is common for Elxin to unite with one another- to shift into a singular identity even more powerful than before- only to soon be fragmented into a new identity and body, unable to control their own strength.

There is much that is not known about these odd creatures other than their (extremely varied) appearance and their capabilities of traversing universes, lands, and time itself!

 General Physiology + Anatomy

A general comparison to how most Elxin appear is that they often seem to be a hybrid of humanoids, bovidae and mustelidae-- if the latter families were bipedal.
Many Elxin originally have a feral form that appears more dragon-like, spanning kilometers in length.
Because of this feral and predatory origin form, Elxin are usually long and narrow in the body (from neck to feet) while retaining a lot of body fur, as well as the conventional multiple teats mammals have to nurse their young. Oftentimes horns are sprouted from Elxin who travel planetside, while wings sprout on spaceside Elxin, all for various assimilation tactics among other species.

The most notable point in the Elxin physiology is their pupils. As we humans consider eyes a window into the soul, an Elxin's status is easily seen through their pupils colors: an Elxin with heterochromic pupils is considered divided- an individual. While there is nothing wrong being one spirit in a body, among Elxin this is considered a less powerful form (and to most, this is considered less viable to live with).
When two Elxin join together, they shift into a new form that shows homochromic pupils. They may unlock new powers by joining, but they also run a high chance of being unable to withstand their upgraded powers if they are not truly compatible with each other's spirits. It's also important to note that any one Elxin can join with another, as it has more of a familial connotation than romantic.

When Elxin shift into more humanoid forms to fit among other beings, they will often vary from 6 feet to 13 feet in height. Average humanoid-form size thoroughly depends on the knowledge an Elxin has of their environs. Some are stubborn and rarely change form, despite height inconveniences.

Overall, Elxin are very fluid with their own appearances. Many are able to shift without much trouble, though keeping a different shape than their natural form over many moons can be difficult in comparison to a few hours.
Depending on the Elxin, there are specific parts of their anatomy that are so easy to will away that it could be considered habitual (i.e. removing long horns to avoid snags on strange environs) during conquests.

Elxin have great capacity for mental powers beyond shifting shape. Most, if not all Elxin, can utilize telekinesis, even if divided (one spirit) or fractured from separation.

 Visual Guides


below i will post all Elxin made so far, and hopefully this thread can be a lowkey species listing, that way anyone can look back on it and see their design-- or the official and guest designs.

if you are interested in creating an elxin, anyone is welcome to message or comment, but they are a closed species so PLEASE DO NOT MAKE AN ELXIN WITHOUT PERMISSION!
I will happily consider common MYO slot offers for art right now!


official Elxin
creator: @Hag
traits: heterochromic pupils (common), unusual hooves (UC mutation)


official Elxin
creator: @Hag
traits: all common


official Elxin
creator: @Hag
traits: all common


official Elxin
creator: @Hag
traits: homochromic pupils (legendary), unusual hooves (UC mutation)


official Elxin
creator: @Hag
traits: heterochromic pupils (common), unusual hooves (UC mutation)


official Elxin
creator: @Hag
traits: all common


official Elxin
creator: @Hag
traits: all common


yooooo i am loving all the designs youve showcased here, they look rly cool!

consider me officially interested in the species! id love to see a more expanded visual trait guide that showcases the multiple forms and actual anatomy and all the options this species has. when i saw the first image, i was nearly ready to click away bc i thought those were the only two traits of note, until i scrolled down and saw there was waaaay more going on.


Celest thank you so much for the kind words! re: more visual traits, that has made it difficult to put it down visually since there isn't much restriction (or rather, specific traits beyond the two) on purpose, haha. i don't want people to feel limited in any capacity!
regardless i DO want to add more visual notes on what is commonly seen! i appreciate the feedback 100% <3


yeah! i think that would help! just like, a general anatomy guide that shows some of the options would be great.

def ping me as you get this more written/developed :3


MYO Elxin
creator: @Blood
traits: all common


official Elxin
creator: @Hag
traits: all common


added a new image reference showcasing a common appearance of an anthro Elxin!


official Elxin
creator: @Hag
traits: all common


official Elxin
creator: Hag
traits: all common