✦│⌛🤍 Eisangelia [semi-closed]

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago (Edited 1 year, 5 months ago) by elusiveknives

Long ago, the Universe created four beings known as the Pillars. Airla, Malik, Zelos, Gaia, all four loved their mother dearly, and in exchange for their given life, they offered the Universe a more convenient way to guide souls to the afterlife. The pillars found a layered dimension with five realms. In each realm, an apex predator was slain for their parts. One by one, the Pillars stitched together the first Eisangelia, frankensteined from the legendary beasts. Over the course of many years, Eisangelia civilization began.


Everyone is eligible to claim 1 free token in order to make a common Eisangel

Monthly MYO sales and free raffles

In-depth lore for character development

Quests and stories to earn items and badges

Toyhouse User: MPri

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1072115.eisangelia-launch-myo-event

I already joined the Discord (Danika#3208), and my request to join the World is pending ^^ I'm also tagging Lucartes !


Toyhouse User: atsugiashi
Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1072279.eisangelia-launch-event-

requested to join the world!! tagging tokaiiu Kyutiemaru Siegfried <3


Toyhouse User: Frugsinmyhead 

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1072379.myo-event-

Requested to join the toyhouse world and discord


Toyhouse User: Phantasmagoric 


Joined the server, pending request to join the world(might've been accepted by the time I'm done with this)

Tagging: zombuni , Raynbow , @MilkyLolyPop (sorry if you didn't want to be pinged)


Toyhouse User: AlyssMichaelis Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1072542.-eisangelia-launch-event - joined the discord: Jureminha#4651 - Joined The th world -pings: AbyssMK Mokoochii NebulaGarden


Toyhouse User: Celestiashadeslayer1

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1072638.another-myo-opening

Discord : Celestia Shadeslayer#7082

tagging : Kuramori_UwU onlen weyy


Toyhouse user: Yunmiel

bulletin link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1072674.new-cs-cool-launch-

discord: Yunmie#9345 joined discord and world request pending!

tagging: ke___i0 Rian_lightwood nozu (sorry for the ping thanks for understanding!)


Toyhouse User: chelysii
Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1072881.eisangelia-myo-launch-event

i've joined the discord + world rq pending !
tagging: Brazendude KaizokuSquid inkmixup (sorry for the ping lolol)


Toyhouse User: kunyun02

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1072963.coolll-species

Please let us know if you joined the discord: yup, and the world is pending ^^


Toyhouse User: Revvin_in_Red
Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1072966.hella-cool-species-ahhh
World Joined: Yup!
Discord Joined: Yup! Rev_in_Red#9328
Tagging: RedRoadRot SkittleTooth Atkins-Systems-Inc Disnayh (Thx guys n sorry for the pinggggg <3)


toyhouse user : pasteliapaws bulletin link : https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1073201.eisangelia-launch-eventt-d joined the discord : yeah ^^ pasteliapaws#7746 joined the world : yes


Toyhouse User: Katvizionz

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1073270.eisangelia-myo-event

Discord: joined C: Katvizionz#9452

joined toyhouse world too!

Tagging - (SORRY FOR TAGS) Captain_Bootay Pellinor CrystalBerri


Toyhouse User: bo_peep
Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1073320.check-out-this-cool-species-

I have joined the discord(I’m bo peep#8303) and I’m pinging knifekitty :)


Toyhouse user : Catkidney 

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1073334.eisangelia-launch-event-

Discord and world joined! ( Name CatKidney#1831)

I send a toyhouse request too :>


Toyhouse User: kuraikitsune13

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1073420.eisangelia-launch-event-let-s-goooooooo 

Join TH world   
Joined discord  , under Spirit [kuraikitsune13]#3624
Tags: AmySakurachan, NathaAmor MistTheElf [sorry for the pings <3]